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Section A (30 marks) Write your answers in the Answer Booklet.

1. An inflated balloon will shrink if placed in a refrigerator. This is because the

lower temperature causes the gas particles in the balloon to move

A faster and become closer together.

B faster and become further apart.
C slower and become closer together.
D slower and become further apart.

2. Which statement about the behavior of the particles in hydrogen chloride at

room temperature is incorrect?

Melting point (oC) Boiling point (oC)

Hydrogen chloride -114.2 -85.1

A They spread throughout the vessel in which they are contained.

B They are able to move at high speeds.
C They are arranged in regular patterns.
D There are large spaces between the particles.

3. 70
Gallium Ga is an element in Group III of the Periodic Table. Which is an
isotope of Ga?

A 70
B 73
C 69
D 71

4. An element M from Period 3 of the Periodic Table reacts with water to form a
hydroxide and hydrogen gas in the following equation

M (s) + 2H2O (l)  M(OH)2 (s) + H2 (g)

The electronic configuration of the M ion formed is

A 2, 8
B 2, 8, 1
C 2, 8, 2
D 2, 8, 3

5. A crystal of table salt is held together by

A covalent bonds.
B double bonds.
C positive ions in a ‘sea of electrons’.
D the electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions.

6. The table shows the electronic structures of 5 elements.

Element Electronic structure

P 2, 4
Q 2, 8, 2
R 2, 8, 5
S 2, 8, 6
T 2, 8, 8, 1

Which 2 elements form ionic chlorides?

A P and S
B Q and T
C R and S
D R and T

7. Which one of the following substances

i) is an element
ii) forms crystals composed of small molecules

A Carbon Dioxide
B Diamond
C Iodine
D Copper

8. Metals have positive ions in a ‘sea of electrons’

Which metal atom provides the most number of delocalized electrons?

A Aluminium
B Magnesium
C Sodium
D Zinc

9. Given that the formula of lithium phosphate is Li3PO4, deduce the formula for
chromium (III) phosphate.

C Cr3PO4
D Cr(PO4)3

10. Compound A contains 2.77% hydrogen and 97.23% nitrogen by mass.

Determine the empirical formula of compound A.

A H2N5
C H5N2

11. What is the chemical formula of nickel (II) hydroxide?

C Ni(OH)2

12. A gaseous element M is diatomic. One volume of element M combines with

one volume of hydrogen to form 2 volumes of a gaseous hydride. Which is
the formula of the hydride of M?

D H2M2

13. 0.5 mole of hydrated copper (II) sulfate, CuSO4.5H2O, is dissolved in water.
How many moles of ions does the solution contain?

A 1
B 2
C 3.5
D 7

14. In a titration reaction, 25.0cm3 of sodium carbonate required 16.5cm3 of

0.128mol/dm3 of hydrochloric acid to neutralize completely. Determine the
concentration of sodium carbonate.

A 0.0422 mol/dm3
B 0.0845 mol/dm3
C 0.0169 mol/dm3
D 0.00106 mol/dm3

15. 0.75g of a metal Z was found to react with 0.32g of oxygen. The atomic
number of Z is 33. Determine the formula of the compound formed.

D Z2O3

16. Trace amounts of Iron is found in a multivitamin tablet in the form of Fe2+. To
determine the amount of Fe2+ present, the tablet is first dissolved in water.
20.0cm3 of the sample requires 25.6 cm3 of 0.17 mol/dm3 of MnO4- for
complete oxidation. Given the following equation of the reaction.

MnO4- + 5Fe2+ + 8H+  5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O

Calculate the concentration of Fe2+ in the sample.

A 0.218 mol/dm3
B 0.0435 mol/dm3
C 0.108 mol/dm3
D 1.088 mol/dm3

17. A mixture of 2.0g of hydrogen with 28.0g of oxygen is ignited.

2H2 (g) + O2 (g)  2H2O (g)

Assuming room temperature and pressure conditions, what is the volume of

steam formed?

A 84 dm3
B 24 dm3
C 48 dm3
D 42 dm3

18. Excess solution X reacts with aqueous copper (II) sulfate solution to form a
blue precipitate.

Which of the following is a characteristic property of solution X?

A It liberates ammonia from ammonium salts

B It liberates carbon dioxide from carbonates
C It gives hydrogen with any metal
D It turns Universal Indicator paper red

19. Which equation represents the neutralization of dilute sulfuric acid by

aqueous sodium hydroxide?

A H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)  H2O (l)

B 2H+ (aq) + SO (aq)  H2SO4 (aq)
C H2SO4 (aq) + 2OH- (aq)  SO (aq) + 2H2O (l)
D 2Na+ (aq) + SO (aq)  Na2SO4 (aq)

20. Which of the following elements burns in air to form an oxide which, when
shaken with water, gives a solution with a pH greater than 7?

A Carbon
B Copper
C Hydrogen
D Magnesium

21. A bee sting is acidic. Which household substance will neutralize the bee

A Damp bicarbonate of soda pH 8

B Damp common salt pH 7
C Lemon juice pH 5
D Vinegar pH 4

22. Which of the following sulfates is least soluble in water?

A Ammonium sulfate
B Barium sulfate
C Magnesium sulfate
D Potassium sulfate

23. Which of the following salts can be crystallized from aqueous solution?

A Barium sulfate
B Calcium carbonate
C Potassium nitrate
D Silver chloride

24. Element X reacts with water producing an acidic solution. This solution gives
a white precipitate with aqueous silver nitrate. In which group of the Periodic
Table is X likely to be found?


25. Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2, reacts with an oxide M2O.

M2O(s) + H2O2(l)  2M(s) + H2O(l) + O2(g)

What is the function of the oxide, M2O in this reaction?

A A base
B A reducing agent
C An acid
D An oxidizing agent

26. A sample of air polluted with sulfur dioxide was passed through aqueous
potassium iodide and acidified potassium dichromate(VI). Which colour
changes are BOTH correct?

Aqueous potassium iodide Acidified aqueous

potassium dichromate(VI)
A No change Orange to green
B Colourless to brown Green to orange
C No change Green to orange
D Brown to colourless Orange to green

27. When hydrogen peroxide is bubbled into aqueous bromine (Br2) the red
colour fades. Hydrogen peroxide is acting as

A a catalyst.
B an oxidizing agent.
C a reducing agent.
D an acid.

28. Caesium, Cs is in the same group of the Periodic table as Sodium.

Which of the following would be the most likely formula of caesium oxide?

B Cs2O
C CsO2
D Cs2O2

29. Two elements are in the same group of the Periodic Table.
Which property will be the same for both elements?

A The charge on their ions

B Their electronic structures
C Their melting point
D Their reactivity with water or acids

30. The metal rubidium is below potassium in Group I of the Periodic table.

Which statement is most likely to be correct?

A Rubidium is denser than potassium.

B Rubidium has a higher melting point than potassium.
C Rubidium reacts less vigorously than potassium in water.
D Rubidium reacts with water to form a salt and hydrogen gas.

Section B (40 marks)
Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided in this Answer Booklet.

B1 Use the substances named in the table below to answer the following

Name of Melting Boiling Percentage by volume in

substance point/OC point /OC clean air
Argon -189 -186 0.93
Carbon Sublimes at -78 0.03
Helium -270 -269 0.0005
Nitrogen -210 -196 78.03
Oxygen -219 -183 20.99

The table above shows the composition of air.

(a) (i) What do you understand by the term ‘sublimes at -78OC ’?


(ii) Describe how the arrangement and movement of carbon dioxide

molecules changes when its temperature decreases from -77 to


(b) Air could be liquefied. First, it is passed through an alkali, sodium

hydroxide, followed by passing through a drying agent, before repeated

compression and rapid expansion until it condenses into a liquid. The
temperature of liquid air is -200OC.

(i) Using information from the table, name a substance removed when
air is passed through sodium hydroxide.

(ii) Are all the gases condensed to liquid at -200oC? Explain your answer.


B2 Hydrogen, H, deuterium, D, and tritium, T are isotopes of one another. Their

atomic structures are shown below.

Hydrogen deuterium tritium

x x x

Hydrogen Deuterium Tritium

(a) Use the information above to complete the table.

symbol particle relative relative

charge mass
proton 1


x -1 negligible


(i) Calculate the relative molecular mass of a molecule of H2 and T2.


(ii) One balloon is filled with H2 and the other with T2. State the
balloon that shrinks faster after some time? Explain your answer.


(iii) Using the symbol D to represent deuterium, give the formula of the
compound formed between carbon and deuterium.

Predict the physical state of this compound at room temperature and

pressure. Explain your reasoning.


(i) Using the symbol T to represent tritium, suggest the formula of
an ion of tritium.

(ii) Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding in the compound
formed between calcium and tritium.
Your diagram only needs to show the outer shell electrons.


(iii) Explain why the compound formed between calcium and tritium
conducts electricity in the molten state.


B3 An element Z has 3 isotopes.

The mass spectrum showing the percentage abundance of Z in relation to its
isotopes, 24Z, 25Z and 26Z, is given below.
Percentage abundance of Z/%


Relative mass
24 25 26

(a) What are isotopes?


(b) Use the information in the mass spectrum, calculate the value of the
relative atomic mass, Ar, of Z.


B4 The following diagram is part of the Periodic Table.


Mg N F
Al S
Rb Fe Cu Br

(a) Referring to the elements indicated in the above diagram only, answer the
following questions. Use symbols of the element only.

(i) Which element forms a highly soluble oxide that reacts with acids?

(ii) Which element forms an oxide that reacts with both acids and alkalis?


(iii) Which two elements react most violently forming an ionic compound?


(b) A new element named Tarium has been isolated. It is silvery in appearance
and has to be stored in oil. It can be easily cut with a knife and its cut surface
tarnishes quickly in air.

(i) Which group in the Periodic Table is Tarium likely to fall in?

(ii) State two observations that would be expected if a piece of Tarium is

added to water.


B5 Listed below are some common chemicals found in the school laboratory.

aqueous iron(II) sulfate aqueous barium chloride

aqueous iron(III) nitrate dilute hydrochloric acid
aqueous sodium hydroxide aqueous silver nitrate
aqueous hydrogen peroxide

Use the reagents listed above, once, more than once or not at all for the
following questions.

(a) Which solution decolourises acidified potassium manganate(VII)?

(b) (i) Which two reagents when added together formed a green precipitate?

(ii) Write an ionic equation for the formation of the green precipitate?


(c) Which reagent is used to test for the presence of chloride ions?

(d) (i) Which reagent when warmed with aqueous ammonium sulfate,
produces ammonia gas?

(ii) Write a balanced chemical equation, with state symbols, for this

[1 1/2]

(e) (i) Which two reagents can be titrated against one another to form a
soluble salt?

(ii) Describe how to obtain the solid product from the reaction mixture
after the reaction of the two reagents you have named.


B6 A sample of air, polluted with sulphur dioxide, was dissolved in water. The
resulting solution was then titrated with acidified potassium manganate(VII).

Sulphur dioxide reacts with potassium manganate(VII) according to the

2KMnO4 + 5SO2 + 2H2O K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 2H2SO4
Complete the table to show the oxidation states of manganese and sulphur.
(a) (i)
element oxidation state before oxidation state after
reaction reaction

(ii) Use the information from the table to explain why this is a redox


(b) In the experiment, 1.10 dm3 of 0.0200 mol/dm3 potassium manganate(VII)

was required to reach end-point.

(i) Calculate the number of moles of potassium manganate(VII) used.


(ii) Calculate the number of moles, and the volume of sulphur dioxide


(iii) The polluted air contains 4.5% by volume of sulphur dioxide. Calculate
the volume of polluted air used.


Section C (30 marks)
Answer all questions on the foolscap paper provided.

a) Boron-carbon composites are of great importance to the aerospace industries. They are
produced by CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) technologies which are basically chemical
reactions that transform gaseous reactants into a solid material , usually in the form of thin
The diagram above exemplifies a typical CVD process where gaseous boron trichloride BCl3
and gaseous benzene C6H6 were reacted to produce a boron-carbon composite (BCx) film.
BCx has a hexagonal, graphite-like structure.

i) Comment on the melting point and electrical conductivity of BCx.

Explain your answers.
ii) In terms of its bonding and structure, explain why
boron trichloride BCl3 is a gas at room temperature.
iii) Showing only the valence electrons of each atom, draw a dot and cross
diagram to illustrate bonding in a molecule of boron trichloride, BCl3.
b) The table below shows the properties of sodium, chlorine, rubidium, iodine,
sodium chloride and rubidium iodide.

Na Cl Rb I
Period number 3 3 5 5
Ionic charge +1 -1 +1 -1
Ionic radius 102 181 152 220
Melting pt of compound 801 647

i) Compare the ionic radii between sodium and rubidium and those between
chlorine and iodine. Deduce a trend or pattern between the period number
and the ionic radius.
ii) From the data given and your trend that you deduced in part (i), explain why the
melting point of sodium chloride NaCl is higher than that of rubidium iodide RbI.
iii) Predict the melting point of potassium bromide. Give an estimated value.

Acetylsalicylic acid C9H8O4 is the active ingredient found in the common pain
reliever known as aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid C9H8O4 is made by reacting
salicylic acid C7H6O3 with acetic anhydride C4H6O3.

a) In a certain experiment, 17.25 g of salicylic acid was reacted with 36.72 g of acetic
anhydride. Through measurements, it was found that 19.8 g of acetylsalicylic acid was
produced experimentally. [5]

i) Calculate the number of moles of salicylic acid (Mr = 138) and acetic anhydride
(Mr = 102) used in the experiment.

ii) Determine the limiting reagent.

iii) Calculate the percentage yield of acetylsalicylic acid obtained in the experiment.

iv) Find the mass of the excess reactant.

b) Magnesium ethanoate (CH3COO)2Mg, can be prepared by reacting aqueous

ethanoic acid (acetic acid) with magnesium oxide. The equation is given below: [5]

2 CH3COOH (aq) + MgO (s)  (CH3COO)2Mg (aq) + H2O (l)

i) Ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is a weak acid. Define a weak acid.

ii) Calculate the volume of 0.5 mol/dm3 of aqueous ethanoic acid (acetic acid) that is
needed to neutralise 0.8 g of magnesium oxide.

iii) Give the chemical formulae of two other substances that can also react with
aqueous ethanoic acid (acetic acid) to produce magnesium ethanoate (CH3COO)2Mg.

a) Lead(II) iodide, PbI2 is prepared by the method of ionic precipitation.
Briefly describe how a sample of reasonably pure lead(II) iodide crystals can be
prepared in your school laboratory.
Give the chemical formula of one other salt that can be prepared by this method of

b) You are provided with a solid sample of a pure metallic carbonate, MCO3.
M is highly suspected to be Copper. Describe in detail the experimental
procedure that you would carry out in your school laboratory to confirm that MCO3
contains copper(II) ions. Record your procedure and observations in a table
format. [3]

c) A chemical investigation was conducted to deduce the identity of the cation

of an insoluble metal oxide. The test results are listed below.

Stage 1: Dilute sulfuric acid was added to the insoluble metal oxide and the
contents shaken thoroughly. A colorless solution was obtained.
Stage 2: Three drops of aqueous ammonia were added to the colorless solution
obtained in stage 1 and the contents shaken thoroughly.
A white precipitate was obtained.
Stage 3: Excess aqueous ammonia was then added and the contents shaken.
The white precipitate dissolved to form a colorless solution.

i) From the results of stage 1, state one reason why the cation can neither
be copper(II) nor lead(II).
ii) What could be the possible identities of the cation from the results of stage 2 ?
iii) Deduce the identity of the cation at the end of stage 3.



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