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Cristina Lupu

Constantei 168, 907295 Tuzla, Constanta (România)

0040721634225 Skype lupucristinaalina

Private Country Club

02 April 2018
Subject: Letter of intent for employment

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Cristina Alina Lupu, I'm 21 years old and I will graduate in July from Constanta Maritime
University. I came to know that you have several h2b jobs available and are looking to hire cooks. I think I
would be a perfect fit for your Country Club Restaurant, as I have previous experience as a cook at an
American Seafood Restaurant. Besides the fact that I have experience, I also love to cook! As I was
working as a cook for two summers I discovered that I really enjoy doing it. I also consider myself a hard
worker because I used to work 14 hours/day, 6 days/week. Attached to this letter is my CV so you can
judge if I am capable enough. Looking forward to your response.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Cristina Lupu

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