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Original Post

Grading 5 4
No impediment to One or two places were
comprehension due to unclear due to grammar
Spelling & grammar. No obvious and/or spelling.
Grammar spelling errors.

Assignment 150-200 words long

Well-formulated as a possible Good possible explanation
explanation for a small set of for a set of observations.
observations. Clearly leads to Leads to a range of expected
a range of expected observations. Stated as a
Quality of observations. Stated as a statement of fact.
hypothesis statement of fact.

Clear statements of expected Clear statements of expected

observations that are specific observations that are related
and related to the chosen to the chosen hypothesis, but
hypothesis, including well- as stated they may be
Outline of defined measureables that somewhat difficult to
expected results can be quantified. quantify.

Observed data correctly and Observed data correctly

meaningfully interpreted. interpreted. Analysis of the
Analysis of the stated stated hypothesis is accurate
Interpretation of hypothesis is accurate, and concise.
observed results concise, and insightful.

Comments on Origina
Grading 5 4
No impediment to One or two places were
comprehension due to unclear due to grammar
grammar or spelling. No and/or spelling. 25 words or
obvious spelling errors. 25 more, and first or second
Assignment words or more, and first or comment. One strength and
Requirements second comment. One one weakness stated.
strength and one weakness

Comments reflect thoughtful Comments reflect thoughtful

reading of original post and reading of original post and
possibly the original articles. are specific to this post.
Relevant points from own Personal application is
research also expressed. expressed. Comments are
Quality of Comments are focused on focused on the scientific
Comments the scientific aspects of the aspects of the original post.
original post.

Responses to Comm
Grading 5 4
No impediment to One or two places were
comprehension due to unclear due to grammar
grammar or spelling. No and/or spelling. 25 words or
Assignment obvious spelling errors. 25 more, and first or second
Requirements words or more, and first or comment.
second comment.
Responses reflect thoughtful Responses reflect thoughtful
reading of comments. reading of comments.
Constructive criticism is Personal application is
earnestly considered and expressed. Responses are
internalized. Responses are focused on the scientific
Quality of focused on the scientific aspects of the comments.
response aspects of the comments.
riginal Post
3 2 1
Multiple grammar and/or Every sentence contains a No attempt was made at
spelling errors which spelling or grammar error proper grammar, spelling, or
required rereading entire significant enough to require punctuation.
sentences. rereading.

Less than 150 or more than Less than 50 or more than

200 words 300 words
Verbose possible explanation Stated hypothesis is actually Not relevant to any
for a set of observations. an expected observation. observations of article
Leads to expected Doesn't lead to further chosen.
observations. expectations of
experimentation. Stated as a

Statements of expected Statements of expected No connection can be seen

observations are verbose and observations are vague and between the expected
somewhat vague. difficult to follow. observations and chosen
Connection to hypothesis is hypothesis.
not immediately obvious.

Observed data correctly Interpretation of observed Interpretation of observed

interpreted. Analysis of the data is slightly flawed. data shows little to no
stated hypothesis is accurate. Connection to stated understanding of material
hypothesis is not clearly read. Connection to stated
expressed. hypothesis is weak.

Grade on original post:

s on Original Posts
3 2 1
Multiple grammar and/or Every sentence contains a No attempt was made at
spelling errors which spelling or grammar error proper grammar, spelling, or
required rereading entire significant enough to require punctuation. Less than 25
sentences. 25 words or rereading. Less than 25 words.
more, but comment three or words.
higher. Either strength or
weakness is missing.

Comments reflect thoughtful Comments reflect cursory General comments that could
reading of original post, but reading of original post. No be applied to any post.
are somewhat general. personal application is
Comments are focused on evident.
the scientific aspects of the
original post.

Grade on comments:

ses to Comments
3 2 1
Multiple grammar and/or Every sentence contains a No attempt was made at
spelling errors which spelling or grammar error proper grammar, spelling, or
required rereading entire significant enough to require punctuation. Less than 25
sentences. 25 words or rereading. Less than 25 words.
more, but comment three or words.
Responses reflect thoughtful Responses reflect cursory General responses that could
reading of comments, but are reading of comments. No be applied to any comment.
somewhat general. personal application is
Responses are focused on the evident.
scientific aspects of the

Grade on responses:

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