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(occupatiional), or o other importaant areaas of

functioning(Criterioon B).
OLOGY NOTES • TThe individuual must haave reachedd an age at a which
RS ccontinence is expectedd (i.e., a chhronological age of
aat least 5 years or, for children n with
Warning: Thiss material is prrotected by Co opyright Laws. Unauthorized used ddevelopmental delayss, a mentall age of at least 5
shall be proseecuted in the fuull extent of thee Philippine Laaws. For exclu
use of CBRC reeviewees only.. yyears) (Criterion C).
• TThe urinaryy incontinennce is not attributable to the
Eliimination Diisorders pphysiologicaal effects off a substancce (e.g., a diuretic,
• invollve the inapppropriate ellimination off urine or feeces aan antipsycchotic meddication) or another medicalm
and are usually first diaagnosed in childhood or ccondition (ee.g., diabettes, spina bifida, a seizure
adoleescence. ddisorder) (Criterion D).
• This group of dissorders inclludes
1. Enuresiis, the repeeated voidinng of urine into Associateed Featuress Supporting Diagnossis
inapppropriate plaaces, and  D During noctturnal enureesis, occasionally the voiding
2.Encopressis, the repeated passsage of feeces takes placee during raapid eye movement (REM)
into inappropriat
i te places. ssleep, and the child maay recall a dream
d that innvolved
the act of urrinating.
Enuresis  D During dayttime (diurnaal) enuresiss, the child defers
Diagnostic Criteria
C vvoiding unntil incontiinence occcurs, som metimes
A. Repeated voiding off urine into bed or cloothes, whetther bbecause of a reluctancce to use thhe toilet as a result
invvoluntary orr intentional.. oof social annxiety or a preoccupattion with scchool or
B. The behavvior is clinicaally significaant as maniffested by eitther pplay activity..
a frequency
f o at least tw
of wice a weekk for at leastt 3 consecuutive  TThe enuretiic event most commoonly occurss in the
moonths or thhe presencee of clinicaally significaant distresss or eearly afternnoon on school dayys and may m be
mpairment in social, academic (occupationnal), or otther aassociated with sympttoms of diisruptive beehavior.
mportant areaas of functiooning. TThe enuressis commonnly persistss after appropriate
C. Chronologgical age is at leastt 5 years (or equivaalent treatment off an associaated infection.
deevelopmentaal level).
D. The behavvior is not atttributable to the physioological effeects Prevalencce of Enureesis
of a substancce (e.g., a ddiuretic, an antipsychootic medication) • TThe prevaleence of enuresis is 5%-10%
5 am
mong 5-
or another medical
m conddition (e.g., diabetes, spina bifidaa, a yyear-olds, 3%-5%
3 amoong 10-yearr-olds, and around
seeizure disordder). 11% among individuals 115 years or older.
pecify Enurresis whethher: Risk and Prognosticc Factors
• Noctturnal onlyy: Passagee of urinee only during 1. E Environmen ntal. A num mber of predisposing factors
nightttime sleep. ffor enuresis have been suggested, including delayed
• Diurnnal only: Paassage of urrine during w
waking hourrs. oor lax toilet training
t andd psychosoccial stress.
• Noctturnal and diurnal: A combinatioon of the two
subtyypes abovee 2. GGenetic and d physiologgical. Enureesis has beeen
w delays in the deveelopmentof normal
aassociated with
ubtypes of Enuresis
1. nocttumal-onlyssubtype of o enuresiss, sometim mes ccircadian rhythms of urrine producction, with reesulting
referrred to as monosympptomatic ennuresis, is the nnocturnal polyuria
p or abnormaalities of central
mostt common subtype and involvess incontineence vvasopressin receptor sensitivityy, and reduced r
only during nighhttime sleepp, typically during the first ffunctional bladder capacities with bladder
one-third of the night. hhyperreactivvity (unstable bladdder synddrome).
2. diurn nal-onlysubbtype occuurs in thee absence of NNocturnal enuresis
e is a geneticaally heteroggeneous
noctuurnal enureesis and maay be referreed to simplyy as
ddisorder. Heeritability haas been shoown in family, twin,
urinaary incontinnence. Indivviduals withh this subttype
can beb divided into two groups. Individduals with ''uurge aand segreggation anaalyses. Rissk for chhildhood
inconntinence“ hhave suddeen urge ssymptoms and nnocturnal ennuresis is approximately 3.6 timess higher
detruusor instability, whereaas individualls with "voidding inn offspring of enurettic motherss and 10.1 times
postpponement" consciously defer micturition urrges hhigher in the pressence of paternal urinary
until incontinencce results. inncontinencee. The risk magnituddes for noocturnal
3. nocttumal-and-ddiurnalsubttype is also known as eenuresis andd diurnal inccontinenceaare similar.
nonm monosymptoomatic enurresis.
Related Diagnostic Isssues
Diagnostic Features • E Enuresis has beeh repoorted in a vaariety of European,
Thhe essential feature of enuresis is repeated vvoiding of urine AAfrican, andd Asian countries as weell as in thee United
duuring the daay or at nigght into bedd or clothess (Criterion A). SStates.
Moost often the voiding iss involuntarry, but occaasionally it may
m • A At a nationaal level, revalence rattes are remmarkably
bee intentionaal. To qualify for a diiagnosis off enuresis, the ssimilar, anndthere iss great similarity
s in the
vooiding of urinne must occcur at least twice a weeek for at leeast ddevelopmenntal trajecctories fouund in differentd
3 consecutiv
c ve months oor must caause clinicaally significcant ccountries.
disstress or o impairment in n social, academic
L. NO. 7
98 -1–
• There are very high rates of enuresis in orphanages • D. The behavior is not attributable to the
and other residential institutions, likely related to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., laxatives)
mode and environment in which toilet training or another medical condition except through a
occurs. mechanism involving constipation.

Gender-Related Diagnostic issues Specify Encopresis whether:

• Nocturnal enuresis is more common in males. • With constipation and overflow incontinence: There
Diurnal incontinence is more common in females. is evidence of constipation on physical examination
• The relative risk of having a child who develops or by history.
enuresis is greater for previously enuretic fathers • Without constipation and overflow incontinence:
than for previously enuretic mothers. There is no evidence of constipation on physical
examination or by history.
Functional Consequences of Enuresis
• The amount of impairment associated with enuresis is a Subtypes of Encopresis
function of the limitation on thechild's social activities • Feces in the with constipation and overflow
(e.g., ineligibility for sleep-away camp) or its effect on incontinence subtype are characteristically (but not
the child'sself-esteem, the degree of social ostracism invariably) poorly formed, and leakage can be
by peers, and the anger, punishment, and rejectionon infrequent to continuous, occurring mostly during the
the part of caregivers. day and rarely during sleep. Only part of the feces is
passed during toileting, and the incontinence
Differential Diagnosis resolves after treatment of the constipation
• Neurogenic bladder or another medical • In the without constipation and overflow incontinence
condition. The diagnosis of enuresis is not made in subtype, feces are likely to be of normal form and
the presence of a neurogenic bladder or another consistency, and soiling is intermittent. Feces may
medical condition that causes polyuria or urgency be deposited in a prominent location. This is usually
(e.g., untreated diabetes mellitus or diabetes associated with the presence of oppositional defiant
insipidus) or during an acute urinary tract infection. disorder or conduct disorder or may be the
However, a diagnosis is compatible with such consequence of anal masturbation. Soiling without
conditions if urinary incontinence was regularly constipation appears to be less common than soiling
present prior to the development of another medical with constipation
condition or if it persists after the institution of
appropriate treatment of the medical condition. Diagnostic Features
• The essential feature of encopresis is repeated
• Medication side effects. Enuresis may occur passage of feces into inappropriate places (e.g.,
during treatment with antipsychotic medications, clothing or floor) (Criterion A). Most often the
diuretics, or other medications that may induce passage is involuntary but occasionally may be
incontinence. In this case, the diagnosis should not intentional. The event must occur at least once a
be made in isolation but may be noted as a month for at least 3 months (Criterion B), and the
medication side effect. However, a diagnosis of chronological age of the child must be at least 4
enuresis may be made if urinary incontinence was years (or for children with developmental delays, the
regularly presentprior to treatment with the mental age must be at least 4 years) (Criterion C).
medication. The fecal incontinence must not be exclusively
attributable to the physiological effects of a
Comorbidity substance (e.g., laxatives) or another medical
• Although most children with enuresis do not have a condition except through a mechanism involving
comorbid mental disorder, the prevalence of constipation (Criterion D).
comorbid behavioral symptoms is higher in children • When the passage of feces is involuntary rather than
with enuresis than in children without enuresis. intentional, it is often related to constipation,
Developmental delays, including speech, language, impaction, and retention with subsequent overflow.
learning, and motor skills delays, are also present in The constipation maydevelop for psychological
a portion of children with enuresis. reasons (e.g., anxiety about defecating in a particular
• Encopresis, sleepwalking, and sleep terror disorder place, a more general pattern of anxious or
may be present. Urinary tract infections are more oppositional behavior), leading to avoidance of
common in children with enuresis, especially the defecation.
diurnal subtype, than in those who are continent.
Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis
Encopresis • The child with encopresis often feels ashamed and
• Diagnostic Criteria may wish to avoid situations (e.g., camp, school) that
• A. Repeated passage of feces into inappropriate might lead to embarrassment.
places (e.g., clothing, floor), whether involuntary or • The amount of impairment is a function of the effect
intentional. on the child's self-esteem, the degree of social
• B. At least one such event occurs each month for at ostracism by peers, and the anger, punishment, and
least 3 months. rejection on the part of caregivers.
• C. Chronological age is at least 4 years (or • Smearing feces may be deliberate or accidental,
equivalent developmental level).


resulting from the child's attempt to clean or hide This category applies to presentations in which
feces that were passed involuntarily. When the symptoms characteristic of an elimination disorder that cause
incontinence is clearly deliberate, features of clinically significant distress or impairment in social,
oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder may occupational, or other important areas of functioning
also be present. predominate but do not meet the full criteria for any of the
• Many children with encopresis and chronic disorders in the elimination disorders diagnostic class.
constipation also have enuresis symptoms and may The other specified elimination disorder category is used
have associated urinary reflux in the bladder or in situations in which the clinician chooses to communicate
ureters that may lead to chronic urinary infections, the specific reason that the presentation does not meet the
the symptoms of which may remit with treatment of criteria for any specific elimination disorder. This is done by
the constipation. recording “other specified elimination disorder” followed by the
specific reason (e.g., “low-frequency enuresis”).
• It is estimated that approximately 1% of 5-year-olds have Unspecified Elimination Disorder
encopresis, and the disorder ismore common in This category applies to presentations in which
males than in females. symptoms characteristic of an elimination disorder that cause
clinically significant distress or impairment in social,
Development and Course occupational, or other important areas of functioning
• Encopresis is not diagnosed until a child has reached a predominate but do not meet the full criteria for any of the
chronological age of at least 4 years (or for children disorders in the elimination disorders diagnostic class.
with developmental delays, a mental age of at least 4 The unspecified elimination disorder category is used in
years). situations in which the clinician chooses not to specify the
• Inadequate, inconsistent toilet training and psychosocial reason that the criteria are not met for a specific elimination
stress (e.g., entering school, the birth of a sibling) may disorder, and includes presentations in which there is
be predisposing factors. insufficient information to make a more specific diagnosis
• Two types of course have been described: (e.g., in emergency room settings).
1. a "primary” type, in which the individual has never
established fecal continence,
2. "secondary” type, in which the disturbance develops
after a period of established fecal continence.
3. Encopresis can persist, with intermittent
exacerbations, for years.

Risk and Prognostic Factors

• Genetic and physiological.
Painful defecation can lead to constipation and a cycle of
withholding behaviors that make encopresis more likely. Use
of some medications (e.g., anticonvulsants, cough
suppressants) may increase constipation and make
encopresis more likely.

Diagnostic Markers
In addition to physical examination, gastrointestinal
imaging (e.g., abdominal radiograph) may be informative to
assess retained stool and gas in the colon. Additional tests,
such as barium enema and anorectalmanography, may be
used to help exclude other medical conditions, such as
Hirschsprung's disease.

Differential Diagnosis
• A diagnosis of encopresis in the presence of another
medical condition is appropriate onlyif the mechanism
involves constipation that cannot be explained by other
medical conditions.
• Fecal incontinence related to other medical conditions
(e.g., chronic diarrhea, spina bifida, anal stenosis)
would not warrant a DSM-5 diagnosis of encopresis.

• Urinary tract infections can be comorbid with encopresis
and are more common in females.

Other Specified Elimination Disorder


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