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Deductive Logic Exercises Fall 2013

Instructions—for each of these arguments, identify them as modus ponens, modus

tollens, or a fallacy, and if a fallacy, whether it affirms the consequent or denies the

1. If humans have free will (p), then our existence is not determined (q). Since our
existence is determined (not q), then it follows that we do not have free will (not

Modus Tollens (if p, then q; if not q, then not p).

2. If people find something offensive (p), then it is immoral (q). People find
bestiality offensive (p). Therefore, bestiality is immoral (q).

Modus Ponens (if p, then q; p, therefore q)

Note: These are arguments that are advanced in philosophy and ethics. I point
that out so you can see how this applies to what we are doing.

3. If you are not with us (p), then you are against us (q). You are not with us (p). So,
you must be against us (q). (Jesus, anyone?)

Modus Ponens (if p, then q; p, therefore q).

4. If one is a dog (p), then one will go to heaven (q) (All dogs go to heaven.) Sam is a
dog (p), so Sam will go to heaven (q).

Modus Ponens (if p, then q; p, therefore q).

5. If TV viewing provides genuine relaxation (p) , then TV enhances the quality of life
(q). But TV viewing does not provide genuine relaxation (not p). Therefore, TV
does not enhance the quality of life (not q).
Logical fallacy: denying the antecedent.
6. If you finish the job by Friday (p), then you get the bonus (q). You did not finish
the job by Friday (not p), therefore, you do not get the bonus (not q).
Logical fallacy: denying the antecedent.
7. If you do not finish the job by Friday (p), then you do not get the bonus (q). Since
you did finish the job by Friday (p), you get the bonus (q).
Modus Tollens (if p, then q; if not q, then not p).

8. If the Tea Party wins a majority of the Senate (p), then Medicare will end as we
know it (q). Medicare as we know it will not end (+ q), so the Tea Party will not
win a majority in the Senate (not p).
Logical fallacy: affirming the consequent.

9. If Joyce went south on I-15 from Las Vegas (p), then Joyce got to Los Angeles (q).
But Joyce did not go south on I-15 from Las Vegas (not p), so Joyce did not get to
Los Angeles (not q).
Logical fallacy: denying the antecedent.

10. If it is raining (p), then it is cloudy outside (q). It is cloudy (+ q), so it must be
raining (p).
Logical fallacy: affirming the consequent.

11. If X is not an even number (p), then X is not divisible by 2 (q). X is divisible by 2
(not q). Therefore, X is an even number (not p).
Modus Tollens (if p, then q; if not q, then not p).

12. If you take 1000mg of Vitamin C every day (p), then you will not get a cold (q).
Since you got a cold (not q), you must not have taken 1000mg of Vitamin C every
day (not p).
Modus Tollens (if p, then q; if not q, then not p).

13. If terrorists were trustworthy (p), we could negotiate with them (q). Since they
are not trustworthy (not p), there is no need for negotiation (not q).
Logical fallacy: denying the antecedent.

14. Insurance companies contribute millions of dollars to political campaigns.

But if that is so (p), then meaningful insurance reform is impossible (q).
Therefore (p) , meaningful insurance reform is impossible. (q)

Modus Ponens (if p, then q; p, therefore q).

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