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( Data as of August 31, 2010 )

Percent Change June
State May 2010 June 2010 2010 vs May 2010
Delaware 113,497 117,026 3.1%
Utah 260,660 268,573 3.0%
Maryland 565,237 580,252 2.7%
Nevada 283,683 290,842 2.5%
New Mexico 361,450 370,334 2.5%
New Jersey 632,297 647,262 2.4%
Tennessee 1,225,284 1,249,367 2.0%
District of Columbia 119,259 121,340 1.7%
Florida 2,637,425 2,681,377 1.7%
Ohio 1,620,244 1,646,418 1.6%
Idaho 201,228 204,204 1.5%
Texas 3,664,965 3,721,663 1.5%
Kansas 272,550 276,349 1.4%
Connecticut 344,243 348,636 1.3%
Georgia 1,614,920 1,635,928 1.3%
Minnesota 438,209 443,788 1.3%
California 3,285,959 3,323,895 1.2%
Indiana 814,069 823,818 1.2%
Maine 232,768 235,455 1.2%
Hawaii 139,816 141,293 1.1%
Mississippi 571,542 578,040 1.1%
North Carolina 1,341,997 1,356,607 1.1%
South Carolina 801,412 810,620 1.1%
Alabama 808,070 816,400 1.0%
Arkansas 466,729 471,211 1.0%
Colorado 413,805 417,989 1.0%
Kentucky 778,968 787,147 1.0%
South Dakota 96,931 97,918 1.0%
Virginia 794,734 802,376 1.0%
Washington 970,402 979,660 1.0%
Wisconsin 728,149 735,334 1.0%
Massachusetts 755,739 762,323 0.9%
Michigan 1,805,981 1,822,418 0.9%
New York 2,799,734 2,824,845 0.9%
Oregon 713,002 719,445 0.9%
Missouri 902,145 909,139 0.8%
Montana 116,368 117,291 0.8%
Arizona 1,031,075 1,037,367 0.6%
Iowa 344,477 346,551 0.6%
North Dakota 60,414 60,774 0.6%
Rhode Island 144,479 145,361 0.6%
Illinois 1,646,813 1,654,898 0.5%
New Hampshire 108,118 108,682 0.5%
Oklahoma 587,871 590,924 0.5%
West Virginia 339,910 341,647 0.5%
Louisiana 831,060 833,950 0.3%
Pennsylvania 1,587,005 1,592,282 0.3%
Nebraska 165,536 165,345 -0.1%
Alaska 81,226 81,102 -0.2%
Vermont 86,418 86,286 -0.2%
Wyoming 35,700 35,574 -0.4%
TOTAL 40,801,375 41,275,411 1.2%

Food Research and Action Center Source: USDA September 2, 2010

( Data as of August 31, 2010 )
Percent Change June
State June 2009 June 2010 2010 vs June 2009
Idaho 146,516 204,204 39.4%
Rhode Island 107,891 145,361 34.7%
Utah 201,121 268,573 33.5%
Connecticut 262,229 348,636 33.0%
Nevada 219,106 290,842 32.7%
New Hampshire 83,778 108,682 29.7%
South Dakota 75,686 97,918 29.4%
Florida 2,086,298 2,681,377 28.5%
Texas 2,941,406 3,721,663 26.5%
New Jersey 512,268 647,262 26.4%
Wisconsin 589,220 735,334 24.8%
Colorado 343,968 417,989 21.5%
Maryland 478,023 580,252 21.4%
Delaware 96,592 117,026 21.2%
Georgia 1,359,041 1,635,928 20.4%
Minnesota 369,346 443,788 20.2%
New Mexico 308,416 370,334 20.1%
Wyoming 29,609 35,574 20.1%
Kansas 230,503 276,349 19.9%
Nebraska 138,114 165,345 19.7%
Arizona 867,997 1,037,367 19.5%
Oklahoma 494,551 590,924 19.5%
Washington 820,430 979,660 19.4%
Michigan 1,527,902 1,822,418 19.3%
Montana 98,681 117,291 18.9%
California 2,797,186 3,323,895 18.8%
Hawaii 120,193 141,293 17.6%
Virginia 685,312 802,376 17.1%
Massachusetts 653,932 762,323 16.6%
Oregon 617,595 719,445 16.5%
New York 2,427,841 2,824,845 16.4%
Pennsylvania 1,370,254 1,592,282 16.2%
Alaska 70,175 81,102 15.6%
District of Columbia 105,451 121,340 15.1%
Alabama 710,174 816,400 15.0%
North Carolina 1,185,681 1,356,607 14.4%
Indiana 721,155 823,818 14.2%
Iowa 303,429 346,551 14.2%
Ohio 1,442,644 1,646,418 14.1%
South Carolina 711,621 810,620 13.9%
Louisiana 737,124 833,950 13.1%
Tennessee 1,117,009 1,249,367 11.8%
Maine 210,997 235,455 11.6%
Vermont 77,706 86,286 11.0%
Arkansas 425,684 471,211 10.7%
Mississippi 522,305 578,040 10.7%
Illinois 1,507,115 1,654,898 9.8%
Missouri 827,639 909,139 9.8%
North Dakota 55,326 60,774 9.8%
Kentucky 723,193 787,147 8.8%
West Virginia 315,938 341,647 8.1%
TOTAL 34,882,000 41,275,411 18.3%

Food Research and Action Center Source: USDA September 2, 2010

( Data as of August 31, 2010 )
Percent Change June
State June 2005 June 2010 2010 vs June 2005
Nevada 120,614 290,842 141.1%
Idaho 94,956 204,204 115.1%
Florida 1,264,328 2,681,377 112.1%
Wisconsin 349,194 735,334 110.6%
Massachusetts 364,363 762,323 109.2%
New Hampshire 52,840 108,682 105.7%
Utah 135,237 268,573 98.6%
Maryland 292,340 580,252 98.5%
Rhode Island 75,582 145,361 92.3%
Vermont 45,275 86,286 90.6%
Washington 517,000 979,660 89.5%
Arizona 551,080 1,037,367 88.2%
Delaware 62,891 117,026 86.1%
Georgia 920,022 1,635,928 77.8%
South Dakota 56,508 97,918 73.3%
Michigan 1,063,550 1,822,418 71.4%
Minnesota 260,095 443,788 70.6%
Connecticut 204,955 348,636 70.1%
North Carolina 804,136 1,356,607 68.7%
Colorado 248,113 417,989 68.5%
Oregon 431,171 719,445 66.9%
California 1,995,931 3,323,895 66.5%
Iowa 209,331 346,551 65.6%
Virginia 491,945 802,376 63.1%
New Jersey 397,142 647,262 63.0%
Ohio 1,010,979 1,646,418 62.9%
New York 1,765,359 2,824,845 60.0%
Kansas 177,503 276,349 55.7%
Texas 2,392,320 3,721,663 55.6%
South Carolina 523,727 810,620 54.8%
Hawaii 92,079 141,293 53.4%
New Mexico 241,389 370,334 53.4%
Maine 154,104 235,455 52.8%
Alabama 537,897 816,400 51.8%
Pennsylvania 1,050,413 1,592,282 51.6%
Indiana 557,207 823,818 47.8%
Mississippi 393,445 578,040 46.9%
Tennessee 854,150 1,249,367 46.3%
Montana 81,508 117,291 43.9%
North Dakota 42,609 60,774 42.6%
Illinois 1,176,006 1,654,898 40.7%
Nebraska 117,651 165,345 40.5%
Wyoming 25,333 35,574 40.4%
Oklahoma 421,694 590,924 40.1%
Alaska 58,513 81,102 38.6%
Kentucky 571,980 787,147 37.6%
District of Columbia 89,438 121,340 35.7%
West Virginia 263,683 341,647 29.6%
Arkansas 373,959 471,211 26.0%
Missouri 771,589 909,139 17.8%
Louisiana 740,440 833,950 12.6%
TOTAL 25,534,684 41,275,411 61.6%

Food Research and Action Center Source: USDA September 2, 2010

( Data as of August 31, 2010 )

State Population Estimate June 2010 Share of Population

District of Columbia 599,657 121,340 20.2%
Tennessee 6,296,254 1,249,367 19.8%
Mississippi 2,951,996 578,040 19.6%
Oregon 3,825,657 719,445 18.8%
West Virginia 1,819,777 341,647 18.8%
Louisiana 4,492,076 833,950 18.6%
New Mexico 2,009,671 370,334 18.4%
Michigan 9,969,727 1,822,418 18.3%
Kentucky 4,314,113 787,147 18.2%
Maine 1,318,301 235,455 17.9%
South Carolina 4,561,242 810,620 17.8%
Alabama 4,708,708 816,400 17.3%
Georgia 9,829,211 1,635,928 16.6%
Arkansas 2,889,450 471,211 16.3%
Oklahoma 3,687,050 590,924 16.0%
Arizona 6,595,778 1,037,367 15.7%
Missouri 5,987,580 909,139 15.2%
Texas 24,782,302 3,721,663 15.0%
Washington 6,664,195 979,660 14.7%
Florida 18,537,969 2,681,377 14.5%
North Carolina 9,380,884 1,356,607 14.5%
New York 19,541,453 2,824,845 14.5%
Ohio 11,542,645 1,646,418 14.3%
Vermont 621,760 86,286 13.9%
Rhode Island 1,053,209 145,361 13.8%
Delaware 885,122 117,026 13.2%
Idaho 1,545,801 204,204 13.2%
Wisconsin 5,654,774 735,334 13.0%
Indiana 6,423,113 823,818 12.8%
Illinois 12,910,409 1,654,898 12.8%
Pennsylvania 12,604,767 1,592,282 12.6%
South Dakota 812,383 97,918 12.1%
Montana 974,989 117,291 12.0%
Alaska 698,473 81,102 11.6%
Massachusetts 6,593,587 762,323 11.6%
Iowa 3,007,856 346,551 11.5%
Nevada 2,643,085 290,842 11.0%
Hawaii 1,295,178 141,293 10.9%
Maryland 5,699,478 580,252 10.2%
Virginia 7,882,590 802,376 10.2%
Connecticut 3,518,288 348,636 9.9%
Kansas 2,818,747 276,349 9.8%
Utah 2,784,572 268,573 9.6%
North Dakota 646,844 60,774 9.4%
Nebraska 1,796,619 165,345 9.2%
California 36,961,664 3,323,895 9.0%
Minnesota 5,266,214 443,788 8.4%
Colorado 5,024,748 417,989 8.3%
New Hampshire 1,324,575 108,682 8.2%
New Jersey 8,707,739 647,262 7.4%
Wyoming 544,270 35,574 6.5%
TOTAL 307,006,550 41,275,411 13.4%

Food Research and Action Center Source: USDA September 2, 2010

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