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Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441

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Evolutionary energy performance feedback for design:

Multidisciplinary design optimization and performance boundaries
for design decision support
Shih-Hsin Lin, David Jason Gerber ∗
School of Architecture, University of Southern California, 316 Watt Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In pursuit of including energy performance as feedback for architects’ early stage design decision mak-
Received 3 June 2014 ing, this research presents the theoretical foundation of a designer oriented multidisciplinary design
Received in revised form 20 August 2014 optimization (MDO) framework titled evolutionary energy performance feedback for design (EEPFD).
Accepted 21 August 2014
Through a comprehensive literature review and gap analysis EEPFD is developed into an MDO methodol-
Available online 30 August 2014
ogy that provides energy performance as feedback for influencing architects’ decision making more fluidly
and earlier than other approaches to date. Secondly, in response to the lack of an MDO best practice EEPFD
is investigated and evaluated through two experiments. The first experiment demonstrates the ability
Multidisciplinary design optimization
Energy performance feedback
to utilize EEPFD provided energy performance as feedback to pursue multiple architectural designs with
Early stage design competing objectives and tradeoffs. The second experiment identifies performance boundaries as a best
Design exploration practice for MDO applications to the early stage architectural design processes. The research synthe-
Performance-based design sizes the results into the basis for measuring these performance boundaries as a best practice in the
Parametric design context where architects must gauge multiple design concepts with varying complexity coupled with
Genetic algorithm performance objectives through EEPFD, thereby enhancing the influence of energy performance feed-
Multi-objective optimization back on the early stage design process. Finally, future research into the use of performance boundaries
Design decision support
for conceptual energy performance design exploration is discussed.
Design domain integration
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction decision-making synchronously during the early stages of architec-

tural design exploration. Our work is based in part on the simple
In the current field of architecture the issue of sustainable design hypothesis that if the energy performance data, such as first and
and building performance, especially with respect to energy per- second cost is available, designers will be influenced to choose and
formance, has become increasingly significant to the overall design pursue higher performing designs.
process. This growing emphasis is primarily attributed to the fact Despite the acknowledged beneficial impact of considering
that buildings account for a majority of all consumed energy, nearly energy performance early in design [9], obstacles between design
one half (48.7%) in the United States [1] and up to 40% of all energy and energy simulation domains often prevent the inclusion of
consumption in the European Union [2]. Research indicates that energy performance during the early stage design process [10–12].
incorporation of energy performance feedback at the early stage of Multiple efforts have been made to resolve these issues, includ-
the design process can potentially increase the energy efficiency ing research into improved interoperability, platform integrations,
over a building design’s entire lifecycle [3–8]. However, multiple design automation, and multi-objective optimization techniques.
obstacles exist inhibiting seamless and timely inclusion of energy Among these efforts, multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO),
performance feedback during this design phase. This leads to the which combines multi-objective optimization (MOO) algorithms
research pursuit of a “designing-in performance” methodology and with parametric design, demonstrates a great potential as an ini-
“best practice” where architects are able to utilize energy perfor- tial design exploration methodology that is capable of providing
mance as feedback to influence their design exploration and design rapid visual and analytical feedback for early stage design decision-
making. However, the application of MDO during the early stage
of the design process to support designers’ decision making has
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 617 794 7367. not been adequately explored. Consequently, whether the provided
E-mail addresses:, (D.J. Gerber). energy performance feedback from an MDO can actually support
0378-7788/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441 427

architectural design decision making is still a key research question. gap between the design and energy simulation domains is still
Furthermore, due to the unique nature and extensive uncertainty of undefined. In order to provide a different lens and isolate a poten-
the early stage architectural design process, arguably distinct from tial holistic approach to bridging the gap, this research reviews
other industries utilizing MDO, a best practice of MDO application and synthesizes current efforts from a design process standpoint
for building design is needed to be defined and explored. and groups the current obstacles and potential solutions into three
This research hypothesizes that by providing architectural major categories for discussion: (1) tools and tool interoperability;
designers with a designer-oriented MDO framework, enabling (2) domain knowledge integration; and (3) design decision systems
rapid access to improved energy performance feedback with support.
visualized and quantified trade off analysis, will allow energy per-
formance feedback to influence early stage design decision-making. 2.1. Tools and tool interoperability
Consequently, higher performing design can be more efficiently
realized while pursuing the complex set of coupled and indepen- Previous researchers reveal that currently available energy sim-
dent design goals. For these reasons, a design and energy centric ulation tools are not considered to be “architect-friendly” for use
MDO framework, evolutionary energy performance feedback for by designers during the early phases of design [16,27–29]. More
design (EEPFD), is first introduced and manifested through a pro- specifically, only 10% of the tools available are intended for archi-
totype tool developed to fulfill the unique needs of the early stage tects’ use and only 1% of these are able to support the early
architectural design process, where diversity in ideation, geome- design stage [30]. In addition to the limited tool availability, seam-
try, and programming are needed [13]. In addition, the framework less integration between software programs is typically lacking.
provides improved results through genetic algorithm based opti- Thus, the necessary data transfer between tools leads to the loss
mization irrespective of the exploration stopping point, which is of information and knowledge capture, incurring inefficient man-
typically determined by the dominant limiting factor of time in ual modification of models between design and energy simulation
early stage design exploration [14]. This paper continues to use the tools [20,21]. While some of these issues can be resolved by a
developed framework, EEPFD, to addresses two critical gaps found standardized data exchange format such as IFC or gbXML, trans-
in precedent and literature research. The first is the lack of evidence lating the solid building element geometry into space boundaries
that supports the effectiveness of using MDO for providing energy for energy simulations, these formats are presently still limited in
performance as feedback for influencing architectural designers’ supporting complex geometrical exploration, a critical requirement
decision making. The second gap is that, due to the idiosyncratic for assisting contemporary architectural design [31–33]. Conse-
nature of architectural design problems, a best practice for apply- quently, despite the resolution of the data translation issues, these
ing MDO to the early stage of the architectural design process is tools are ill suited for architectural designers’ use during the early
needed but has yet to be adequately explored and validated. In stage design process [16,27,34,35].
response this paper addresses these gaps through the following Others attempt to improve the user interface to expand the
two objectives: (1) to observe whether the provided energy perfor- usability of the tools or facilitate greater data translation among
mance feedback from EEPFD influences designers’ design decision different platforms. The majority of these efforts have focused on
making; and (2) to observe the use of performance boundaries addressing the critical obstacle of interoperability across different
to gauge competing design concepts. A performance boundary is software platforms, applications, or user groups, including soft-
hypothesized as advantageous as it is found automatically within ware developers, researchers, and variable members of the building
the solution space being generated by EEPFD more rapidly than industry. These aforementioned efforts have explored scripting
the mathematical convergence of a single design concept, as is interfaces and self-developed plugins attempting to solve exist-
the current norm. Therefore, this paper first provides a literature ing interoperability issues between the design and performance
review identifying gaps in current efforts for bridging design and analysis domains. While solutions to tools and tool interoperability
energy simulation domains followed by current applications and would ease the process in the generation and evaluation of design
gaps related to energy performance optimization. Second, EEPFD alternatives, this effort is arguably insufficient [36]. The informa-
is introduced and explained in brief. Thirdly, the experiment to tion transferred from a design tool to an energy analysis tool is
observe the influence of the provided energy performance feedback still a one-way trip. In other words, there is no way of implemen-
from EEPFD on the designers’ decision making is outlined along ting the knowledge gained or the changes identified to the design
with the experiment to support the development of a best practice performed in the energy simulation tool, except through manually
for using performance boundaries to gauge design concepts more re-entering the information.
rapidly while maintaining early stage ideation and design diversity.
Finally, the research findings from these two experiments in the 2.2. Domain knowledge integration
context of the literature, limitations and future work are concluded
and discussed. In addition to the limited number and availability of designer-
oriented energy simulation tools, design professionals are often
unfamiliar with energy simulation tools as the functionalities are
2. Bridging architectural design and energy simulation often outside of their expertise [27,31,33]. This is reported as one
of the major reasons preventing architects from using energy sim-
It has been widely recognized that incorporating building per- ulation tools [34]. As a result, environmental simulation software
formance feedback to support design decision making can improve is routinely operated by domain experts who are familiar with the
the building performance throughout the building lifecycle when specialized nature of these tools [37]. Consequently, domain expert
such goals are set as a priority [3–8]. However, due to an array engineers regularly conduct energy simulations and their work is
of challenges the obstacles between design and energy perfor- typically used for performance validation post priori or later in the
mance still remain [4,15–21]. Extensive prior research provides design development phase rather than to support earlier design
an exhaustive comparison analysis of the variety of energy sim- decision making [26,38]. In addition, designers are faced with chal-
ulation tools available along with their pros and cons [10,22–26]. lenges in interpreting the results and successfully incorporating the
Separately, additional reviews have focused on the specific needs feedback into their design process [21].
of architectural designers looking to utilize energy simulation tools Another stream of research has focused on the knowledge
[8,16,27–29]. However, an overall holistic approach to bridge the exchange between different expertise domains. Examples of these
428 S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441

efforts can be found in data model and process standardizations for addressing multiple competing criteria and uncertainty inclu-
[39–41], along with collaborative framework developments. A sive of energy performance feedback [75–79].
selection of the representative efforts is found here [26,42–50]. In
summary, these efforts focus on collaborative frameworks to over-
come interoperability between expert domains and to facilitate the 2.4. State of the art and gap analysis of MDO for building
inclusion of performance feedback. These efforts all acknowledge performance
that solving the domain knowledge exchange issues across differ-
ent platforms is a prerequisite for further progress in the fields of MDO has drawn the attention of the Architecture Engineering
architecture and engineering disciplines related to the built envi- and Construction (AEC) industry due to being capable of providing
ronment. In addition, they all conclude the need for an integrated potential solutions to overcome barriers that exist between design
platform to provide a supportive environment and acknowledge and engineering analysis i.e. performance domains. The applica-
the needs of a designer-specific and designer friendly user inter- tion of MDO can be found in explorations of space layout, façade
face. However, most of the frameworks discussed above are still configuration, building shape, HVAC optimization, structural sizing
very conceptual and in need of further development. While the and member complexity optimization, thermal comfort, daylight-
intent of these frameworks is to support design decision-making ing, and energy performance [11,80–88]. Based on the precedent
in early project phases, with expert knowledge support to over- research into relevant optimization techniques building design
come insufficient domain knowledge, process evaluation of these researchers have identified the use of genetic algorithm (GA) based
frameworks adopted either by researchers or by practitioners is multi-objective optimization methods as having strong potential
still lacking [51,52]. for tackling design problems with varying degrees of parame-
ter coupling and complexity and large degrees of uncertainty
[51,69,89]. In addition, the majority of applications of optimization
2.3. Design decision systems support techniques for building performance purposes is primarily from
within engineering disciplines with a focus on research rather than
Of equal importance are the findings that (1) simulation results accommodating design practitioner needs, such as ease of use, short
require expert set up and analysis cycles, and (2) therefore do analysis time, high returns on investment, and flexibility for varying
not provide immediate feedback necessary for conceptual design design problems [13,51,89].
exploration. Examples of these simulation failures include inabil- A comprehensive review of 166 related research papers from
ity to deliver informative context to support designers’ early stage 115 research groups from the fields of architecture, building sci-
design decision-making, i.e. quantifiable evaluation of design solu- ence, engineering, and design and computation was conducted.
tions, context specific analysis, design strategy comparisons, or This selection of research papers extends from 1978 to 2013
optimization of design solutions [8,32,53]. Furthermore, precedent and is focused on topics relating to computational optimiza-
research suggests that tradeoff studies are necessary in order to tion techniques applied in architecture, engineering and building
provide adequate feedback for design decision-making [54,55]. performance. Although the works within the building energy sim-
However, conventionally adopted performance-based analysis ulation and design domain are the focus, the study included other
methods have been shown by prior studies to be ill suited in performance analysis domains in the review. The review sought
providing either the desired context or necessary information for evidence and criteria inclusive of energy performance as feedback,
trade-off studies due to design cycle latency intrinsic in norma- design phase relevance, designer centricity, building typology,
tive methodologies for early stage design process [56]. In particular complexity of geometry explored, and simultaneously considered
there is an implication that a system and user interface capa- objective counts during the optimization process, as these charac-
ble of visualizing analysis results and corresponding geometric teristics are the crucial criteria for designer use of MDO during early
configurations is a necessary prerequisite to assist in design deci- stages of the design process. The list in its entirety can be found in
sion making [24]. Unfortunately, current energy simulation tools Lin [90]. Among the reviewed works, more than half (54%) of the
often lack the ability to provide results with these types of visu- works include energy performance as part of their objective. Among
alizations. Therefore, 3D geometric visualization in parallel with these efforts, only 15% of the works reviewed are for designer use
the analysis data graphical representation is seen as desirable with only 3% specifically intended for the early stages of design.
for providing the context for enhancing design decision making When all the reviewed researches are considered only 8% con-
[21,24]. tribute to early stage design. While half of these are designated for
In support of design decision making, there are efforts focused designer use, none of these support exploration of complex geom-
on the development of user interfaces for facilitating the pro- etry, which we consider an important objective in order to provide
cess, such as providing 2D and 3D design and data visualization relevance to contemporary architectural design and practice. When
[16,24,57]. However, an essential obstacle to overcome is the considering all the reviewed works that do support the exploration
insufficient feedback and the absence of a cost–benefit (trade- of complex geometry, none are found to support the early design
off) analysis, which would enable designers to understand the phase with more than 2 simultaneously considered objective func-
impact of their decisions. In addition, in order to better incorpo- tions. Among the reviewed 166 research papers, only 12 papers
rate energy simulation results for design decision making, rapid from 3 research groups, apply MDO from the designers’ view point
evaluation of design alternative is needed [58]. To overcome these and explore building geometry beyond a simplified box. Among
limitations, a group of efforts focus on enabling rapid design alter- these 3 research groups, all 3 include whole building energy sim-
native generation, evaluation, and a comparison of analysis results ulation as one of the performance objectives. However, none of
with tradeoff studies for identifying “best fits” across competing these three evaluate more than 2 objectives at the same time. In
objectives [13,59–69]. Another focus area is the promotion of the addition, these examples have some acknowledged issues, such as
sensitivity analysis (SA) and uncertainty analysis (UA) to support the flexibility of the framework and the lacking of framework eval-
the decision maker in identifying the most sensitive parameters uation by and for designers [13]. Furthermore, the applications of
to make the designer aware of the risks associated with each building performance optimization in the actual design process by
option, in particular if they affect a specific performance aspect designers and practitioners need to be explored to understand the
[70–74]. Lastly, a group of efforts focus on the application of multi- actual benefits and difficulties a MDO methodology lends to design
criteria decision making (MDCM) as the decision-making process decision-making, as identified by prior review [51].
S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441 429

3. Motivation and objectives focuses on investigating whether EEPFD is capable of enabling

a “designing-in performance” environment where energy perfor-
In order to enable energy performance feedback to influence mance feedback can synchronously and directly influence design
design decision making our work is focused on closing the gap decision-making. The theoretical foundation of the EEPFD is built
between design and energy simulation silos. Based on the liter- upon the seven identified needs, as summarized above. As illus-
ature and analysis, an integral approach to achieve designing-in trated in Fig. 1, the overall framework can be grouped into three
energy performance should be inclusive of the following criteria: major components; problem formulation, automation, and design
(1) designer friendly user interface; (2) should include platform decision support. (1) Problem formulation and building the design
integration and automation alleviating interoperability issues and model parametrically is the first interaction between the user
reducing design cycle latency; (3) should provide rapid generation and the automated system. In order to ensure usability by the
and evaluation of design alternatives: (4) should provide trade- intended audience, a designer friendly environment capable of
off analysis for competing criteria; (5) should provide sensitivity accommodating the varying complexity of diverse design prob-
analysis and uncertainty analysis to inform the impact of decisions lems is necessary and enabled. (2) Automating the translation of
made; (6) should provide data interpretation guidance to overcome a design model to an energy model helps to overcome inconsis-
domain knowledge gaps; and (7) provide user friendly visualiza- tencies, input redundancy, and errors commonly occurring during
tion of geometric configurations in parallel with data to illustrate the model translation, simulation, and evaluation process, thereby
performance comparisons for design alternatives. The review has reducing design cycle latency and increasing accuracy. A genetic
identified a promising applicability of MDO to meet the above algorithm (GA) based multi-objective optimization acts as the driv-
criteria and therefore enable a “designing-in performance” envi- ing engine of the automation system to systematically explore and
ronment [11,20]. However, the relationship between design form search for the best-fit solutions among the competing objectives. In
exploration and energy performance has been largely excluded addition, it enables the inclusion of other performance objectives as
from previous research efforts. Furthermore, current attempts have part of the tradeoff analysis, which has been identified through the
yet to fully explore the applicability of this approach in the con- literature review as necessary to support design decision-making.
text of the early stage design, where rapid exploration of variety (3) Design decision support is the final component of the frame-
and alternatives is desired. In response to this gap in existing work which provides an informative context to support designers’
research, there is a need for a designer-oriented MDO framework decision making through user friendly visualization of geometric
that incorporates both conceptual energy analysis and the explo- configurations in parallel with the performance data and sensitiv-
ration of overall building geometric configurations for the purpose ity to inform energy and competing performance and their impacts
of providing early stage energy performance feedback. The use of a relative to design decision choices. In addition, an interactive inter-
designer-centric MDO framework can then be explored regarding face to provide design guidance, sorting, and filtering functionality
its usability and its effectiveness to enable energy performance based on designer’s design goal further facilitates designers’ deci-
feedback to support designers design decision making. sion making process.
As a result, the overall aim of the research is to test and validate a As illustrated in Fig. 1, the framework provides two interactions
designer-centric MDO design framework which includes the above between designers and the EEPFD. Prior to the design problem
outlined criteria as its theoretical foundation. In order to pursue being explored through the EEPFD methodology designers are
this overall goal, a designer appropriate MDO framework, EEPFD, is required to define their design problem mathematically, associa-
first developed then validated against the needs of designers dur- tively, and logically, i.e., through parameterization. This provides
ing the early stage of design [13]. Next, process evaluation metrics the basis for the system to automatically generate, analyze, and
and measurements are established as a means to understand the evaluate design alternatives until the automated process is termi-
effectiveness of the developed framework [69]. The research then nated. The second interaction with EEPFD occurs at the end of the
uses the established metrics to evaluate the processes designers automation loop, where a solution space containing all the explored
engage in both pedagogical and professional settings to initially design alternatives is provided visually and analytically, through
understand the applicability and impact of EEPFD on the design each alternative’s 3D model, performance evaluations, and multi-
process and the comparability of these processes when using the objective ranked results necessary for design decision support. The
established metrics. Prior publications of the authors address the three technologies utilized are Revit, Excel, and GBS. Revit serves
detailed development of the designer-oriented MDO design frame- as the parametric design platform, while Excel serves as the plat-
work and are validated against the needs of the early stage design form for calculation of the three design objective scores. Finally,
process [13]. In addition, a series of process evaluations through GBS is accessed through Revit’s conceptual energy analysis, and
pedagogical and design simulation experiments using the estab- used as the energy simulation engine, capable of generating all the
lished evaluation metrics are conducted to benchmark evaluation necessary energy analysis results. EEPFD is tested through using
of the framework [69,91–93]. Here, the focus of this paper is to the prototype tool, H.D.S. Beagle [13], a plug-in built on top of the
present new results of case-based experiments to further under- Autodesk® Revit® [94] (Revit) API. The Beagle integrates Autodesk®
stand the effectiveness of EEPFD in providing energy performance Green Building Studio® [95] and (GBS) and Microsoft® Excel® [96]
as feedback to influence designers’ decision-making and energy with Revit as the design interface and parametric design engine.
savings behavior of the designer and their selected architectural The three objective functions for the experimental framework of
designs. EEPFD include the whole building energy use intensity (EUI), net
present value (NPV), and a spatial programming compliance score
(SPC) to represent the energy, financial and design compliance per-
4. Introduction to evolutionary energy performance formance respectively. This selection first echoes the overall goal
feedback for design (EEPFD) of the research to understand the effectiveness of MDO to provide
energy performance as feedback to influence designers’ design
EEPFD incorporates both conceptual energy analysis and the decision making, and secondly addresses the identified gap in cur-
exploration of building geometric configurations for the purpose of rent efforts to consider multiple objectives simultaneously, more
providing early stage designs with energy performance feedback. relevant to realistic design practices. The usability issues found in
While it is acknowledged that MDO methodology is applicable to current MDO applications are addressed through integrating plat-
various objectives and types of performance feedback, this research forms, the problem formulation method, and the encoding method
430 S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441

Fig. 1. The MDO framework, evolution energy performance feedback for design.

for optimization within the prototyped tool. The design decision of energy performance feedback. It is the intention of the research
support is addressed through the provision of semi-automated 2D, to repeat the experiment on a larger scale and sample size as well
3D data plots combined with the automated 3D geometric model as collect more data in a professional setting, discussed further in
and image output. The detailed algorithm, problem formulation Section 6.
method and processes, and previous experiments are described in
detail in prior publications of the authors [13,69]. 5.1. Experiment I: energy performance feedback using EEPFD

5. Experiments and research methodology Experiment I is designed as a computational design workshop

that gathers data to understand the impact of the EEPFD process
In order to measure effectiveness of EEPFD a series of experi- in comparison to a manual exploration process. The primary goal
ments were administered in pedagogical and workshop settings. of this experiment is to understand whether the provided energy
Due to the inherent unique nature of the design process a huge performance feedback via EEPFD influences designers’ design deci-
variance will be observed between designers following the same sion making [69]. The experiment is confined to fit within a one-day
design protocol with the same design question. How designers’ workshop. During Experiment I a total of seven participants were
cognition and response to feedback is highly dependent on an observed and recorded. Their basic data is summarized in Table 1
individual’s background, experience, their psychological state, and and in summation can be understood as novice designers qualita-
personal preference. As a result, prior research focusing on measur- tively similar in terms of experience and knowledge.
ing the design process typically are confined to small sample sizes For quantitative and qualitative comparative studies, two design
in order to dissect in detail each activity during the process to fully processes are utilized: (1) a benchmarking manual exploration
understand all the variable and interactions of the design frame- process and (2) a design exploration process using EEPFD pre-
work/protocol or the feedback collected during the process. This computed models and evaluation data and visualization. These
unique difficulty in measuring design in process is observed in vari- processes are illustrated in Fig. 2. For all activities during the
ous design fields, i.e. industrial design [97], engineering design [98], benchmarking manual exploration process the same technolo-
software design [99]. Architectural design present further chal- gies within EEPFD are used so participant exploration results can
lenges as the design goal for each individual can vary widely even be compared to those obtained through EEPFD. The experiment
when following the same protocol [100,101]. In order to understand involves three major components: (1) curriculum design; (2) lec-
the influence and impact of the provided feedback from EEPFD, ini- ture, experiment data collection; and (3) data analysis following
tial experiments with reduced sample sizes are conducted. These the two experimental procedures. For both procedures, the first
experiments are conducted through a series of set design activities major activity introduces the participants to the provided paramet-
where responses and the process of each participant are recorded ric conceptual mass compatible with EEPFD. The participants learn
in detail [13,69,91]. A detailed documentation of their activities the parameterization and problem formulation method by follow-
and unedited responses can be found in [90]. Here the research ing provided step-by-step instructions. The next section separates
presents the initial results and findings from two experiments run into two procedures: (1) the manual exploration process and (2)
with designers acting as the subjects. the EEPFD pre-computed models and evaluation data during the
In both cases the objective of the experiments was to observe the same exploration time period. These two processes were conducted
impact and effectiveness of EEPFD on energy performance feedback consecutively by the same group of participants as illustrated by
in the early stage design exploration process. For both experi- Fig. 3. In order for the participants’ manually generated design
ments the participants were considered normalized as none were alternatives and the performance results to be comparable with
significantly professionally experienced or experts in the domain. the results generated through EEPFD, the Excel objective function
Rather, all participants for each experiment were in fact students, calculator is provided using the same SPC and NPV formulae.
the majority of which were undergraduate and/or early within For the manual exploration process, see Fig. 3, participants are
their graduate degree programs. Both experiments and the chosen first given a lecture on how to generate design alternatives, cal-
subjects are designed to act as the initial test bed to understand culate the three objective functions, Pareto rank their results, and
whether the design of the experiment is conducive to observations record their explorations using the given Excel calculator. Next par-
and measurements of the influence of EEPFD and the incorporation ticipants are given 3 h of exploration time to explore their design.
S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441 431

Table 1
Educational background summary of the Experiment I participants.

ID Educational Prior Revit® Other prior BIM or Prior experience Other tool Prior Prior Other sim. Other sim.
background experience parametric tool length (months) exposure energy sim. energy sim. experience tools used
(months) experience (Y/N) experience tool used

ST01 MArch, BS in 12 N N/A N/A N N/A Y SAP, PKPM,

Civil 3D3S
ST02 BS in LA 0 Y 6 Grasshopper N N/A N N/A
ST03 BS in UP 0 N N/A N/A Y Ecotect N N/A
ST04 MArch, BArch 0 Y 6 Grasshopper N N/A N N/A
ST05 MBA, BS in 0 N N/A N/A N N/A N N/A
ST07 MArch, BArch 0 Y 12 Grasshopper Y Ecotect Y Autodesk

Note: BS in LA: Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture; BS in UP: Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning; BArch: Bachelor of Architecture; BSArch: Bachelor of Science
in Architecture; MS in LA: Master of Science in Landscape Architecture; MArch: Master of Architecture.

At the end of the manual exploration process, a questionnaire is their design decision process. The given dataset, as summarized in
given to collect feedback regarding their explorations. After the Fig. 4, includes an Excel file containing 730 pre-computed design
manual EEPFD exploration process, an EEPFD pre-computed data alternatives with their objective scores and overall rank informa-
set is given to participants in order to measure how the feedback tion, four tradeoff study images, and the 3D images of all Rank 1
from EEPFD is able to assist participants in their design decision- design alternatives.
making. A lecture and detailed handout regarding how to use the This decision-making process consists of three steps the partic-
data set are also given to the participants prior to implementing ipants are asked to follow. First, participants are asked to record

Fig. 2. Simulation process comparison between EEPFD’s experimental process and manual benchmark process. The observation focus of Experiment I is highlighted.
432 S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441

Fig. 3. Illustration of Experiment I’s procedure, design problem and the explored parametric model.

their design decision-making strategies based on the given data pre-generated data. Table 3 summarizes the comparison of design
set. Second, participants are given a chance to explore the given selections from each participant’s manual exploration process and
dataset and select a design alternative. Next, participants are EEPFD pre-generated data. When ranking their selected design
given the opportunity to improve their selected design based based on the manual process compared to that of using the EEPFD
on the given dataset. During the process of utilizing the EEPFD pre-generated data, the majority of the participants were able to
pre-generated dataset, a questionnaire is given to the partici- identify a Pareto solution in both approaches. Exceptions include
pants asking them to record their final selection and specific student (ST) ST03’s manual exploration and ST06’s EEPFD explo-
feedback regarding their decision-making process enabled by ration process. ST03 was able to identify a higher performing design
EEPFD. The collected data from participants is summarized in through EEPFD, which improved ST03’s original design from Rank
Table 2. 3 to Rank 1. Overall, six out of the seven participants were able
to use the EEPFD pre-generated data to identify Pareto solutions
5.2. Experiment I: results and analysis through the EEPFD process, with the exception of ST06’s selection,
which was designated as Rank 2. The subsequent analysis of their
Participants provided responses by completing the provided design decision-making strategy revealed that their documented
questionnaire. The first two sections of the questionnaire focus selection criteria were not based on the use of the three objective
on whether the participants were able to select a better-fit final functions as the primary goal, but rather on the rotation factors, as
design at the end of their exploration process through the EEPFD the participant desired to emphasize their esthetic objective. This
S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441 433

Fig. 4. Summary of provided EEPFD pre-generated data set for Experiment I.

434 S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441

Table 2 shift in focus resulted in their design selection not being ranked as
Summary of the recorded data for the Experiment I.
a Pareto solution.
Recorded data Data type If the design alternatives for both approaches are compared, no
Background 1. Education background Enumeration clear dominance of the design alternatives provided by EEPFD is
questionnaire revealed. However, when put in the context of each participant’s
2. Experience using Revit Number design decision-making strategy, it is evident that EEPFD was able
3. Experience using other parametric Y/N, number, to provide improved performance in alignment with each partic-
software enumeration
ipant’s outlined priorities, with the exception of ST07’s results.
4. Experience using energy simulation Y/N, number,
programs enumeration ST07’s final selection based on the EEPFD pre-generated data does
5. Experience using other analytic tools Y/N, time, not provide a clear performance improvement consistent with their
enumeration designated design goals when compared with their manual explo-
Manual 1. Explored parametric values for each Number
ration process. However, this exception resulted from violating the
exploration iteration
questionnaire provided site constraints in pursuit of maximizing the SPC score
2. The three objective function scores Number during the manual exploration process. Therefore the results from
of explored design alternatives ST07’s manual exploration process are considered as an outlier by
3. Time required to obtain and Number this research and thereby incomparable to the EEPFD pre-generated
calculate each objective function
data set. These findings demonstrate an initial ability of novice par-
4. Time required to obtain the final Number
design ticipants to find better-fit solutions based on each participant’s
5. Design exploration process Image individual goals while maintaining design alternative within all
6. Final thoughts and suggestions Description designated constraints through EEPFD. In comparison this direct
regarding the manual exploration
relationship between the outlined design decision strategy and the
Decision-making 1. Decision-making strategies prior to Description
resulting design alternative’s performance is not readily observable
through EEPFD the availability of the provided dataset in the participants’ manual exploration process (Fig. 5).
questionnaires The third section of the questionnaire asked participants to
2. Decision-making strategies after Description improve their design by utilizing the EEPFD pre-generated dataset.
reviewing the pre-generated dataset
The responses provided in this section are summarized in Fig. 6.
3. Strategies change factors Description
4. Final selection’s offspring ID and Number The ranking information provided is based on a solution pool con-
objective scores sisting of all the designs generated by all three approaches. In this
5. Parametric values and objective Number case, no new Pareto solutions were generated during the improve-
scores of the improved design after the
ment process, but all the solutions received Rank 1. The observed
6. Design improvement strategy Description
exception is ST06, since their first declared objective was to main-
7. The considered relevance of the Y/N, tain the rotation parameters for reasons of esthetic preference.
provided data during the improving description Although the new generated solutions do not clearly dominate their
design process prior design selection, the data further supports the conclusion that
8. New exploration ranges for each Number
when the participants utilized the EEPFD pre-generated dataset,
they were able to improve their design performance over their pre-
vious design. Conversely, this is not observed during their manual

Table 3
Performance comparison of the selected designs from the manual exploration process and subsequent design selected from the EEPFD pre-generated data. Improvements in
the objective performances through EEPFD pre-generated data are highlighted.
S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441 435

Fig. 5. Participants’ selected design via the three exploration approaches: (1) selection from their manual exploration process; (2) selection from EEPFD pre-generated
solution space; and (3) improved.

exploration process based on the fact that their final selections goal. For example, for participants who designated a reduction in
are not usually the last explored. Another observation from the EUI as a design goal, were not always successful through their
manual exploration process is that the participants are not always manual exploration process. However, the data illustrates when
able to improve their designs toward their overall indicated design given an EEPFD pre-generated data set, participants were able to

Fig. 6. Illustrated diversity among participants’ parameterization/problem formulation for the same design problem. Summary of participants’ parametric designs with the
comparison of design parameter problem scale, coupling, and geometric complexity.
436 S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441

improve the EUI in accordance with their stated design goal. In addi- 5.3.1. Design problem measurements
tion, using the EEPFD pre-generated data enabled participants to Project complexity: Project complexity refers to the project size
improve their design toward their intended goal while considering as measured in square feet and the number of types of pro-
the EUI, SPC, and NPV scores simultaneously. This is in contrast to gram spaces, such as parking, commercial or residential, that are
their observed manual exploration process where typically a single included within the design problem. In this case, all the partici-
objective was concentrated on at one time. In addition, participants pants’ designs have the same design problem as documented in
were able to further improve their stated design intent based on Fig. 3.
using the provided data set, which enabled them to identify the Design complexity: Design complexity refers to the amount of sur-
relative impact of each parameter on each objective performance faces (i.e. tessellation) required to be included in the energy model
score. along with the number of available parameters as provided by the
design problem.

5.3. Experiment II: a best practice for early stage design 5.3.2. Design process measurements
application of MDO Speed: Speed measures the average run time required to obtain an
energy analysis for each parametric design. It also records the over-
Aside from addressing the applicability issues of current MDO all time required for a GA run up to 50 generations in a normalized
applications for designer use, the previously identified critical issue condition.
preventing MDO from being adopted for early stage design is GA settings: In this experiment all the scenarios were run with the
the long analysis time necessary for identifying solutions through same GA settings and therefore normalized:
mathematical convergence of competing objectives. This is a com-
mon goal of prior MDO applications to design but the unique Initial population: 10 Population size: 20
demands of early stage architectural design imply a divergence Crossover ratio: 0.6 Selection size: 20
from this approach may be pertinent. Based on the prior obser- Mutation ratio: 0 Maximum iteration: 50

vations of the authors [13], it is revealed that during the GA

optimization run the optimal performance boundaries of each 5.3.3. Design product measurements
objective score can typically be obtained after only a few gen- Feedback quantity measures: This records the total time required for
erations. Most significantly, this implies that the performance each design to run up to 50 generations. Based on the GA settings
potential for each design scenario is identifiable prior to reach- of the experiment, this means the time required to generate and
ing an optimal solution defined by mathematical convergence. If analyze 1010 design alternatives. This value is also translated into
this supposition is true, it could result in providing the desired the number of design alternatives generated during an 8 h work
context synchronously in which to gauge any individual solutions’ period.
performance by the designer. Moreover, it may potentially be more Feedback quality: The feedback quality is defined by the boundary
relevant to supporting early design decision making than provid- condition of the EUI, NPV, and SPC performance after running up
ing the often over populated Pareto solution pool. As a result, to 50 generations and the Pareto solution numbers based on these
this experiment focuses on observing the obtaining of the optimal three objective rankings.
objective score performance boundaries for each design problem Performance boundaries: This records the generation number and
to validate a conceptualized best practice for implementing MDO time for each scenario’s boundary condition to be found, i.e. max-
in the early stage architectural design process. imum NPV and SPC and minimum EUI.
This experiment is formatted as an assignment for a course
where participants are in the process of learning Revit. The assign- 5.4. Experiment II: results and analysis
ment is given after a 1 h parametric conceptual mass lecture which
provides step by step instructions to familiarize participants with Fig. 6 provides a summary of the scenarios provided by the 16
creating a parametric mass identical to the one used in the previous participants for this experiment. Similar nomenclature and ST#
experiment. For this experiment, participants are asked to provide acronym is used though these participants are different than Exper-
their individual parametric design by formulating their design iment I. It should be noted they are of similarly normalized and
problem based on the provided design criteria, site constraints, comparable in terms of experience and backgrounds as those in
and consistent parameter count during their design exploration. experiment I. Fig. 7 summarizes the resulting ranges in perfor-
The intent is to observe if there is a measurable variance in the mance boundaries for each scenario’s solution space along with
design performance potential between the participants’ concep- the GA optimization generation number where these boundaries
tual designs and to understand the required generation and time were identified. These results show a significant difference in the
necessary to obtain performance boundaries, i.e. the maximum potential performance of varying conceptual designs generated for
value of NPV and SPC and the minimum value of EUI. The two sig- the same design problem. While an improvement from the initial
nificant measurements of the experiment are: (1) if a significant design’s performance was achieved in each case by using EEPFD,
quantifiable difference in the performance ranges of these varying a limit to the potential for further improvement was noted. For
conceptual designs for an identical design problem is observed, this example, the highest performing design for the participant ST01 is
can be considered as evidence of the value of exploring competing only capable of reaching an NPV score of 275 million USD while
design concepts during the early stages of design; and (2) if there is the highest performing NPV for ST03 is 461 million USD. Therefore,
a significant reduction in the generation number and time required it can be extrapolated that a medium performing design solution
to obtain the performance boundaries in comparison to a mathe- for ST03 could be on par with a high performing design solution
matical convergence, this reduction can be viewed as indicating for ST01. These findings further support the potential relevance of
support for the use of performance boundaries to provide the con- using EEPFD during the early stages of design, since EEPFD provides
text synchronously in which to gauge competing design concepts the ability to rapidly explore a wide variety of geometrically diverse
by designers. For these purposes, this research collected each par- conceptual designs and generates the context in which the low or
ticipant’s parametric design and engaged H.D.S. Beagle for up to 50 high performance potential of design concepts can be identified and
generations for each. The data of interest recorded by this research pursued in accordance with the design problem objectives. Table 4
are listed below: shows that for the majority of the tested scenarios the performance
S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441 437

Fig. 7. Illustration of resulting ranges in performance boundaries for each scenario’s solution space along with the generation and required runtime where these boundaries
were identified.

boundary could be obtained before the 17th generation. The excep- insignificant. Similar circumstances were observed through anal-
tions to this include the EUI for ST08 and ST09 and the SPC for ysis of the other exception cases. As a result, for this experiment
ST07 and ST13. However for these exceptions it was observed that, any changes in the performance boundaries that had less than
while continuing improvements were made in later generations, a 0.1% impact on the overall performance range are defined as
these gains could be viewed as potentially unsubstantial in terms insignificant. Using the 0.1% performance tolerance, all boundary
of overall scores. For example, in the case of ST08 the EUI’s per- conditions were obtained within 17 generations with an average
formance boundary is technically reached at the 49th generation requirement of 7 generations. Further research and analysis are
with EUI = 41.62 kBtu/ft2 /year. However, the solution space with needed to understand any potential correlation between the quan-
EUI = 41.64 kBtu/ft2 /year was found at the 14th generation. While tity of parameters explored and the required generations to identify
there was continued improvement, the 0.02 kBtu/ft2 /year reduc- performance boundaries.
tion over 35 generations resulted in less than a 0.05% impact on the Based on these research results, the limits on the performance
overall EUI performance boundary and therefore can be viewed as potential of a solution space can be identified with an average of
438 S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441

Table 4
Original and adjusted generation numbers required to define the objective performance boundaries per participant. Highlighted in pink are required generation numbers
exceeding 17. Highlighted in yellow are generation numbers altered per the introduced 0.1% impact tolerance.

7 generations, as opposed to reaching the mathematically conver- practice of utilizing the performance boundaries of an EEPFD-
gent criteria, which typically requires run times of more than 50 generated solution pool to gauge the potential performance of
generations. Consequently, the performance boundaries of a solu- different design concepts during the early stage of the architectural
tion space are much more rapidly available and useful to provide design process.
the context synchronously in which to gauge any individual design To address the first identified gap, the first experiment gauges
concept than otherwise possible. In addition, these boundaries whether or not the energy feedback generated by EEPFD supports
can be considered more relevant than the potential of any indi- or influence designers’ decision-making process through an analy-
vidual design solution to the early stage design process, when sis of responses collected from the participants regarding their use
various conceptual designs are being explored in parallel. Even of the provided EEPFD pre-generated dataset in their design explo-
under the strict conditions of this experiment, which limited con- ration. Also included in the analysis is a comparison of their design
ceptual designs to a single volume with a fixed number of allowable decisions based on their manual design exploration with the use
design parameters, a wide range in the conceptual design perfor- of the EEPFD pre-generated dataset. All participants provided pos-
mance boundaries was observed. Therefore, there is the potential itive responses regarding the ability of the EEPFD pre-generated
that, with a greater diversity between explored conceptual designs, data set to support their design decision making. In addition, the
there would be an even more dramatic range in the performance influence of the EEPFD provided energy performance feedback on
potential between competing conceptual designs. This potential in their design decisions is also demonstrated in the recorded data,
performance would be a new variable that EEPFD would be able to which indicates that participants were able to improve the energy
add to the design decision-making process, which has previously performance of their final designs based on their design goals. Fur-
not been offered through the precedent tools and methods. ther improvement was also observed when participants used the
given dataset to improve the energy performance of their design.
6. Conclusion and discussion This is in contrast to the manual exploration process, which demon-
strated that participants were able to improve their SPC and NPV
With the overall aim to enable energy performance feedback to consistently but not their EUI. These findings confirm that the
support and influence designers’ design decision-making during use of EEPFD is able to provide better energy performance feed-
the early stage of the design process, an early stage designer- back and improve guidance when improving energy performance
centered MDO framework, EEPFD, is presented. This paper first is an intended design goal. While the limited sample size of this
highlights the theoretical foundation of EEPFD through the lit- experiment is insufficient for identifying statistical significance, the
erature review and gap analysis between current design and results demonstrate descriptively that, when participants utilize
energy simulation domains and the applications of optimiza- EEPFD, they are able to include the energy performance feedback
tion. By categorizing and mapping the obstacles and solutions in their considerations and improve the energy performance dur-
the three major components of EEPFD are isolated: problem for- ing their design exploration process. Perhaps most importantly,
mulation, automation loop and design decision support. Through this experiment demonstrates that participants who do not possess
the three components, EEPFD is able to support designers with expert energy domain knowledge are able to observe the impact
a designer-centric user interface, bypassing the interoperability on energy performance during their exploration process through
issues, providing rapid design solution spaces with performance the ranking, sensitivity analysis and visualizations of the expanded
ranking, evaluation, sensitivity analysis and tradeoff study in par- solution provided by EEPFD. These observations and responses
allel with geometric and data visualization. This research then provide the basis of initial confirmation for the value and usability
focuses on addressing two specific gaps found in precedents of EEPFD, when employed by designers during the early stages of
through two experiments using EEPFD, and the prototyped tool, the design process.
H.D.S. Beagle. The first experiment observes whether the provided Irrespective of the limitations of the sample size of the current
feedback from EEPFD supports and influences designers’ decision experiment, it is qualitatively and descriptively evident during the
making; while the second experiment explores the proposed best experiment that participants were not motivated to participate in
S.-H. Lin, D.J. Gerber / Energy and Buildings 84 (2014) 426–441 439

the tedious manual design exploration process as a part of their at the conceptual stage of design the pursuit of optimizing the
overall design approach. This observation reinforces the need for GA settings becomes both impractical and irrelevant, highlighting
an automated and integrated design exploration approach to facili- the importance of the boundary condition for gauging conceptual
tate inclusion of energy performance as feedback during designers’ architectural designs. Finally, it is acknowledged that MDO applica-
early stage design explorations. While the participants indicated tions are not restricted to including energy performance feedback.
that the EEPFD pre-generated data was useful in assisting them in However, among the design objectives, only energy performance
deciding on a better performing design, difficulties were observed required the use of EEPFD to influence design decision-making,
regarding the use of the provided interface. Currently, the EEPFD as demonstrated in Experiment I. Therefore, although EEPFD is
generated data is manually organized by the authors, where the potentially capable of including other performance criteria energy
users use built-in functionalities of Excel to browse, filter, and orga- savings of the first and second costs for example, the major contri-
nize the data as desired. It is noted that the participants needed bution of the framework is in its ability to demonstrate that MDO
more instructions regarding use of this platform and the manner in can successfully enable energy performance feedback to influence
which they could use the data to assist their decision making. These design decision-making during the early stages of the design pro-
are known issues of the experimental framework that are expected cess. Our future work acknowledges that the sample size to date
to be addressed through future improvements to the user interface is insufficient to statistically validate the results. However, this
and interactive guidance. However, even with these known issues research is qualitatively and descriptively a contribution in that it
the participants were able to use the data to improve the energy provides a research tool and method to measure the design process
performance of their designs. for the wide variance between individuals within an MDO tuned
The second experiment described in this paper explores the pro- to improve energy outcomes. These experiments demonstrate an
posed best practice of using performance boundaries to provide ability to quantify and evaluate highly individualized designer pro-
the context synchronously for comparing competing design con- cesses and to explore further the value of performance boundaries
cepts during the early stages of design rapidly and visually pairing as a likely impactful design decision making innovation in the con-
geometry with analytical data. Through this second experiment text of cloud based computing and large solution space design
two significant observations were made confirming the potential exploration. The results thus far, serve as a critical benchmark to
of the proposed best practice. First, when provided identical design compare the results of the effect of these performance boundaries
requirements and energy parameter settings, but with significantly from larger sampling of novice and professional designers with
varying conceptual designs, a wide range of resulting performance varying levels of technical expertise as future work.
boundaries are observed. This implies a direct relationship between
the initial conceptual design and parametric variations and the Acknowledgement
resulting performance boundaries of generated design iterations.
Therefore, the ability of EEPFD to rapidly aid in determining the per- The authors thank Autodesk Inc. for the generous financial sup-
formance potential of multiple competing conceptual designs for port of the research within the IDEA Studio program.
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