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Serological Tests for Acquired Syphilis in Immuno

competent Patients
Zoran GOLUŠIN1,2, Marina JOVANOVIĆ1,2, Milan MATIĆ1,2,
Ljuba VUJANOVIĆ1,2, Tatjana ROŠ1,2, Biljana JEREMIĆ1,2
1Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
2Clinic of Dermatovenereology Diseases, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad,Serbia
*Correspondence: Zoran Golušin, E-mail:
UDC 616.972-07
Serological tests represent a valuable tool for the diagnosis and monitoring the syphilis
treatment. Non treponemal antibodies are nonspecific to detect the infection, but antibody titers
are used to monitor the effects of syphilis treatment. A definitive diagnosis of syphilis is made
using treponemal tests, because they detect specific antibodies to the treponemal strains or
treponemal fragments, which cause syphilis. These tests may remain reactive for years,
sometimes for life, regardless of the therapy outcome. Even after successful treatment,
approximately 85% of patients remain positive for treponemal antibodies for the rest of their
lives. However, treponemal tests cannot differentiate past infections from a current infection.
Therefore, we use a combination of specific and non-specific tests, the two most frequently
used diagnostic algorithms. The traditional algorithm begins with a non-treponemal assay, and
if it is positive, the treponemal test is done. A positive treponemal test indicates syphilis. The
reverse serology algorithm detects early, primary, and treated syphilis that may be missed with
traditional screening. However, non-treponemal test is necessary to detect patients with active
Key words
Syphilis; Syphilis Serodiagnosis; Serologic Tests; Treponema pallidum; Algorithms;
Immunocompetence; Review
In the absence of microbiological diagnosis, serological antibody tests are the mainstay
of laboratory diagnosis for all stages of syphilis other than primary. The diagnosis of syphilis
is not simple due to the fact that there is no single serological test to diagnose syphilis or
monitor the effects of treatment. Treponema pathogenic for humans has the same antigens and
a high degree of concordance of DNA, complicating the interpretation of serological tests in
geographic areas with endemic treponematoses. The clinical presentation of acquired syphilis
is so varied, that definitive diagnosis is made only by serological testing. Serological tests are
divided into two groups: non-treponemal and treponemal tests.

Non-treponemal Test
Non-specific serological tests detect IgM and IgG antibodies (anticardiolipin
antibodies) which react with cardiolipin, lecithin and cholesterol from treponema, but also with
the same lipid material from damaged host cells. Therefore, these antibodies are not specific to
confirm Treponema pallidum infection, but they indicate a tissue damage caused by the
infection. Today, the most commonly used non-treponemal tests are the following: :
 VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory)
flocculation test. Inactivated serum or cerebrospinal fluid, without a
complement, given the blurring (”floc”) if it is added an antigen (cardiolipin). Examine
under a microscope..
 RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin)
a variant of VDRL test with colored substances for macroscopic reading. It is
used when quick view of a large number of sera is necessary. Both of these tests use
cardiolipin, a phospholipid, combined with lecithin and cholesterol, as the active
antigen for the detection of antibodies suggestive of syphilis (1).
These tests are done manually. They are not automated, so the interpretation of
results is subjective. Non-specific antibodies appear about 6 weeks after the infection
(2, 3). During the primary stage, these antibodies have low titers (≤1: 4) and they are
present in 40% of infected subjects, while in the secondary stage low antibody titers are
present in only in 11% of patients (4). The highest antibody titer is seen in the secondary
stages of syphilis, from 1:16 to 1: 256, and declines thereafter, typically falling to 1:4
or ot lower in untreated late-latent infection. The advantage of these tests is that they
are quick and cheap. The antibody titers mostly correlate with the disease activity. The
results should be reported quantitatively, and as such they are used to monitor disease
activity and efficacy of treatment. Therefore it is necessary to determine the antibody
titer (quantitative VDRL/ RPR) on the day of treatment initiation. After healing, the
antibody titers are reduced or completely absent. Quantitative non-treponemal testing
can also be used to determine if a patient, who appears to have failed treatment, has
been re-infected or is “serofast”. Serofast patients fail to fully resolve serologically and
perpetually exhibit low non-treponemal titers, whereas re-infected patients have
persistently higher antibody titers (5). The VDRL and RPR are equally valid assays,
but quantitative results from the two tests cannot be compared directly because RPR
titers are commonly slightly higher than VDRL titers.
The limitation of these tests is frequent occurrence of false positive or false
negative reactions. False positive reactions may be acute (lasting for 6 months) and
chronic (lasting longer than 6 months) and account for 20% of tests. Acute false positive
reactions may be seen in the post-immunization period, after recent myocardial
infarction and in many febrile infectious diseases (e.g. malaria, hepatitis, chicken pox,
measles, etc.), and possibly during pregnancy. Chronic false positive reactions may be
seen in injecting drug users, autoimmune diseases, HIV infection, chronic infections
such as leprosy, malignancies, chronic liver disease and older age. Also, false positive
reactions are due to connective tissue disorders, and Lyme disease. False negative
results are obtained in too early or too late stage of infection, when the antibody titers
are low, or in the secondary stage of syphilis, with high antibody titers and there is no
agglutination – the so-called prozone phenomenon, which occurs in 1 - 2% of patients,
usually in pregnant women and HIV infected patients (2, 6, 7, 8).
Generally, up to 90% of false-positive reactions have a titer of less than 1:8, and
reactive non-treponemal tests with titers less than 1:8 and subsequent nonreactive
treponemal tests are considered to be biological false-positive reactions (2).

Treponemal Test
The treponemal tests are used for definitive diagnosis of syphilis because they detect
specific antibodies (antiterponemal antibodies) utilizing either whole cells or antigens derived
from cells of T. Pallidum causinge syphilis. Specific tests become reactive before nonspecific,
but unlike them, they remain reactive for years, sometimes for life, regardless of therapy
outcome. Even after successful therapy, approximately 85% of patients remain positive for
treponemal antibodies for life (9). However, 15 - 25% of patients treated during the primary
stage revert to being serologically nonreactive after 2 - 3 years (10). Therefore, treponemal
tests are not used to monitor disease activity, as well as to distinguish active from treated
syphilis. The most commonly used specific tests are :

 TPHA (Treponema pallidum Hemagglutination Assay)

is a hemagglutination test often used in laboratories. It detects the presence of
specific antibodies in the serum of patients with sensitized sheep erythrocyte
agglutination. The test is easy to perform, quick and cost-effective, but it is automatic
and subject to individual variations in interpretation.
 TPPA (Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination Assay)
is an agglutination test which utilizes gel particles that are sensitized with T.
pallidum antigens. If an antigen/antibody reaction occurs, a smooth mat of agglutinated
gel particles is well seen in a microtiter tray; if antibody is not present there is no
agglutination. The TPPA test is less expensive and less complicated than the FTA-ABS
tests. The results are read with the unaided eye. It is one of the most commonly used
treponemal tests.
 FTA-ABS test (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption Test)
is a fluorescence test used to detect specific antibodies in serum by indirect
FTA-ABS test includes an absorption step to increase specificity by removing
antibodies directed to nonpathogenic treponema that occur as part of the normal
bacterial flora. The resulting antigen/antibody reaction is visualized. The results are
graded based on the intensity of the fluorescence. The test has a high sensitivity. It is
manual, expensive, and fluorescence interpretation is complex, requires good training,
and it is rarely used routinely. A modification of this test is used for the detection only
of IgM antibodies (19S IgM FTA-ABS) in the diagnosis of congenital syphilis, because
these antibodies do not cross from the mother to the fetus.
 EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay)
is an enzyme immunoassay and a representative of a new generation of reliable
and rapid tests for the detection of specific IgG and IgM antibodies.
It is efficient in testing a large number od specimens. Now, it is widely available
and increasingly used for screening. The test is automated, but expensive. EIA tests are
very sensitive in the detection of primary and secondary syphilis with the IgM EIA
being the first test positive in some instances (11). In suspected primary syphilis a IgM
should be requested, since these antibodies can be detected at the end of the second
week after infection, while IgG antibodies are detected 4 - 5 weeks after infection.
EIA tests have been shown to be equal to or better than FTA-ABS and TPPA
tests in overall sensitivity and specificity and are more useful in HIV coinfected
individuals (12). There are several versions of immunoassays, depending on the method
of detection, such as chemiluminescent immunoassays (CIA), and microbead
immunoassays (MIA). These immunoassays may detect IgG, IgM or both IgG and IgM
antibodies, are produced against Treponema pallidum (13).
 IgM immunoblot
is another sensitive metod to detect congenital syphilis..
 TPI test (Treponema pallidum Immobilization Test)
is the most reliable test, but it is difficult to perform and today, in the era of
fluorescence, this test is rarely applied. To perform this test, live strain of treponema is
required. It is based on the fact that serum or cerebrospinal fluid of affected individuals
contains immobilizsed specific antibodies. In contact with the immobilizer, live
treponema is immobilized. We should not forget that the specific cause of syphilis is
associated with movement, and not just a single appearance.
Treponemal assays detect primary infection at a slightly earlier stage than non-
treponemal assays (14). Approximately 4 weeks after infection, TPHA and FTA-ABS
tests become reactive, and TPI is the last to become positive, even months later.
Before the appearance of chancre and in the first 5 to 15 days, all tests
(treponemal and non-treponemal) are negative. Specific tests are rarely false positive,
and the reasons may be: HIV infection, bacterial infections, autoimmune disorders,
hypergammaglobulinemia and pregnancy (2, 15). In more and more countries, point-
of-care (POC) rapid diagnostic tests are available for the detection of antitreponemal
antibodies (16). They are used for testing certain populations with high prevalence,
where immediate diagnosis and treatment is the overriding concern due to a likely lack
of followup care. Their advantage and significance may be in the strategy for global
elimination of congenital syphilis and mother-to-child-transmission of both syphilis
and HIV, because they permit screening and treatment at the same visit, at field level
or peripheral clinics remote from laboratories (8).
Serological diagnostic criteria for syphilis
In screening, if only treponemal serological tests are used, they identify persons with
previous successful treatment of syphilis, as well as persons with untreated syphilis.
Treponemal tests cannot differentiate earlier infection from current infection. Therefore, a
combination of specific and non-specific tests is recommended. If the screening starts with a
specific serological test (e.g. EIA), then it is necessary to do a new specific test to confirm (e.g.
TPHA) the diagnosis of syphilis. If both tests are positive, then a quantitative non-specific test
is necessary (VDRL or RPR) (6).
If the confirmatory treponemal test is positive and non-treponemal test is negative, in
patients with suspicion of early syphilis, an EIA-IgM test may be used (8). However, the
development of IgM and its persistence after the early latent stage of syphilis is not well
understood. Further research is needed before IgM assays can be recommended for routine use
in adult testing (17).
If the screening starts with an unspecific serological test, then its positive quantitative
findings need to be confirmed by a specific test. If the primary screening consists of both
nonspecific and specific tests, it is necessary to quantify the titer of the nonspecific test,
especially if the specific test is positive (14). A finding of a non-specific test (VDRL or RPR)
with a titer greater than 1:16, and/or IgM positive test, generally indicates active syphilis and
it has to be treated, although serology must be interpreted in the light of the treatment history
and clinical findings. The VDRL/RPR and EIA-IgM are often negative in late syphilis, but this
does not exclude the need for treatment (15)..

Traditional diagnostic algorithm

The traditional diagnostic algorithm begins with a non-specific test (VDRL or RPR). If
it is positive, a specific test is also necessary (Figure 1). In the past, and in many countries
today, the most frequently used specific tests are TPHA or TPPA. Thus, all the tests in this
algorithm are manual tests, which is justified for economic reasons. This algorithm is cost-
effective for small diagnostic laboratories and hospitals. The results of VDRL or RPR
screening may correlate more with the disease activity than the results of the reverse algorithm
However, the traditional algorithm has significant limitations, including the use of a
screening assay that lacks specificity, requires manual operation, and is subjective (19).
This algorithm does not reveal all subjects with syphilis, which is seen in a study
conducted in four laboratories in New York in 2005 and 2006. A total of 116.822 results were
reviewed, of which 6.587 (6%) were reactive to a treponemal screening test (EIA). Among the
6.587 EIA-reactive samples, 3.664 (56.7%) were found to be nonreactive by RPR. Of the 3.664
discordant sera, a subset (2.512) were tested by TPPA or FTA, of which 433 (17.2%) were
nonreactive, suggesting false-positive EIA screening results (20). The conclusion of this study
was that 3.664 patients identified by screening, would not have been detected by the traditional
In another study, among 24.124 tested samples, there were 2.756 reactive to TPPA. The
results of nontreponemal tests in these patients showed that 667 of 2.756 (24.2 %) samples
were RPR nonreactive (21).
For subjects at a certain stage of the disease the traditional algorithm does not provide
diagnostic reliability.
The traditional algorithm, approach could be missing some untreated cases, especially
patients at the late latent stage of the disease where seroreactivity to non-treponemal tests
declines (1).
Across different studies and demographic populations (including HIV patients), up to
40% of untreated late latent cases were found to be nonreactive to non-treponemal assays. The
potential for false-negative results in early primary syphilis or in late latent syphilis may be
greater when using a nontreponemal assay for initial screening (7).
Using the clinical diagnostic results as the gold standard, the sensitivity of the
traditional algorithm was only 75.81%. The negative likelihood ratio was 0.24 (>0.1),
indicating a high probability of falsenegative results (21).
Reverse diagnostic algorithm
The increasing availability of commercial and automated treponemal tests, as well as
the shortcomings observed in the traditional algorithm, imposed the need for creating a new
diagnostic algorithm.
The reverse diagnostic algorithm starts with modern treponemal tests, and then it is
followed by a non-treponemal test (Figure 2). In reverse diagnostic algorithm, sera are
examined with automated methods (e.g. EIA) that can be linked to the information system in
the laboratory, which reduces the possibility of errors when manually entering results. The new
algorithm increases the number of people detected in the primary stage and in late syphilis,
because in these stages of the disease treponemal tests have greater sensitivity and specificity
than non-treponemal tests. The disadvantages of the new diagnostic algorithm are: EIA cannot
differentiate an active disease from a case with cured syphilis (which in practice leads to
unnecessary re-treatment), the results show more false-positives results than the traditional
algorithm, the traditional algorithm tests (VDRL/RPR) are easier to perform, cheaper, do not
require expensive laboratory equipment and a large number of samples (rapid screening) can
be examined in a short time (19).
In order to avoid discrepancies, it is recommended that sera testing reactive by EIA, but
nonreactive by RPR, should be tested by another treponemal test (TPPA), which serves as
confirmatory treponemal assay, which is particularly important in a population with a low
prevalence in order to avoid false positive diagnosis of syphilis (22).
Treponemal evaluation tests, used in reverse algorithm, are automated immunoassays
and the microplate enzyme immunoassays are suitable for first screening, whilst the TPPA
particle agglutination is more adaptive to be used as a second, confirmatory treponemal assay
The reverse algorithm still has a high diagnostic significance in early syphilis, as well
as in late syphilis in high-prevalence population (with a syphilis rate of 11.40%) (21).
To improve the diagnosis of the primary stage syphilis, we should expect more frequent
use of realtime PCR for the detection of T. pallidum.
The PCR assay demonstrated a sensitivity and specificity of 87.0% and 93.1%,
respectively, compared to dark-field microscopy in patients with suspected primary syphilis.
However, the PCR assay showed only 43.0% sensitivity in patients with suspected secondary
syphilis, so its application after the primary stage of syphilis would not have advantages over
the standard serological methods (24). The next step in improving the diagnosis of syphilis will
be introduction of POC tests, that can accurately identify and differentiate patients with treated
versus untreated syphilis. A promising POC device described by Castro et al. uses
immunofiltration to detect and differentiate treponemal and nontreponemal antibodies in the
same test. Results are available in 2 – 10 min, with reported sensitivities and specificities of at
least 96.0 and 97.0%, respectively (25).

Monitoring the effects of treatment

The monitoring of the effects of syphilis treatment includes identification of the titer by
a non-specific test on the first day of treatment, to provide a baseline for measuring a decrease
in antibody titers. Sera should be obtained at 1 month, 3 months and every 6 months
subsequently, ideally the identical nontreponema test should be used and all samples tested in
the same laboratory. This should be continued until the non-treponemal test becomes negative,
attains a low plateau (≤1:4, sustained for 1 year and in the absence of ongoing risk) (8).
Adequate treatment is demonstrated by a 4-fold drop in titer by non-treponemal assay
within 3 to 6 months. However, the serologic response following successful treatment of
syphilis infection remains unclear. Some individuals may have increasing titers or be serofast,
where appropriate treatment causes little or no change in titer (18).
Typically, the non-treponemal antibody titer declines by a 4-fold after three months
(eg, from 1:32 to 1:8) and by 8-fold after six months (eg, from 1:32 to 1:4) with standard
therapy. The time for decline in antibody titer may be longer with the RPR test than with the
VDRL test (26). However, there is evidence that 15% of treated patients with early syphilis
will not show a 4-fold decline in titer at one year posttreatment (27).
After successful treatment, the RPR and VDRL tests usually become nonreactive after
one year in patients with primary syphilis, after two years in patients with secondary syphilis,
and after five years in latent syphilis (28).
Some experts define treatment failure as a 4-fold or greater increase in the non-
treponemal test titer or a recurrence of signs or symptoms (29). Some authors also consider the
persistence of RPR/VDRL titers at or over 1:64 as a serologic treatment failure (30).
Interpretation of serological tests in cerebrospinal fluid for neurosyphilis
Neurosyphilis cannot be diagnosed serologically, and diagnosis must be based on the
clinical judgment. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) assessment is not indicated in early syphilis (HIV
positive or negative), unless there are neurological, ocular or auricular symptoms. Indications
for cerebrospinal fluid testing are: clinical evidence of neurological, ocular and auricular
involvement, regardless of the stage of the disease, and in tertiary syphilis (cardiovascular,
gummatous). Although robust data are lacking, CSF control may be indicated also in
asymptomatic patients in the following situations for exclusion of asymptomatic neurosyphilis:
in HIV positive patients with late syphilis and CD4+ cells ≤350/mm3 and/or a serum
VDRL/RPR titer ≥1:32; in case of serological failure; in case of use of alternative treatment
(tetracyclines) during late syphilis (8).
Accurate interpretation of serological findings means that the CSF must not be
macroscopically contaminated with blood. In the majority of patients with symptomatic
neurosyphilis more than 5 leukocytes/mm3 are found. The level of proteins may not be elevated
in neurosyphilis. It is always necessary to quantitatively determine the positivity of serological
tests in CSF.
The sensitivity of VDRL/RPR test in the CSF ranges from 10% in asymptomatic
patients, and 90% in symptomatic patients, which means that a negative VDRL/RPR test does
not rule out neurosyphilis (31). A negative treponemal test (TPPA/TPHA) on CSF excludes
neurosyphilis, and a positive test is highly sensitive for neurosyphilis but lacks specificity,
because the reactivity may be caused by transudation of immunoglobulins from the serum into
the CSF or by leakage through a damaged blood brain barrier resulting from conditions other
than syphilis. Because of that, positive CSF TPHA/TPPA does not confirm the diagnosis of
Neurosyphilis is unlikely when the CSF TPHA titer is < 320 or the TPPA titer <640
(15). Establishing the so-called TPHA index (CSF TPHA/albumin quotient [CSF albumin
x109/serum albumin]) can help establishing the final diagnosis. A TPHA index >70 and a CSF
TPHA titer >320 are the most reliable in supporting the diagnosis of neurosyphilis, but
unfortunately determination of the TPHA index is not widely available (32). In case of an
abnormal CSF examination (high protein level and/or hypercytosis), repeat CSF examination
must be performed after treatment (6 weeks to 6 months) (8).

Diagnosis of cardiovascular syphilis

Every patient with aortic insufficiency or thoracic aortic aneurysm should be screened
for syphilis (8). Positive serologic tests combined with typical clinical changes found in
cardiovascular syphilis are indispensable diagnostic indicators of cardiovascular syphilis.
Patients with suspected cardiovascular syphilis need to be assessed by a cardiologist.
Given that each algorithm for serological diagnosis of syphilis has some minor or major
deficiencies, rapid tests based on PCR technology should be developed. They should aid in
differentiation of untreated from treated syphilis, and improve diagnosis to distinguish specific
and non-specific antibodies in a single assay
VDRL - Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
RPR - Rapid Plasma Reagin
HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
TPHA - Treponema pallidum Hemagglutination
TPPA - Treponema pallidum Particle Agglutination
FTA-ABS test - Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody
Absorption Test
EIA - Enzyme Immunoassay
TPI - Treponema pallidum Immobilization
POC - Point-of-Care
PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction
CSF – Cerebrospinal fluid
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