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A W=8xH=Rel Eel] x ReLHelet] Using the identity Re[Aei*] = 3[ Eels Breit] The instont Poywting vector Con be written as ={4lgeietseteloty } xf{trueiety wteiet lt ai (ACExHt + etx] + ST extel§ etuteit] } = 2 {Sd CexH*+ CE xnt)*] + SlExnele (Ex eit) ] } Using the above identity again, but this time in reverse order We Can write that ; a) tl ReCExnt)] + dlRe CE xH eo) ] 22. (6) Wrag =2lEXH"] = 5 ae = Se 0.03315 dy Watts/m = «b) Prod =§. WraadS = ee c Co. 03315)(r> Sine de da) = CC 03315) Cloo)* sing dedg” = 2M (0.03315) (100) ("sinode = 21(0-033/5)(100) = 2 =A4l65-95 watts 23.) DL = At Um . Am C200 £159) = 22.22 = 13.478 rod, 0? (128.66x103) Go = €xD, = 69 (22.22)=20 =13.0/dB (b) Dy = At Umax _ am(2o0 x63) DRL (125.66 x163) 7° =!8-01dB Go = €4: Do = 0.7 G@o)=16 =12.55dR 274 u= Be wsto = arcT/a Ya ne Pea= s \, Ussing de dg = a Cost sing 6 dg Wa = ane, 5 cos es Ped = 27 B, (- ests See). oot ee U= 6.3662 in B= 22 = 6.3662 6.3662 6 Clo8)™ - @839 = 6-3662 XIT°OS% = 6.366210 £ costa] = 6.3662 X106 watts Amt w= Us $3582 goiy = Wha mar (bh) D,= At Umar . am (63662) 2g = D. Prog 10 8 {4B © G= et De = 8 = 74B ' 0°<6 < 20° 6,)= if = UG6.#)= + 542 csc) 20°<8< 60" O° 8 J < 360 oO 60°S 6 < 180° 0.342 CSCO)X art Pract =( i, Uc, g) Sing 464g = 20 [ : coneaerfih Jo Jo 20° aT 13 sing de | ey -esa| + 0342-0 I ° vy =an{ [-esc4)tt] + 0.342 (F-F)} 2m { [op.aagere] + 08427 (af Tv { 0.0603] + 0.23876 f= 1.OTVZ Diabet = 6.6813 = 9.25255 48. 26 (@) p, ~ 44253 . 44253 . 39 29 15.94 dB Bia bea = 30.035) 2 Aem = = Dy Dy & TBI = 72.815 = 34.27 15.35 4B Oia + G24 (oy 635)? 4 Aem= 22, 27D, = At Umm Prod (@) U=Sind sing for os6<0, OSBET Ulwoae=| and it occurs When 6=8= 2. mcr a s Pra 5 i Ussinededg= {/ Sing des (° Sinrede = 2(H)=T. Thus De= 4T£) = 4 =6. 0208 The half power beamwidths are equal to HPBW Caz.)=20 7~ sin'€ 2] = 2 ¢ Fo°-30°) = [20° HPBW Cel. )=2[ fo" sin'C Ya) ] = 2 (P0"-30") = (20° Ina similar manner, it canbe Shown that for (b) UsSine sinty > De = 5.07% =7.0TdE HPBW Cel.) = (20% HPBWCaz.)= fo° () Ussing Sin8y > Do= 6 = 7-T2dB HPBWCef.) = 120°, HPBWCOZ)= T4.93° Cd) U=SmO Sine 3 DO. = 12T/g = 41 = 61348 HPBWCel.) = 70°, HPBWCaz.)= 120° (e) U=Sin*¢ sinty > D.=6=TTBdB, HPBWCaz.) = HPBWCeL)= fo° @ us Sie sive > D, = 74 = 70T= 8.498 HPBWCeL.) = 70°, HPBWCaz.) = 74.93"

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