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1. Stockdale B. UK Innovation Survey 2001. Economic Trends, 2002, No. 580, p. 36-42.

2. Swi Stockdale B. UK Stockdale B. UK Innovation Survey 2001. Economic Trends, 2002, No.
580, p. 36-42.
3. Swi Stockdale Innovation: An Empirical Investigation. Paper presented at Economics Seminar
organized by Innovation: An Empirical Investigation. Paper presented at Economics Seminar
organized by Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, April 9, 2010. Pieejams:
4. Ughetto E. Does finance matter for R&D investment? New evidence from a panel of Italian
firms. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2008, Vol.32(6), p. 907-925.
5. Wälde K., Woitek U. R&D expenditure in G7 countries and the implications for endogenous
fluctuations and growth. Economics Letters, 2004, Vol. 82, p. 91-97.
6. Whited T. Debt, liquidity constraints and corporate investment: evidence from panel data.
Journal of Finance, 1992, Vol. 47(4), p. 1425-1460.
7. Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, April 9, 2010. Pieejams:
8. Ughetto E. Does finance matter for R&D investment? New evidence from a panel of Italian
firms. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2008, Vol.32(6), p. 907-925.
9. Wälde K., Woitek U. R&D expenditure in G7 countries and the implications for endogenous
fluctuations and growth. Economics Letters, 2004, Vol. 82, p. 91-97.
10. Whited T. Debt, liquidity constraints and corporate investment: evidence from panel data.
Journal of Finance, 1992, Vol. 47(4), p. 1425-1460.
11. B. UK Innovation Survey 2001. Economic Trends, 2002, No. 580, p. 36-42.
12. Switz Stockdale B. UK Innovation Survey 2001. Economic Trends, 2002, No. 580, p. 36-42.
13. Switzer L. The Determinants of Industrial R&D: A Funds Flow Simultaneous Equation
Approach. The Review of Economic and Statistics, 1984, Vol. 66, p. 163-168.
14. er L. The Determinants of Industrial R&D: A Funds Flow Simultaneous Equation Approach.
The Review of Economic and Statistics, 1984, Vol. 66, p. 163-168.
15. tzer L. The Determinants of Industrial R&D: A Funds Flow Simultaneous Equation
Approach. The Review of Economic and Statistics, 1984, Vol. 66, p. 163-168.
16. Survey 2001. Economic Trends, 2002, No. 580, p. 36-42.
17. Switz Stockdale B. UK Innovation Survey 2001. Economic Trends, 2002, No. 580, p. 36-42.
18. Switzer L. The Determin Innovation: An Empirical Investigation. Paper presented at
Economics Seminar organized by Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, April 9, 2010.
19. Ughetto E. Does finance Innovation: An Empirical Investigation. Paper presented at
Economics Seminar organized by Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, April 9, 2010.
20. Ughetto E. Does finance matter for R&D investment? New evidence from a panel of Italian
firms. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2008, Vol.32(6), p. 907-925.
21. Wälde K., Woitek U. R&D expenditure in G7 countries and the implications for endogenous
fluctuations and growth. Economics Letters, 2004, Vol. 82, p. 91-97.
22. Whited T. Debt, liquidity constraints and corporate investment: evidence from panel data.
Journal of Finance, 1992, Vol. 47(4), p. 1425-1460.
23. matter for R&D investment? New evidence from a panel of Italian firms. Cambridge Journal
of Economics, 2008, Vol.32(6), p. 907-925.
24. Wälde K., Woitek U. R&D expenditure in G7 countries and the implications for endogenous
fluctuations and growth. Economics Letters, 2004, Vol. 82, p. 91-97.
25. Whited T. Debt, liquidity constraints and corporate investment: evidence from panel data.
Journal of Finance, 1992, Vol. 47(4), p. 1425-1460.
26. ants of Industrial R&D: A Funds Flow Simultaneous Equation Approach. The Review of
Economic and Statistics, 1984, Vol. 66, p. 163-168.
27. er L. The Determinants of Industrial R&D: A Funds Flow Simultaneous Equation Approach.
The Review of Economic and Statistics, 1984, Vol. 66, p. 163-168.
28. tzer L. The Determinants of Industrial R&D: A Funds Flow Simultaneous Equation
Approach. The Review of Economic and Statistics, 1984, Vol. 66, p. 163-168.

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