Scanning A Text

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Scanning a Text 1

Te Whāinga
This activity helps students to locate specific detail in a text and supports the development of research skills.

Ngā Rautaki Whakaaro

Gathering information, recalling, recording, processing knowledge.

He Kupu Matua mō te Mahi

Whakamārama, kohikohi, mōhiotanga, āta tirohia, rapu.

Te Mahi
Students scan a text to find the answers to specific questions. Students need to be aware of the strategy of
scanning to help them increase their reading efficiency. Scanning involves glancing through a text to locate
specific information. This activity requires students to work with a partner; therefore, remind students of
discussion routines before the activity begins.

He Rauemi Tautoko
 A copy of the text for each student.
 A list of questions that can be answered directly from the text for each student. 

Te Ara Tohutohu
1. Discuss the purpose of the activity.
2. Introduce and discuss the list of questions.
3. Give each student a copy of the text and questions.
4. Have students work in pairs.
5. Students read the first question and identify the key word in the question.
6. Ask students to quickly scan the text to locate the key word and to form an answer to the question.
7. Have students turn and share their answers with a partner.
8. Ask some students to share their answers with the whole class or group.
9. Follow this format until all the questions have been answered.

1 Adapted from Education Department of Western Australia (1996, p. 66).

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