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What you should learn CLE Evaluate a variable expression. CLWD Write a variable expression that models a real-life situation, as in the biking problem in Example 5. Why. you should learn it V To express real-life rwumber relationships, such ‘as pitching speed in mie hte Variables in Algebra (TSR EVALUATING VARIABLE EXPRESSIONS A \WaFiabIG is a letter that is used to represent one or more numbers. The numbers are the [NalléS of the variable. A Variable expressioni is a collection of numbers, variables, and operations. Here are some examples. VARIABLE EXPRESSION MEANING OPERATION 8y Bry 80) 8 times y Multiplication # 16=b 16 divided by b Division 4ts 4plus s Addition 9-x 9 minus x Subtraction ‘The expression 8y is usually not written as 8 X y because of possible confusion with the variable x. Replacing each variable in an expression by a number is called ‘evaluating the expression; The resulting number is the value of the expression. Write the variable _, Substitute values _, Simplify the expression. for variables. ‘numerical expression, Evaluating a Variable Expression Evaluate the expression when y ay v0 ayt3 dl4-y ‘SOLUTION a. 8y = 8(2) ‘Substitute 2 for y. =16 ‘Simplify. ba? Substitute 2for y. =5 Simplify. eyt3=2+3 Substitute 2 for y. =5 ‘Simplify. d.14—y=14—2 Substitute 2 or y. =12 Simplify. 1.1 Variables in Algebra gg y END cae ama Distance _ Average speed = Pisanee = Find the average speed (in miles per hour) of a ear that traveled 180 miles from Boise, Idaho, tothe Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge in 3 hours. soumion ‘Average speed = 2 witengasion = 18 saat eter dant 3tore = 6 Spy The average speed was 60 miles per hour Evaluating a Geometric Exprossion Geomeray Connecrion The perimeter of ‘wiangle is equal to the sum ofthe lengths ofits sides: a+b +. Find the perimeter of the triangle. ‘The dimensions are i feet. Soumion Perimeter = a+ b+ Weta expression = 8415417 subetate vaoes 0 Singin D The triangle has a perimeter of 40 feet. + Evaluating Simple interest ‘The simple interest earned by money P (called the principal) at an annual interes, rate r for 1 years is given by Pr You deposit $650 ata rte of 8% per year. How ‘much simple interest will you ear after one half ofa year? Soumion Simple interest = Pri (6500.08)(0.5) Substitute 680 fr R008 for verang erent zs) sapity 5.7048. After one half ofa year, you wll hve $26 of simple interest. a Chapter 1. Connections to Algebra COASTAL REDWOODS, found in California and Oregon, are the tallest trees on Earth. Only 4% of original redwood forests remains. The tallest living redwood is ‘370 feet high. CNM Movetine a REAL-LIFE SITUATION ‘Writing the units of each variable in a real-life problem helps you determine the units for the answer. This is called (unit'analysis and it is often used in problem solving in science. When the same units of measure occur in the numerator and the denominator of an expression, you can cancel the units. In real-life problems, you may need to translate words into mathematics. One way to do this is to use the (verbal model, shown in Example 5. Finding Time HIKING AMONG REDWOODS You plan to go hiking in the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park in California. You estimate you'll hike at a rate of 2 miles, per hour on a steep trail. How long will it take you to hike from Howland Hill Road along the Boy Scout Tree Trail and back? ‘JEDEDIAN SMITH REDWOODS ‘STATE PARK. Round Trp Distances Boy Scout Tree Trail 7.4miles Little Bald Hills rail Srmiles '> Source: Redwood National and State Parks So.uTion The map shows that the round-trip distance is about 7.4 miles. (VERBAL — Distance Moon, = ‘Mf = "Rate LapeLs Time = (hours) Distance = 7.4 (miles) Rate = 2 {miles per hour) ic model. ALGEBRAIC a ‘4 Write MoDeL = 3.7 Simplify. > It should take you about 3.7 hours to hike the Boy Scout Tree Trail. UNIT ANALYSIS Use unit analysis to check that hours are the units of the solution, sme = Distance __mi Time = "Rate ~ mits 2°

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