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<Insert document ID, if


ATCA-010: Maintain Customers

ATCA-020: Process Manual AR Transactions

6-24-2015 1 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCA-020-070: Modify Transaction

6-24-2015 2 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCA-030: Manage Collections

6-24-2015 3 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCA-040: Process Receipts

ATCA-050: Manage Customer Credit Terms and Holds

6-24-2015 4 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCB-010: Manage Cash and Liquidity

6-24-2015 5 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCB-011: Manage Banking Relationships

6-24-2015 6 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCC-010: Perform Asset Additions

6-24-2015 7 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCC-020: Maintain Assets

ATCC-030: Retire and Dispose Assets

6-24-2015 8 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCC-040: Depreciate and Amortize Assets

6-24-2015 9 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCC-050: Track Asset Inventory

6-24-2015 10 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCC-060: Maintain Statutory and Tax Books

6-24-2015 11 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCD-010: Maintain the General Ledger

6-24-2015 12 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCD-020: Process GL Transactions

6-24-2015 13 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCD-030: Perform Payables Period Close

ATCD-040: Perform Purchasing Period Close

6-24-2015 14 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCD-060: Perform Projects Period Close

1 2

5 6

3 4

1. What are pending transactions-completing project interfaces.

2. Complete invoicing and revenue recognition – happens weekly but need to finalize the month.
3. What is out of balance issues? Currency, etc. Will recon weekly and monthly.
4. What is closing errors? These should be resolved during period close (pending transactions) but possibility exits
for additional issues. This step will catch and resolve those issues.
5. What is set reporting period – used for management reporting – manual step. This period will be the same as the
acctg period.
6. What is refresh project intelligence, etc. – Summarization of data for project managers

6-24-2015 15 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCD-070: Perform Assets Period Close

ATCD-080: Perform Receivables Period Close

6-24-2015 16 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCD-090: Perform GL Period Close and Reconciliation

ATCD-090-020: Perform Allocations

6-24-2015 17 <Insert project name>

<Insert document ID, if

ATCD-100: Settle Intercompany Balances

6-24-2015 18 <Insert project name>

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