2004 A Level - Edward Albee Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Question

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2 Edward Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1 Either (a) ‘Truth and illusion George says to Nick. ‘Who knows the difference, eh, toots? Eh?” How far and in what ways do you think George expresses here a central concern of the play? Or —_(b) Discuss the dramatic effects of the following passage, showing how effective you find it as a conclusion to the play. George: You broke our rule, baby. You mentioned him ... you mentioned him to someone else. Martha {tearfully}: | did not. | never di George: Yes, you did. Martha: Who? WHO?! 5 Honey [crying]: To me. You mentioned him to me. Martha (crying: | FORGET! Sometimes ... sometimes when it's night, when its late, and ... and everybody else is ... talking ... | forget and | ... want to mention him ... but... HOLD ON ... !hold on ... but I've wanted to ... 80 often ... oh, George, you've pushed it ... there was no need ... there was 10 no need for this. | mentioned him ... all right ... but you didn’t have to push it over te EDGE, You ui have to... kill him, Reauiescat in pace. ‘Amen. You didn’t have to have him die, George. 15 Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. That wasn’t ... needed, {A Jong silence} George [softly It will be dawn soon. | think the party's over. 20 Nick [to George; quietly): You couldn’t have ... any? George: We couldn't. Martha (a hint of communion in this}: We couldn't. George [to Nick and Honey]: Home to bed, children; it's way past your bedtime. ‘Nick [his hand out to Honey]: Honey? 25 Honey (rising, moving to him: Yes. George (Martha is sitting on the floor by a chair now}: You two go now. Nick: Yes. Honey: Yes. Nick: Vd like to ... 30 George: Good night. Nick [pause]: Good night. [Nick and Honey exit; George closes the door after them; looks around the room; sighs, picks up a glass or two, takes them to the bar. This whole last section very softly, very slowly) 35 George: Do you want anything, Martha? Martha (still looking away|: No ... nothing. All right, [Pause] Time for bed. Yes. Are you tired? 40 Yes. lam. Yes. George: Sunday tomorrow; all day. Martha: Yes. 5 ‘@UCLES & MOE 2004 00e/esonvos 3 [A long silence between them.) Did you ... did you ... have to? George {pause}: Yes. Martha: Iwas ...? You had to? George [pause]: Yes. 50 Martha: | don’t know. George: It was ... time. Martha: Was it? George: Yes. Martha |pause}: I'm cold. 55 George: It’s late. Martha: Yes. George [long silencel: It wll be better. Martha {long silence): | don't... know. George: Itwillbe ... maybe. 60 Martha: I'm... not... sure. George: No. Martha: Just... us? George: Yes. Martha: | don't suppose, maybe, we could ... 65 George: No, Martha. Martha: Yes. No. George: Are you all right? Martha: Yes. No. George [puts his hand gently on her shoulder; she puts her head back andhe sings 70 to her, very softly|: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf, Martha: |... am ... George George: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf ... Martha: |... am ... George... 1... am... [George nods, slowly] [Silence; tableau] 75 CURTAIN Act Three @UCLES & MOE 2004 s09s/ea'onvios [Turn over

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