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HR&Logic Test

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3. HR&Logic Test_Craiova
Started on Monday, 13 August 2018, 3:27 PM
State Finished
Completed on Monday, 13 August 2018, 5:01 PM
Time taken 1 hour 33 mins
Overdue 53 mins 43 secs
Marks 0.00/45.00
Grade 0.00 out of 100.00
Question 1
Not answered
Marked out of 3.00
Question text
What communication applications would you consider
to be the most efficient within an organization or a team?
Question 2
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
What are the domains you are most interested in?
Question 3
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
Imagine you are working with the best team in the
company and you had great results on a project up until
now. Your boss took the decision to assign you on
another project and team. How would you react?
Question 4
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Marked out of 3.00
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What would be the ideal job for you? (if you can, state
the name of the job and/or the domain)
Question 5
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
Imagine your team is having a meeting. The purpose is
to plan the building of a new product. You have a totally
different opinion about the deadline than the majority.
How would you approach this situation and convince
them to buy into your idea before the meeting ends?
Question 6
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
Imagine a situation at work when the project your team
is working on for a client runs out of resources. What
solutions would you suggest to ensure its continuity?
Question 7
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
"Proactive" means always being a few steps ahead and
thinking strategically. This means you can oversee
problems that might happen in the future, that others
may not, without being asked of you to do that. Of
course it means also acting on this new discovery,
before something already starts happening.

Imagine and describe a specific situation at work where

being proactive could save the day.
Question 8
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
Name at least 3 qualities your ideal manager or
professor should have. What about 3 negative aspects
that you definitely wouldn’t like him/her to have?
Question 9
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
You and your team have a task to deliver in 3 days. After
2 days of work, you realize that you will not be able to
finish on time, no matter how hard you work on it. What
would be the solution you would propose?
Question 10
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
Name some apps that you would use to keep track of
your activities and results at work?
Question 11
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
On a scale of 1-8, how important is working with others
for you? WHY?
(1 - least important, 8 - most important)
Question 12
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?
Most IMPORTANTLY - name several of the qualities
motivating your choice.
Question 13
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Marked out of 3.00
Question text
At a conference, 10 people shake hands with each
other. How many handshakes will there be in total?
Select one:
a. 100
b. 90
c. 45
d. 20
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: 45
Question 14
Not answered
Marked out of 3.00
Question text
If r = 5 z, and 15 z = 3 y, then r =
Select one:
a. 7y
b. 15y
c. y
d. 5y
e. 2y
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: y
Question 15
Not answered
Marked out of 3.00
Question text
Mary has 16 pills in her pocket. 8 of them are red, 4
of them are green, 4 of them are blue.
What is the minimum number of pills to pull off the
pocket to be sure that she has pills from every
single color?
Select one:
a. 9
b. 13
c. 16
d. 5
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: 13

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