Sedation, Dizziness, Headache, Fatigue

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Drug Name Action Indication Contraindication Drug Interaction Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Clonidine Hypersensitivity. Hypotensive action may be CNS:  Drowsiness,

Clonidine stimulates alpha- Hypertension Disorders of potentiated by diuretics and sedation, Assessment
2 receptors in cardiac pacemaker vasodilators. Effects of dizziness, headache, fatigue
Brand Name: brain stem which activity and clonidine antagonised by that tend to diminish History: Hypersensitivit
Catapres results in reduced conduction. TCAs and centrally-acting within 4–6 wk, dreams, y to clonidine or
sympathetic Pregnancy and alpha-blockers. May enhance nightmares, insomnia, adhesive layer
Dosage: outflow from the lactation toxicity due to digitalis, hallucinations, delirium, components of the
Clonidine 75mcg SL CNS and a lithium. May antagonise oral nervousness, restlessness, transdermal system;
for BP greater than decrease in Special Precaution hypoglycaemics. anxiety, depression, retinal severe coronary
150/90 peripheral Potentially degeneration insufficiency, recent MI,
resistance leading Withdraw Fatal: Hypnosedatives, cerebrovascular
Date Ordered: to reduced BP gradually, renal antihistamines and alcohol CV:CHF, orthostatic disease; chronic renal
09-18-10 and pulse rate. It impairment, tasks may cause excessive hypotension, palpitations, failure; lactation,
does not alter that require mental drowsiness in patients on tachycardia, bradycardia, pregnancy
Pregnancy Category normal alertness. clonidine. Withdrawal of Raynaud's phenomenon,
C haemodynamic Cerebrovascular clonidine in patients receiving ECG abnormalities Physical: Body weight;
response to disease, ischaemic noncardioselective β-blockers manifested as Wenckebach T; skin color, lesions,
Drug classes exercise at heart disease, MI. may result in rebound BP. period or temperature; mucous
Antihypertensive recommended IV inj should be Acute severe hypotension ventricular trigeminy membranes—
Sympatholytic dosages. administered following concomitant color, lesion; breast
(centrally acting) slowly. Occlusive administration of clonidine Dermatologic: Rash, exam; orientation, affect,
Central analgesic peripheral vascular and chlorpromazine or halope angioneurotic edema, hives, reflexes; ophthalmologic
disorders, history ridol urticaria, hair thinning and exam; P,
Absorption: Well of depression alopecia, pruritus, dryness, BP, orthostatic
absorbed from the GI itching or burning of the BP, perfusion, edema,
tract (oral); peak eyes, pallor auscultation; bowel
plasma sounds, normal output,
concentrations after GI:  Dry mouth, liver evaluation,
3-5 hr. Absorbed constipation, anorexia, palpation of salivary
from the skin malaise, nausea, vomiting, glands; normal urinary
(transdermal). parotid pain, output, voiding
Distribution: 20- parotitis, mild transient pattern; liver function
40% protein bound. abnormalities in liver tests, ECG
Metabolism: Hepatic function tests
: 50% of the dose. Interventions
Excretion: Via urine GU: Impotence, decreased
within 24 hr (as 40- sexual activity, diminished Do not discontinue
60% as unchanged libido, nocturia, difficulty abruptly; discontinue
drug), via faeces in micturition, urinary therapy by reducing the
(20% of the dose); 6- retention dosage
24 hr (elimination gradually over 2–4 days
half-life), prolonged Other: Weight gain, to avoid rebound
to 41 hr in renal transient elevation of blood hypertension,
impairment glucose or serum creatine tachycardia, flushing,
phosphokinase, nausea, vomiting, cardiac
gynecomastia, weakness, arrhythmias
muscle or joint pain, (hypertensive
cramps of the encephalopathy and
lower limbs, dryness of the death
nasal mucosa, fever have occurred after
abrupt cessation of

Do not discontinue prior

to surgery; monitor BP
carefully during surgery;
other BP-controlling
drugs readily available.

Store epidural injection

at room temperature;
discard any unused

Reevaluate therapy if
clonidine tolerance
occurs; giving
concomitant diuretic
increases the
antihypertensive efficacy
of clonidine.

Monitor BP carefully
when discontinuing
clonidine; hypertension
usually returns
within 48 hr.

Assess compliance with

drug regimen in a
supportive manner with
pill counts, or
other methods.

Teaching points

Take this drug exactly as

prescribed. Do not miss
doses. Do not
discontinue thedrug
unless so instructed. Do
not discontinue abruptly;
adverseeffects may
occur. If you travel, take
an adequate supply of

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