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Concrete Technology

Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology


Concrete Technology

Designing Concrete Mixtures

Cement Water Air FA CA

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 1
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Designing Concrete Mixtures

 To determine the most economical

and practical combination of readily

available materials to produce a
concrete that will satisfy the
performance requirements under
particular conditions of use.

Concrete Technology

Designing Concrete Mixtures

Factors to be considered include:
 Workability

 Cohesiveness, slump
 Placement conditions
 Strength
 Durability
 Appearance
 Economy
 Minimize the amount of cement, Minimize w/c ratio
 Minimum amount of water, to reduce cement
 do not sacrifice the quality

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 2
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

 Absolute volume method
 Most commonly used method

 Other methods

Concrete Technology

Designing Concrete Mixtures

 Concrete mixture
Absolute Volume
proportions are
usually expressed on
the basis of the
mass of ingredients 1 yd
per unit volume.
 The unit of volume
used is either a cubic 1 yd
yard or a cubic 1 yd
meter of concrete.

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 3
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Factors to consider- aggregates

 Economical consideration
 Minimize water and cement, Stiffest possible mix
 Largest practical max size of aggregate, Shape,
Surface Texture
 Optimize ratio of fine to coarse aggregate
 Grading (Particle Size distribution, PSD) and its
significance, Consistency, Strength, Finishability
 Size and shape of members
 Max size of aggregate (MSA)
 Physical properties
 Strength
 Exposure condition
 Air entraining or not, sulfate attack

Concrete Technology

Factors to consider - aggregates

 Max size-The size of smallest sieve through which
all Material passes.
(Nominal Aggregate Size: One sieve size larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10%).

 Nominal max size-The largest size of aggregate

present in sufficient quantity to center.
 The larger the nominal sizes of aggregate, the
lower the water content to produce a given slump.
 The most economical mix is the one with the
largest possible max size aggregate.
 Max size of aggregate:
 < 1/5 of narrowest dimensions of form
 or ¾ of spacing between rebars
 or in unreinforced slabs < 1/3 thickness

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 4
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Fineness Modulus of Sand

 The fineness modulus is calculated from
the particle size distribution of the fine
aggregate (sand).
 Values for sand suitable for concrete
should range between 2.3 and 3.1.
 Coarse sand has a higher fineness
modulus than fine sand.
 The fineness modulus influences the bulk
volume of coarse aggregate.

Concrete Technology

Bulk Volume of Coarse Aggregate

 Once the MSA and FM of sand are determined,
these values can be used to determine bulk
volume of coarse aggregate (CA) per unit volume.


Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 5
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Air Content
 Entrained air must be used in concrete that will
be exposed to freezing and thawing and can be
used to improve workability even when not
 The amount of air required in concrete depends
 Maximum aggregate size (MSA)
 Level of exposure


Concrete Technology

Air Content
 Requirements of ACI 318 Building Code and ASTM C 94

 Typical (entrapped) air contents in non air-entrained



Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 6
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Factors to consider-Water to cement ratio

 Compressive strength is inversely
proportional to W/C
 Define fc’ = Specified compressive strength at 28
 The average compressive strength of concrete tested
at 28 days should be equal or greater than fc’.
Typical values fc’ = 4000 - 5000 psi


Water to cement ratio


Concrete Technology

Determining Required w/c Ratio

 The w/c ratio is determined from:
 Durability considerations
 Required strength
 Requirements of ACI 318 Building Code


Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 7
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Determining Required w/c Ratio

 Requirements of ACI 318 Building Code
for Sulphate Exposure


Concrete Technology

W/C Ratio Required for Strength

 Use data from field or trial mixtures using the
same materials
 Where no data are available, estimate using the
table shown below:


Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 8
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Factors to consider - Durability

 Choice of slump
 Maximum size of aggregate
 W/C
 Minimum cement content
 Factors to consider: finishability,
appearance, water resistance,
 Admixtures

Concrete Technology

 Slump table 9-1
 Max size of aggregates
 Estimate mixing water and air content
 Tables 9-2, 9-3, 9-4

 use minimum specified of the two.

 Required air entrainment from table 9-2

 Cement content compute from w/c and water content

 Coarse aggregate table 9-5
 Fine aggregate content from volumetric calculations
 Adjust for aggregate moisture
 Trial batches

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 9
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Concrete Mix Proportioning Tables



Slu m p (in.)
Typ es of Constru ction Maximu m * Minim u m
Reinforced fou nd ation w alls and footings 3 1
Plain footings, caissons, and 3 1
substru cture w alls
Beam s and reinforced w alls 4 1
Bu ild ing colum ns 4 1
Pavem ents and slabs 3 1
Mass concrete 2 1
* May be increased 1-in. for methods of consolidation other than vibration.


Concrete Technology

Concrete Mix Proportioning Tables


Water, lb./ yd 3 of concrete for ind icated m axim u m sizes of aggregate

Slu m p , in. 3/8 in.* ½ in.* ¾ in* 1 in.* 1½ in.* 2 in.*† 3 in.*† 6 in.*†

N on-air-entrained concrete
1 to 2 350 335 315 300 275 260 220 190
3 to 4 385 365 340 325 300 285 245 210
6 to 7 410 385 360 340 315 300 270 --
More than 7* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ap p roxim ate am ou nt of 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2
entrap p ed air in non-air-
entrained concrete, p ercent

Air-entrained concrete
1 to 2 305 295 280 270 250 240 205 180
3 to 4 340 325 305 295 275 265 225 200
6 to 7 365 345 325 310 290 280 260 --
More than 7* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Recom m end ed average
total air content, p ercent
for level of exp osu re:
Mild exp osu re 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5**†† 1.0**††
Mod erate exp osu re 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5**†† 3.0**††
Severe exp osu re 7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5**†† 4.0**††

* These qu antities of m ixing w ater are for u se in com p u ting cem ent factors for trial
batches. They are m axim a for reasonably w ell-shaped angular coarse aggregates
grad ed w ithin lim its of accepted specifications.
† The slum p values for concrete containing aggregate larger than 1½" are based on
slum p tests m ad e after rem oval of p articles > 1½" by w et-screening.

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 10
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Concrete Mix Proportioning Tables


Water/cement ratio, by weight

Compressive strength at 28 Non-air-entrained Air-entrained
days, psi concrete concrete
6000 0.41 ----
5000 0.48 0.40
4000 0.57 0.48
3000 0.68 0.59
2000 0.82 0.74

Structure wet continuously Structure

Type of or frequently exposed to exposed to
Structure freezing & thawing* seawater

Thin sections
(railings, curbs, sills,
ledges, ornamental
work) & sections 0.45 0.40
with less than 1-inch
cover over steel
All other structures 0.50 0.45

* Concrete should also be air-entrained. 21

Concrete Technology

Concrete Mix Proportioning Tables

Volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregate*
per unit volume of concrete for
Maximum size
of aggregate
different fineness moduli of sand
(in.) 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
3/8 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
1/2 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
3/4 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
1 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
1½ 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
2 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
3 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
6 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
* Volumes are based on aggregates in dry-rodded condition as described in ASTM
C29 Unit Weight of Aggregate. These volumes are selected from empirical
relationships to produce concrete with a degree of workability suitable for usual
reinforced construction. For less workable concrete such as required for concrete
pavement construction they may be increased about 10 percent. For more
workable concrete, such as may sometimes be required when placement is to be
by pumping, they may be reduced up to 10 percent.

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 11
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Proportioning of a Concrete Mix

 Proportioning of a concrete mix consists of
determining the relative amounts of materials
which will produce a concrete of desired
workability of the fresh concrete, and the
desired strength, consistency of volume,
durability, and economy in the hardened
 These proportions may be determined either by
calculations making use of published data (e.g.
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
“Recommended Practice for Selecting
Proportions of Concrete”, or by direct laboratory
test -- called the “trial method”.

Concrete Technology

Proportioning of a Concrete Mix

 In the production of concrete, proportioning of
materials is of primary importance in as much as
such procedures provide means of meeting
specified requirements of quality.
 Proportioning involves also consideration of
available materials and costs.
 The source and the type both of the aggregate
and of the cement have a marked effect upon
the quality of concretes produced. It is
necessary, therefore, where concrete
construction is of considerable magnitude, to
make laboratory tests in advance of establishing
the desired proportions.

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 12
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Proportioning of a Concrete Mix

 The constituent materials themselves must
satisfy quality requirements
 Aggregates should be sound, clean, well-
shaped and properly graded.
 The portland cement should be of the
appropriate type, have normal setting
characteristics and should fulfill specification
 Economy is, of course, always a
consideration in mix proportioning.

Concrete Technology

Proportioning of a Concrete Mix

 The purpose of selecting proportions for a

concrete mix is not necessarily to produce

a concrete of the highest possible quality,
but only of adequate quality required for
the intended use, consistent with the
economics of the project.
 A reinforced concrete bridge or a building, for
example, require concrete of comparatively
high strength, whereas in the construction of a
dam, a low rate of heat generation rather than
strength is of primary importance.


Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 13
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Data Needed for Proportioning

Concrete Mixes
 There are four principal properties of
aggregates which are needed in the
proportioning concrete mixes by the
ACI method. These properties are
given as follows:
 Free moisture and Absorption

 Specific Gravity

 Unit Weight of Aggregate in Bulk

 Gradation of aggregate

Concrete Technology

ACI Method of Proportioning

Concrete Mixes
 The ACI (American Concrete Institute) Standard 211.1
is a “Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions
for Concrete”. The procedure is as follows:
 Step 1. Choice of slump

 Step 2. Choice of maximum size of aggregate

 Step 3. Estimation of mixing water and air content

 Step 4. Selection of water/cement ratio

 Step 5. Calculation of cement content

 Step 6. Estimation of coarse aggregate content

 Step 7. Estimation of Fine Aggregate Content

 Step 8. Adjustments for Aggregate Moisture

 Step 9. Trial Batch Adjustments


Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 14
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

ACI Method of Proportioning

Concrete Mixes

 For details on ACI Method of

Proportioning Concrete Mixes,
refer to the handout posted
on the class website.


Concrete Technology

Determine the job parameters

 Step 1: Slump
 Table 9.1
 Step 2: Max aggregate size
 Size 1/5 < Min dimensions
 ¾ clear spacing bars and strands
 1/3 Slab Depth
 Step 3: Estimate mixing water and air content
 Table 9.2
 Slump, Aggregate Size, Water content lbs/yd3 and
air entrainment


Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 15
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

ACI Method of Proportioning Concrete Mixes

 Step 4: Water to Cement ratio, w/c
 Strength table 9.3, 28 day strength
 Durability table 9.4 Exposure conditions
 Minimum w/c
 Step 5: Cement content
 calculate from w/c and water content
 Minimum cement content
 Step 6: Estimate coarse aggregate
 For the same workability, Vcoarse aggregate , F.M. of
fine aggregate and Nom. Max. Size, Table 9-5

Concrete Technology

ACI Method of Proportioning Concrete Mixes

 Step 7: volume of fine aggregates

 Vfine agg. = Vtotal - Vwater-VCement-V Coarse Agg. - Vair
 V = Weight / (BSG *62.4)
 Step 8: Consider the air content
 Step 9: Adjustment for moisture in
 Step 10: Volumetric Calculations

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 16
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

 For a residential street Paving in Boston, MA,
6” thick pavement, unreinforced, subjected
to freezing and thawing and deicing agent
anticipated. The required fc’ = 4000 psi.
Vibration will be used.
 Sand FM = 2.7
 Aggregate available = 1 ½”
 BSG (FA)= 2.58
 BSG (CA)= 2.6,  = 105 lbs/ft3
 BSG (cement)= 3.15

Concrete Technology

1) Nominal Max size- 1/3 * 6 = 2”
since 1 ½” MSA is available, use 1 ½”
2) Air entrainment, definitely used, max
 Table 9-2 5.5% (%vol. of conc.)
 Table 9-1 (since vibrating) Slump 1” – 2”
3) W/C Table 9-3, 9-4 0.48
4) Estimate water content Table 9-2 250 lbs/yd3
5) Calculate the cement content 250 /0.48 = 521
6) Estimate the coarse aggregate
 Table 9-5 0.72 ft3/ft3 of concrete
0.72 (27) = 19.44 cu.ft. of CA (OD condition)
Weight of C.A. = (19.44 cu.ft.) (105 lbs/ft3) = 2040 lbs/yd3

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 17
Concrete Technology
Proportioning Concrete Mixes

Concrete Technology

Absolute volume measurement

 Cement = 521/(3.15*62.4)= 2.65 ft3 of cement / yd3 of
 Water =250/ 62.4 = 4.01 ft3 / yd3 of concrete.
 CA = 2040/(2.6*62.4) = 12.57 ft3 / yd3 of concrete.
 Air content = (0.055)(27 ft3/yd3) = 1.49 ft3/yd3 of concrete.
 Abs. volume – fine = 2.65 + 4.01 + 12.57 + 1.49 = 20.72 ft3
 Fine Aggregate Abs. volume = 27 – 20.72 = 6.28 ft3/yd3 of
 Weight of F.A. = (6.28)(2.58)(62.4) = 1011 lbs/yd3
For 1 cubic yard
 Cement 521 lbs
 Water 250 lbs
 FA (dry) 1011 lbs
 CA (dry) 2040 lbs

Professor Kamran M. Nemati

Winter Quarter 2015 18

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