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BENNETT, COLEMAN & CO. LTD. | EST: Met dept forecasts : summer for Telangz Avg Pan-India Temp Could Rise HOW MUCH HOTTER? Max temp could be higher by more than 1°C above normal By Up To 1.5°C Ties News NeTwoRK New Delhi: Be prepared for a hot spring and a scorching summer. The Met office says average temperatures from March to May across half thecountry arelikely to beabo- ve normal by more than 1 degree Celsius. These months areexpected to be particularly merciless in north India. Delhi, along with Haryana, Punjab and Rajast- han, is likely to see average temperatures soar over 1.5 deg: rees above normal. The maxi- mum rise, however, has been projected in the hill states of Himachal Pradesh and Utta- rakhand, where average tem- peratures could be a massive 2.3degrees higher than usual. ‘The seasonal forecast, rele- ased by the India Meteorologi- cal Department (IMD) on Wed- nesday, also notes that there is about 52% probability that maximum temperaturesin the core heat wavezone during the period of March to May will to- in over half the country during uch their peak —pointing toa high likelihood of heat waves. This zone includes Delhi, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Ut- tarakhand, Haryana, Rajast- han, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattis- garh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West March-May Maximum Temperature Anomaly Forecast For March To May 2018 >=2°C °C =0.5 to<1°C >=0 to <05°C Bengal, Odisha, Telangan Marathwada, Vidarbha, Ma hya Maharashtra and coast Andhra Pradesh. The foreca projects higher than norm temperatureacross India. ‘The seasonal average ma imum temperature is likely Increased world temperature shows global warming trend >From P1 ‘most parts of the world in the cent years. This shows a glob IMD says the regions where the warming trend,” headded. Tise is likely to be ‘The ca moderate are south India and ried a positive sign fora norm four states. The monsoon this year as it not outlook shows that the seasonal moderate La Nina conditio: average in over equatorial Pacific even if ‘Tamil Nadu, south interior Kar- ‘by: E weakens by spring season. Rayalaseomaandnorth. SUMMER IS COMING! ‘As far as temperature for ‘Ma-

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