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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140 (2011) 309–313

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Short communication

Biochar addition to agricultural soil increased CH4 uptake and water holding
capacity – Results from a short-term pilot field study
Kristiina Karhu a,∗ , Tuomas Mattila b , Irina Bergström a , Kristiina Regina c
Finnish Environment Institute, Natural Environment Centre, P.O. BOX 140, FI-00251 Helsinki, Finland
Finnish Environment Institute, Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production, P.O. BOX 140, FI-00251 Helsinki, Finland
Agrifood Research Finland, Plant Production Research, FI-31600 Jokioinen, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biochar addition to agricultural soil has been suggested to mitigate climate change through increased
Received 11 June 2010 biogenic carbon storage and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We measured the fluxes of N2 O,
Received in revised form CO2 , and CH4 after adding 9 t ha−1 biochar on an agricultural soil in Southern Finland in May 2009. We
30 November 2010
conducted these measurements twice a week for 1.5 months, between sowing and canopy closure, to
Accepted 3 December 2010
capture the period of highest N2 O emissions, where the potential for mitigation would also be highest.
Available online 13 January 2011
Biochar addition increased CH4 uptake (96% increase in the average cumulative CH4 uptake), but no
statistically significant differences were observed in the CO2 and N2 O emissions between the biochar
amended and control plots. Added biochar increased soil water holding capacity by 11%. Further studies
Black carbon are needed to clarify whether this may help balance fluctuations in water availability to plants in the
Greenhouse gas emissions future climate with more frequent drought periods.
Climate change mitigation © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ically a legume (a grass-clover ley) that is grown for two seasons
and then ploughed into the soil, providing N for the following crops.
Biochar is produced when wood or other organic materials are Compared to conventional farming, N in the green manure is min-
heated under limited oxygen (O2 ) supply. Biochar production from eralized more slowly, is less easily available to plants, and may be
waste biomass does not cause notable life cycle based greenhouse more susceptible to leaching and gaseous losses (Torstensson et al.,
gas (GHG) emissions (Roberts et al., 2010). Addition of biochar 2006). Within an organic rotation, establishment of the first arable
to agricultural soils has been proposed as means to improve soil crop after grass–clover is an important loss point for N2 O (Ball et al.,
fertility, and mitigate climate change (Lehmann, 2007) through 2007). The most critical time for mitigating N2 O emissions is the
increased soil carbon storage (Lehmann et al., 2006; Fowles, 2007) period after ploughing the green manure, before the sown cereal
and decreased nitrous oxide (N2 O) and methane (CH4 ) emissions crop reaches an active growth phase and can efficiently compete
from soils (Rondon et al., 2005). The reasons for the observed for available N with microbes (Ball et al., 2007). We hypothesized
changes in GHG emissions in laboratory studies are presently not that biochar addition to soil could decrease N2 O emissions between
clear and there are contradictory results depending on soil water ploughing in the green manure and crop canopy closure. Biochar
content (Yanai et al., 2007), soil type and type of biochar used (e.g. has been shown to efficiently retain ammonium (NH4 + ) via cation
Spokas and Reicosky, 2009). Field studies are scarce and mainly exchange (Liang et al., 2006) and fresh biochar could also retain
performed in the tropics. To our knowledge there are no published anions such as nitrate (NO3 − ) (Cheng et al., 2008). If this retained N
field studies on the effect of biochar addition to GHG emissions would then be slowly released for plant growth, biochar application
from agricultural soils in the boreal zone. to soil could increase the synchrony in the mineral N availability
The increase in volumes of stockless organic farming poses a and plant uptake. This could increase crop yield and reduce the
challenge for the management of nitrogen (N) cycling during the amount of N available for denitrification and lost as N2 O.
legume-based crop rotation. In organic farming, the N source is typ- We hypothesized that biochar addition would also reduce CO2
and CH4 emissions. Emissions of CO2 could be reduced due to
adsorption of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on biochar surfaces
∗ Corresponding author. Current address: Geography, College of Life and Environ-
(Thies and Rillig, 2009) or due to biochar promoting formation of
mental Sciences, University of Exeter, Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4RJ,
soil aggregates, inside of which soil organic matter (SOM) can be
Great Britain, United Kingdom. Tel.: +358 50 530 3670. protected from decomposition (Liang et al., 2010). On the other
E-mail addresses:, (K. Karhu). hand, biochar addition has also been observed to increase micro-

0167-8809/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
310 K. Karhu et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140 (2011) 309–313

Table 1
Soil properties.

Soil properties Soil type C (%) N (%) pH Bulk density (g cm−3 ) Porosity (%) WHC (g H2 O g dry soil−1 )

Control soila
Silt loam 1.81 0.08 6.90 1.30 50.9 0.485 ± 0.014
Biochar amended soil Silt loam n.a. n.a. n.a. 1.25 52.8 0.540 ± 0.019

WHC (n = 4) and bulk density were determined from unsieved soil samples at the end of the experiment, total porosity was calculated from bulk densities assuming a
2.65 g cm−3 particle density for soil minerals.
C%, N% and pH are initial values of the soil before starting the experiment.

bial activity and thus enhance decomposition of native soil organic Simultaneously with gas measurements, we also measured air
matter in a forest soil (Wardle et al., 2008). Increased soil aeration and soil temperature (at 5 cm depth) and determined gravimetric
due to increased porosity could decrease CH4 production and/or soil water content as % of dry weight (% DW, drying at 105 ◦ C for
increase CH4 oxidation in soil (Van Zwieten et al., 2009). We also 1.5 h) from composite samples from each plot (samples taken with
hypothesized that biochar addition would increase soil water hold- a small soil corer from 0 to 5 cm depth). Soil water holding capac-
ing capacity (WHC), since organic amendments generally increase ity (WHC) was determined from composite samples from each plot
WHC and biochar has a high capacity to retain water due to high (2 analytical replicates) at the end of the study period with the
amount of small pores (Major et al., 2009). If this enhanced WHC method of Priha and Smolander (1999). Bulk density was deter-
increased water availability to plants it could also have beneficial mined at the end of the experiment from one pooled sample from
effect on crop yields. biochar amended area and one pooled sample from the control area
(Table 1). We also determined the grain yield from the experimental
plots at crop harvest.
General linear model – Univariate procedure in SPSS statistics
2. Materials and methods (SPSS for Windows, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA; release 17.0.0, 2008),
was used for analyzing whether there were differences in the GHG
We studied the effect of biochar addition on GHG emissions in an fluxes, soil temperatures and soil water contents between biochar
organically managed 5-year (clover–clover–wheat–bean–oat) crop amended and control areas. Both treatments (biochar vs. control)
rotation in Southern Finland (67◦ 08 N, 24◦ 97 E). Yearly precipita- and time (measurements 1–9) were used as fixed factors in the
tion at the site was 536 mm, and mean annual temperature 4.8 ◦ C model. Differences in the WHC and grain yield were studied with a
in 2009. The biochar amendments were made on a field in active t-test. An increase in WHC was expected following biochar addition
cultivation, as part of the normal farming practice. We focused our (Dugan et al., 2010), so a 1-sided test was used. Pearson corre-
measurements on the period between ploughing the green manure lation coefficients between GHG fluxes of each chamber and soil
and crop canopy closure, because during this period of high N2 O temperature and soil moisture were calculated. The Q10 value for
emissions, the potential for mitigating N2 O emission with biochar CO2 flux was calculated by fitting the equation R = R0 ebT , where
addition would be the highest. R = respiration rate, R0 = respiration rate at 0 ◦ C, T = temperature in
Average daily precipitation (mm) and air temperatures (◦ C) Celsius, b = the temperature dependence coefficient, Q10 = e(10b) , to
for the study period were available from the closest precipitation all measurements with SPSS linear regression.
and automated weather stations, located 7 and 17 km from the
study site, respectively (data from Finnish Meteorological Institute,
3. Results
Helsinki, Finland). The monthly mean temperature in the region
was somewhat higher in May 2009 compared with long term aver-
N2 O emissions increased at first, when N from the green
age of the years 2002–2008, but typical for the region in June. The
manure started to mineralize, but decreased later. CO2 fluxes gen-
precipitation was much lower in May 2009 but typical for the region
erally increased during the measuring period, and had a positive
in June, compared with monthly averages in 2003–2008.
correlation with temperature (Table 2). There were no statisti-
We added a total of 9 t ha−1 of biochar (Charcoal Finland Ltd.,
cally significant differences in N2 O (p = 0.484) or CO2 (p = 0.376)
Alavieska, Finland) on an 100 m2 area, divided into four 25 m2
fluxes (Fig. 1a and b) between biochar and control soils. Both
experimental plots on 16th May 2009, when ploughing in the
biochar and control soils were CH4 sinks for most of the time.
grass–clover mixture. The biochar used (<10 mm sized fraction)
Biochar amendment increased CH4 uptake statistically significantly
was a by-product of birch charcoal production (pyrolysis in 400 ◦ C
for 2–2.5 h, C%: 77.83, N%: 0.77, BET surface area: 3.6 m2 g−1 ). For
increased mixing to the soil, we first added 5 t ha−1 biochar prior to Table 2
Pearson correlation coefficients between carbon dioxide (CO2 ; kg ha−1 day−1 ),
ploughing (20 cm) and then mixed 4 t ha−1 biochar to the surface nitrous oxide (N2 O; g ha−1 day−1 ), and methane (CH4 ; g ha−1 day−1 ) fluxes and soil
soil (top 6 cm) with a cultivator. Four control plots of similar size, water content (% of DW) and soil (at 5 cm depth) temperature (◦ C) in the biochar and
soil type (well-drained soil, silt loam, Table 1) and topography were control treatments. All measurements from the measurement period are included
established next to the biochar amended plots. After sowing wheat (n = 30–33 in both treatments).
on the field we installed one steel frame (60 cm × 60 cm) per plot Variable Soil water content (%DW) Soil T (◦ C)
for gas collection chambers (n = 4).
CO2 fluxa
Fluxes of N2 O, CH4 and CO2 were measured in 2009 twice a week Control −0.137 0.610**
between 19th May and 28th June (9 measurements in all), with a Biochar −0.595** 0.598**
static chamber method with an opaque aluminum chamber (cham- N2 O flux
ber height 40 cm), closed with water seal. A 20 ml gas sample was Control 0.238 0.028
Biochar 0.061 0.034
taken at time 0 and 45 min after chamber closure. Samples were
CH4 flux
transferred to evacuated 12 ml vials (Exetainer® , Labco Ltd.) and Control 0.419* −0.305
the GHG concentrations were analyzed with gas chromatography Biochar 0.165 0.008
(Hewlett Packard 6890). Flux rates were calculated with the lin- a
CO2 flux was log transformed, DW: dry weight.
ear regression method. More details in sampling, gas analysis and *
p < 0.05 (two-tailed).
calculation of the flux rates can be found in Regina et al. (2004). p < 0.01 (two-tailed).
K. Karhu et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140 (2011) 309–313 311

a 40 a 20 35
N2O flux (g N2O-N ha-1day-1) Control
35 18

soil water content (%DW)

Biochar 16

Precipitation (mm)
14 25
25 12 20
20 10
8 15
15 Control
6 10
10 Biochar
5 Precipitation 5
0 0 0
135 145 155 165 175 185 135 145 155 165 175 185
Time (DOY) Time (DOY)
b 140 b 30
CO2flux (kg CO2-C ha-1day-1)

120 25
100 20

T (°C)
80 15
40 Tsoil_Biochar
0 135 145 155 165 175 185
135 145 155 165 175 185 Time (DOY)
Time (DOY)
Fig. 2. (a) Gravimetric soil moisture content (at 0–5 cm depth) and mean precip-
c 2
itation (daily averages), (b) air and soil (at 5 cm depth) temperature at every gas
1 sampling time during the measurement period (time of day when measurements
CH4flux (g CH4-C ha-1day-1)

Biochar were taken varied between 7:30 and 19:00). Symbols and error bars represent the
0 mean ± S.E. (n = 4).

Net CH4 flux was positively correlated with soil water content in
the control treatment (Table 2), indicating that when soil was wet-
-3 ter there was a higher flux from soil to the atmosphere (or a lower
flux from atmosphere into the soil). In the biochar treatment, how-
ever, there was no statistically significant correlation between CH4
-5 flux and soil water content (Table 2). For example, when soil water
content slightly increased after rain from measurement 1 to 2, there
135 145 155 165 175 185 was CH4 outflow from soil in the control, but not in the biochar
Time (DOY) plots (Fig. 1c). After measurement 2 when soil became dryer, CH4
uptake into the soil increased both in control and biochar plots,
Fig. 1. (a) N2 O, (b) CO2 (total ecosystem respiration) and (c) CH4 fluxes measured but in the biochar treatment the CH4 flux again responded less and
from the biochar amended (filled square) and control (open circle) plots. Symbols
more slowly (measurements 3 and 4). When soil water content
and error bars represent the mean ± S.E. (n = 4). Negative flux indicates CH4 uptake
by soil. Major rain events before or during gas measurements are marked to (c) with
increased again after heavy rain episodes (Figs. 1c and 2b), the CH4
arrows (DOY (day of the year) 142, 4 mm; DOY 153, 12.2 mm; DOY 154, 21 mm). uptake in control plots started to decrease already at measurement
5 and was close to zero at measurement 6. On the contrary, the
CH4 uptake of the biochar plots increased on measurement 5, and
(p = 0.044) (Fig. 1c). When calculated as a cumulative flux over the decreased somewhat only at measurement 6. Altogether the vari-
whole measurement period the average increase in CH4 uptake ation in soil water content had smaller effect on the CH4 flux of the
in biochar treatment compared to control was 96% (from uptake biochar plots than of the control plots (Fig. 1c).
of 49.6 to 97.4 g CH4 -C ha−1 ). Soil WHC was higher in the biochar The CO2 flux correlated positively with temperature in both
amended area compared to control (p = 0.028), i.e. biochar amend- treatments (Table 2). The temperature sensitivity of the CO2
ment increased soil WHC by 11% (Table 1). Biochar addition did flux (expressed as Q10 , the proportional increase in respiration
not affect the yield, number or weight of seed (grain yields in plots when temperature increases by 10 ◦ C) did not differ between the
were 322–432 g m−2 for the biochar plots and 320–444 g m−2 for treatments; Q10 control = 1.7 (±0.5, confidence interval (CFL) 95%),
the controls). Total biomass was not measured. Q10 biochar = 2.1 (±0.9, CFL 95%). There was a negative correlation
There were no statistically significant differences in soil water between CO2 flux and soil water content in the biochar treatment
content (Fig. 2a, p = 0.334) or soil temperature (Fig. 2b, p = 0.838) (Table 2), but this was due to the negative correlation between soil
between biochar and control plots (for air temperature during the temperature and water content during the measurement period:
measurement period, see Fig. 2b). Heavy rain events increased soil when calculating partial correlations and controlling for soil tem-
water content similarly in both treatments (Fig. 2a), but CH4 flux perature, soil water content did not have a statistically significant
responded differently to changes in soil moisture in the control and independent effect on the CO2 flux. N2 O flux was not correlated
biochar soils. With rather similar soil water content, average CH4 with soil temperature or water content in either of the treatments
uptake was always higher in the biochar amended plots (Fig. 1c). (Table 2).
312 K. Karhu et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 140 (2011) 309–313

4. Discussion in the field. However, Rondon et al. (2005, 2006) have observed
a statistically significant reduction in N2 O production already at
In our study, increased CH4 uptake was a benefit available moderate 20 t ha−1 application rates, which may be due to the ben-
immediately after fresh biochar application to soil. Also other efits of biochar additions being clearer in tropical soils. Another
authors have observed an increase in CH4 uptake in soil amended explanation for contradictory results between experiments could
with biochar (Rondon et al., 2005, 2006). If prevailed long-term, be differing biochar properties, caused by different biomass raw
the increased CH4 uptake gives support to the use of biochar addi- material and pyrolysis temperatures. Surface area of our biochar
tions as means of reducing GHG emissions from agricultural soils (3.6 m2 g−1 ) was, however, in the same range as Spokas and
(Rondon et al., 2006). Reicosky’s (2009) woody biochars, which decreased N2 O emissions
The net CH4 flux from soil is a sum of CH4 production and in their laboratory experiments. Also other unmeasured differences
CH4 oxidation (Topp and Pattey, 1997). Negative flux (CH4 uptake) in properties (such as the concentrations of oils and waxes) may
means that CH4 oxidation exceeds CH4 production in the soil and influence soil processes. Further research is needed to standardize
the soil functions as a methane sink. The reasons for the increased biochar treatments and to quantify essential biochar properties.
CH4 uptake in response to biochar addition are not clear. It has been
suggested that biochar improves soil aeration, and thus decreases 5. Conclusions
anoxic conditions in soils, which could decrease CH4 production
and/or increase CH4 oxidation (Van Zwieten et al., 2009). CH4 oxi- Though small-scale and short-term, our pilot study indicates
dation is determined by diffusivity and methanotroph activity (von that fresh biochar mitigates CH4 emissions already immediately
Fischer et al., 2009). Therefore, a possible explanation for increased after its addition to soil. Our results support other studies that have
CH4 uptake in the biochar amended area of our study was improved found biochar application to increase CH4 uptake, probably due to
soil aeration and increased CH4 diffusion to soil. However, based on better soil aeration. Our results imply that in the studied medium-
the measurements it is impossible to say, whether decrease in CH4 textured boreal agricultural soil, the beneficial effects of biochar
production or increase in CH4 oxidation or both caused the change. addition might first come through effects on soil physical prop-
Biochar has high total porosity, and it can both retain water in erties and hydrology, rather than through effects on the nitrogen
small pores and thus increase WHC and let the water flow through cycle, at least with low amounts of added biochar and this type of
the larger pores after heavy rain from topsoil to deeper soil lay- biochar used. We showed that biochar addition increases soil WHC.
ers (Asai et al., 2009). Biochar may stabilize fluctuations in the Further studies are needed to clarify, whether increased WHC due
CH4 flux due to changes in water content. The positive correla- to biochar addition will also lead to enhanced plant available water
tion found between CH4 flux and water content in control plots, content in different soil types (and could thus be used to mitigate
but not in biochar treatment would support this idea. It is possible fluctuating water availability in a changing climate), and whether
that biochar addition increased total porosity, WHC and air-filled there are any effects on N2 O or CO2 fluxes in the longer term.
pore space at the same time. Wood-derived slow-pyrolysis biochars
have a high proportion of macropores (Downie et al., 2009), which Acknowledgements
are usually air filled under field conditions and are important in
maintaining aerobic conditions in soil (Van Zwieten et al., 2009). We thank Charcoal Finland Ltd. for supplying the biochar, Esben
Therefore, it is reasonable that anaerobic conditions are reached at Bruun for biochar surface area analyses and Iain Hartley for com-
a higher water content in the biochar amended soil compared to ments on the manuscript.
control soil.
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