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Neechcha Uchcha Rahu-Ketu = Debilitated Exalted Rahu-Ketu * BP La...

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nichha- * uttama-

Graha * Amsha Rashi of Debilitation and Exaltation

see also: nichha-uttama- of the 7 visible graha

There is no agreement in
the Jyotisha classical Exaltation rashi and debilitation rashi (zodiacal sign) of Rahu-Ketu
literature regarding:
Ownership rashi (zodiacal sign) of Rahu-Ketu.

Shri B.V. Raman writes in

A Catechism of Astrology Rahu owns Kanya (swakshetra)
(p 47) that according to
Parashara: Ketu owns Meena (swakshetra)

uttamamza of Rahu = Vrishabha

uttamamza of Ketu = Vrischika

In Gems and Astrology (1994) according to BPHS:" Rahu is exalted in Taurus and Ketu is exalted in Scorpionis.
Dr. G. S. Kapoor writes:
Therefore, if an exalted Rahu or Ketu is posited in a quadrant or trine

and its dispositor Venus or Mars is an auspicious planet for the concerned
birth chart and if well disposed,

Rahu and Ketu will give very beneficial results."

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Neechcha Uchcha Rahu-Ketu = Debilitated Exalted Rahu-Ketu * BP La...

An assortment of Here are a few scholarly opinions:

opinions about
Rahu-Ketu, their
results and their

B.V. Raman, "Q. 69 Can we have a nichha-bhanga Raja-yoga

of Rahu and Ketu?
A Catechism of
Astrology . part II, "Ans.

p. 47 If we can have nichhabhanga Yoga s for Mars,

Saturn and others, I do not see why we should not
extend the same to Rahu and Ketu.

Parasara is very clear in declaring that Virgo is to

be owned by Rahu and Pisces is to be owned
by Ketu.

the exaltation sign for Rahu is Taurus and

for Ketu, Scorpionis.

Here also views differ but one that is given

above is more authoritative."

B.V. Raman. (1992, "Q. 38: Is it good to have an evil planet

4th ed.). debilitated in a good house? Or, to have an evil
planet weakened in a bad house?
A Catechism of
Astrology. Ans.A weak evil planet in a good house or a bad
house, wherever he may be,
Part I,p. 33:
will spoil the house more than a strong
evil planet.

Here, the general principle to be borne in mind is


Evil planets, wherever they may be, spoil

the house they occupy.

The weaker they are, the more so it will



from ~~ Dr. G. S. CATS EYE ?
Kapoor. (1994).
Gems and Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets and are
Astrology . not lords of any signs of the zodiac.

Ranjan [according to R-K lord]

Publications, New
Delhi. According to Dr. B. V. Raman(vide 'Hindu
Predictive Astrology'),"Rahu and Ketu are
p. 118-120: aprakash Graha or lustreless planets and
they give the results of the lords of the

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Neechcha Uchcha Rahu-Ketu = Debilitated Exalted Rahu-Ketu * BP La...

houses they occupy".


if Rahu or Ketu occupies a house the lord of

which is an auspicious planet in a birth chart

and is well placed in it, Rahu or Ketu will give

good results of that planet. [gem...]

[according to house 3-6-11]

In spite of the fact that Rahu and Ketu do not own

any signs, they have been treated as full-fledged
planets by almost all of our ancient authorities
(except Varaha Mihir) and they have held that
Rahu and Ketu act differently in different houses
of the horoscopes.

According to Phaladeepika , Rahu and Ketu

being first class malefics give adverse effects in
all houses except the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses .
The favourable effects in these three houses have
been described as: Rahu in the 3rd, 6th and 11th
makes the native honoured, financially privileged
and long-lived.

Ketu in the 3rd makes the native long-

lived, strong, wealthy and renowned.

In the 6th, Ketu makes the native generous,

full of praiseworthy qualities, firm, famous
and conqueror of enemies.

In the 11th Ketu gives the native wealth,

good qualities, all sorts of luxuries and
comforts and success in all his ventures.


According to Brihat Parashara Hora (translation

by Pt. Sita Ram Jha) Rahu is exalted in Taurus
and Ketu is exalted in Scorpionis.

Therefore, if an exalted Rahu or Ketu is

posited in a quadrant or trine

and its dispositor Venus or Mars is an

auspicious planet for the concerned birth

and if well disposed,

Rahu and Ketu will give very beneficial



According to Laghu Parashari and Uttara

Kalamrita , Rahu and Ketu function as
Yogakaraka s in a birth chart [...]

[Laghu Parashari ] According to Dewan Ram

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Neechcha Uchcha Rahu-Ketu = Debilitated Exalted Rahu-Ketu * BP La...

Chandra, the famous and learned translator and

comment commentator of 'Laghu Parashari', this
sloka should be [understood to mean]:

if Rahu or Ketu is posited in a trine with

the lord of a quadrant,

or in a quadrant with the lord of a trine,

they become Yogakaraka.

[Uttara Kalamrita]

if Rahu and Ketu occupy dual signs

and if in these signs Rahu or Ketu are

conjoined with lords of quadrant or trine

the native will, during the Dasha periods of

Rahu and Ketu, get wealth, power etc.

This means

if the two nodes (Rahu and Ketu) and the

lord of a trine are posited in 9th or 10th,

or if one of them is in the 9th and the other

in the 10th or vice versa.

the yoga will cause prosperity to the native


Even a conjunction of either of these with

the lord of a quadrant will prove beneficial.

In the above circumstances, the Dashas of

these two nodes as well as joined with
them will prove happy.

If there be a planet who is less benevolent

associated I with either of the nodes, then
the sub-period of the yoga-producing-
planet will be adverse. [gem...]"

This chart is composed from the scholarly writing of Mylavarapu Venkateswara Rao

Authority Node Rashi effects

Vriddha Samhita Rahu Owns Aquarius
Jyotishamrita Rahu Owns Aquarius
Vriddha Samhita Ketu Owns Scorpionis
Jyotishamrita Ketu Owns Scorpionis
Veemesaram Rahu Owns Aquarius
Jatakachintamani Rahu exalted in Scorpionis; fallen in Taurus
Jatakachintamani Ketu exalted in Gemini; fallen in Sagittarius
Veemesaram Rahu exalted in Scorpionis; fallen in Taurus
Veemesaram Ketu exalted in Scorpionis; fallen in Taurus

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Neechcha Uchcha Rahu-Ketu = Debilitated Exalted Rahu-Ketu * BP La...

Jatakalankaram Rahu exalted in Scorpionis; fallen in Taurus

Jatakalankaram Ketu exalted in Scorpionis; fallen in Taurus
Syama Sangraham Rahu exalted in Gemini and fallen in Sagittarius
Syama Sangraham Ketu exalted in Sagittarius and fallen in Gemini
Sarvartha Chintamani Rahu exalted in Taurus; fallen in Scorpionis
Sarvartha Chintamani Ketu exalted in Scorpionis; fallen in Taurus
Bhavartha Ratnakara Rahu exalted in Taurus; Gemini and Cancer mulatrikona
Bhavartha Ratnakara Ketu exalted in Scorpionis; Sagittarius and Capricornus mulatrikona

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