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REVD DR DORU COSTACHE St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College 242 Cleveland St, Redfern NSW 2016 GENERAL INFORMATION

Affiliation St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College (a member institute of the Sydney College of Divinity) Subject area Patristic Studies Status Senior Lecturer; full time Qualifications Doctor of Theology (Bucharest 2000, thesis on patristic worldview and the anthropic cosmological principle) Bachelor of Theology (Bucharest 1993, thesis on patristic anthropology) Work Experience Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Patristic Studies, St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College, 2005-today Assistant Lecturer in Systematic Theology, University of Bucharest, 1995-2004 Lecturer in Patristic Theology, International Academy for the Study of the History of Culture and Religions, Bucharest, 2000-2003 Editor, Glasul Bisericii (Voice of the Church), Orthodox Archdiocese of Bucharest, 1994-1995 Religion teacher, Public School 191, Bucharest, 1992-1994 Ecclesiastical experience Presbyter, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia (Ecumenical Patriarchate), 2008-today Parish priest, Romanian Orthodox Parish of St Mary in Croydon Park NSW, Romanian Patriarchate, 2004-2008

Assistant parish priest, Parish of St Basil, Orthodox Archdiocese of Bucharest, 2001-2004 Deacon, Parish of Domnita Balasa, Orthodox Archdiocese of Bucharest, 1997-2001 Ecclesiastical chanter, Parish of the Dormition of the Theotokos, Orthodox Archdiocese of Bucharest, 1990-1997

RESEARCH, SCHOLARSHIP & RESEARCH ACTIVITY Interests Byzantine hermeneutics; mystical experience in patristic tradition; traditional worldview and contemporary cosmology Books published Sfintii Parinti despre Originile si Destinul Cosmosului si Omului (The Holy Fathers on the Origins and the Destiny of the Cosmos and Man) (with Revd Professor Ioan Ica et alii). Sibiu: Deisis, 2003. Stiinta si Teologie: Preliminarii pentru Dialog (Science and Theology: Preliminaries for the Dialogue) (with Revd Professor Dumitru Popescu et alii). Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2001. Introducere in Dogmatica Ortodoxa: Teme ale Credintei Crestine in Perspectiva Comparata (An Introduction to Orthodox Dogmatic: Topics of Christian Faith in Comparative Perspective) (with Revd Professor Dumitru Popescu). Bucharest: Libra, 1997. Books edited Phronema 26:2 (2011) (with Dr Philip Kariatlis). Phronema 25 (2010) (with Dr Philip Kariatlis). Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare si Transdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 4 (with Dr Magda Stavinschi). Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2005. Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 3 (with Dr Magda Stavinschi). Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2004. Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 2 (with Dr Magda Stavinschi). Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2004.

Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 1 (with Dr Magda Stavinschi). Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2002. Chapters in books Experienta Duhului Sfant in Viziunea Sfintilor Vasile cel Mare si Grigorie Palamas (The Experience of the Holy Spirit in Sts Basil the Great and Gregory Palamas). In: Popescu, Emilian & Marinescu, Adrian (eds.), Sfntul Vasile cel Mare: nchinare la 1630 de ani, revised second edition. Bucharest: Basilica, 2009: 145-61. The Inner Side of the Visible: Apostolic Criteria and Spirit in the Orthodox Tradition. In: Petrescu, Professor Teodosie (ed.). Omagiu Profesorului Nicolae V. Dura la 60 de ani. Constanta: Editura Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului, 2006: 386-392. The Unifying Ladder of St Maximus the Confessor: Going Upwards with Everything You Are. In: Nicolescu, Basarab & Stavinschi, Magda (eds.). Science and Orthodoxy: A Necessary Dialogue. Bucharest: Curtea Veche, 2006: 135-144. Dosarul Darwin, Evolutionismul, Creationismul: Perspectiva Istorica si Teologica (Darwins Case, Evolutionism, Creationism: Historical and Theological Perspectives). In: Stavinschi, M. (ed.). Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare si Transdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 5. Bucharest: XXI Eonul Dogmatic, 2005: 45-49. Istoria Recenta, Actualitatea si Perspectivele Raporturilor dintre Teologie si Reprezentarea Stiintifica a Lumii (Recent History, Current State and Perspectives in the Relationship between Theology and the Scientific Worldview). In: Biserica in Misiune: Patriarhia Romana la Ceas Aniversar (The Church in Mission: Romanian Patriarchate in Anniversary), volume published with the approval of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Bucharest: The Publishing House of the Biblical and Mission Institute of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 2005: 490-523. Repere Traditionale pentru un Context Comprehensiv al Dialogului dintre Stiinta si Teologie: Dogma de la Chalcedon (Traditional Landmarks for a Comprehensive Context of the Dialog between Science and Theology: Dogma of Chalcedon) (with Basarab Nicolescu). In: Stavinschi, M., & Costache, D (eds.). Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare si Transdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 4. Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2005: 33-45. Irelevanta Controversei Creationism vs. Evolutionism pentru Traditia Bisericii Ortodoxe: Deconstructie Logica si Teologica a unui Mit Modern (The Irrelevance of Creationism vs. Evolutionism Controversy to the Tradition of the Orthodox Church: A Logical and Theological Deconstruction of a Modern Myth). In: Stavinschi, M. & Costache, D. (eds.). Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 3. Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2004: 51-67. Dimensiunea Cosmologica a Liturghiei si a Experientei Sfintilor: Aspecte Relevante pentru Dialogul dintre Stiinta si Teologie (The Cosmological Dimension of the Liturgy and the Saints Experience: Relevant Aspects to the Dialogue of

Science and Theology). In: Stavinschi, M. & Costache, D. (eds.). Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 2. Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2004: 27-36. Logos, Evolution and Finality in Anthropological Research: Towards a Transdisciplinary Solution. In: Nicolescu, B. & Stavinschi, M. (eds.). Science and Religion: Antagonism or Complementarity? Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2003: 241260. Colocviul fara Sfarsit: Ratiunea de A Fi a Creatiei in Gandirea Parintelui Staniloae (The Endless Colloquium: Creations Reason of Being in Father Staniloaes Thinking). In: Baconsky, Th. & Tataru-Cazaban, B. (eds.). Dumitru Staniloae sau Paradoxul teologiei [Dumitru Staniloae or the Paradox of Theology]. Bucharest: Anastasia, 2003: 183-241. Apologetic, Moral si Mistic: Trei Moduri ale Viziunii Ecclesiale asupra Creatiei; Elemente de Cosmologie Traditionala (Apologetic, Moral, and Mystical: Three Ecclesial Views on Creation; Elements for a Traditional Cosmology). In: Stavinschi, M. & Costache, D. (eds.). Noua Reprezentare a Lumii: Studii Interdisciplinare (New World Paradigm: Interdisciplinary Studies), Vol. 1. Bucharest: XXI Eonul dogmatic, 2002: 38-59. The Teleological Anthropology: A Way of Transcending the Conflict between Scientific & Theological Perspectives on Human Being. In: Constantinescu, R. & Calina, G. (eds.). Science and Religion Dialogues. University of Craiova, SReDOC Program. Craiova: Archdiocese of Craiova Printing House, 2002: 100-114. Viziunea Teologiei Ortodoxe asupra Controversei Creationism-Evolutionism: Elemente pentru un Discurs despre Metoda (An Orthodox Perspective on Creationism-Evolutionism Controversy: Elements for a Discourse on the Method). In: Constantinescu, R. & Calina, G. (eds.). Teologie si Stiinte Naturale: In Continuarea Dialogului [Theology and the Natural Sciences: Furthering the Dialogue]. Archdiocese of Craiova & Centre for Applied Theological Studies. Craiova: Archdiocese of Craiova Printing House, 2002: 33-68. Microcosmos si Macrocosmos: Implicatii Ecologice in Cugetarea Sfantului Maxim Marturisitorul (Microcosm and Macrocosm: Ecological Aspects in St Maximus the Confessor's Thinking). In: Constantinescu, R. & Calina, G. (eds.). Teologie si Stiinte Naturale: In Continuarea Dialogului [Theology and the Natural Sciences: Furthering the Dialogue]. Archdiocese of Craiova & Centre for Applied Theological Studies. Craiova: Archdiocese of Craiova Publishing House, 2002: 69-90. Articles in refereed journals Seeking Out the Antecedents of the Maximian Theory of Everything: St Gregory the Theologians Oration 38. Phronema 26:2 (2011) 27-45. Experiencing the Divine Life: Levels of Participation in St Gregory Palamas On the Divine and Deifying Experience. Phronema 26:1 (2011) 9-25. The Other Path in Science, Theology and Spirituality: Pondering a Fourteenth Century Byzantine Model. Transdisciplinary Studies 1 (2011) 39-54.

Christian Worldview: Understandings from St Basil the Great. Phronema 25 (2010): 21-56. Approaching the Christian Worldview with St Basil the Great: Aspects Relevant to Current Conversations in Science and Theology. Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion 6 (Bucharest: Curtea Veche, 2009): 45-56. Byzantine Insights into Genesis 1-3: St Andrew of Cretes Great Canon. Phronema 24 (2009): 35-50. Queen of the Sciences? Theology and Natural Knowledge in St Gregory Palamas One Hundred and Fifty Chapters. Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion 3 (Bucharest: Curtea Veche, 2008): 27-46. Reading the Scriptures with Byzantine Eyes: The Hermeneutical Significance of St Andrew of Cretes Great Canon. Phronema 23 (2008): 51-66. The Seekers of Truth, the Egalitarian Myth and the Aristocracy of Spirit: Reconnecting Today with Mystical Tradition. Inter: Romanian Review for Theological and Religious Studies 2:1-2 (2008): 354-64. Fifth Century Christology between Soteriological Perspective and Metaphysical Concerns: Notes on the Nestorian Controversy. Phronema 21 (2006): 47-59. Aspecte Antropologice: Experienta Paradisiaca a Omului in Viziunea Crestinismului Occidental (Anthropological Features: The Paradisiacal Experience of Man in the Western Christian Thought) [with A. Cazacu]. Ortodoxia 1-2 (2005): 92-116. Secularismul, Religia Puterii si Criza Ecologica: Premise Doctrinare, Atitudini Mentale (Secularism, Religion of Power, and the Ecological Crisis: Doctrinal Premises, Mental Attitudes). Biserica Ortodoxa 1 (2003): 45-74. Antropocentrismul Modern si Oferta Antropologiei Ecclesiale: Elemente pentru Misiunea Bisericii (Modern Anthropocentrism and the Ecclesial Anthropology: Elements for the Mission of the Church). Analele Universitatii din Craiova, Theology series 10. Craiova: Universitaria, 2002: 216-256. The Experience of Holy Spirit in the Teaching of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Palamas [in Romanian]. Anuarul Facultatii de Teologie Ortodoxa Patriarhul Justinian. Bucharest: University of Bucharest, 2002: 611-623 The Final Shape of the World in St John the Theologian's Revelation: Creation, History, Salvation and Church. Essay on Chapters 21 & 22 [in Romanian]. The Bulletin of Centre for Dialogue between Science and Theology. Craiova: University of Craiova, SReDOC Program, 2002: 117-161 Sunthetos: The Soteriological Christology of St Maximus the Confessor [in Romanian]. Anuarul Facultatii de Teologie Ortodoxa Patriarhul Justinian. Bucharest: University of Bucharest, 2001

Communio: Father Dumitru Staniloae and the Ecclesial-Colloquial Reason of Existence [in Romanian]. Studii teologice [Theological studies] 3-4 (2001) St Augustine or the Theological Justification of Mind: Essay on the Soliloquia and Confessiones [in Romanian]. Biserica Ortodoxa 2 (2000): 109-121 Creation of Visible World: Towards a Contemporary Interpretation of the Biblical Narrative on Cosmogenesis [in Romanian]. Ortodoxia [Orthodoxy] 1-2 (1997) Man and the Cosmos in the Teaching of Eastern Fathers [in Romanian]. Glasul Bisericii 6-12 (1995): 89-98 Logos and Creation in St Athanasius the Greats Theology [in Romanian]. Glasul Bisericii 8-12 (1994) Articles in non-refereed journals Dozens of articles, notes and comments in: The Greek Australia Vema (Sydney; in English), The Voice of the Church (Sydney; in English), Tabor (Cluj; in Romanian), Parochial Life (Sydney; in Romanian & English), Baraganul Ortodox (Slobozia; in Romanian). Most recent: Omul European Fata cu Realitatea: Cugetand impreuna cu Noica, Dumitriu si Altii (The European Man Facing Reality: Thinking together with Noica, Dumitriu and Others). Tabor 4:11 (2010): 53-70. Problema Evreiasca in Romania Moderna: Atitudinea Bisericii Ortodoxe (The Jewish Issue in Modern Romania: The Attitude of the Orthodox Church) [together with B. Costache and M. Costache]. Tabor 4:8 (2010): 13-22. Preliminarii la Poemul Biblic al Facerii: Aspecte de Hermeneutica Ecclesiala (Preliminaries to the Biblical Poem of Creation: Aspects of Ecclesial Hermeneutics). Tabor 2:6 (2008) 20-32 & 2:7 (2008) 49-66. Intre Alfa si Omega: Spre o Teologie Ortodoxa a Creatiei (Between Alpha and Omega: Towards an Orthodox Theology of Creation. Tabor 1:4 (2007): 35-42.

PROFESSIONAL STANDING Accredited supervisor with the Sydney College of Divinity for research degrees and thesis coordination at any level, from BTh (Hons) to ThD/PhD. Accredited as an associate supervisor for PhD degrees with the University of Sydney and Flinders University. Supervision Vasilios Gioutlou, Elements of Liturgical Mystagogy in St Nicholas Cabasilas: An Exploration of His Writings within their Historical and Traditional Context, together with their Relevance to Contemporary Christian Experience, BTh Honours thesis, St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney College of Divinity), 2010


Thesis examination Fr Silouan Fotineas, Saint Basil the Great: On the Holy Spirit, BTh Honours thesis, Faculty of Education, Humanities, Law and Theology, Flinders University, 2010 Mario Baghos, Eusebius Eschatology of Replacement in Relation to His View of the Christian Emperor, BTh Honours thesis, St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College / Sydney College of Divinity, 2009 Clare Cagnoni, Personhood, Human Brokenness and the Therapeutic Calling of the Eastern Orthodox Church: A Pastoral Approach to Mental Health Issues and Disability, MA thesis, Melbourne College of Divinity, 2008 Anthony Papantoniou, A Presentation and Critique of Bishop John Shelby Spongs Revisionist Christianity, MTh Honours thesis, Sydney College of Divinity, 2007 Course co-ordination, development of curriculum and teaching methodology Coordination of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate course units in Patristic Studies, St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College Course units designed in the area of patristics TH282A Early Christian Patristic Theology, BTh program TH383A Early Byzantine Patristic Theology, BTh program TH384A Later Byzantine Patristic Theology, BTh program TH482A Early Christian Patristic Theology, MATh program TH583A Early Byzantine Patristic Theology, MATh program TH584A Later Byzantine Patristic Theology, MATh program TH632A St Cyril of Alexandria, MTh program TH685A St Maximus the Confessor, MTh program Conference papers (last five years only) Convenor (with Dr Philip Kariatlis) of the St Andrews Patristic Symposia 2009, 2010, 2011 Approaching St Gregory of Nyssas Apology of the Hexaemeron: Further Insights into the Cappadocian Views on Creation St Andrews Patristic Symposium 2011; St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney). Sept 2011

Seeking Out the Antecedents of the Maximian Theory of Everything: St Gregory the Theologians Oration 38. St Andrews Patristic Symposium 2010; St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney). Sept 2010 Fully Human, Beyond Gender: Insights from St Maximus the Confessor. Gender and Class in Byzantine Society. XVIth Biennial Conference of Australian Association for Byzantine Studies; University of New England, Armidale. April 2010 The Other Path in Science, Theology and Spirituality: Pondering a Fourteenth Century Byzantine Model. Romania as Laboratory of the Dialogue between Science and Spirituality in the Contemporary World; Romanian Academy, Bucharest. October 2009 Elements of the Christian Worldview in Texts by, and Attributed to, St Basil the Great. St Andrews Patristic Symposium 2009; St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney). Sept 2009 Experiencing the Holy Spirit: Levels of Perception in St Gregory Palamas On the Divine and Deifying Participation. Experiencing the Holy Spirit; ANZATS Conference; Adelaide. July 2009 Theology and Natural Sciences in St Gregory Palamas. God, Freedom and Nature - Biennial conference in philosophy, religion and culture; Catholic Institute of Sydney. Oct 2008 Reading the Scriptures with Byzantine Eyes: The Hermeneutical Significance of St Andrew of Crete's Great Canon. Hermeneutics and the Authority of Scripture; Australasian Theological Forum, Canberra. Nov 2007 Geodesics in the Chaos of the Non-Traditional Mind: Wisdom from the Christian Orthodox Tradition. Spirituality in Australia; University of Western Sydney. July 2007 The hymn Ho Monogenes and the Christological Dilemma of Divine Impassibility. The Reign of Justinian and Theodora; Macquarie University, Sydney. Oct 2006 Participation in church, government and industry bodies Member of the Research Committee of the Sydney College of Divinity, since 2009 Vice-president of the NSW Ecumenical Council, 2009-2010 Member of the Academic Board of the Sydney College of Divinity, 2009-2010 Representative of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia in the Executive of the National Council of Churches in Australia, since 2009 Member of the Executive of the National Council of Churches in Australia, representing the Romanian Patriarchate, 2005-2007 Member of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, since 2009

Member of the Society for the Study of Early Christianity, within the Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie University, since 2007 Co-founder of the Association for the Dialogue between Science and Theology in Romania, 2005 Editorial Board member of a refereed journal or publication Member of the editorial board of Inter: Romanian Review for Theological and Religious Studies [multilingual], trimestrial of the Romanian Institute for Inter-Orthodox, Inter-Christian and Inter-Religious Studies. ISSN 1842-8010. Since 2007 Member of the editorial advisory board of Brain: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. ISSN 2067-3957. Since 2010 Editorial Board member of a non-refereed journal or publication Editor of Parochial Life [English and Romanian], periodical of St Marys Romanian Orthodox Parish in Sydney, 2005-2008

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