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Ariola, Chnatelle

David, Kleine Kristenne

Mariano, Khaye

Sanchez, Lei

Torres, Rodimar

27 JUNE 2018

This is the first experiment in our soil mechanics laboratory, and the main
objective of the first experiment (disturbed soil sampling, labeling and storage) is for us
to be informed what is disturbed and undisturbed soil and how to manage them
carefully. This will give us an idea on how to label and store the sample soils, it will
make a development in describing soil sample identification. And it will also teach us the
importance of soil sampling, labeling and storage. In order for us to finish the
experiment, we needed laboratory apparatus to perform the task (soil auger, rubber
mallet, shovel, and candles). First we need to dig to get a good soil. Next is we stocked
the soil auger using the rubber mallet to get the sample soil. We used the hammer to
remove the sample soil in the soil auger without damaging it. And after that we started
sealing the sample soil with a melted candle. This experiment is easy to understand but
it is easy to do it. We had our trial and error doing this. But so far so good.

I. Objective and Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

II. Theory and Experimental Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

III. Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

IV. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

V. Appendices
a. Documentation Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . …5-6

According to Merriam Webster, soil is "the upper layer of earth in which plants
grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains,
clay, and rock particles". So typically it's the soil we see every day. On the other hand,
soil is a very important ingredient when we're talking about civil engineering. Why? Soil
serves as the breaking point of each and every structures. It is where the root/foundation
of the infrastructure were built.

This week's activity is entitled "Preparation for undisturbed soil sample for test".
But first, what is soil sampling? A soil sample is the representative of the whole lot from
which it is taken. It completely represents all the characteristics of the lot from which it is
recovered. As we know, there are two kinds of soil. The first one is the disturbed soil and
the latter is the undisturbed soil.

*Disturbed soil When the natural conditions of a sample such as its structure,
texture, density, natural water contents or the stress conditions are disturbed then the
sample is called as disturbed soil sample. By using shovel from auger cutting these
samples can be recovered.

*Undisturbed soil without disturbing the natural conditions of a soil sample such as
its structure, texture, density, natural water contents or the stress condition the sample
obtained is called undisturbed soil sample. This type of soil sample cannot be recovered
and it retains the original properties of the soil mass as much as possible.


For these week's activity, the Chupachups group aims to answer the following

*What is the significance of getting undisturbed soil samples?

*What is the role of the candle and why it is used


Theory and Experimental Methods In this phase, we will be able to learn the
different methods used in order to finish this activity.

1. Prepare all the equipments necessary for this activity such as soil auger, rubber
mallet, hammer, shovel and candles.

2. Find a certain spot in which you will start excavating.

3. Using the shovel, dig the ground until you find the part of the soil where it is

4. Using the soil auger and the rubber mallet, get some soil samples. Note that you
need to have 3 samples.

5. After getting the soil in the auger, gently remove the soil from the container with
the help of the hammer.

6. Place the soil in a container and examine it's properties like color, etc.

7. Prepare to cook the candles you brought. Keep the fire in low to prevent any

8. Pour the liquid into the soil. Wrapped all the samples with candle wax.

9. Put the labels in your samples.


To determine the type of soil, disturbed soil sampling is needed for a testing. For
this experiment we are asked to obtain a soil and identify its type. After we gather the soil
samples, we have to seal it with melted candles. We have to seal the soil sample in order
for us to preserve the minerals of the sample, in addition to that it will unable water to
come through. We are also required to put labels in our soil sample. We have to do this
in order for us to identify the soil samples properties. After that we stored it in a tray to
maintain its room temperature and for us to further examine the changes that will happen
and it will also avoid misplacing the sample.

It is important for us to be able to understand and know how to properly identify

soil and how to label them. It is one of the factors that will lead us to further test the


The activity that has been done last friday were undisturbed soil sampling, labelling
and storing in the process in order to test the soil. It is very important to have a testing on
the sample specimen in order to know its characteristic, strength, composition and
moisture adaptability. As an engineering student, we should learn the proper practice and
we should know how to deal with the soil since it is one of the main components of
foundation of every structure. We should be mindful in considering the properties of the
soil that we are testing since soil testing is one of the primary works when building a
structure. Therefore, it can affect the stability of the structure whether the structure will
stand firm or collapse.


We started burying the soil auger to get a good amount of soil we needed.

Using the rubber mallet, we started stroking the soil auger in a deeper spot to get a
more compacted disturbed soil.

After burying the soil auger, we carefully pulled it up

Remove the soil from the soil auger carefully to retain the shape of the soil, and put it on
the tray.
After collecting enough samples of soil, melt the candles inside the can using the stove.

If all the candles have melted, use it to preserve the soil by pouring into it. Make sure it
is enough to preserve it.

Addition to procedure: We put a paper to each soil we had. (In the paper: Group Name,
Section, Type of Soil, Color of Soil and Date having the soil).

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