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I,_______________________, S / o.Mr.___________________, aged ___

residing at
__________ ________________________ hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely
state as follows.

I state that I am presently residing at

____________________________________________ for the past __ years __
months and do not have the address proof but I do have the following document in
support of my present address (copy enclosed).

1. Bank Pass Book with Savings Bank Account No.____________________ by

_____________ Bank, Branch Name ____________________, Door No.

I state that I am producing the above documents before the regional transport
Officer and Photostat copies of the same, duly attested by the Notary Public are
filed in support of my present proof of address I am swearing this affidavit and it is
being submitted to the Regional Transport officer for the proof of my present
address in connection with.

1. The Registration of my new vehicle in respect of Newly purchased

Bajaj Motor Cycle.
I hereby state and declare that the facts furnished and what are all stand above by
me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further state that I
have not concealed any facts.

I hereby undertake to state and declare that I am are prepared to Undergo any
punishment and legal actions being initiated against me if the facts furnished above
are found to be false, at a later date besides cancellation of the Registration

Solemnly affirm at ________________ dated


(Signature of the Applicant with date)

Signed before me in my presence

(Signature of the Notary Public
With date & Seal)

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