Amended Complaint Frompovicz v. Department of Environmental Protection Et Al

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Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 1 of 59




Stanley F. Frompovicz, Jr. and )
Valeriya V. Frompovicz as guardians of their )
minor child, NICOLE A. FROMPOVICZ )
Plaintiff, )
vs. )
DAVID HISSNER, Individually and in his capacity
as manager of the Pottsville District Office of the ) OCl 16 2017
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental )
Protection; ) KA1E~KMAN,
' c1eg.rt<
LISA DANIELS, Individually and in her capacity as ) By_,I -
Director of the Bureau of Safe Drinking Water for )
the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental )
Protection; )
DAWN HISSNER, Individually and in her capacity )
as Chief of the Division of Operations Monitoring )
and Complaince of the Pennsylvania Department of )
Environmental Protection; )
LYNNE SHEETZ, Individually and in her capacity )
as Manager of Operations Monitoring and )
Compliance of the South Central Regional Office )
of the Pennsylvnaia Department of Environmental )
Protection; )
ROD NESMITH, lndividaully and in his capacity )
as Regional Manager of the bureau of Safe Drinking )
Water of the South Central Regional Office of the )
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental )
Protection; )
JEFFREY ALGYER, lndvidually and in his )
capacity as Regional Manager of the Bureau of Safe )
Water Drinking Act of the South Central Regional )
Office of the Pennsylvania Department of )
Environmental Protection; )
DAVID MITTNER, Indivually and in his capacity )
as Chief of the Division of Permits of the Bureau of )
Safe Drinking Water of the Pennsylvania )
Department of Environmental Protection; )
PETER MANGAK, Individually and in his capacity )
Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 2 of 59

as Environmental Protection Specialist and Chief )

Enforcement Officer of the Northeast Regional )
of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental )
Protection; )
TODD OSTIR, Individually and in his capacity as )
Chief Monitoring and Compliance Officer of the )
Bureau of Safe Drinking Water of the Northeast )
Regional Office of the Pennsylvania Department of )
Environmental Protection; )
BRIAN YAGIELLO, Individually and in his capacity)
as Regional Manager for the Bureau of Safe )
Drinking Water of the Northeast Regional Office of )
the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental )
Protection; )
BRIAN BUSHER, Individually and in his capacity as)
Chief Permit Engineeer of the Bureau of Safe )
Drinking Water of the Northeast Regional Office of )
the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental )
Protection; )
JASON MINNICH, Individually and in his capacity )
as Chief of the Drinking Water Reporting System )
of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental )
Protection; )
SHAWN CABLE, Individually and in his capacity as )
Technical and Financial Services of the Pennsylvania)
Department of Environmental Protection; )
JOSHUA KRAMMES, Individually and in his )
capacity as Sanitarian of the Pennsylvania Department)
of Environmental Protection; )
THOMAS SHAUL, Individually and in his capacity )
as Chief of Technical Services of the Pennsylvania )
Department of Environmental Protection; )
THOMAS FREDRJCCI, Individually and in his )
capacity as a member of the Pennsylvania Department)
of Environmental Protection; )
CHAD A REISCH, Individually and in his capacity )
as geotechnical hydrogeologist of the Pennsylvania )
Department of Environmental Protection; )
PADEP DOES 1-9, Indvidually and in their official )
capacities as members of the Pennsylvania )
Department of Environmental Protection; )
LYDIA JOHNSON, Individually and in her )
Capacity as Director of the Bureau of Food Safety )
and Laboratory Services of the Pennsylvania )

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 3 of 59

Department of Agriculture; )
GARY LANDIAK, Individually and in his capacity )
as Plant Inspector of Region 7 of the Pennsylvania )
Department of Agriculture; )
JUDITH MILLER, Individually and in her capacity )
as Food Safety Supervisor of the Pennsylvania )
Department of Agriculture; and )
PADOA DOES 1-10, Individually and in their official)
capacities as members of the Pennsylvania )
Department of Agriculture, )
Defendants. )


Plaintiffs, Stanley F. Frompovicz, Jr. ("Plaintiff' or "Frompovicz"), Valeriya V.

Frompovicz ("Valeriya Frompovicz") and Nicole A. Frompovicz ("Nicole Frompovicz")

in a prose capcity, file this Amedend Complaint against Defendants, Pennsylvania

Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP"), David Hissner ("Manager of Pottsville

PADEP"), Lisa Daniels ("Director ofPADEP Bureau of Safe Drinking Water" or

"Daniels"), Dawn Hissner ("Chief of Monitoring and Compliance of PADEP"), Lynne

Sheetz ("Manager of Operations Monitoring and Compliance of PADEP" or "Sheetz"),

Rod Nesmith ("Regional Manager ofPADEP Bureau of Safe Drinking Water" or

"Nesmith"), Jeffrey Algyer ("Regional Manager of PADEP Bureau of Safe Water

Drinking Act" or "Algyer"), David Mittner ("Chief of Division of Permits of the Bureau

of Safe Drinking Water of PADEP" or "Mittner"), Peter Mangak ("Environmental

Protection Specialist and Chief Enforcement Officer ofPADEP" or "Mangak"), Todd

Ostir ("Chief Monitoring and Compliance Officer of Bureau of Safe Drinking Water of

PADEP" or "Ostir"), Brian Yagiello ("Regional Manager for Bureau of Safe Drinking

Water of PADEP" or "Yagiello"), Brian Busher ("Chief Permit Engineer of Bureau of

Safe Dinking Water of PADEP" or"Busher"), Jason Minnich ("Chief of the Drinking

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 4 of 59

Water Reporting System of PADEP" or "Minnich"), Shawn Cable ("Technical and

Financial Services" or "Cable"), Joshua Krammes ("Sanitarian" or "Krammes"), Thomas

Shaul ("Chief of Technical Service" or "Shaul"), Thomas Fredricci ("Fredricci"), Chad

Reisch ("Reisch"), PADEP DOES 1-9, individually and in their official capacities as

members of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania

Department of Agriculture ("DOA"), Lydia Johnson ("Director of the Bureau of Food

Safety and Laboratory Services of P ADOA" or "Johnson"), Gary Landiak ("Plant

Inspector of PADOA" or "Landiak"), Judith Miller ("Food Safety Supervisor of

PADOA" or "Miller"), PADOA DOES 1-10, individually and in their official capacities

as members of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture jointly and serverally.

Plaintiff avers as follows:


1. Plaintiff Stanley Frompovicz, d/b/a FAS owns a Property located in South

Manheim Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, and an Operations Permit issued

by PA DEP to remove and resell spring water for the bottled water industry.

2. PlaintiffValeriya V. Frompovicz is the wife and dependent of Plaintiff Stanley F.

Frompovicz Jr. Valeriya Frompovicz is a housewife, and has no other means of support,

other than through marital funds. Valeriya Frompovicz is also a co-owner of the property

on which the water operation is located.

3. Plaintiff, Nicole Anne Frompovicz is the daughter and minor dependent of

Plaintiff, Stanley F. Frompovicz Jr. Nicole Frompovicz is a minor child, and has no other

means of support, other than through her father, Stanley F. Frompovicz Jr

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4. Defendant, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP") is a

governmental agency established and operates pursuant to the statutes and authority of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

5. Defendant, David Hissner is employed by the PADEP as Manager of the Pottsville

District Office and reports to Defendant, Todd Ostir. David is husband to Defendant Dawn

Hissner. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

6. Defendant, Lisa Daniels is employed by the PADEP as the Director of the Bureau

of Safe Drinking Water. She is sued in her official and individual capacity.

7. Defendant, Dawn Hissner is employed by the PADEP as the Chief of the Division

of Operations Monitoring and Compliance. She is in charge of the oversight of all water

permit holders statewide. Dawn is the wife of Defendant David Hissner. It is believed

she reports to Defendant, Lisa Daniels. She is sued in her official and individual


8. Defendant, Lynne Sheetz is employed by the PA DEP as the Manager of

Operations Monitoring and Compliance of the South Central Regional Office. It is

believed she reports to Defendant, Dawn Hissner. She is sued in her official and

individual capacity.

9. Defendant, Rod Nesmith is employed by the PA DEP as Regional Manager of the

Bureau of Safe Drinking Water of the South Central Regional Office. He is sued in his

official and individual capacity.

10. Defendant, Jeffrey Algyer is employed by the PA DEP as Regional Manager of

the Bureau of Safe Water Drinking Act of the South Central Regional Office. He is

specifically in charge of statewide Operations and Monitoring. He supervises regional

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managers of compliance and enforcement. It is believed he reports to Defendant, Dawn

Hissner. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

11. Defendant, David Mittner is employed by the PA DEP as Chief of the Division of

Permits of the Bureau of Safe Drinking Water. He is responsible for the equitable

enforcement ofDEP rules and regulations across the entire state of Pennsylvania. He is

sued in his official and individual capacity.

12. Defendant, Peter Mangak is employed by the PA DEP as Environmental

Protection Specialist and Chief Enforcement Officer of the Northeast Region. It is

believed he reports to Defendant, Dawn Hissner. He is sued in his official and individual


13. Defendant, Todd Ostir is employed by the PA DEP as Chief Monitoring and

Compliance Officer of the Bureau of Safe Drinking Water of the Northeast Regional

Office. It is believed he reports to Defendant, Dawn Hissner. He is sued in his official

and individual capacity.

14. Defendant, Brian Yagiello is employed by the PA DEP as Regional Manager for

the Bureau of Safe Drinking Water of the Northeast Regional Office. It is believed he

reports to Defendant, David Mittner. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

15. Defendant, Brian Busher is employed by the PA DEP as Chief Permit Engineer of

the Bureau of Safe Drinking Water of the Northeast Regional Office. It is believed he

reports to Defendant, Brian Yagiello. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

16. Defendant, Jason Minnich is employed by the PA DEP as Chief of the Drinking

Water Reporting System. He is responsible for the equitable enforcement ofDEP rules

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and regulations across the entire state of Pennsylvania. It is believed he reports to

Defendant, Dawn Hissner. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

17. Defendant, Shawn Cable is employed by the PA DEP in the Technical and

Financial Services Section. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

18. Defendant, Joshua Krammes is employed as sanitarian for the Pennsylvania

Department of Environmental Protection. It is believed he reports to Defendant, David

Hissner. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

19. Defendant, Thomas Shaul is employed by the PA DEP as Chief of Technical

Services. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

20. Defendant, Thomas Fredricci is employed by the Pennsylvania Department of

Environmental Protection. He is sued in his official and individual capacity.

21. Defendant Chad Reisch is employed by the Pennsylvania Department of

Environmental Protection as a geotechnical hydrogeologist. He is sued in his official and

individual capacity.

22. Defendants, PADEP DOES 1-9 are individual members of the Pennsylvania

Department of Environmental Protection. They are sued in their official and individual


23. Defendant, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture ("DOA") is a governmental

agency established and operates pursuant to the statutes and authority of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

24. Defendant, Lydia Johnson is employed by the PA DOA as Director of the Bureau

of Food Safety and Laboratory Services. She is sued in her official and individual


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25. Defendant, Gary Landiak is employed by the PA DOA as Plant Inspector of

Region 7. It is believed he reports to Defendant, Judith Miller. He is sued in his official

and individual capacity.

26. Defendant, Judith Miller is employed by the PA DOA as Food Safety Supervisor.

She is sued in her official and individual capacity.

27. Defendants PADOA DOES 1-10 are individual members of the Pennsylvania

Department of Agriculture. They are sued in their official and individual capacities.

28. All above named individuals are state actors who supervise and authorize actions of

the Department of Environmental Protection and the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture.

They are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the uniform and legal application and

enforcement of the policies and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United


29. Pennsylvania Department ofEvironmental Protection and Pennsylvania

Department of Agriculture are specifically sued in their official capacity.

30. Invidious violation of a persons civil rights overcome the grant of sovereignty

afforded in the Eleventh Amendment. Equal protection of the class of one, and the violation

of due process rights are both invidious acts of discrimination, thus subjecting both state

agencies to liability


31. This action arises under the Constitution and laws of the United States, including

Article III, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, and is brought under and pursuant to

42 U.S.C. §1983.

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32. The Jurisdiciton of this Honorable Court is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331,

1343, 1367, 2201; encompassing all questions matters, issues and claims prescribed herein.

33. Venue is proper in this Honorable Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 139l(b) since

some of the subject matter events or omissions occurred in this judicial district and/or the

some of the named Defendants are grounded within said district.


34. In August 2001, Plaintiff d/b/a FAS applied for a permit with the DEP NERO to

operate a Bulk Water Hauling and Spring Water Source at the following location: at 71 W.

Jefferson Lane, Auburn, Pa. 17922.

35. On April 16, 2002, the DEP issued the foregoing Pemit to FAS.

36. At all times from2002 to present, FAS has continued to operate under the terms and-

conditions of the DEP Permit issued April 16, 2002.

37. M.C. Resourse Development Company a/k/a M.C. Resource Development, Inc.

("MCR"), an entity owned by James J. Land Jr. ("Land"), applied for and received a similar

permit for Pine Valley Springs ("PV") on April 28, 2003 from the same office and region as

did FAS in the foregoing averment, DEP NERO.

38. On or about April 15, 2007, FAS began to supply permitted water to Niagara

Bottling Co. ("Niagara"), at its new facility located in Breinigsville, Lehigh County,

Pennsylvania. The plant is located within the jurisdiciton of DEP NERO.

39. In September of2008, Wissahickon Bottling Co. ('Wissahickon"), the former parent

company of MCR was dissolved in bankruptcy proceedings, and thereafter, MCR had no

outlet for its PV well water source. The Wissahickon bottling plant was under the

jurisdiciton ofDEP SCRO.

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40. At all times from the issuance of the DEP permit to MCR in 2002, up until the

Wissahickon demise, DEP allowed MCR to supply and for Wissahickon to receive, water

from MC R's PV site in a "RAW" state.

41. DEP regulations have only ever allowed RAW water to be shipped to a bottling

facility which owns or controls the source. DEP does not allow "RAW' water to be shipped

to any other customer.

42. A review ofDEP records reveals that the difference is signified by the entrance of

the word "purchased water" category on the bottlers' DEP Permit. If the source is closely

held, the water is not considered to be "purchased."

43. Subsequent to the demise ofWissahickon, DEP individual defendants have

continued to arbitrarily and capriciously allow MCR to ship RAW water to outside

purchasers. All other major bottlers either have purchased or in some way control their

water sources, and as such their RAW water is only supplied to their own plants.

44. Bottlers who can meet the criteria to allow the acceptance of RAW water enjoy an

advantage over entities that must comply with the regulations regarding the shipping of

"FINISHED WATER" to a bottling plant. If the water is shipped as RAW then no

monitoring or testing, and, most importantly, NO REPORTING oftest results of the RAW

water is mandated/required.

45. DEP, by and through the indvidual DEP defendants herein, (1) manifested blatant

disregard of its own stated policy and regulations; and (2) allowed the illegal sales and

transport of raw water from the PV site to non-controlling bottlers. Thus allowing special

and deferential treatment for one favored entity and source; Land!MCR and PV.

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46. Land, by and through various business entities, operates three (3) water supply

sources, MCR, known as Pine Valley, Temple Springs and Tower Springs. All of the

foregoing operate under the direct control of Land.

47. This special treatment demonstarted to Land by DEP resulted in a huge benefit to

accrue to MCR, et al.. Specifically the DEP's total failure to enforce any actions against

MCR, despite total awareness of the illegality, while at the same time enforcing the exact

same rules against a similar situated entity, mainly FAS. This practice continues and also

continues to shock the conscience.

48. The unequal enforcement of regulations specifically harmed FAS by allowing

Land/MCR to flaunt quality regulations. Whereas, FAS was required to operate under the

onerous rules. PV was not required to follow the law. The disparity in enforcement resulted

in substantial cost savings to PV, and thus imparted an unfair business advantage to MCR,

and against FAS, a direct competitor.

49. Upon information and belief, personal and political relationships exist between the

principal ofMCR (Land) and certain political persona and department top level

management have allowed this illegality to continue for 10 years.

50. MCR, by taking advantage of this disparate enforcement ofDEP regulations,

replaced FAS as a principle supplier of water to Niagara in 2009.

51. In a letter/reJ)Orl dated 4/14/2009 to DEP NERO ("4/!4/09 Letter"), Land informed

DEP that MCR would begin to supply water to Niagara. The 4/!4/09 Letter: (l) included an

inspection report of'(:he PV site, authored by Kenneth Justice PE.; (2) included pictures of

the PV site/facility as attachments; and (3) was received by Ken Thomas of the DEP's

Pottsvile District Oft;ice. The pictures attached to the 4/14/09 Letter, clearly showed illegal

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operating conditions existing at the PV site/facility. At a minimum, the well heads were

below the adjacent ground level and no functional ozonation system was present, thus the

required FINISHED water could not possibly be shipped. No inspection was made by DEP,

and yet, MCR was allowed to operate, and take the Niagara business from FAS.

52. In an inspection report dated October 27, 2002 , DEP inspector Jason Minnich, who

now works directly for Dawn Hissner, clearly pointed out to Wissahickon and MCR

representatives, that as long as the water was being shipped only to the closely held


water could be shipped raw ("10/27/02 Inspection Report"). Minnich made the foregoing

notation on the 10/27/02 Inspection Report. The Notice was given because Minnich

observed that the pennittee, MCR was not following the terms and conditions of the

controlling DEP issued permit, specifically, a requirement to ozonate the water in each truck

before it left the PV site. Again, if the water was only shipped to the Wissahickon plant,

MCR was in compliance, however, if the water was shipped othenvise then said action

would constitute noncompliance to the controlling permit.

53. Upon informaiton and belief, MCR wished to ignore the ozonation requirement,

specifically because the element, bromide, was present in the raw water at the PV site.

54. When water containing bromide is subjected to ozone, bromate, a carcinogen is

produced. Bromide is present, specifically because the source water is pumped from 300 ft,

deep wells, and is not spring water as is required by FDA labelling laws. DEP permit

documents confmn that the water is drawn from deep wells at the PV site.

55. At meeting in early 2007 between personnel from DEP Central and Wissahickon

management and attorneys, DEP gave notice that MCR had to separate their PV pennit from

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the permit issued for Wissahickon's Hamburg, PA plant. The plant at that site (Hamburg,

PA) was now owned and operated by Trident, Inc.

56. Despite the foregoing absolute order, DEP took no further enforcement action

against MCR; ever. This same violation has been overlooked for 10 years. The same

requirement and condition would apply to water being shipped from PV to Crossroads

Beverage ,CB, Niagara, or Ice River. Defendant Dawn Hissner is the person in charge of

this enforcement.

57. In 2009, DEP again remindedMCR that finished water had to be shipped in order to

keep PV's DEP permit in place. DEP should have clearly reiterated the same message given

to Land in 2002, and 2007. In order to ship water to a "customer'', not himself, he had to

abide by the Pine Valley Permit in total, and ship ONLY FINISHED water.

58. DEP reminded DS water and other bottling companies that only fmished water from

their owned springs is allowed to be shipped to bottling plants, other than those plants under

their ownership.

59. FAS has experienced losses in the millions of dollars because of the disparate

enforcement of regulations by individuals acting under color ofDEP policy or acting on

their own initiative for political or monetary gain.

60. Land, principle of MCR, stated in sworn testimony before the EHB, that he never

has, nor will he ever ship finished water from any source that he controls. The reason is, the

PV wells are drilled deep into the former coastal plane, and as such the wells contain salts,

specifically bromide.

61. Land is aware of the bromide problem, and in 2002 by his own memo, noted that the

"Bromide Contingency" would cost in excess of one million dollars to abate.

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62. Land is not the owner of either Niagara or Crossroads Beverage or Ice River

Springs. Notwithstanding, despite clear and unambiguous sworn testimony of Land, DEP,

to this very day, allows Land to transport raw water to the bottling plants of Niagara and/or

Crossroads Beverage and/or Ice River Springs.

63. This allowance by DEP policy and disparate enforcement by individuals has been

the proximate cause of damage to FAS in an amount in excess of20 million dollars. \

64. The DEP and individual employees of DEP continually look the other way, and

allow Land's raw water to be shipped to the bottling plants of Niagara and/or Crossroads

Beverage and/or Ice River Springs.

65. Notwithstanding, competitor water suppliers, FAS included, are required to continue

to provide only FINISHED water to the customers listed. DEP records indicate that the PV

water shipped to the Niagara-Allentown facility was not recorded as "purchased water".

66. DEP files coupled with records relarting to the Niagara plant permit, the space

wherein the source water supplier, PV's permit number should be entered is blank. All

other suppliers of water to Niagara are shown as "purchased water" and the source permit

number is so recorded.

67. Defendant Minnich is in charge of this PAWDIS System, and under the direction of

Dawn Hissner.

68. Despite having excellent testing results for years, FAS experienced a positive

colifonn result on June 10, 2015, which culminated in the recall by Niagara of millions of

dollars of bottled water. No contaminated water was ever found at Niagara either in bottled

water, or in the test results of the water unloaded from FAS tank trailers. In the time period

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in question, Niagara conducted 167 coliform tests, at two separate bottling plants, Allentown

and Hamburg; all testing was found to be in compliance.

69. At the very same time, RAW, untested, unmonitored, unozonated water was being

delivered to Niagara, Crossroads, and Ice River plants daily. This violation is allowed by

DEP, continuing to the present time.

70. Despite the FAS water being ozonated, a bad test result was indicated. This could

have been caused by lab contamination or improper handling or a test false positive.

Despite many unknowns, DEP ordered Niagara to issue a recall notice.

71. On June 19, 2015 at 3:53p.m., DEP defendants received urgent messages at two

DEP offices. The Reading DEP district office, wherein the lab is located, and the DEP

NERO office in Wilkes Barre, received messages from Suburban Testing Labs, that stated

"we wish to rescind the FAS test results"; no return calls \Vere ever made by DEP

defendants to the lab. Had the DEP Defendants ever bothered to return the calls to the lab,

the 20 million dollar recall could have been entirely avoided.

72. The DEP Defendants owed a duty to respond to the urgent lab calls. Even if not

discovered until the subsequent Monday morning (June 22, 2015), immediate action and

recision of the recall order would have greatly mitigated the damages emanating from the


73. MCR has been allowed to bypass any and all testing. Despite years of

noncompliance, late, untimely, reports on multiple sources, Land/MCR has been allowed to

operate as usual. Pictures in DEP files ofMCR's well heads, indicate that they are below

ground level. Defendant Hissner has, in sworn testimony at the EHB, stated that there is no

operational ozone generator at the PV site, yet MCR is allowed to operate, by DEP.

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74. DEP defendants devised a scheme, to allow MCR to operate without any oversight.

75. On March 11, 2013, Defendant David Hissner sent MCR's principal, Land, a letter

notifying him that the PV permit was being suspended. However, he could continue to

operate as usual ("3/11/13 Suspension Letter''). In the 3/11/13 Suspension Letter, Hissner

indicated that this position was being taken so that "violation notices are not generated"; no

permit, no testing, no reporting.

76. Defendant Dawn Hissner (Defendant David Hissner's wife) is responsbile for

statewide Monitoring and Compliance for the DEP. Both Defendants Dawn and David

Hissner as well as all other DEP officials were keenly aware that this type of

accommodation was and is only allowed wherein the water source is under the control of the

bottler, and listed, and made part of the Bottlers DEP permit.

77. The permit number listed in the suspension letter to Pine Valley, was the permit

number issued to FAS; not MCR. This was not a mere coincidence, at the very same time,

DEP was harassing FAS over water with drawl allowances. FAS was being harassed while

PV was being given extraordinary business advantages.

78. On June 15, 2012 FAS began selling and delivering finished spring water to Ice

River's new water bottling plant located in Allentown, PA. Despite having hauled less than

5 loads in a week. DEP sanitarian Joshua Krammes appeared at the FAS site. Krammes

issued a warning to FAS, that DEP had received a complaint that FAS was overhauling it's

allowed permit limit. It is believed and averred that the foregoing complaint was initiated by


79. Defendant Dawn Hissner oversees permit compliance statewide. Records indicate

that FAS never even came close to the withdrawl limit during the time period in question.

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FAS records indicated that withdrawl levels were in compliance. Despite such evidence,

DEP Defendants Peter Mangak, David Hissner and Dawn Hissner released the full wrath

and enforcement power available to them upon FAS. Daryl T. Zavislak, investigator, Office

of Chief Counsel, Bureau of Investigations, NERO visited FAS customers, and demanded

records and bills in an effort to prove that FAS was in noncompliance.

80. After tens of thousands of dollars of wasted taxpayer funds, DEP drafted a consent

order, in which FAS agreed to pay the sum of $1000.00 to settle the issue. It could never be

proven that FAS exceeded its permitted flow. It is believed and averred the actions ofDEP

and individual defendants were at the behest ofLand/MCR. Other than insiders in the

business, no one in the general public would have the knowledge that FAS had a new client,

and was shipping water to their facility. It is further believed and averred that Land did have

that knowledge; possibly gained from DEP Defendants.

81. It is believed and averred that the animus of DEP against FAS began as a result of

MCR not receiving the water supply contract for Advanced H20, the entity who resurrected

Land's failed Wissahickon operation in Hamburg, PA.

82. Advanced H20 was an experienced spring water bottler based in Seattle, WA.

Advanced H20 management understood the difference between real spring water and well

water. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") defines separate types of water,

known as the Standard of Identity, SOI. Under FDA regulations, a product that is

mislabeled is subject to recall. A manufacturer that labels a bottle of water as "spring" is not

allowed to use a ''well" as the water source.

83. It is believed and averred that Thomas Scholl and Thomas Fredericci of the DEP and

unknown others (DEP Does 1-10), delayed and obfuscated the issuance of the DEP permit

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for the new Advanced H20 plant. Only when FAS requested political intervention, did the

permit issue, the following day. It is averred, that Land's cronies at DEP held up said

Advanced H20 Permit, because Land was not the beneficiary of the water sales.

84. The continued investigation and attempted enforcement action against FAS ensued.

Because of the extraordinary examination that FAS customers endured, it is averred that Ice

River Springs, terminated FAS on March 15, 2013, as a supplier of spring water, and

contracted MCR for the water, well water. Essentially, on its face, it appears that if you buy

your source water from Land, the DEP shall overlook any type of compliance issues. This

shocks the conscience.

85. A January 12, 2012 meeting was held at DEP headquarters in Harrisburg to

introduce the Crossroads Beverage group management to DEP officials. The meeting was

arranged by Land. Crossroads Beverage ("CB") was in the process of opening a water

bottling plant in Reading PA. It is believed and averred that DEP, at the behest of

Land/MCR, granted special operating conditions for Crossroads Beverage.

86. Despite having suspended the MCR DEP permit on March 13, 2013, DEP, by and

through Thomas Scholl, Thomas Fredricci, Dawn Hissner, Jeffrey Algyer and Cable

allowed, nonpermitted, untested, nonmonitored water to be shipped to CB daily. Thousands

of loads of raw unpermitted water were received by CB since its opening.

87. Plaintiff contacted Sue Werner, DEP Reading District Manager ("Werner"),

numerous times starting in June of2013. Werner was unaware thatMCR had no DEP

permit. Her office is located adjacent to the CB plant, and the water tankers pass her

window hourly. She asked to be copied on the MCR suspension letter.

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88. Plaintiff questioned Werner, as to the legality of a permitted water plant receiving

water from an unpennitted water source. Werner responded to Plaintiff's foregoing inquiry

as follows: "Stan, you are absolutely correct, this should not be allowed".

89. CB, knew full and well at the time it was applying for a permit through DEP SCRO

that DEP NERO had issued Land/MCR, the 3/11/13 Suspension Letter. Thousands of loads

of unpermitted water were supplied to a fully permitted DEP water plant. DEP employees

Shaul, David Hissner, Dawn Hissner, Algyer Fredericci, Daniels, Mittner, Cable and

Krammes were fully aware that the MCR pennit was suspended. The additionally copied

individuals on the 3/11/13 Suspension Letter clearly demonstrates that all of the South

Central and Headquarter Central Office ofDEP defendants had knowledge. Central office

defendants also were copied.

90. The supply ofunpermitted water continued to Crossroads until May 14, 2014, when

the MCR permit was reinstated.

91. By letter of August 23, 2013, DEP defendant Shawn Cable reminded MCR that it

was not allowed to haul any water to CB ("8/23/13 Cable Letter").

92. Despite the 8/23/13 Cable Letter, DEP allowed the foregoing practice to continue

(MCR to haul water to CB) "in due course." There is no provision in the SDWA that any

individual employee ofDEP may take such an action. It is believed and averred that the

highest levels of the Department were engaged in this illegal decision.

93. Exhibits to a proceeding at the EHB note that an agreement was reached between

MCR and DEP and the individual defendants herein which allowed MCR to continue to

illegally haul unpermitted water to CB. It is noted that the Secretary of DEP was a part of

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this agreement. So while all other similar situated water suppliers complied with required

permit conditions, Land was granted special and deferential treatment.

94. At a meeting ofDEP defendants and MCR in Reading, PA held on February 20,

2014, Defendant Rodney Nesmith stated that MCR was given a choice to cease operations,

sell to CB, or reinstate his permit ("2/20/14 Nesmith Statement"). Despite the 2/20/14

Nesmith Statement, MCR was allo\ved to continue to operate illegally, at the insistence of


95. By September of2013, despite having a suspended permit for the PV site and

despite the indvidual DEP defendants herein all being well versed and experienced in the

proper application ofDEP rules and/or regulations and/or practices, Land/MCR had

captured most of the bottled water business, including but not limited to Niagara, CB and

Ice River.

96. In contrast to Land/MCR, all other major bottling companies are required to follow

the rules and/or regulations ofDEP; Nestle, DS Waters, and Water Guys all appropriately

are required to either haul finished water from unowned sources, or to "control the source".

97. The MCR permit requires an environmental protection pass by flow to the adjacent

stream. In the 2002 DEP Permit issued to MCR, a clear requirement states that when the

flow in the stream falls below 56.1 gallons per minute ("gpm") then "[NO WATER SHALL

BE PUMPED FROM THE WELLS]". Despite complaints from neighbors, the owner of the

land on which MCR operates and the instant Plaintiff, neither DEP nor any of its individual

employees undertook any type of investigative or enforcement action against MCR. In the

very same time frame, DEP along with Peter Mengak, David Hissner and Joshua Krammes

and other unknown DEP investigators were harassing FAS. Again, it is imperative to note

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 21 of 59

that Dawn Hissner is in charge of statewide enforcement, or NON enforcement of permit


98. On February 20, 2014, MCRreached an agreement with DEP wherein MCR agreed

to make an application to reinstate the prior MCR permit. The testimony of David Hissner,

in April of2015 at the EHB, indicates that DEP defendants were totally aware that the

conditions and technical requirements of the 2002 MCR permit were not being met. Despite

such flagrant violations, DEP reissued the permit to MCR on May 14, 2014.

99. In late 2012, FAS submitted a permit application to DEP in order to modify and

expand the FAS facility. FAS submitted all plans, contracted a professional engineer and

professional hydrogeologist and followed all pertinent regulations, in furtherance of an

expanded water supply permit. A new permit was issued to FAS onFebruary21, 2014. In

this new permit version, FAS was required to submit monthly water withdrawl totals and

required bypass flow rates. Reports were to be made monthly to DEP Defendant David

Hissner, the Pottsville DEP District Manager. FAS complied with the new requirement the

following month.

100. Despite obvious and apparent violations, on April 18, 2014, the DEP reissued a

permit to Land/MCR for the PV site/facility. Land/MCR also had the flow report

requirements included in the PV permit conditions.

101. In July, FAS missed a monthly flow report, and was immediately sent an email from

Defendant David Hissner, to the effect, that the report was overdue. Upon receipt of the

foregoing email-inuqiry, Plainitff immediately emailed the requested report back to

Defendant David Hissner. In a subsequent conversation with Defendant David Hissner,

Plaintiff asked if, in fact the renewed MCR permit contained the same reporting duty.

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Defendant David Hissner replied that he did not know, but that he would get back to

Plaintiff. Eventually, Defendant David Hissner informed Plaintiff that the MCR permit

contained the exact same condition. Plaintiff then asked Defendant David Hissner, "have

you been receiving those reports from Land?" Defendant David His suer responded "no."

To which Plaintiff then stated ''when you get the Land reports, let me know, then you will

get mine." Despite the foregoing exchancges, Defendant David Hissner, immediately

contacted Plaintiff about a possible violation while, in comparision, overlooking months of

MCR's overdue mandated reports.

102. DEP Defendant Joshua Krammes sent multiple violation notices to FAS, demanding

that disinfectant byproduct testing be done on FAS water. For 15 years prior to the

foregoing disinfectant byproduct testing demands made by Krammes, FAS had submitted

monthly Bromate testing. In fact, FAS was not required to submit chlorine based byproduct

testing because chlorine was not used for disinfection. At the very same time, despite these

facts, no normal testing routine was in place, nor electronic testing results automatically sent


TO MCR OR LAND. This fact is admitted in a letter from Land to defendant Hissner Feb

9, 2015, attaching some testing results for years back to 2013. Despite missing monthly and

yearly testing and reporting mandates, no violations were issued by Defendant David

Hissner, Krammes, Algyer, Minnich, Ostir or Mengak. Land testified at EHB that no

violations were ever issued to Pine Valley in 14 years. Again this shocks the conscience.

103. MCR has not supplied reports to DEP. Despite MCR not providing reports to the

DEP, in an email dated June 12, 2015 to FAS, Defendant David Hissner threatened Plaintiff

by indicating: that his reports wete overdue, this is no game, this is going directly to

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enforcement. It is believed and averred that at that exact same time MCR reports were at

least 10 months overdue. FAS was three months behind.

104. Atthe time theMCRpermit was reissued in April of2014, nothing had changed in

any DEP regulation that would allow raw water to be shipped to any bottling plant, not

owned by the bottler. The acceptance of, and absence of an appeal, of a DEP permit

signifies concurrence with ALL TERMS and CONDITIONS. Land ofMCR testified at a

EHB hearing in April of 2015 that he never has, nor never will ship finished water to any

water plant. Completely opposite to DEP stated policy regulations and procedure that is

directed at and enforced by DEP management and defendant employees against all similar

situated bulk water suppliers.

105. DEP would not allow bottler DS Waters of America to haul water from a source

they own, Bethany, to a different bottler, precisely because it was raw water.

106. MCR is allowed to haul RAW water from not only from PV but also from Temple

Springs and Tower Springs.

107. On March 11, 2013, DEP isued a letter to Land/MCR which indicated that neither

testing nor monitoring was needed from Land/MCR's sources and that Land/MCR would be

allowed to submit "special testing results" to DEP ("3/11/13 DEP Deferential Letter") in

contrast to every other competitor, including Plaintiff/FAS. Of course, the automatic,

testing and reporting required of all other suppliers can have onerous consequences. If a

positive coliform test is found, action can be taken by DEP to recall all bottled water. So the

dispensation to avoid subjecting your water to reportable testing is PRICELESS. Of course

this is an advantage that has allowed Land/MCR to secure the bulk of the water supply

business for water bottling.

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108. In the last paragraph of the 3/11/13 DEP Deferential Letter, Defendant David

Hissner indicated that the same conditions will be allowed to all other bulk water haulers.

FAS was not privy to this DEP statement, but when it was uncovered, FAS made many

requests for the same treatment.

109. FAS has never been able to receive the same policy statement in writing from the

DEP defendants. Defendant David Hissner was aware of the position that he and the DEP

had taken, in allowing this accommodation to Land/MCR. At the time of the first

notification of a possible bad test result for FAS on June 12, 2015, Defendant David

Hissner's statement, to Plaintiff "okay it's going to Niagara, they can handle it" was

absolutely proper and accurate. Of course, the FAS water, was only being shipped to an

approved bottling facility for further treatment, thus the statement of Defendant David

Hissner fully matches the DEP policy stated in the 3/11/13 DEP Deferential Letter. This

would fully negate any reason for a recall. The totally opposite treatment of two identical

and equally situated entities was a deliberate discriminatory act by the agency and individual

employees, and again shocks the conscience.

110. The DEP and individual DEP defendants literally took a week to mull and ponder

the actions they were about to take on June 19, 2015. The time frame involved allowed

deliberations, examination of correspondence, FDA testing to be examined, the absolute

strange lab result to be questioned, and other issues that should have been considered. The

decision was not rash nor made on the spur of the moment, in a crisis, or emergency.

Multiple defendants emailed, re emailed and copied many defendants about the issue. The

same DEP defendants allowed raw water to supply Niagara for 6 years at that point, and still

do to this day.

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111. Water supplier Stoney Mountain Springs ("Stony Mountain") was allowed to supply

spring water to the CB plant in Reading since 2012. Crossroads, as noted previously is a

fully permitted, by DEP, water bottling facility. Upon the incident that initiated this instant

complaint, Niagara-Hamburg wished to replace the spring water it had received from FAS,

while reconciling any perceived problems at FAS, with water from Stony Mountain. DEP

defendants, Thomas Scholl, Jeffrey Algyer, Shawn Cable, David Mittner, Lisa Daniels

Thomas Fredericci, Brian Busher, Brian Yagiello, David Hissner and Joshua Krammes

denied that request. Niagara-Hamburg is located in the same county, district and region as

the CB plant. Both plants operate under the same type ofDEP Permit. In sworn testimony

at the EHB, Land of MCR stated that all water that is hauled into Crossroads, even if not

from his owned sources, is brokered through him, and he receives a fee. Therefore, the only

difference between the allowance of Stoney Mountain water shipping to CB and

disallowance to the Niagara-Hanburg, is the fact that Land/MCR is not receiving a cut of the

proceeds. DEP and the individually named DEP defendants herein, have deliberate

indifference and wilfull blindness in the enforcing the rules and/or regulations of the DEP

against Land!MCR.

112. The entity that operates Stoney Mountain is Eagle Springs, owned by Richard

Withelder. Subsequent, to the incident that initiated this action, Withelder entered into a

Purchase Agreement with FAS. Intending to supply Niagara-Hamburg temporarily with

Stoney Mountain water, until any perceived deficiencies at FAS could be remedied. The

refusal ofDEP and employees thereof, to fairly and equally administer the codified

regulations of the state of Pennsylvania resulted in the water purchase by Niagara-Hamburg

not being allowed by DEP. This capricious act by DEP and the individually named DEP

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 26 of 59

defendants herein was the proximate cause for Withe Ider to cancel his Purchase Agreement

for FAS. As a result, FAS was damaged in the amount of 4 million dollars.

113. On February 14, 2015 Defendant Jeffrey Algyer held a phone conference with Jenn

Rock of Compliance Design ("Jenn Rock"), a consultant for the major bottled water

companies. Rock memorialized the conversation immediately and issued guidance to all her

clients, most major bottled water companies operating in the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania. Defendant Algyer indicated: (1) that spring water suppliers would not have

to follow the current rules and policy in effect at the time; (2) that spring water operators

were being notified that permits will no longer be required; and (3) that monitoring would

only be conducted by FDA standards, which allows testing to be conducted by laboratories

located in FDA approved plants.

114. It is believed and averred that the compliance issues laid out to Jenn Rock were only

in place for Land/MCR. Plaintiff is unaware of any other water source owner, other than

Land's operations that have been allowed to operate without a permit, or not perform

mandated monitoring and testing. It is averred that this is again another special benefit only

available to Land. Had FAS been allowed to follow the same scheme of operations, no

recall would have been effectuated with respect to the foregoing Niagara recall.

115. In 2015, Land and his affiliates began development of a new source, Fort Franklin, a

few miles from the PV site. The Fort Franklin site in located at 1 Fort Franklin Road,

Andreas, West Penn Township, Schuylkill County, PA 18211 ("Fort Franklin").

116. On approximately October 15, 2016, despite no application to DEP, no DEP permit,

no approvals, Land began shipping from Fort Franklin to Niagara-Allentown. Adjacent

neighbors to the Fort Franklin site have experienced brown water every time the wells are

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pumped. Multiple complaints have been made to DEP offices in Pottsville, Wilkes Barre

and Harrisburg. The foregoing complaints have been totally ignored by DEP. There is no

DEP oversight or control of any parameters, or any guarantee of the safety of the water, or

of the adjacent property owner's water quality. DEP refuses to become involved.

117. Jn a landmark ruling in 1995, the EHB ruled that any permit issued by DEP must

take the quality of the surrounding environment into account. In that case, the same entity,

Land and Wissahickon ultimately had a water source permit revoked by the EHB.

Defendant Shaul had granted the permit to Land, without proper evaluation of the wetlands

in the area.

118. On Feb 14, 2014, Defendant Gary Landiak of the Pennsylvania Department of

Agriculture sent an email to DEP NERO employee Richard Stepanski PE ("2/14114 Landiak

Email"), inquiring as to who would issue a permit for a water source which would supply a

bottled water plant under the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, if

DEP would not. Stepanski reiterated, that the only agency that could issue such a permit

was DEP. Whereupon, Defendant Landiak forwarded the email to Plaintiff. Thus, both

Defendant-State Agencies (agreed that DEP must continue to issue permits for bottled water

sources, even when the plants are not permitted by DEP.

119. Presently, Land's Fort Franklin is supplying at least one bottling plant daily, and has

disclosed plans to supply three (3) more. No permits have been applied for, nor issued by


120. Land has stated blatantly to the Plaintiff and Withelder that he intends to put all

other water suppliers out of business. The generous protection provided by DEP has allowed

Land to make progress in that stated goal.

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121. On January 28, 2015, DEP NERO revoked the MCR DEP permit issued to MCR

Pine Valley. Nonreporting of bypass flow and the definition applied to Land/MCR's bulk

water hauling permit are at issue. The presiding EHB Judge issued a supercedes, allowing

MCR to continue to operate, while the appeal took its course at the EHB. Judge Coleman,

in so deciding, ordered, that the permit shall remain in place, however, all terms and

conditions of the existing permit must be followed and enforced.

122. In testimony, April 21, 2015 at the EHB, Defendant David Hissner testified that

during a very recent inspection there was no ozonation at the PV site, and that there was

little or no water flowing in the adjacent stream. MCR is required to maintain 56.1 gpm in

the stream, OR NO WATER can be pumped. No enforcement action of any type is being

taken against Land. This situation has remained in effect for 30 months. DEP has been

complicit in allowing extension after extension to be agreed to, in order to allow Land to

operate with impunity. These facts shock the conscience.

123. On June 12, 2015, Defendant David Hissner notified Frompovicz that the lab

employed by FAS had reported to DEP that a positive coliform and e coliform result had

been found in a sample collected on June 10, 2015 from FAS. Plaintiff was driving on the

Pennsylvania Turnpike at the time, en route to Pittsburgh. Plaintiff responded that the lab

had noted the possibility late the previous night, however at the same time, the lab

technician admitted that they may have possibly contaminated the sample, in light of the fact

that all FAS samples have been excellent, being absolutely "sterile" for over six months.

The technician, agreed that contamination was probably in play and that Plaintiff should

bring a new sample to the lab at 8 am on June 12, 2015.

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124. In the conversation, Defendant David Hissner queried Plaintiff: "where is the water

going?, any vending machines?, any mobile home parks?" In response, Plaintiff assured

Defendant David Hissner that the water was not going to vending machines nor mobile

home parks; all of the water was being shipped to Niagara-Allentown and Niagara-

Hamburg." Whereupon, Defendant David Hissner replied "okay they [Niagara-Allentown

and Niagara-Hamburg] can handle it."

125. At all times material hereto and continuing to the present day, Land has been

allowed to ship RAW, untreated, unozonated, not monitored water to the exact same

Niagara plant.

126. Two months before Defendant David Hissner's utterance ("okay they can handle

it"), Defendant Jeffrey Algyer had stated to Jenn Rock, that spring water sources would not

be required to test or monitor and could ship raw unpermitted water.

127. Defendant Jeffrey Algyer's communication to Jenn Rock also stated that rules

promulgated and enforced separately by FDA would instead govern the compliance of water

testing, monitoring and reporting.

128. With 2 hours of Defendant David Hissner's notificaiton, on June 12, 2015, FDA

inspectors Lt.CDR John M. Mastalski and Lt.CDR Margaret DiGennaro conducted a site

inspection at FAS.

129. Commander Mastalski found no violations, no objectionable conditions and

personally watched tankers being loaded with FAS water. Remarking to the FAS employee

present that he could smell the Ozone odor emanating from the tanker. It is a scientific

principle, if ozone is present, no bacteria can be present.

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130. On Sunday June 14, 2015, FAS emailed all 2015 testing to Cmdr. Mastalski. He

concurred, all testing was excellent. Cmdr Mastalski and Cmdr. Bradely Benasuti visited the

FAS site again, on June 15th in Plaintiff's presence, and again watched tankers being

loaded. No indications of any problems. The FDA inspector-commanders took samples for

FDA testing, all returned with no issues. While on site, the result of the FAS re test samples

of June 12, 2015 were emailed to FAS and all were again, perfect, and sterile. Both FDA

Commanders were copied.

131. If there had been any failure of the retest of June 12, 2015 the lab, FAS would have

been notified by Noon on Saturday June 13, 2015 (testing is required to be read within 24

hours of sample delivery). No such result was found.

132. Defendant David Hissner's statement that the Niagara plants could handle it

(referring to thee coli hit), coupled with Defendant Jeffrey Algyer's letter, is significant in

that both mesh in agreement that the FAS water, although being ozonated and filtered, is

considered as RAW water when being delivered to a bottling facility, which is not the end

user such as the vending machine or trailer park; but instead a facility that will further treat

the water before human consumption.

133. Both Niagara plants had been issued DEP permits, allowing raw water to be sourced

and thus validated as being capable of treating such raw water to potable standards. RAW

water must be assumed to be nonpotable, especially when not ozonated, as is the case at

Pine Valley. Thus it must be deemed to be contaminated.

134. On the date in question, June 12, 2015, MCR's untested water was being delivered

to Niagara-Allentown, and mixed (commingled) with the ozonated water delivered by FAS,

into the same silo.

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135. On Jnne 19, 2015, at 9:43 am, an email from Defendant Gary Landiak of the

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, copied to Defendant Lydia Johnson (Secretary of

the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture). Defendant Landiak made several false and

vexatious statements. Wherein, Defendant Landiak states that FAS has been shipping water

to Niagara plants in violation of a cease and desist issued by DEP. That statement is

absolutely FALSE. After a week of discussions, DEP fmally ordered a cease of water

shipments by FAS at approximately 2:00 p.m. on Thursday Jnne 18, 2015; FAS

immediately complied. Absolutely no water moved after the DEP field order. Three (3)

FDA inspectors were on site on two different days, June 12'2015 and June 15, 2015. All

observed FAS water being loaded onto tankers. All FDA testing results were proper.

136. The decision to make a recall of the finished water at both Niagara plants was

relegated to Defendnat Landiak, the least qualified person on the conference call. As noted

in his email to Stepanski ofDEP NERO on Feb 14, 2014. DEP is the only authority allowed

to approve water sources.

137. Defendant Landiak, continuing the conversation, failed to bring to the attention of

the DEP defendants, that the FDA regulations, under which he is obligated to perfonn his

duties, notes that the commercial laboratories in food (or water plants) are perfectly

acceptable to perform the required testing to comply with FDA regulations.

138. Defendant Landiak and the DEP defendants thus allowed a blatant error to occur.

Niagara, by June 19, 2015 had hundreds of tests, from their acceptable lab, on both raw

incoming water and outgoing water product, and all samples tested appropriately.

139. On June 19, 2015 at 8:43 a.m., DEP defendantAlgyer emailed all other defendants

at DEP and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. That in his opinion, all water had

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to be recalled. This email was response to Defendant David Hissner, who, evidently was

asking for a recall. Defendant Algyer also states that "in his opinion, log 4 disinfectant is not

an option."

140. Any and all records pertitnent hereto are devoid of any proof that Defendant Algyer

is qualified as a PE or that said Defendant holds an advanced degree in food science.

141. Any and all records pertitnent hereto are devoid of any proof that Defendant David

Hissner has any necessary qualifiacations and/or credentials material hereto. However,

Defendant David Hissner's wife, Defendnat Dawn Hissner is in charge of the Department of

monitoring and compliance at the DEP. Defendant Algyer is supervised by Dawn Hissner.

Defendant David Hissner was the first person to demand a recall on June 19, 2015.

142. None of the three foregoing Defendants, were/are in position, or had/have the

qualifications to determine if a plant such as Niagara has log 4 treatment. None are

engineers. If the Defendant Dawn Hissner had correctly exercised her duties, a decision

would have been clearly stated that would articulate an exact position on who must test and

monitor and who does not. It is averred that her subordinate, Algyer, under her direction,

stated the "NEW DEP policy" to Jenn Rock on Feb, 12, 2015. It is further believed and

averred that both Hissner's and Algyer formulated DEP policy and practice for DEP.

143. Defendant Jason Minnich, who had been the Pottsville District Sanatarian ,who in

2002, conducted the Pine Valley inspection, in which he noted that PV could only ship raw

water to the Wissahickon plant, is now the chief of the DEP PADWIS system. This system

keeps track of all statewide violations and enforcement ofDEP water permits. Minnich is in

charge of sending notices to permit holders who do not comply with the necessity to monitor

and report. Minnich reports to Dawn Hissner.

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144. The exact reason that the state of NY did not agree with the need for a product

recall, was that proper log 4 sanitation was in place at both Niagara plants. Both DEP and

NYSHD are required to follow the same USEPA standards.

145. This same defendant, Algyer, gave the decertation, months prior, to Jenn Rock that

all springs supplying bottled water plants, did not have to be tested or monitored under DEP

regulations. The bottling plants only had to follow FDA regulations. Niagara complied with

all FDA regulations, from June 10, 2015 to June 19, 2015, Niagara tested 176 samples of

FAS supplied water, and all were perfect. Thus, there was no reason to recall any water.

146. On April 17, 2014 through April 20, 2014, Aqua Filter Fresh ("AFF"), experienced

multiple contaminated water tests at their facility in Pittsburgh, PA. Positive coli and e coli

results were detected in both spring water and purified water products. All positive tests

were in the finished product, not rmv source water. DEP, took no formal action, no field

order was issued, no shut down of the bottling plant occurred. A small amount of 5 gallon

bottled water jugs were recalled and destroyed. It is imperative to note that these bad tests

were found in the finished product going out the door to the consumer.

147. DEP never even conducted an inspection at AFF, relying instead on the Allegheny

County Health Department to conduct an inspection.

148. The water source For AFF, for the water affected, was never issued any type of

violation, or impacted in any way.

149. FAS remains underDEP embargo. At multiple meetings with DEP defendants,

Plaintiff and his consultant, Louis Vittorio PG, asked if the FAS pennit was in force and

valid. All officials stated yes, it is valid. There has never been an order suspending the

permit, or revoking it. All defendants answered, it is valid.

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150. Mr. Lou Vittorio PG. and Jillian Olsen MS. QEP., of the firm, Earth Res Inc., again

asked why is FAS not allowed to begin to ship water again. DEP defendants responded

"the Field Order issued on June 18, 2015, remains in effect until all items are completed".

151. There are ten items listed in the June l8 1h Field Order. In a letter directed to Richard

Withelder on Nov. 4, 2015, Defendant Busher writes, that the Field Order remains open.

Stating further, that the permittee, FAS, has addressed items 1 thru 8. Items #9 and #10,

must be addressed. Analyzing Item #9. "When all items are completed, DEP will issue a

"Notice of Completion"". And item # 10 ten states, within 24 hours of receiving the

"completion notice" from DEP, FAS must send a copy of it to all FAS Customers ..

152. DEP defendants have boxed FAS into a dead end. Defendants have admitted in the

Nov 4, 2015 letter to Withelder, that items 1 thru 8 have been addressed, however, it is the

DEP defendants who refuse to take the next step to issue the Corrections Completed Notice,

and of course, FAS cannot send a notice to customers, that DEP has failed to issue. Thus

not allowing FAS to resume shipping of water. Again, Conscience shocking.

153. At an Aug 25, 2015 meeting between FAS and DEP Defendants, Plaintiff was not

allowed to even open his mouth. Defendant David Mittner, who stated therein that he was

participating as a direct envoy of Secretary Lia Daniels, refused to allow Plaintiff to ask any

type of question; stating that if Plaintiff would open his mouth for one word, he [Mittner]

would clear the room, and the meeting would be adjourned." Defendant Mittner did order

all DEP defendants out of the room, and only agreed to continue the meeting with Plaintiffs

agreeing to not say a single word.

154. Defendant Mittner, nor any other defendant would make any statement whatsoever,

as to the steps needed for FAS to resume operations. DEP Defendants, agreed to meet on the

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 35 of 59

FAS issue on Oct 25, 2015, with Richard and Matthew Withelder present, who at that time

had entered into a purchase agreement for FAS. Again, Plaintiff was not allowed to speak,

or ask any questions. Only after the DEP written response to Withelder on November 4,

2015, by copy thereof, from Withelder, not DEP, was it discovered that the items required to

be done, were basically DEP administrative actions.

155. DEP defendants' failure to finalize the Field Order has caused FAS to lose the

purchase agreement with Withelder, with a loss of 4 million dollars. While at the same time

allowing, Land's Pine Valley, Temple and Tower Spring sites to run unpermitted, untested,

unmonitored water to the very same customers. On October 25, 2016 Land has begun

shipping his Fort Franklin water to bottlers Niagara and Ice River. No permit has been

applied for at DEP, nor the DRBC.

156. Land in a phone conversation on January 28, 2015, clearly and loudly told Plaintiff:

"I intend to put you and all the other water suppliers up there out of business". It is obvious

that DEP defendants are complicit with Land's intent.

157. At the DEP meetings of Aug. 15, 2015, and Oct 25, 2015, DEP defendants

continually tried to erect any and all hurdles to the lifting of the embargo on FAS. FAS has

been properly permitted since April of 2002. All inspections and testing were and continue

to be current.FAS is far from the only source that encounters a coliform hit. As Noted the

case of AFF in Pittsburgh, in 2014, and recently 3 hits in 3 months were found at

Mountainside Springs. Mountainside is located in the NERO, under the pmview of same

DEP defendants. Despite a clean past history at FAS, DEP defendants at both meetings

tried to infer that the FAS spring and boreholes were not a proper method of water


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158. The FAS spring and boreholes were MPA analyzed, at least 3 times since 2013. All

have been found to be in compliance with the parameters of ground water, not under the

influence of surface water.

159. Defendants Busher, Aygiello, Krammes, and David Hissner, personally visited the

FAS operation on April 6, 2015. All above DEP defendants inspected both FAS systems,

which had been approved and inspected a year prior.

160. On March 20, 2012 Richard Stepanski sent a letter to DEP officials, Richard

Miezikowski and Thomas Hartraft, PG., regarding the pending issuance of a permit to

Mountainside spring, a direct competitor of FAS. Stepanski stated, in the letter, that a bore

hole is considered groundwater, and as such no SWIP monitoring plan was needed, only a

current MPA test. (microscopic particulate analysis). The MP A analyzes water for algae,

rotifors, and other items present in surface water.

161. Thus, Mountain Side Spring is allowed one class of examination and approval, and

FAS is now being held to a heightened level of scrutiny. Three large coliform hits have

occurred at Mountainside spring in the frrst quarter of 2017, with no action of any type taken

by DEP NERO defendants.

162. Mr. Thomas Hartnraft, DEP NERO geologist visited FAS in Feb 2013, and

approved the site, and the FAS predrilling plan submitted by Earth Res. PG, on behalf of

FAS. In addition, all aspects of the new boreholes were sho'Wll on drawings submitted to

DEP NERO on August 2013, under seal of Yourshaw Engineering Inc, and Lou Vittorio

PG. Plan was approved on Feb 1, 2014 and a construction permit was issued by DEP

NERO, by Dino Augistini. Final inspection was conducted by Richard Miezikowski, Pa

DEP Nero on Feb, 20, 2014 and an operations permit issued to FAS on Feb. 24, 2014.

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163. All above plans included bore hole construction, piping and all plot and plan views

of operation. A Hydrogeological study Wlder the seal of Lou Vittorio, PG was included.

Plans detailed two separate systems, System A "Pennitted" and System B, "NON

PERMITTED". As noted above, DEP inspected both systems. Miezikiewski ofDEP

conducted a thorough review and inspection of both systems. DEP issued the permit and

lists System A Permitted.

164. Frompovicz requested the on site meeting with DEP NERO defendants, Busher,

Agiello, Krammes, Hissner on April 6, 2015 specifically to settle the rumors and inuendos,

that were swirling in the bottled water industry regulated by DEP defendants. This was 2

months after the letter from DEP defendant Algyer, to C-D, Jennifer Rock, wherein Algyer

stated that no permitting or monitoring would be required of spring operators, going

forward. FAS did not wish to rely on rumor or half truths. FAS again met at NERO offices

on April 8, 2015, again to settle, and put to writing, the terms and conditions, under which

spring water operators were required to conduct business. FAS was not made aware of the

policy statement of Algyer, orated to Rock, two months prior. It is alleged that DEP

purposefully kept FAS and similar situated entities in the dark, deliberately, saving the

advantage solely for Land. Thus creating two separate disparate forms of enforcement for

absolute identically situated entities.

165. Nothing at all was settled at the NERO meetings, April 6 and April 8, 2015, other

than wishing happy retirement to Dino Augistini, who noted , he is thrilled he is out of it.

Augistini, the head DEP official at NERO clearly stated, that he had argued with Lisa

Daniels, Overall director ofSDWA in the state of Penna., that this has to stop, and a

decision has to be made. At that time, and continuing to this very day, Land is the only

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entity allowed by DEP defendants to operate, openly, with no permit, or a permit that is

blatantly ignored.

166. IfDEP defendants had treated FAS in an equal manner, no recall at the Niagara

plants would have been mandated. Again all of Land's water sources are delivered raw, It is

averred that Hissner's statement, "that's Okay the Niagara plants can handle it", was

indicative of that intent, when he uttered it on June 12. Aprox 12 pm.

167. It is believed and averred that Land's influence over DEP defendants caused the

recall to be ordered on June 19, 2015, at aprox. 5 pm. It is noteworthy, That DEP has been

admonished in the past for issuing violations and such orders late on a Friday.

168. It is believed and averred that Land's influence among DEP staff, especially the

Hissners and Central office defendants, pushed said DEP Defendants to order the recall.

169. It is believed and averred that DEP animus, towards FAS because of the valid and

legal complaints against MCR, and the wish for certain DEP defendants to assist Land in his

business, was the reason DEP took the action that it did.

170. If there had been an imminent threat, Where was it? By Friday afternoon June 19,

2015, the FAS check sample had returned, fme. Three FDA inspectors had inspected FAS

on June 12, and June 15, no issues. Matalski's FDA testing again was negative, and results

were available by June 17. Niagara had 176 negative tests at two plants in the period June

10 to June 18. Of course, raw untested water from three Land sources was being

simultaneously delivered to Niagara.

171. The DEP defendants are sophisticated water regulators. The initial bad laboratory

test indicated that the sample was positive for coli and e coli after a 24 hour incubation time.

But the Total plate count, read after a 48 hour incubation period, was a total of 2. Countless

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scientific articles profess, that this result is impossible, and based upon the perfect finished

tests at Niagara laboratories, the FDA tests which were excellent, and the retest sample of

June 12, which tested perfect, DEP had a more than valid reason to suspect imperfect

testing, or lab contamination.

172. The DEP defendants clearly ignored any probable or possible errors in testing, and

instead chose to initiate a 20 million dollar recall.

173. In the 3 million cases of water that were recalled and destroyed, there never was a

bad test result.

174. The DEP defendants are water professionals, and as noted in the Stepanski-Landiak

letter of Feb 14, 2014, the only entity that can approve a water source is the Pa. DEP. Their

authority flows from the SDWA, based upon the rules and regulations of the US EPA.

TheE EPA or the SDWA has no authority over the regulation of food, of which water is a

part. DEP has no authority over the operations of a water plant. The mandatory lab testing is

necessitated for FAS, IF AND ONLY IF, FAS was providing the affected water to the

public as an end user. The Hissner, Algyer and Augustini letters all confirm that caveat.

DEP allowance of Land's entities to operate as such, definitively prove that fact.

175. The FDA has total control over the activity of food regulation and water bottling.

As noted, in the Stepanski letter, the FDA and Pa. Dept. Ag. concur that the Pa. DEP must

first approve the source of the water. After that initial approval, The FDA regulations return

the duty of inspection and enforcement of food to the FDA.

176. The DEP defendants had no authority to issue a recall of finished product from the

Niagara Allentown plant. As noted earlier, Niagara had requested revocation of its DEP

permit in 2014. Therefore, the Allentown plant was totally under the purview of the FDA,

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enforced by Inspector, Commander Matalski. IfMatalski had felt there was a threat to this

water plant he had jurisdiction and authority to conduct any and all inspections, and if

compromised product was detected, he had the authority to order a recall. DEP defendants

had no more authority to recall tomatoes from a local canning facility, than they did to order

a recall at an FDA authorized water bottling plant.

177. Niagara-Hamburg was operating under the authority of both an FDA permit for

bottle sizes less than~ gallon, and a Pa. DEP pennit for larger sizes. It is unknown what

product was being produced during the period in question.

178. The New York State Health Dept. NYSHD, upon being notified of the impending

recall at the Pa. Plants, refused to concur in the recall. NYSHD stated position was '"you

have a NYSHD approved plant, as witnessed by the permit you were issued". Your plant

design is capable of receiving raw, untested, untreated water. Therefore, any possible

contamination in the source water will be treated by the approved process's therein. Instead

of following the advice of the NYSHD's Professional engineers, DEP chose to follow the

advice ofLandiak, with no formal training, The Hissner's and Algyer, again, none a

professional engineer.

179. The difference between the opinions ofNYSHD and the Pa. Defendants, is clear,

NYSHD had no political animus towards FAS, nor a history of granting special enforcement

favors for Land.

180. The Pa. DEP and NYSHD's authority to regulate water arise from the USEPA

SDWA. Both states have to meet the same standards and regulations. The NYSHD

regulations in effect on June 15, 2015, at subpart 6 allow the issuance of a NYSHD pennit

to an out of state bottler, ie. Niagara, which is licensed in the jurisdiction wherein it is

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located. As noted, therefore both the Allentown plant with only an FDA permit in force, and·

the Hamburg plant with both an FDA and Pa. DEP permit in force, ALSO met the criteria of

plants that could effectively treat any possible Raw water defect. Thus meting all EPA and

SDWA assurances that there was no possibility of bad water passing thru the plant system.

It is evident that the NYSHD was fully confident in this assessment.

181. Therefore, the Pa. DEP defendants, arbitrarily and capriciously enforced actions

against the Allentown Niagara plant that it had absolutely no authority to regulate, further

shocking the conscience.

182. The issuance of a Pa DEP permit to the Hamburg Niagara plant, by same Pa. DEP

defendants, is proof that the process in Hamburg is approved to take in raw water, and

disinfect it properly (Log 4). NYSHD would not have then issued a NY permit for the

Hamburg plant, unless their professional engineers had not concurred.

183. Defendant David Hissner's exact statement to Plaintiff, upon being told that the

water was going to two Niagara plants, was Okay, they can handle it", is proof ofHissner's

agreement, at that moment, but it is averred that upon exertion ofDEP animus and

competitor pressure, Hissner changed his mind, a week later.

184. With both Pa. DEP and NYSHD permits in place and in force, at the Niagara

Hamburg plant, no action was warranted at all. Again, the supposed bad tests were in the

raw supply water, not finished product, as was the case in the AFF recall in Pittsburgh, the

previous year.

185. In initiating a massive recall against FAS, DEP defendants chose to, arbitrarily and

capriciously, enforce finished product water standards against the FAS raw water being

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shipped to Niagara. Land's water sources have never complied to this standard. The DEP

defendants have overlooked the violations, as per Land's testimony at the EHB.

186. DEP had no jurisdiction nor authority whatsoever to interfere with the operations of

the Niagara-Allentown plant.

187. The same DEP defendants allowed the Crossroad Beverage plant to operate for 14

months, with full knowledge that RAW unpermitted water was being supplied to the DEP

Permitted plant. Therefore, proving the above statement, that the DEP permitted Hamburg

plant, with the exact same permit could properly do the same. FAS was treated totally

opposite of competitor Land by defendants Pa. DEP. Despite CB CEO Kirk Richmond

testifying that he will not take in finished water, he actually receives fmished water from

three other Withelder water sources. Richmond really means that, he realizes that he cannot

take finished water from MCR. And that is a direct result of having source well water that

contains bromide. To this present time, only raw water is provided by MCR to the

Crossroads plant, scores of violations daily, shocking the conscience.

188. Defendants Landiak, and Johnson exceeded the legal authorization of their positions,

and capriciously enforced regulations against Plaintiff's. FAS and Frompovicz's actions in ·

2013 and 2014, in trying to confirm in writing which Agency, Agriculture or DEP would in

fact be in charge of water regulations, caused this animus.

189. DEP defendants and Department of Agriculture Defendants conducted an email

exchange on June 19, 2012 at aprox 9 am. In this exchange, DEP again demurred to Dept

Agr. defendant Landiak's position that there should be a recall. It is also noted that Landiak

was aware of the FDA regulations that he quoted, in his email, which included the

regulations for testing water at an FDA permitted facility. The important fact that both Ag

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and DEP defendants failed to understand was that the in house laboratory of Niagara was

the laboratory of record for the Niagara facility, following FDA regulations. Individual

samples are taken from each tanker delivered. There were never any tankers from FAS that

tested positive for coli or ecoli at the Niagara plant. The Dept Agr. Defendants were derelict

in their duty to know and lUlderstand the proper regulations of a facility they oversee.

190. Weeks of laboratory testing from the Niagara lab were available for inspection. It is

averred that Landiak never made an effort to examine such documents.

191. Defendant Johnson was derelict in not training nor supervising Defendant Landiak

in a proper manner.

192. Defendant Landiak was asked in the email, what must an FDA plant do in order to

restart intake of water, after a positive ecoli test result. Landiak answered, have 5 clean test

results in a 24 hour period. Landiak, could have inspected Niagara records that would have

indicated, first, that no positive test was ever found. And second in the 176 tests in the week

in question, the requirement to have 5 clean samples in 24 hours was met at least 7 times


193. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture oversees a water plant that continually

draws source water directly from ecoli positive water. The Central Pennsylvania plant lists

its source on bottles as Bald Eagle Creek. There is no possible way that a wildlife laden

stream can be considered any other than ecoli positive. Bald Eagle Creek is not a DEP

approved source. Thus, indicating that the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the

individual Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Defendants have administered FDA

policy totally capriciously and arbitrarily against FAS. The same plant also possess' a DEP

pennit, thereby proving the DEP defendants position that a bottled water plant must only be

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supplied by a pennitted, non ecoli positive water source, not under surface water influence,

as blatantly false.

194. ]DEP defendants refused to investigate why and how a certified Pa. Laboratory

could find a positive result for coli and ecoli, but only a total plate count of 2. Zero plate

count is sterile. Scientific papers state that standard plate counts range from 10 to 100 times

greater than the coli bacteria.

195. DEP defendants received urgent messages at two DEP offices, the Reading district

office, wherein the lab is located, and the DEP NERO office in Wilkes Barre. Despite two

messages, that "we wish to rescind the FAS test results", No return calls were ever made to

the lab, by DEP defendants.

196. By not responding to the urgent lab messages, the DEP defendants again acted in a

capricious manner which is beyond belief, and shocks the conscience. Every effort has been

made to silence and destroy FAS, and thus cause irreparable harm to the company.

197. Defendant Johnson of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture continues to

evade a straight answer to either FAS or the Withelders, on the proper oversight and

regulation of the water bottling plants under her jurisdiction. Despite the Landiak letter, of

Feb 2014, raw, unpennitted, unapproved water is being supplied to Ice River, to the present

day by Land sources. This disparate treatment continues to damage FAS and others in

direct competition with Land.

198. Land is the only water operator allowed to evade the law.

199. The agenda sheet for the August 25, 2015 meeting between DEP defendants and

FAS and consultants, clearly states that a discussion of Permitted and Non permitted

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systems at FAS will occur. It never did. Defendant Mittner stated at the meeting, he was

attending as the direct representative of Director Lisa Daniels.

200. If no permit is needed, then there should have been no recall. Because there was no

bad test. The required testing and automatic mandatory reporting from lab to DEP is only

required by PA. DEP permitted water sources, and, then only if water is being delivered to

an end user for human consumption.

201. Raw, not permitted by DEP, water is currently being supplied from Land's Fort

Franklin source to an Ice River plant daily.

202. The Reporting mandate in a Permit, is exactly why Land refuses to permit his new

sources, with continued impunity.

203. The Land sources that are permitted, do not follow permit mandates to test and

monitor. DEP overlooks this to this very day, allowing Land the specific "convenience" to

report when he feels like it, and mark his samples as "special". Defendants Dawn Hissner

Algyer and Minnich specifically give this "special'' allowance only to Land. Again creating

an impermissible disparate treatment for equally situated entities.

204. Other bottling plants, other than Niagara have never been ordered to recall product,

wherein no defective testing was detected in finished goods. Other bottling plants under the

direct purview of the very same defendants have never been issued recalls against said

plants for the same or equally dangerous reasons.

205. If FAS had been given the same "special" treatment, FAS would have not been

mandated to have lab reporting directly to DEP. Land only reports the results he wishes to,

and then only one month afterwards.

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206. The damage done to Niagara and FAS was specifically caused by the DEP

Defendants disparate treatment, of two identical entities. All conditions are exactly the


207. Ifin fact a direct clear decision had been made at the DEP meetings of April 6th and

glh at NERO, no recall of any sort should have been ordered. Remember, DEP defendants

kept telling Frompovicz, that no permit was needed for small bottle (Dept Ag.) Plants, ie.

Niagara. It is precisely the reason, to try to avoid this subterfuge and deceit by DEP

defendants, Frompovicz wanted a statement in writing.

208. DEP defendant Algyer gave that assurance, but it was only given to Land. It was not

shared with FAS or others. The Algyer discussion was two months before the April

meetings between DEP and FAS.

209. DEP defendants overlooked the safety of the general public, by allowing, and

continuing to allow Land's unpermitted water sources to supply Ice River, Crossroads, and

Niagara, from March 2013 until May 2014. Where was the feigned concern for the public


210. Unpennitted Water continues to be hauled to Ice River from Land's latest source

Fort Franklin, despite the lack of an application for a permit to DEP.

211. Water is currently being supplied to Crossroads Beverage, despite testimony of DEP

NERO defendant Hissner at the EBB that permit conditions are being violated, no ozone, no

monitoring, no testing. This again shocks the conscience.

212. Water is currently being hauled from Land's Tower Springs and Temple Springs,

again as raw, as noted in sworn testimony of Land at the EHB. Again this schocks the

conscience that this is allowed. Defendant Jason Minnich, who reports to Da\VU Hissner is in

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charge of the reporting system statewide. Minnich, in his inspection of Pine Valley in 2002,

specifically stated that raw water could only ship to Wissahickon. Thus his knowledge of

the ongoing violations shock the conscience, as he allows it to continue.

213. FAS and FAS consultants have reached out to the DEP defendants many times in

order to bring this forced closure of FAS to an end. Hissner, Busher, Yagiello, Mittner, all

admit that the FAS permit is still valid and in force. DEP defendants continue to deny to

FAS the required item #9, "correction completed" on the Field Order of June 18, 2015,

despite the existence of the Nov. 4 2015 letter wherein DEP defendants that items 1thru8

have been addressed. Thus depriving FAS of large sums of income.

214. DEP defendants are not allowed to communicate with FAS on orders of David

Mittner, assistant to Director Lisa Daniels. In an effort to come to an amicable solution,

Frompovicz discussed, and then sent an email to Hissner on Nov.3, 2015, discussing

technical upgrades that would in effect go far and beyond what any other system is required

to do. Hissner immediately sent the letter to Mittner, and no further technical discussion

was allowed by Mittner, assistant to Director Daniels. This continues to deny Frompovicz

his due process.

215. Plaintiff, on March 17, 2016 held an hours long phone conversation again with

defendant Busher, as an engineer to engineer discussion of technical means to resolve any

possible doubts to the efficacy of the FAS system, in an effort to get FAS back on line.

Frompovicz proposed added items, unheard of in bulk water systems meant for bottling, in

order to let both sides, bury the hatchet, and literally give cover to DEP defendant's.

Frompovicz proposed a sophisticated upgrade, listed in US EPA documents, as meeting any

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and all disinfection requirements, for any type of water, spring, water under possible

influence of surface water, or groundwater.

216. Defendant Busher participated in the conversation, seemed amenable, asking to

memorialize the discussion in writing. Frompovicz sent a letter with details to him the

following day. Defendant Busher has since declined to speak with the Plaintiff. It is

believed and averred this is on orders of Lisa Daniels and David Mittner.

217. If DEP Defendants refuse to discuss technical issues, then the assumption has to be

that the real problem is political or personal animus. That cannot be cured in a technical


218. Defendant Mittner's refusal to allow Frompovicz to speak and discuss his valid

permit issues with DEP employees on two occasions is further indication of animus against

the Plaintiff, because of his questioning of the disparate and discriminatory treatment of

FAS as opposed to competitor Land.

219. Plaintiff has been in the water business for 27 years, being first pennitted in 1990.

Frompovicz has developed many sources in the region. Frompovicz has always been able to

pick up the phone and talk at length with DEP

officials, from district sanitarians to Regional Managers, Head engineers at NERO and the

Central Office, legal issues with attorney Bishop in Harrisburg, even Director Lisa Daniels.

As an engineer, Frompovicz has always been able to understand and engage in healthy

technical dialogue with DEP.-

220. When Plaintiff began his questioning ofDEP defendants in 2012 in earnest about the

rules and regulations being enforced to all suppliers unequally, Defendants began the course

of enforcement only against FAS. The first instance as noted began on June 15, 2012,

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regarding the supposed withdrawl exceedance at FAS, despite 22 months of aggravation,

DEP wasted tens of thousands of dollars, and settled for $1000. FAS had to make a realistic

choice, spend thousands of dollars, defending against unwarranted and unsubstantiated

claims, or walk away for a pittance.

221. Due to Plaintiff again bringing to the attention of DEP Reading district manager, Sue

Werner, the fact that a plant in plain view of her office was taking in unpermitted water,

further influenced DEP defendants to enforce regulations arbitrarily against FAS.

222. In September of 2014, Frompovicz again asked defendant Defendant David Hissner

if in fact competitor Land was complying with his newly reinstated pennit, and Hissner

stated he was not. Hissner started to initiate a halfhearted inspection effort at Pine Valley

shortly thereafter. Despite testifying at the EHB that there was no passby flow, and no

ozone system, no violations were issued.

223. In 2012, an immediate violation was issued against FAS for far less, and with no

discussion, by DEP defendant Krammes.

224. Crossroads Beverage, in Sept 2014, seeing that possible enforcement actions would

be started against Pine Valley, entered into negotiations with Frompovicz for water

purchases, or the purchase of the FAS facility. Shortly thereafter, Crossroads realized that

the threatened enforcement actions by Hissner, were just that, threats, and nothing more, and

never furthered the discussion. Kirk Richomnd, CEO of Crossroads testified at the Pine

Valley EHB hearings, Apr. 2015, that there was no water available at any cost to replace

Pine Valley water. FAS was closer to Crossroads and had no trace of bromide in its water,

thereby solving Richmonds, problem, that under no circumstance would he take in ozonated

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water. The problem with Richmonds statement, is that every other supplier in the region,

OZONATES their water, it is only Pine Valley that has bromide issues.

225. DEP defendants have bent all the rules for Land since 2009, when Land was first

allowed to ship raw unozonated water to a non ovmed bottling plant. This is a decision that

could only be authorized by the person in charge of statewide Operations Monitoring and

Compliance. That person is Dawn Hissner. Jeffery Algyer directs the policy, and David

Hissner, is directly in charge of oversight and inspection of Land's water sources, which are

all located in the purview of the Pottsville Office, wherein David Hissner is manager.

226. The absolute proximate cause of this recall, and further obstruction of FAS business

opportunities, is the DEP defendants effort to allow Land to continue to engage in this

illegal activity.

227. Every other large bottler, Nestle, DS, and Water Guy are only allowed to haul raw

untreated water to their ovm bottling plants.

228. The illegal recall issued by DEP to plants over which it does not have jurisdiction

has caused damages to FAS and Niagara, in excess of20 million dollars.

229. The failure ofDEP defendants to finalize the open field order of June 18, 2015, has

caused the cancellation of a Purchase Agreement for FAS by the Withelders. FAS thus has

suffered an immediate loss of excess of $4 million.

230. As a direct and proximate result of defendants' actions Plaintiffs have also incurred

substantial legal and consultant fees and other such costs and expenses.

231. Plaintiffs have also suffered significant emotional distress, pain and anxiety due to

the Defendants' actions.

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232. The DEP Defendants continue to persecute the Plaintiff, and have deprived the

Plaintiff of his due process, in violation of his Constitutional rights.


233. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

234. Plaintiff, Frompovicz and Far Away Springs, use and/or enjoyment of the rights

and the privileges diligently and legally acquired, in the FAS Operations Permit has been

substantially limited by governmental decisions averred to be based on political and/or

personal reasons/animus unrelated to the merits of the proposed use of the property or the

requirements of the law.

235. Plaintiffs have established possession of a property interest entitling them

substantive due process protection.

236. Defendants did recklessly, intentionally, deliberately, maliciously, willfully and

outrageously act in an arbitrary and capricious manner for personal reasons unrelated to

the merits of the proposed use of the property and the laws and to otherwise deny the

Plaintiffs due process of law when they treated Plaintiffs in a significantly different

manner than other similarly situated landholders.

237. Defendants' actions were motivated by evil motive or intent, and/or involved

reckless or callous indifference to the protected rights of the plaintiffs under the state and

federal constitutions.

238. Defendants' disparate actions, especially the totally opposite treatment of two

exactly identical parties, similarly operating and with same customers, on numerous

occassions, when taken as a whole, shock the conscience.

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WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of$150,000.00 (One Hlllldred Fifty Thousand Dollars).

Plaintiffs also seek injunctive relief from the Defendants in their official capacities in order

to permit Plaintiffs full use of the FAS permit.


239. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

240. Plaintiffs have no recourse to appeal the actions of the DEP to the EHB. As noted,

the items listed in the June 18 Field Order were in no way onerous and the list itself was not

difficult to accomplish, as noted by Defendants admission on Nov 4, that all items were

addressed. Earth Res by Letter to Defendants on July 14, 2015, within the 30 day period of

appeal, addressed all issues listed by DEP defendants. If in fact Defendants would have

responded that we will not issue the "Correction Completed Notice" FAS would have had

an ability to appeal the Order to the EHB. DEP Defendants continue to refuse to issue the

"Corrections completed Notice", that continues to deny Plaintiff the right to resume

operations. Plaintiffs believe and aver that defendants, acting under color of state law,

deprived Plaintiffs of a protected property interest and that the state procedure for

challenging the deprivation does not provide for a reasonable remedy (monetary

damages) which the Plaintiffs may seek recourse to in order to rectify the illegal acts of

the Defendants.

241. Plaintiffs therefore have been deprived of their constitutional right to procedural

due process.

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WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of $150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).

Plaintiffs also seek injunctive relief from the Defendants in their official capacities in order

to permit Plaintiffs full use of the property.


242. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

243. Defendants did recklessly, intentionally, arbitrarily, capriciously, deliberately,

maliciously and willfully conspire/collude with each other, share the same general

conspiratorial objective, and/or came to an agreement between them to inflict a wrong

against or injury upon the Plaintiffs and/or commit an overt act that resulted in

foreseeable damage to the Plaintiffs.

244. PA. DEP defendants, and its' officials and employees personally participated in

the conspiracy by arbitrarily and capriciously applying 40 CFR 141, SDWA rules and

related policies and violating provisions of the SDWA in such a manner as to be

considered an official policy and custom of the Department.

245. PA.Dept. Agr. defendants, and its' officials and employees personally participated

in the conspiracy by arbitrarily and capriciously applying FDA rules and regulations at

21CFR 129, and related policies and violating provisions of the law in such a manner as

to be considered an official policy and custom of the Department.

246. Said arbitrary and capricious and unequal application of the rules and regulations

violated Plaintiffs' constitutional rights causing Plaintiffs the above-described injuries.

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 54 of 59

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of $150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand

Dollars). Plaintiffs also seek injunctive relief from the Defendants in their official

capacities in order to permit Plaintiffs full use of the property.


247. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

248. Defendant Agencies and employees thereof, adopted, maintained and/or

acquiesced to a custom, policy and practice, which permitted the arbitrary and capricious

actions and decisions of the individual Defendants, thereby denying permit holders and

his customers the due process of law.

249. Defendants did recklessly, knowingly, outrageously and maliciously fail to ensure

that the Pa Code Title 25, SDWA and the FDA regulations codified at CFR 129 and CFR

140 were literally, uniformly and correctly interpreted and enforced in an unbiased and non-

discriminatory manner to the Plaintiffs.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of $150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).·

Plaintiffs also seek injunctive relief from the Defendants in their official capacities in order

to permit Plaintiffs full use of the property.


250. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 55 of 59

251. As a direct and proximate result of defendants' arbitrary and capricious application

of the law, Plaintiffs are unable to utilize the property for its' intended purpose.

252. Said actions by the defendants were a de facto taking of the property without just

compensation, thereby causing injury in the form of monetary damages to the Plaintiffs.

253. It is believed and averred that the Plaintiffs will continue to suffer the aforesaid

damages for an unknown time in the future until such time as this court issues an injunction

permitting Plaintiffs to operate their business as for which it is intended.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of$150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).

Plaintiffs also seek injunctive relief from the Defendants in their official capacities in order

to permit Plaintiffs full use of the property.


254. Plaintiff incorporates herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

255. It is believed and averred that the Defendants have interfered with the third party

business relationships and/or contracts of Far Away Springs, by enforcing regulations

against the plaintiffs totally opposite regulation enforcement for functionally identical

applications for other business which were allowed to operate, unchecked with no

regulation thus to enticing Plaintiffs' customers to purchase their spring water needs from

supplier in favor with DEP. sell water; by using their authority as state actors and

positions of authority within the state agencies to thwart the instant Plaintiff's permit

applications, and interfere with those already granted.

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 56 of 59

256. Said actions by the defendants have injured Plaintiffs causing them damages as set

forth above.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of $150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).


257. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

258. It is believed and averred that the Defendants have denied permit applications and

operations parameters to the Plaintiff that are functionally identical to applications and

operations of other competitive water suppliers which were allowed to flaunt regulations

and violations overlooked, by using their authority as state actors holding state positions

of authority within the Agencies to thwart the instant Plaintiffs operation and conduct of

business in an equal manner.

259. Said actions by the defendants have injured Plaintiffs causing them damages as set

forth above.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of $150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).


260. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 57 of 59

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of $150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).


261. Plaintiffs incorporate herein as if set forth fully herein all preceding paragraphs.

262. Plaintiffs Stanley Frompovicz, Valeriya Frompovicz and NicoleFrompovicz have

all sustained significant damages and suffered injuries as a result of the Defendants'

disparate treatment and/or conduct manifested towards them.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs are entitled as a matter of law to compensatory and

punitive damages for any injury stemming from the above actions of Defendants acting in

their individual capacities in excess of$150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).


Plaintiff demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable.

OCl \ 6 2017
~ BARKM , Clerl<
Plaintiff - Pro Se By~-Oep. Clerl<
71 W. Jefferson Lane
J\uburn,Pa. 17922
Phone 570-527-4318

Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 58 of 59


I, Stanley F. Frompovicz, swear under penalties of perjury under the laws of

the United States that the statements and averments contained in the foregoing,

"Plaintiff's Amended Complaint,

are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and understanding.

Dated, October 15, 2017

Plaintiff, pro se

Respectfully submitted,

Dated, October 15, 2017

Stanley F. Frompovicz,

71 W. Jefferson Lane

Auburn, Pa. 17922
Case 5:17-cv-02790-JFL Document 13-1 Filed 10/16/17 Page 59 of 59




Plaintiff, ) Case No.: 5:17-cv-02790-JFL


I, Stanley F. Frompovicz, Jr., hereby certify that on this 16ili day of October, 2017,

a true and correct copy Plaintiffs Amended Complaint was served on counsel of record

in the manner indicated below:


Matthew Skolnik, Esquire
Deputy Attorney General
Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
Eastern Regional Office, Civil Litigation Section
21 S. 12ili Street, Third Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Respectfully Submitted,

Dated: 10/16/17

71 W. Jefferson Lane
Auburn, Pa. 179220\
Phone 570-527-43180

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