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Placement Test

Placement Test

21 de 40 preguntas contestadas correctamente

Tu tiempo: 00:13:37
Has conseguido 21 de 40 puntos posibles (52.5%)

Puntuación de promedio: 42.51%

Tu puntuación 52.5%
o Tu nivel es “Pre Intermediate”

Beginner KET

Elementary KET

Pre Intermediate PET

Intermediate PET

Upper Intermediate FCE

Advanced CAE

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1. Contestada
2. Revisada

1. 1. Pregunta

Where can you see this notice?

Please leave your room key at Reception
o 1. in a taxi
o 2. in a hotel
o 3. in a shop


2. 2. Pregunta

Where can you see this notice?

Foreign Money changed here
o 1. in a library
o 2. in a bank
o 3. in a police station


3. 3. Pregunta

Where can you see this notice?

Afternoon show begins at 2 PM
o 1. outside a theatre
o 2. outside a supermarket
o 3. outside a restaurant


4. 4. Pregunta

Where can you see this notice?

Lessons start again on the 8th January
o 1. at a travel agent’s
o 2. at a music school
o 3. at a restaurant


5. 5. Pregunta

Where can you see this notice?

Price per night:
£ 10 a tent
£ 5 a person
o 1. at a cinema
o 2. in a hotel
o 3. on a camp-site


6. 6. Pregunta

Scotland is the north part of the island of Great Britain. The Atlantic
Ocean is on the west and the North Sea on the east. Some people (6)
________ Scotland speak a different language called Gaelic.
o 1. on
o 2. in
o 3. at


7. 7. Pregunta
There are (7) _______ five million people in Scotland,
Seleccione una:
o 1. about
o 2. between
o 3. among


8. 8. Pregunta

and Edinburgh is (8) _______ most famous city.

Seleccione una:
o 1. his
o 2. your
o 3. its


9. 9. Pregunta

Scotland has many mountains, the highest one is called ‘Ben Nevis’. In
the south of Scotland, there are a lot of sheep. A long time ago, there
(9) _______ many forests,…
Seleccione una:
o 1. is
o 2. were
o 3. was


10. 10. Pregunta

…but now there are only a (10) _________.

Scotland is only a small country, but it is quite beautiful.
Seleccione una:
o 1. few
o 2. little
o 3. lot

11. 11. Pregunta

The teacher encouraged her students ____________ to an English pen-

Seleccione una:
o 1. should write
o 2. write
o 3. wrote
o 4. to write


12. 12. Pregunta

They spent a lot of time ________ at the pictures in the museum.

Seleccione una:
o 1. looking
o 2. for looking
o 3. to look
o 4. to looking


13. 13. Pregunta

Shirley enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to ________
Seleccione una:
o 1. turn
o 2. come
o 3. end
o 4. go


14. 14. Pregunta

________ from Michael, all the group arrived on time.
Seleccione una:
o 1. Except
o 2. Other
o 3. Besides
o 4. Apart


15. 15. Pregunta

She ________ her neighbour’s children for the broken window.

Seleccione una:
o 1. accused
o 2. complained
o 3. blamed
o 4. denied


16. 16. Pregunta

As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went _______ the homework
with me.
Seleccione una:
o 1. by
o 2. after
o 3. over
o 4. on


17. 17. Pregunta

Whether she’s a good actress or not is a ______ of opinion.

Seleccione una:
o 1. matter
o 2. subject
o 3. point
o 4. case


18. 18. Pregunta

The decorated roof of the ancient palace was ______ up by four thin
Seleccione una:
o 1. built
o 2. carried
o 3. held
o 4. supported


19. 19. Pregunta

Would it _______ you if we came on Thursday?

Seleccione una:
o 1. agree
o 2. suit
o 3. like
o 4. fit


20. 20. Pregunta

This form _______ be handed in until the end of the week.

Seleccione una:
o 1. doesn’t need
o 2. doesn’t have
o 3. needn’t
o 4. hasn’t got

21. 21. Pregunta

These children are so annoying. They just keep ________ each other.
Seleccione una:
o 1. fighting
o 2. to fight
o 3. fight
o 4. to fighting


22. 22. Pregunta

If only he ______ more time with his family.

Seleccione una:
o 1. spend
o 2. spended
o 3. spends
o 4. spent


23. 23. Pregunta

After he had ______ to the nurse, he left the hospital.

Seleccione una:
o 1. speaks
o 2. spoken
o 3. spoke
o 4. speaking


24. 24. Pregunta

Tom told me he heard a child ________ last night.

Seleccione una:
o 1. cried
o 2. to cry
o 3. crying
o 4. cries


25. 25. Pregunta

Jane remembers the children ________ into separate classroom.

Seleccione una:
o 1. go
o 2. going
o 3. went
o 4. to going


26. 26. Pregunta

When he got the job in India, he had to _________ eating spicy food.
Seleccione una:
o 1. got used to
o 2. get used to
o 3. get used for
o 4. got used for


27. 27. Pregunta

Visitors had to slide over the floor _______ it shone like glass.
Seleccione una:
o 1. in order to
o 2. in order that
o 3. so as to
o 4. so to

28. 28. Pregunta

If I had to give up something, I think I _______ up meat.

Seleccione una:
o 1. would gave
o 2. will give
o 3. would give
o 4. would given


29. 29. Pregunta

I never have problems to get up early in the morning _____ I sleep 8 hours
the night before.
Seleccione una:
o 1. unless
o 2. provided
o 3. although
o 4. even though


30. 30. Pregunta

_______ you eat your supper, you won’t get any dessert.
Seleccione una:
o 1. On condition that
o 2. As long as
o 3. Unless
o 4. Provided


31. 31. Pregunta

People are afraid of __________ censored by the goverment.

Seleccione una:
o 1. be
o 2. been
o 3. are
o 4. being


32. 32. Pregunta

The mountain range, ______ is called The Sierra Nevada, has good ski
Seleccione una:
o 1. that
o 2. which
o 3. it
o 4. where


33. 33. Pregunta

If Parker ________, he would have caught the plane that crashed.

Seleccione una:
o 1. hadn’t been delayed
o 2. hasn’t been delayed
o 3. hadn’t delay
o 4. hadn’t been delay


34. 34. Pregunta

By 2012 doctors _________ a cure for Cancer.

Seleccione una:
o 1. will find
o 2. will have finded
o 3. will have found
o 4. will found


35. 35. Pregunta

King Arthur is thought to _________ a Celtic leader of the 6th or 7th

Seleccione una:
o 1. be
o 2. been
o 3. have been
o 4. was


36. 36. Pregunta

_______ it was raining, the football match was not put off.
Seleccione una:
o 1. Although
o 2. In spite of
o 3. Despite
o 4. However


37. 37. Pregunta

Ronald and Sean don’t get ________ well with their older brother.
Seleccione una:
o 1. in
o 2. on
o 3. over
o 4. at

38. 38. Pregunta

The job offer was outstanding. Thomas turned it _________, though.

Seleccione una:
o 1. off
o 2. down
o 3. out
o 4. over


39. 39. Pregunta

SONY has come ______ with a new Blu-ray player.

Seleccione una:
o 1. on
o 2. out
o 3. up
o 4. over


40. 40. Pregunta

My sister doesn’t put ______ with her new neighbours.

Seleccione una:
o 1. up
o 2. on
o 3. over
o 4. in


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