Experimental Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease. A Transition From

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Experimental Neurology 298 (2017) 172–179

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Review Article

Experimental animal models of Parkinson's disease: A transition from MARK

assessing symptomatology to α-synuclein targeted disease modification
Wai Kin D. Koa,⁎, Erwan Bezarda,b,c
Motac Neuroscience Ltd, Manchester, United Kingdom
Univ. de Bordeaux, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, UMR 5293, F-33000 Bordeaux, France
CNRS, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, UMR 5293, F-33000 Bordeaux, France


Keywords: With the understanding that α-synuclein plays a major role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), novel
α-Synuclein animal models have been developed for conducting preclinical research in screening novel disease modifying
Parkinson's disease therapies. Advancements in research techniques in α-synuclein targeted disease modification have utilised
Animal models methods such as viral mediated expression of human α-synuclein, as well as the inoculation of pathogenic α-
Lewy Body
synuclein species from Lewy Bodies of PD patients, for accurately modelling progressive self-propagating neu-
rodegeneration. In applying these cutting-edge research tools with sophisticated trial designs in preclinical drug
trials, a useful platform has emerged for developing candidate agents with disease modifying actions, promising
a greater chance of success for clinical translation. In this article, we describe the transition of well-established
animal models of PD symptomatology to newly developed models of PD pathogenesis, with specific focus on
methods of viral-mediated and inoculation of pathogenic α-synuclein, that aim to aid scientific translation of
neuroprotective strategies.

1. Parkinson's disease pathogenesis Kruger et al., 1998; Lesage et al., 2013; Polymeropoulos et al., 1997;
Puschmann et al., 2009; Zarranz et al., 2004) and also the multi-
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder plication and triplication of the gene locus for α-synuclein (SNCA)
affecting approximately 1% of the population over the age of 55 years, (Chartier-Harlin et al., 2004; Singleton et al., 2003).
with the highest prevalence in ages of 85 years and over (De Rijk et al., In the last two decades, the α-synuclein protein has been proposed
1997). PD patients display a clinical syndrome of motor symptoms (in as the main component in mediating the progressive neurodegeneration
particular bradykinesia, postural deficits and resting tremor) (Marsden, in PD (Dehay and Fernagut, 2016; Recasens and Dehay, 2014). The
1994), which may be preceded by a range of non-motor symptoms pathological structure of α-synuclein is a misfolded conformation of an
(including cognitive disturbance, sleep disturbance, anosmia and con- oligomeric or fibrillary nature that is of a specific phosphorylated form
stipation) (Pont-Sunyer et al., 2015). These clinical manifestations of (phosphor-Ser129), as seen in PD patient LB formations (Fujiwara et al.,
PD appear due to the extensive loss of dopaminergic neurons of the 2002; Spillantini et al., 1997). Several studies have greatly impacted the
nigrostriatal pathway (Ehringer and Hornykiewicz, 1960), as well as field of PD pathogenesis. Braak et al. first hypothesised the progression
dysfunction of neurons in dopaminergic, serotonergic, adrenergic and of PD in distinct stages; beginning at the peripheral autonomic nervous
cholinergic neurotransmitter systems (Jellinger, 1991). system, a region where α-synuclein pathology was identified (Braak
A major pathological hallmark of PD is the widespread expression of et al., 2006; Gelpi et al., 2014), in the anterior olfactory nucleus and
intraneuronal proteinaceous inclusions, known as Lewy Bodies (LBs) dorsal motor nucleus of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves, gra-
(Spillantini et al., 1998), found in the perikarya of neurons within the dually reaching the midbrain and cerebral cortex (Braak et al., 2003).
central and peripheral nervous systems. LBs are mainly composed of α- Pathological transmission was later suggested between neurons through
synuclein, a 14 kDa endogenous protein of 140 amino acid length. post-mortem analysis in PD patients, where LB formations were found
Autosomal dominant forms of PD are linked to missense mutations of in embryonic mesencephalic neuron grafts in the striatum that were
the α-synuclein, specifically p.A53T, p.A30P, p.E64K, p.H50Q, p.G51D implanted over a decade prior, supporting a host-to-graft transmission
and p.A53E (Appel-Cresswell et al., 2013; Athanassiadou et al., 1999; process (Kordower et al., 2008; Li et al., 2010). With the transmission of

Corresponding author at: Motac Neuroscience Ltd, PO Box 363, Manchester M15 6WE, United Kingdom.
E-mail address: d.ko@motac.com (W.K.D. Ko).

Received 17 June 2017; Accepted 28 July 2017
Available online 29 July 2017
0014-4886/ © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
W.K.D. Ko, E. Bezard Experimental Neurology 298 (2017) 172–179

α-synuclein-positive intracytoplasmic inclusions, the term ‘prionoid’ clinical scale criteria can be utilised to specifically assess movement
has been assigned, describing the pathogenic nature of intracellular range, posture, tremor, and a calculated score for overall disability (Ko
mechanisms, including release into extracellular space and uptake into et al., 2014). These translational tools are and have been instrumental
healthy neurons. Although mainly focused within dopaminergic neu- for evaluating the efficacy of symptomatic therapies (Bastide et al.,
rons of the SN, this self-propagating process with the pathogenic α- 2015; Johnston and Fox, 2015; Fox and Brotchie, 2010), which are
synuclein acting as a template for misfolding (Brundin et al., 2008; effective in providing drug efficacy in proof-of-concept tests (Ko et al.,
Dehay et al., 2016a), can lead to a spread of neurodegeneration across 2014; Rylander et al., 2010). Furthermore, in recent years, sophisti-
interconnected brain regions causing disruption of intracellular pro- cated technology in high definition video recording of limb trajectory
cesses (i.e. neurotransmission, mitochondrial structure and activity, has been adapted to nhps for assessment of detailed kinematics in swing
dynamics and mitophagy, vesicular transport and protein degradation). and gait cycles during freely moving tasks (Capogrosso et al., 2016; Yin
The pathogenic α-synuclein seeding activity is supported by detection et al., 2014). Such objective assessments of motor activity complement
of monomeric, oligomeric and Ser129-phosphorylated α-synuclein subjective behavioural ratings for detecting more subtle motor deficits,
forms in human plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (Borghi et al., 2000; El- allowing for consistent endpoint assessments between MPTP-treated
Agnaf et al., 2003; Foulds et al., 2012; Mollenhauer et al., 2011; Tokuda nhps and PD patients, in respective preclinical and clinical trials.
et al., 2010). Moreover, further supportive evidence comes from the use The MPTP-treated nhp model of PD offers further face and pre-
of synthetic recombinant α-synuclein preformed fibrils (PFFs) inducing dictive validity (i.e. phenomenological similarities between behaviours
conformation changes of endogenous soluble α-synuclein to patholo- and measurable treatment effects as seen in the human condition, re-
gical species, subsequently leading to cellular dysfunction (Hansen spectively) with clear reversal of experimental parkinsonism following
et al., 2011; Luk et al., 2009; Volpicelli-Daley et al., 2011). L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) treatment. The maximum L-
In recent years, the understanding of PD pathogenesis has been DOPA dose is individually titrated based on motor symptom severity
greatly enhanced with the development of advanced research tools, and is commonly given during the stabilisation period of model re-
some taking the form of novel animal models (Angot et al., 2010; Dehay plication to aid animal feeding. Daily L-DOPA treatment (in the range of
et al., 2016b; Olanow and Brundin, 2013). In this review, we provide an 9–20 mg/kg) over 3–4 months can lead to the development of stable
overview of the commonly used symptomatic animal models of PD and and reproducible dyskinesia, with chorea and dystonia individually
newly developed models of PD pathogenesis, of which the latter are scored based on severity (Fox et al., 2012). After L-DOPA priming in
expected to aid the translation of potential therapies with focus on MPTP-treated nhps, PD disability cannot be completely reversed
disease-modifying mechanisms, paving the way for the identification of without the induction of dyskinesia, similar to that seen in PD patients.
novel agents for treating neurological disorders. This has been utilised to provide clinically relevant data such as ‘good
on-time’ (Ko et al., 2016; Pinna et al., 2016) allowing treatment stra-
2. Modelling clinical symptoms of PD tegies for dyskinesia to be thoroughly evaluated in dyskinetic MPTP-
treated nhps. Investigations utilising this model also provide for ad-
To date, neurotoxin based animal models have been well utilised in dressing specific intracellular mechanisms using novel biotechnological
translational research for the development of symptomatic therapies in approaches, such as gene therapy (e.g. modulation of regulators of G-
PD. The most commonly used neurotoxins include 6-hydroxydopamine protein signalling proteins (Gold et al., 2007)) or enzymes for dopamine
(6-OHDA) and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), synthesis (Jarraya et al., 2009), for testing potential therapies in
which are often administered in rodents and non-human primates modifying the expression of dyskinesia.
(nhps), respectively, for inducing a parkinsonian state by causing severe The use of MPTP-treated nhps is also a valuable translational re-
loss of dopaminergic neurons. search model for studying the non-motor symptoms of PD. For example,
In rats, the unilateral injection of 6-OHDA into the medial forebrain chronic low dose (CLD) MPTP administration can be used to induce
bundle causes rapid and extensive loss (> 90%) of dopaminergic cognitive deficits found in executive and attentional tasks, which are
neurons that is seen within 14 days (Grealish et al., 2008). The re- further worsened following L-DOPA treatment, as seen in PD patients
producibility and simplicity in quantifying asymmetric motor deficits, (Gotham et al., 1988; Kulisevsky et al., 1996; Schneider et al., 2013). In
such as rotation and forelimb bias, following administration of dopa- modelling both cognitive deficits and subtle motor dysfunction in
minergic agents are major advantages for the use of 6-OHDA-lesioned MPTP-treated nhps, the translational value allows for tests of single or
rats in translational research that have allowed for efficient screening of combined drug treatment strategies that produce the most desired
anti-parkinsonian compounds (Cannon and Greenamyre, 2010; Lane clinical outcome among the myriad of disease symptoms (Ko et al.,
et al., 2006; Schwarting and Huston, 1996). In addition, the injection of 2016). Sleep disturbances seen in PD patients such as rapid eye
6-OHDA into the striatum permits for slower and less severe loss of movement sleep behaviour disorder (Postuma et al., 2009) can also be
dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons (> 60–70%), modelling more pro- evaluated in MPTP-treated monkeys using continuous electro-
gressive neuronal degeneration (Kirik et al., 1998; Sauer and Oertel, encephalography, which has been used to assess the effects of different
1994). pharmacological treatments on sleep disturbances (Barraud et al., 2009;
The gold standard model of PD motor symptoms is produced by Hyacinthe et al., 2014). While MPTP administration causes severe loss
administration of MPTP into old world non-human primate (nhp) spe- of dopaminergic neurons in the SNc, there is also a broad neurotoxic
cies (Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis). With a closer resem- effect with loss of extra-nigral dopaminergic, serotoninergic and adre-
blance to humans in physiology and brain anatomy, the PD motor nergic neurons (Forno et al., 1986; Mitchell et al., 1985; Perez-Otano
features in monkeys that are induced following a regimen of MPTP et al., 1991). Although this resembles some of the major neuropatho-
injections (typically daily doses of 0.2–2 mg/kg for 2–3 weeks) gives an logical changes seen in PD patients, this animal model remains limited
accurate model for advanced PD clinical motor signs (Bezard et al., for studying disease pathogenesis due to lack of true LB pathology,
2001; Bezard et al., 2003; Meissner et al., 2003). The MPTP-treated nhp albeit certain proteinaceous inclusions have been previously reported in
model is most commonly replicated after systemic administration of MPTP-treated baboons (Kowall et al., 2000).
MPTP, which readily crosses the blood brain barrier, inducing a par- While neurotoxin based animal models serve for the development of
kinsonian syndrome of prolonged stillness, bradykinesia, postural def- symptomatic therapies, notably seen from the early success of deep
icit and an overall reduction in movement (Crossman et al., 1985; brain stimulation in PD (Benazzouz et al., 1993), these symptomatic
Delong et al., 1985). After stabilisation of these behaviours where do- animal models remain limited for studying disease-modifying therapies
paminergic degeneration reaches > 90% in the substantia nigra pars due to the inability to accurately replicate the nature of PD pathogen-
compacta (SNc) (Bezard et al., 1997), subjective rating scales based on esis i.e. progressive self-propagating neurodegeneration with

W.K.D. Ko, E. Bezard Experimental Neurology 298 (2017) 172–179

pathological hallmarks. In the next section, we look at the development neurotoxicity that are likely to involve processes of inflammatory re-
of recent animal models that allow for the screening of agents with action (Chung et al., 2009), associated exosome release (Danzer et al.,
disease modifying effects. 2012; Lee et al., 2005), ER-golgi trafficking (Cooper et al., 2006),
passive membrane diffusion (Kayed et al., 2004) and proteasome and
3. Modelling PD pathogenesis lysosome dysfunction (Venda et al., 2010).
Viral mediated overexpression of α-synuclein has also been tested in
With the advancements in the understanding of PD pathogenesis, mice species with the potential in combining the capacity of genetic
specifically the identification of misfolded α-synuclein as a pathogenic modification with progressive disease development. However, the lack
agent, novel animal models of synucleinopathies have been developed of consensus between methods has so far shown different levels of
as a useful platform for evaluating neurodegeneration, as well as for success for inducing neurodegeneration. For example, a number of
specifically investigating α-synuclein seeding and cell-to-cell transmis- studies have reported limited dopaminergic neuronal degeneration
sion (Sato et al., 2015). In regards to the latter, viral vectors have also from 7 to 12 weeks post SN injection (Lauwers et al., 2003; Theodore
been previously utilised across mice, rats and nhps for studying host-to- et al., 2008; Yasuda et al., 2009), whereas other groups, utilising AAV2/
graft transmission i.e. transmission models (Kordower et al., 2011; 7 with either wildtype and mutant A53T-α-synuclein have demon-
Dehay et al., 2016b; Dehay and Fernagut, 2016). In a series of delicate strated significant loss (82%) of nigral TH neurons at 8 weeks following
experiments, the unilateral injection of AAV2/6-huαsyn into the SN injection (Oliveras-Salva et al., 2013). In a recent study by Ip et al.
caused an approximate 23% transmission of human α-synuclein to (2017), the effects of AAV1/2-induced overexpression of A53T-α-sy-
implanted embryonic ventral mesencephalic neurons in striatum of the nuclein were well characterised in C57BL/6 mice (Ip et al., 2017). It
same hemisphere (Angot et al., 2012). was reported that at 10 weeks post unilateral injection into the SN, A-
The use of viral vectors has also been commonly used for inducing AV1/2-A53T- α-synuclein mice showed 33% reduction in TH neurons,
neurodegeneration in mammalian species and is recognised to produce with 29% loss of dopamine active transporter binding. In addition,
a more acute form of PD compared to transgenic animal models, with HPLC analysis revealed reduction in levels of dopamine (38%) and
the avoidance of compensatory mechanisms from constitutive over- DOPAC (33%), respectively (Ip et al., 2017), with histological analysis
expression, which is the case for transgenic PD models. In the first series showing pathological hallmarks of LBs and Lewy-neurites (LNs) in the
of demonstrations (Lo Bianco et al., 2002; Kirik et al., 2002), the re- nigrostriatal system. Authors also characterised the motor deficits in
combinant lenti-virus was used for overexpression of human α-synu- AAV1/2-A53T-α-synuclein mice compared to empty vector controls,
clein (wild-type, A30P mutant and A53T mutant) in the SN of rats, which were seen to have forelimb bias measured using the cylinder test
which induced modest loss of neurons expressing tyrosine hydroxylase at 5 and 9 weeks during the live-phase of the study. Together, the
(TH) (35%, 33% and 24%, respectively) (Lo Bianco et al., 2002). In construct validity in the proposed mouse model of PD pathogenesis was
another key study, Kirik et al. (2002) was first to utilise the re- recognised with degeneration associated with α-synuclein accumula-
combinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) to overexpress wild-type and tion and histological/morphological features, but this model currently
human mutated A53T in rat nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. Fol- lacks predictive validation i.e. the reversal of symptomatic features
lowing unilateral injection into rats of rAAV-α-syn in the SN, patholo- with pharmacological treatments (Ip et al., 2017).
gical features of PD were observed which included α-synuclein inclu- Tests with recombinant AAV for overexpression of α-synuclein in
sions and dystrophic neurites. In addition, the overexpression of α- the SN of higher order species was originally carried out in marmosets,
synuclein caused significant loss of nigral DA neurons (30–80%) and successfully demonstrating PD pathogenesis (Eslamboli et al., 2007;
striatal dopamine (~ 40%), as well as increased dopamine turnover Kirik et al., 2003). The use of AAV2 for increased expression of wild-
(~ 160%) over 6 months (Kirik et al., 2002). However in this study, type or A53T α-synuclein was found to produce 30–60% dopaminergic
animals did not show obvious asymmetric motor deficits, possibly due neuron loss over 4 months (Kirik et al., 2003). Eslamboli et al. (2007)
to a non-substantial loss of striatal dopamine that has been recognised further demonstrated a more reliable model of PD pathogenesis in
to be at a threshold level of > 50–60% (Kirik et al., 1998; Lee et al., marmosets with use of AAV2/5-A53T α-synuclein, compared to wild-
1996). Later studies utilising a chimeric vector, specifically AAV1/2 type α-synuclein (Eslamboli et al., 2007). Recently, Koprich et al.
carrying mutated A53T-α-synuclein cDNA, for increased neuronal (2016) extended observations to macaque species, where AAV1/2-
tropism and expression, demonstrated progressive neurodegeneration driven overexpression of human A53T α-synuclein was used to model
in rats over 6 weeks reaching > 50% dopaminergic cell loss (Koprich PD pathogenesis, in a step towards developing of a drug screening
et al., 2010; Koprich et al., 2011). platform for disease modifying therapies (Koprich et al., 2016). With a
The recent studies using viral mediated overexpression of α-synu- high level of transfection (86%) in nigral dopaminergic neurons after 4
clein in rats has denoted high translational value in modelling motor separate site injections in the SN, authors demonstrated that a high titre
dysfunction as well as in PD pathology. Decressac et al. (2012a, 2012b) (20 μl of 5.1 × 1012 gp/ml) or high volume (28 μl of 1.7 × 1012 gp/ml)
recently assessed behavioural deficits and neuropathological changes of hA53T-α-synuclein caused 50% and 49% SN dopaminergic cell loss,
caused by unilateral AAV6-α-syn injections under an optimised vector respectively, as well as 72% and 60% reduction of dopamine levels in
construct (transgene driven by synapsin-1 promoter and amplified the putamen, respectively, compared to controls over 4 month ob-
WPRE sequence) in rats, which were compared to behavioural and servations (Koprich et al., 2016). Although further experiments are
pathological deficits induced by 6-OHDA-lesions (Decressac et al., needed for evaluating the PD behavioural phenotype in this model and
2012a). While loss of dopaminergic neurons in SNc of AAV6-α-syn in- for demonstrating reproducibility, these initial studies may provide a
jected rats reached approximately 70%, similar to that of two-site in- pathway towards validating a new model of PD pathogenesis for pre-
trastriatal 6-OHDA injections, the model replicated disease hallmarks of clinical drug development. Together, the studies utilising viral vectors
cytoplasmic α-synuclein inclusions with significant asymmetric motor across mammalian species provides for novel models of PD pathogen-
deficits being established over 8 weeks (Decressac et al., 2012a; esis with construct validity, replicating clinical hallmarks, specifically
Decressac et al., 2012b). Recent experiments have further characterised α-synuclein related neuropathology and progressive neurodegenera-
the motor deficiencies in AAV9-α-syn injected rats by using high speed tion.
motion caption of whole-body kinematics, where animals demonstrated Uncovering the mechanisms involved in PD pathogenesis has also
slow shuffling gait, reduced control of limb trajectory and medio-lateral utilised other research methods based on host-to-graft transmission
instability (Bourdenx et al., 2015b). The AAV-α-syn injected rat model (Angot et al., 2012; Desplats et al., 2009) which includes injection of 1.
offers major advantages in the screening of novel neuroprotective Brain samples between α-synuclein transgenic and wild-type animals
agents against motor deficits, as well as processes of α-synuclein (Luk et al., 2012b; Mougenot et al., 2012) 2. In vitro generated PFFs of

W.K.D. Ko, E. Bezard Experimental Neurology 298 (2017) 172–179

α-synuclein (Hansen et al., 2011; Luk et al., 2012a) 3. Brain homo- neurite length and branching. Using high content time-lapse imaging,
genates from patients with synucleinopathy (Bernis et al., 2015; Jones cell culture experiments have so far demonstrated the dose-dependent
et al., 2015) and 4. α-synuclein containing LB extracts from post- effect of α-synuclein-induced toxicity on neurite outgrowth of cortical
mortem PD patient brain tissue (Recasens et al., 2014). neurons over a 7 day period (Cavaliere et al., 2015). These in vitro
Studies in rodents have shown host-to-graft transmission of α-sy- methods in addition to the LB-seeding animal models in mice and nhps
nuclein between neural cells. An example of this is the use of transgenic provide for a powerful platform for studying disease modifying agents.
mice overexpressing α-synuclein (line 61 and line F28) that lead to α- For example, the ability to monitor gradual neuronal degeneration in-
synuclein immunoreactivity in grafted cells from 4 to 6 weeks post- duced by purified LB patient samples as described by Recasens et al.
transplantation (Desplats et al., 2009; Hansen et al., 2011). In vivo (2014) provides for screening of neuroprotective compounds that can
studies have also utilised the injection of brain extracts from α-synu- halt or slow the disease process. Further ex vivo analysis of post-
clein transgenic mice into healthy transgenic animals to demonstrate mortem brain tissue of animal models can be used to identify whether
pathogenic transmission (Mougenot et al., 2012). In a study by Luk potential disease modifying agents are effective against major disease
et al., brain homogenates from old transgenic mice (M83) were injected processes such as α-synuclein aggregation and cell-to-cell transmission.
into cortex and striatum of young asymptomatic transgenic mice, which
caused the spread of α-synuclein pathology in central nervous system 4. Animal model considerations
(CNS) over 90 days (Luk et al., 2012b). Although this demonstrates that
the pathogenic protein is within the brain homogenate sample for in- The implementation of novel methods in modelling PD pathogenesis
itiating disease pathogenesis, the seed pathogen remains to be eluci- through technological breakthroughs provides a potentially effective
dated within the vast content encompassed in the inoculated material. avenue for the rapid development of disease-modifying agents for
Pathological and behavioural abnormalities that resemble PD, such as clinical use. These newly developed research approaches, gives high
loss of dopaminergic neurons in the SNc and motor deficits, has also translational value in modelling progressive neurodegeneration in the
been demonstrated in wild-type mice from a striatal injection of re- closest species related to humans, mimicking effects on behaviour and
combinant α-synuclein PFFs (at 5 μg), a process dependent on host pathophysiology.
expression of endogenous α-synuclein, which supports a seeding me- With the use of the novel research tools, screening for candidate
chanism induced by pathogenic species (Luk et al., 2012a). However, agents against neurodegeneration can be carried out relatively rapidly,
while providing useful insights into the disease developmental process, where it remains important to refine and strictly orient experimental
it remains noted that large amounts of PFFs (within the microgram measures and designs for clinical translation (Camus et al., 2015). As
range) are required to initiate pathology, raising questions of the direct successful translation of research to the clinical domain has suffered
association with disease pathogenesis and calling for further studies in from poor experimental designs and methodological approaches in
identifying the pathogenic subspecies of oligomers and fibrils. animal studies (Hackam, 2007; Martic-Kehl et al., 2012; Van Der Worp
In the past few years, much progress has been made in modelling PD et al., 2010), which has led to exaggerated findings (Button et al., 2013;
pathogenesis in nhps using human α-synuclein species derived from LBs Hackam, 2007; Ioannidis, 2008; Van Der Worp and Macleod, 2011), the
of post-mortem PD patients, where it was hypothesised that patient- use of animal models in PD can benefit by strictly adhering to rando-
derived aggregated α-synuclein holds the pathogenic candidate. In the misation, treatment/assessment blinding and sample size calculated
study performed by Recasens et al. (2014), nigral LB samples from 3 PD designs (Bebarta et al., 2003; Button et al., 2013; Perel et al., 2007; Van
patient brain samples, purified by sucrose gradient fractionation and Der Worp et al., 2005), to avoid poor data reproduction and ineffective
filter retardation, were injected into the i. motor striatum (100 μl) at translational progress (Hackam, 2007; Hackam and Redelmeier, 2006;
two rostrocaudal levels or ii. substantia nigra (10 μl) in rhesus macaque Sena et al., 2007; Van Der Worp et al., 2010). Along these lines, tech-
monkeys (Recasens et al., 2014). The PD-derived LB-extracts caused nical approaches in the range of animal models can value from stan-
progressive nigrostriatal neurodegeneration, where it was found that dardising certain research methods. In the new models for example,
exogenous human α-synuclein was internalised by neurons initiating consistency in experimental factors, such as rodent strain, serotype,
conversion of host α-synuclein, which spread across anatomically in- promotor, vector (lentivirus vs. adenovirus), aggregates of wild-type or
terconnected brain areas. During the live phase of the study, dopami- forms of mutated/phosphorylated of α-synuclein and titre for sample
nergic neuron loss (~ 34%) was shown at 9 months post striatal LB preparations, are likely to enhance experimental data reproducibility.
injection by positron emission scans using radioligand marker 11C- Indeed, differences in research techniques have so far shown incon-
DTBZ. Post-termination analysis conducted at 14 months post injection, sistencies in neuropathology in rodent models, where dopaminergic
showed that nhps injected with LBs into the striatum or SNc, had sig- neuron loss has been reported to range from extensive (~ 70%)
nificant dopamine cell loss in SNc (~ 40% and ~15%, respectively). (Decressac et al., 2012a; Decressac et al., 2012b) to moderate (~ 30%)
With more extensive loss at the striatal dopaminergic axon terminals (Mcfarland et al., 2009; Recchia et al., 2008).
than SNc cell bodies, authors alluded to a putative mechanism of LB Moreover, experiments using the most relevant animal model are to
extract induced retrograde nigral neuronal degeneration or possible be ideally designed with similar or exact endpoints/outcomes to those
initiation of pathological cascades that induced distal neurodegenera- used in patients. These include the use of biomarkers for measuring
tion (Recasens et al., 2014). Moreover, the detailed cell analysis showed neurodegeneration (Delatour et al., 2006; Jack et al., 2009) i.e. in vivo
most pathological (Ser129 phosphorylated/proteinase K resistant) α- SPECT imaging measurement of [99mTc]-TRODAT-1 binding (Fernagut
synuclein diffusely accumulated in the cytosol and in the presynaptic et al., 2010; Meissner et al., 2003; Prunier et al., 2003). As such, proof
terminals. In mice, it is found that the potent reactivity species of of concept animal trials, especially in the range of new animal models
purified LB samples causing neurodegeneration is within a picogram of PD may mitigate the risk of taking a preclinical compound to clinical
dose range (Recasens et al., 2014), in comparison to a microgram dose trials.
range that is needed for recombinant PFFs to induce cell loss, sug-
gesting a higher pathogenic potential of infectivity of the former. To 5. Developing animal models of disease pathogenesis
support these in vivo investigations, an in vitro research platform has
been developed specifically for compound assessment against α-synu- With the new methods for developing drug candidates, the tech-
clein cell toxicity and cell transmission (neuron/glia ↔ glia/neuron). nological approaches employed also provide for greater ways for un-
Using 96-well plate high-throughput screening in primary cortical covering neurological disease pathogenesis. The nature of disease de-
neuronal cultures, drug efficacy against α-synuclein toxicity can be velopment in new PD pathogenesis models e.g. > 9 months in LB-
monitored through blockade of changes to cell morphology, such as injected nhps or > 4 months in AAV1/2-huA53T injected nhps,

W.K.D. Ko, E. Bezard Experimental Neurology 298 (2017) 172–179

presents a significant time frame for deciphering neurodegeneration entry and cell-to-cell transfer in primary hippocampal cell cultures
across brain regions that may relate to non-motor impairments during (Tran et al., 2014). It was also demonstrated that repeated systemic
the pre-motor symptomatic phase (Jellinger, 2011), simultaneously injection of Syn303 at 10 mg/kg in PFF-inoculated wild-type mice at-
giving translational value for development of such therapies. Recent tenuated SN dopaminergic degeneration and accumulation syn506-
studies have been extended to investigating peripheral transmission positive aggregates compared to control IgG-treated mice, where be-
into the CNS, which may help elucidate unknown processes in prion- havioural deficits in grip strength and motor coordination were also
like pathogenesis like site-specific initiation in anatomical regions i.e. improved in the group treated with α-synuclein monoclonal antibodies
olfactory bulb and internal plexuses. In wild-type mice, Rey et al. (Tran et al., 2014). Another novel candidate agent currently being
(2013) showed the injection of molecular species of recombinant tested is the specific oligomer modulator named Anle138b, a compound
human α-synuclein (monomeric, oligomeric and fibrillary forms) into discovered through high-throughput screening. So far, in vivo tests
the olfactory bulb, rapidly spread to interconnected brain regions in- have demonstrated that Anle138b has blood brain barrier permeability
cluding anterior olfactory bulb, frontal cortex, striatum and amygdala targeting the pathological aggregation process of pathological α-synu-
(Rey et al., 2013). In rat studies, the injection of rAAV serotype ex- clein oligomers, binding specifically to aggregated α-synuclein (Wagner
pressing human wild type α-synuclein into the left vagus nerve in rats et al., 2013). Following treatment in the LB-seeding mouse model of PD,
caused expression of human α-synuclein in the medulla oblongata and a reduction of oligomer accumulation and slower disease progression
caused a caudo-rostral spread to interconnected brain regions (Ulusoy has been reported. This compound is now being tested in LB-injected
et al., 2013). In addition to this, pathogenic species in the form of nhps and has so far demonstrated a promising pharmacokinetic profile.
human α-synuclein from SN of PD patients and distinct recombinant α- Further therapies in stages of development are vaccinations with short
synuclein forms (including monomers, oligomers and fibrils) can be peptide affitopes® for preventing α-synuclein aggregation by targeting
seen to pass into the CNS through the vagal nerve following injection the C-terminus region of α-synuclein, which has shown efficacy in
into the intestinal walls of rats (Holmqvist et al., 2014). The gastro- transgenic mouse models for decreasing α-synuclein oligomers in axons
intestinal route of entry for pathogenic species has also been previously and synapses and reduced loss of dopaminergic neurons (Mandler et al.,
investigated using the environmental toxin rotenone. Following the 2014; Masliah et al., 2011). The above mentioned studies together
Braak hypothesis, peripheral transmission was determined through in- demonstrate the active shift in development of disease modifying
tragastric administration of retonone in mice, which caused α-synuclein therapies using the range of novel animal models of PD pathogenesis, in
pathology in both the enteric nervous system and CNS (Pan-Montojo order to fulfil the major unmet clinical need in the treatment of neu-
et al., 2010). These new insights into the pathogenic basis of PD present rological disorders.
greater opportunities for developing disease modifying strategies,
whereby specific treatments may be designed and directed to key 7. Conclusions
anatomical regions for effectively preventing α-synuclein pathology
and subsequent disease progression. The recognition of the α-synuclein as the major component in the
Recent breakthroughs in techniques for site–specific gene editing pathogenesis of PD has given way to newly developed animal models
and transfection is also paving a new way forward for studying disease allowing for cutting-edge research studies in screening novel agents
progression in nhps (Yang et al., 2008). It has been demonstrated that with disease modifying actions. These novel disease models of patho-
intravenous injection of adeno-associated virus serotype 9 variant genesis include the use of two established methods that are viral vector
(scAAV9) in newly born macaques (post-natal day 1) mediates effica- induced α-synuclein expression and LB seeding, which replicate the
cious neuronal gene transduction in brain areas such as the cortex, progressive substantial loss of neurodegeneration and the self-propa-
midbrain, hippocampus and cerebellum (Dehay et al., 2012). Further gating spread of pathogenic α-synuclein. Although these disease models
efforts are being made for homogenous gene expression in the cortex require further predictive validity for disease modifying drug devel-
and deep brain structures using in utero delivery of viral vectors to opment, it remains a great leap towards developing a translational
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