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Saurashtra University

Rajkot – 360005

Brief Faculty Profile

(Department of _____Physics_________________________)

1. Name __Dr. Mihir J. Joshi________________________________________

2. Designation ___Professor_______________________________________
3. Qualification ___M.Sc., Ph.D._______________________________________
4. Date of Joining ____1_/__2___/__1989_______
5. Length of Service ___25 years__________________
6. Specialization ___Materials Science- Crystal Growth, Synthesis of nano-biomaterials,
nano Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) materials, Growth of Nonlinear Optical (NLO)
Materials crystals, In vitro growth inhibition studies of urinary type crystals and crystals
responsible to arthropathy, Micro-indentation hardness studies.
7. Research Contribution
a. Books ___01_______________
b. Research Papers____101______________
c. Articles ___popular science articles-16______________
d. Ph. D. Guided ____12______________
e. M. Phil. Guided ______18____________
f. Projects
i. Major ____01______________
ii. Minor _____02_____________
8. Conferences/Seminars/Symposia/Etc.
a. International ____41______________
b. National ____110______________
9. Awards and Recognition
a. Awards : Awards received by research
Best Poster Presentation Award, 92 nd Indian Science Congress, Nirma
University, Ahmedabad, January2004
Best Paper Award, 12 th National Seminar on Crystal Growth, SSN
College of Engineering, SSN Nagar, Tamil Nadu, December 2007
Second Prize for presentation at XXI Gujarat Science Congress,
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, March 2007

Poster Award, 55 th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Manipal

University, Manipal, December 2010
Second Prize in Poster , 5th National Level Science Symposium , Christ
College, Rajkot, March 2012
First Prize in Oral Presentation, XXIII Gujarat Science Congress, Veer
Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, 2009
Best Oral Presentation, 3rd National Conference on Condensed Matter
and Materials Physics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, March 2012
Best Poster Presentation , 3rd National Conference on Condensed
Matter and Materials Physics, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar,
March 2012

b. Recognition: Powder X-Ray diffraction data of 1-phenyl-3-(propan-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-5-
ol is accepted by International Centre for Diffraction Data, USA, for standard data file in
library , file no.
10. Any other relevant detail: Pure and doped nano hydroxyapatite are studied for antimicrobial
activity, hemolysis and bioactivity in collaborative manner to identify their application in

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