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ZONE 19(P)

Service Above Self

Bratislava, Slovakia
5th – 6th October 2018.
Hotel Crowne Plaza
18:30 – 19.30
Zone Public Image:
Achievements 2017 / 2018 -
Pavlo Kashkadamov, RPIC

19:30 – 20.00
End Polio Now: Achievements
2017 / 2018 - Bernhard
Baumgartner, EPNRC

20.00 – 20.30
Endowments / Major Gift:
Friday | 5th October 2018 Achievements 2017 / 2018 -
Martha Maria Mocanu, E/MGA
Hotel Crowne Plaza
Hodžovo nám. 2,
816 25 Bratislava, Slovakia Hotel Crowne Plaza
15:00 – 16:00
Registration 20:00 Formal
16:00 – 16:10
Welcome messages DG
- Zdenek Michalek, D2240 Saturday | 6th October 2018
- Marijan Bulat, RC
Hotel Crowne Plaza
Session I.
16:00 – 20:30 Session II.
09:00 – 12:30
16:10 – 17:10
Zone Membership Coordination: Workshop 1, Membership
Achievements of the Zone 19P
Hall I
2017/ 2018 - Marijan Bulat, RC
09:00 – 10:00
17:10 – 18:10 Analysis and Development of
Zone TRF: Membership in Districts 1910,
Achievements 2016 / 2017 1920, 2240 - Facilitator Paul
Achievements 2017 / 2018 Jankowitsch, ARC
Innitiatives and Challenges at
the District and the Zone Level 10:00 – 11:00
2017 / 2019 - Mali Levi, RRFC Analysis and Development of
Membership in Districts 1911,
18:10 – 18:30 1912, 1913 - Facilitator Anton
Coffee break Končnik, ARC
11:00 – 11:15 Workshop 3, Public Image
Coffee break Hall III
11:15 – 12:15 09:00 – 10:00
Analysis and Development of
Analysis and Development of
Membership in Districts 2232,
Public Image in Districts 1910,
2241, 2490 - Facilitator Daniel
1920, 2240 - Facilitator Sunčica
Tanase, ARC
Bulat Wuersching, ARPIC
12:15 – 12:45
10:00 – 11:00
Discussions. Conclusions
Analysis and Development of
Public Image in Districts 1911,
1912, 1913 - Facilitator Irena
Workshop 2, TRF Kocjan, ARPIC
Hall II
11:00 – 11:15
09:00 – 10:00 Coffee break
Districts 1910, 1912, 1913, 1920
TRF Analysis of data at the level 11:15 – 12:15
of the district - 2017/18, 2016/17, Analysis and Development of
District Goals 2018 / 2019 -- Public Image in Districts 2232,
Facilitator Herbert Ederer, 2241, 2490 - Facilitator Damir

10:00 – 11:00 12:15 – 12:45

Districts 2232, 2241 TRF Analysis Discussions. Conclusions
of data at the level of the district
- 2017/18, 2016/17, District Goals
2018 / 2019 --
Facilitator Emil Sopoin, ARRFC
Workshop 4,
11:00 – 11:15 Endowement and Major
Coffee break Gifts Development in the
Zone 19P
11:15 – 12:15
Hall IV
Districts 1911, 2240, 2490 TRF
Analysis of data at the level of
the district - 2017/18, 2016/17, 09:00 – 12:45
District Goals 2018 / 2019 -- Analysis and Development of
Facilitator Gyorgy Balogh, Endowement and Major Donors
ARRFC - Facilitator Martha Maria
12:15 – 12:45
Discussions. Conclusions
Workshop 5, End Polio Now Workshop 2, TRF
Hall V A story of a Global Grant -
»Successes and Challenges
09:00 – 12:45 Plus some Images from a
Analysis and Steps to end
Polio - Facilitator Bernhard Global Grant«.
Baumgarten A representative from each distri-
ct will present the district’s Global
Hall II
Hotel Crowne Plaza
Restaurant Fresh! 15:00 – 16:00
Districts 1910, 1911, 1912 -
13:00 – 14:00 Facilitator Herbert Ederer,

16:00 – 17:00
Districts 1913, 1920, 2232 -
Facilitator Emil Sopoin, ARRFC
Session III.
Zone 19 visioning 17:00 – 18.00
15:00 – 18:30 Districts 2240, 2241, 2490 -
Facilitator Gyorgy Balogh
Workshop 1, Membership
Development: Goals and
Tacticts Workshop 3, Promotion
Hall I of Rotary Public Image:
Internal and External
15:00 – 16:00 Hall III
Membership Goals and Tactics
for Districts 1910, 1920, 2240 -
Facilitator Paul Jankowitsch, 15:00 – 16:00
ARC Districts 1910, 1920, 2240 -
Facilitator Sunčica Bulat
16:00 – 17:00 Wuersching, ARPIC
Membership Goals and Tactics
for Districts 1911, 1912, 1913 - 16:00 – 17:00
Anton Končnik, ARC Districts 1911, 1912, 1913 -
Facilitator Irena Kocjan, ARPIC
17:00 – 18:00
Membership Goals and Tactics 17:00 – 18:00
for Districts 2232, 2241, 2490 - Districts 2232, 2241, 2490 -
Daniel Tanase, ARC Facilitator Damir Skelin, ARPIC
Workshop 4,
Endowement and Major
Gifts Development in the
Zone 19P
Hall IV

15:00 – 18:00
Analysis and Development of
Endowement and Major Donors
- Facilitator Martha Maria

Workshop 5, End Polio

Hall V
Surprise Dinner
15:00 – 18:00
Analysis and Steps to end
Polio - Facilitator Bernhard
19:30 Informal

Session IV.
Plenary session Sunday | 7th October 2018.
18:00 – 19:00
Hotel Crowne Plaza
Discussions and Conclusions
06:30 – 10:30
• Mali Levi, Regional Rotary Foundation Breakfast and departure
• Martha Maria Mocanu, Endowement
and Major Gift Adviser
• Bernhard Baumgarter, End Polio Now
• Marijan Bulat, Rotary Coordinator
• Pavlo Kashkadamov, Rotary Public
Image Coordinator
for participants and visitors
Registration confirmation for Zone 19(P)
Coordination Conference please send to .
Registration fee is 100 EUR. 100 EUR covers:
two dinners, one lunch and two coffee
breaks. Drinks not included. The fee is to be
payed at the Conference venue.
Accommodation for participants:
Hotel Crowne Plaza Bratislava,
Hodžovo nám. 2, 816 25 Bratislava, Slovakia
Accommodation at the Hotel Crowne Pla-
za can be booked at a cost of 80€ for a Sin-
gle Standard Guest Room; 99 € for a Double
Standard Guest Room (king-size bed), per
night including breakfast buffet, fitness cen-
tre entrance, pool entrance, local tax.
Please, book your stay at hotel directly to
Hotel Crowne Plaza with remark »Rotary
Conference« :
T: +421 2 5934 8117
For any additional information regarding
Slovakia, Bratislava, local attractions contact:
Raduz Dula from RC Bratislava:
T + 421 905 834 285
Zdenek Michalek, District Guvernor D2240
T + 420 606 760 130
Regarding Coordination Conference contact:
Marijan Bulat, Rotary Coordinator 2017/20
T + 385 (0)1 3637 453 | M +385 98 304 594


Nikola Barlović
T + 385 (0)1 3637 453 | M +385 98 304 594
ZONE 19(P)

Zone 19(P) - Contact:

Yinka Babalola, Rotary International Director
Mali Levi, Regional Rotary Foundation Cordinator
Martha Maria Mocanu, Endowement and Major Gift Adviser
Bernhard Baumgarter, End Polio Now Coordinator
Marijan Bulat, Rotary Coordinator
Pavlo Kashkadamov, Rotary Public Image Coordinator

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