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Please take the time to read this manual before contacting us for help!


Congratulations on purchasing the Partheus Software GT Manager.

This software allows you to control your Boss GT-3, GT-5, GT-6, GT-8, GT-10 or GT-
100 multi-fx pedals from your PC.

Here is a brief summary of the features:

Transfer patches and system data between your PC and your GT-3, GT-5, GT-6,
GT-8, GT-10, GT-100
Save patches and system data to disk
Open patch, text and zip files
Integrated patch editor, hear the effect of changes as you make them
“Edit with GT” – edit whilst still playing
Copy/move/swap patches
Convert patch to text
Convert between all patch formats
This manual explains how to install, configure and use the software, and explains
what additional hardware you need to connect the PC to your Boss pedal. Even
though we have done our best to make GT Manager easy and intuitive, a read
through this manual will acquaint you with all the program’s features quickly.

Throughout this document, the GT-3, GT-5, GT-6, GT-8, GT-10 and GT-100 are
referred to collectively as the GT-.

This manual is formatted for US Letter paper (8.5 x 11inch). If you want the
manual for A4 paper (210 x 297mm), please open the other quick start guide
included in the installation of GT Manager.

Partheus Software Software is subject to change without notice.

Partheus Software is not related to Roland or the Boss Corporation.

Visit us at : http://www.partheus.co.uk/
Contact us at : customer_support@partheus.co.uk
The document contains the following sections:

1 Introduction
2 Setting up the Hardware
3 Installing the Software
4 Getting Started
5 Editing Patches
6 Moving/Copying/Deleting Patches
7 Converting Patches
8 Midi Operations
9 Editing System Data
10 Library Operations
11 File Management Modes
12 Patch Libraries
13 Preset Patches
14 Text and Zip Files
15 MyGT File Tab
16 MyGT Ribbon Bar (Patches Tab)
17 MyGT Ribbon Bar (System Tab)
18 Patch Library Ribbon Bar
19 Text File Ribbon Bar
20 Zip File Ribbon Bar
21 Options


White on black text is used for buttons on the GT- – e.g. the Write button.

Black on grey text is used for tabs and buttons in GT Manager – e.g. the File tab.

If you are using the GT-10 or GT-100 USB connection, first install the
appropriate drivers from Roland’s website, otherwise the USB connection
will not work.

For the other GT- units, first make sure you have a soundcard with MIDI output or
some other MIDI interface unit.

If your soundcard has the MIDI connections on the gameport (a 25-way D-

connector), then you will need an adapter. Try and get an adapter that includes an
“opto-isolator” in the MIDI input. This is required to meet the MIDI specification,
but some adapters don’t include it as it adds cost to the adapter. Sometimes this
works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Connect one MIDI lead from the PC OUT to the GT- IN, and connect the second
MIDI lead from the PC IN to the GT- OUT.


No! The MIDI interface is robust. If you connect IN to IN and OUT to OUT by
mistake, no damage should occur.

If you send data intended for another device to your GT- (for example if you send
a GT-3 patch to your GT-6), then the data will be ignored.

If you send data from some other device to GT Manager, then the data will be
If you want to get the audio from your GT- into your PC, then you will need to
make an audio connection in addition to the MIDI connections.

You can do this several ways.

Use the USB interface on the GT-10 or GT-100. This gives the highest quality
stereo signal to the PC since the connection is digital.

For the GT-6, GT-8 and GT-10, use the SPDIF socket (phono) to connect to the
PC’s SPDIF input (usually phono). Although you can buy “special” SPDIF cables,
a standard audio grade phono cable should be perfectly adequate. This also
gives the highest quality stereo signal to the PC since the connection is digital.

Use a mono lead from the normal L+R output jack (0.25inch, 6.25mm) to the
soundcard input jack (usually 3.5mm).

Use a stereo lead from the normal L+R output jack and R output jack to the
soundcard stereo input jack (usually 3.5mm). You will need a splitter cable or
adapter to take the left and right signal wires from the one 3.5mm jack to the
two 0.25inch jacks. The signals will be on the tip and ring of the stereo jack,
with the sleeve being ground. Please check which way round the left and right
channels go.

If you want to record the audio, then you will need another program (for example a

Save the file you downloaded on your PC’s hard disk. You need to have
administrator privileges to be able to install GT Manager.

As from version 5.0.14, you do not need administrator privileges to enter the
registration information after installation.

Fresh installation
Click or double-click (depending on your Windows settings) on the downloaded file
to run the installation.

Upgrading from version 1.0.x

First, un-install your existing version. You can do this from the un-install shortcut
created when you installed the program, or from the Windows Control Panel
(Add/Remove Programs).

Then click or double-click (depending on your Windows settings) on the downloaded

file to run the installation.

The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Partheus\ If you installed the old
version in a different folder, then change the default installation folder to be the
where the old version was installed. Failure to do this will result in the registration
being lost.

To un-install GT Manager, select “Remove GT Manager” from the Start menu, or
select GT Manager from Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel.

Note that this will remove the program files, but the registration data and all your
patch data etc will be kept in case you re-install the software again in the future.


The main difference between this version of GT Manager and earlier versions is that
the main program window (“MyGT”) is much more comprehensive, showing your
default set of patches and the editor, and EQ characteristics at once. Patch files are
now called “Patch Libraries”; you use these to hold alternative sets of patches or
patches that are in a different GT format to your device.

To start with, you’ll see something like this:

Initially, GT Manager has an empty GT-100 file; the patches shown are the preset
defaults for the GT-100 and are not actually in the file at this point.
Until the software is registered, it is not fully functional. Most features do work
however, so you can test that the software meets your needs and expectations
before committing to paying for it. Please pay for the software if you intend to
continue using it.

To buy GT Manager, visit the purchase page on our website. After your online
purchase has been processed, you will receive a purchase confirmation email from
Kagi containing your registration data.

Click on the File tab, and copy the information from the purchase confirmation
email you received from Kagi into the boxes shown. If the data you enter is correct,
then the display will change to show that the program is now registered.
Note that if you save patch files to your PC during the evaluation period,
the data is deliberately modified slightly. This is intentional to encourage
you to either purchase the software or stop using it. GT Manager knows
that the patch data is altered, and will not send it to the permanent
memory in your GT-.


The terms of the licence allow you to install the software on as many PCs as you
personally own, so you only need one licence. Please respect this, and don’t use
your Kagi email to activate the software on someone else’s PC.
If you don’t have a GT-100, then you’ll need to tell GT Manager what GT- you
have. Go to the Configuration settings and click on the relevant device.

While you’re there, enter your name in the relevant box. This is saved in any patch
files you make, so other people know you made them. The configuration is used to
have different sets of patches and/or system data for your GT- (or for multiple
GT-) – normally you can leave this on Configuration 1. You can rename it if you
want by clicking on the drop-down arrow; this name will then show in GT Manager’s
title bar.

The File Management option can normally be left in Standard Mode. However, if you
have more than 5 patch library files and regularly want to switch between them,
select Extended Mode. For fewer than 5 patch library files, you can use the
Configurations instead, and leave this on Standard Mode. Most users are expected
to have all their patches in one file, so should leave this on Standard Mode, then GT
Manager will always automatically load and save all the data as necessary.

If you are using the GT-10 or GT-100 USB interface, then GT Manager will switch to
it automatically even if you have another MIDI interface installed. Otherwise, in GT
Manager, under the Options menu, select MIDI Connections . GT Manager shows
the available MIDI input and output ports. Normally, the software will have found
the right settings for you, but you might like to check that the input and output port
settings are correct.

The Device ID, EXP / CTL CC and MIDI Channel numbers default to the same as the
default settings in the GT-. If you changed these in your GT-, then change them
here to match. By default, GT Manager shows “Global” settings for the Device ID.
If you have more than one GT-, then you can set the Device ID for each one
differently by selecting the device in the drop-down box. If the Auto-detect options
are enabled, then GT Manager will learn the correct settings for you once some data
has been sent from the GT- to the PC.

When you select a patch in GT Manager, in addition to the patch data being sent to
the temporary memory in the GT-, you can have GT Manager set the patch
number to match in the GT-. This doesn’t change any data permanently stored in
the GT-, but does enable you to use the Write button on the GT- to save the
data in the correct patch location more quickly.
First thing to do is to backup all your settings and patches from your GT-. You
don’t want to lose them!

From the Patches tab, select Bulk to PC . On your effects pedal, go to MIDI
Bulk Dump, select “System” as the start point, and the last of your patches as
the end point. Start the transfer from the GT-.

You should see the byte count increasing as the data is transferred to GT Manager.
The program notices when the transfer is done, shows the patches, and selects the
first patch that was transferred.

The system data can be viewed / edited by selecting the System tab; use the
buttons on the ribbon bar to select which part of the system data to view/edit. The
system data is stored with your patches.

There is no save button – GT Manager always saves your patch data and system
data when you close the program.


If you have upgraded your GT- pedal, then you can import all the patches from
your old pedal straight into GT Manager. Simply follow all the instructions above,
selecting the configuration for your new GT-, connect your old GT- and transfer
all your patches. For example, if you have GT Manager in GT-100 mode, connect a
GT-6, and transfer the patches, they will all be converted into GT-100 format.

Although GT Manager will do a good job of converting the patches, the sound won’t
be exactly the same because of improvements to the Preamp models and so on in
the newer GT- units. Additionally, the different GT- units support different
features, so sometimes a 1:1 conversion is not possible.

To add one of the default patches, just click on it. To then select the patch (if
there’s more than one in the file), click on it again. Here we’ve added two of the
default patches in the file. The editor on the right side shows the patch in more
detail. To start with, GT Manager is showing the Compressor settings. There’s also
a view of the complete effect chain always visible.

To view and edit one of the other effects, either click on the effect button, or click
on the effect box in the chain. Once the effect is being shown, you can toggle it on
and off by clicking the effect button or effect box again. For the screenshot above,
we’ve gone to the EQ effect, turned it on, and made some adjustments.

To adjust the effect parameters, drag the sliders / knobs as required. By default the
knobs expect a circular mouse movement to change the value; you can alter this to
a vertical or a horizontal movement if you prefer in the Display Options settings.
Some effects (for example FX-1, FX-2 and the Assigns) have sub-effect choices:

Click on the checkbox to select the desired sub-effect. Click on the scroll arrows at
the left and right to see more choices.


For the GT-10, click on the Show
Categories button. This shows
the pop-up here.

Select the categories to show, and

which to hide.

You can rename the user categories

from here by right-clicking on the name
and entering a new one. Press the Esc
key to cancel the rename.

Remember that changes to the user

category names apply to all patches –
this is a global setting.


Where relevant, the
ribbon bar includes
buttons to edit the User
Harmonist and Auto-Riff
scales where these are in
the patch data.

Note that for some GT-,

this data is part of the
system data and can be
found in the System tab

To move effects in the chain, simply drag and drop them.

Note that the GT-10 and GT-100 preamps can’t be moved out of their
separate chains!

All the preset effects settings are included in the drop-down list-box. The list
also includes the user-defined preset effects settings (U1 onwards) except for
the GT-6 which doesn’t support this. These are stored in the system memory area.
If you didn’t bulk dump your system data to GT Manager yet, the user-preset names
will be blank.

Save the current effect settings to one of the user locations by

selecting Save user preset… from the list.

Click on this to show further information
about the patch. This includes the name
of the person who created it and the associated
date/time. It also shows the equipment setup notes
that are stored in the patch file. The button changes
from a blue colour to an orange colour if the patch
was converted from another GT- format and there
were some problems during the conversion. In this
case, you can click on the Errors button to see what
the problems were.

If your patches are not in the locations you would like, you can easily move them

Copying and moving patches can be done several ways: using the normal Windows
drag-and-drop method, or using the Cut, Copy and Paste commands on the Ribbon
bar or using the usual Windows keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V or by doing
a right-click on the patch and selecting from the pop-up menu.

You can drag and drop single patches from one location to another, or you can drag
the bank number to a new row to move a whole bank of patches in one go.

Drag & drop works in a similar way to how it does in WindowsTM File Explorer:

Same file Different file

Normal Move Copy
Ctrl Copy Copy
Shift Move Move
Shift+Ctrl Swap Swap

“Different files” are Patch Library files – see later on in this guide.

To delete the selected patch, click on the delete button. This doesn’t
actually remove the patch from the file – it is still there and can be un-
deleted even if you close GT Manager and re-start it again. If you do
want to permanently delete the patch, click on the drop-down arrow
underneath the button to see a list of deleted patches, then select the
ones to permanently delete.

To un-delete a patch, click on the un-delete button to see a list of deleted

patches, then select the ones to un-delete. They will be restored to the
original patch locations. If there is already a patch there, then that patch
will be deleted and replaced with the un-deleted one.

Patches can also be shuffled along one position to the left or right and up
or down a complete bank using the shift left, shift right, shift up and shift
down buttons.

You can make a text listing of all the parameters in the current patch; this
opens up in a text window in GT Manager.

You can make a list of all the patches in the file. Again, this opens up in a
text window in GT Manager.

If you have Excel installed, you can make a listing of all the effect parameters
for all the effects. GT Manager will create the Excel file (.xls or .xlsx
depending on which version of Excel is installed); you will then have to open
the file in Excel.

Patch library files (see later) can be converted from one GT- format to
another. Note that not all conversions are possible, for example it is not
possible to convert from GT-100 to GT-3 format. However, all “upgrade”
format conversions are available. You may not always need to use this
function though – when you copy or move a patch from one file to another,
the format is converted automatically to match the destination format.

When you select a patch in GT Manager, it is sent to the temporary memory in the
GT- - it is not saved there, and does not overwrite any patches there. To
permanently save patches and system data in the GT-, you need to perform a bulk
transfer. This copies data to the permanent memory in the GT-.

Use the bulk send function to send all the patch data (or system data) to the
GT-. Note that the GT-3, GT-5 and GT-6 need to be put into Bulk Load
mode prior to sending the data from the PC.

Use the bulk to PC function to tell GT Manager to accept incoming bulk data
from the GT- (this was described earlier in the “Make a Backup” section).

Use the re-load patch function to reload the current patch from the GT-.
This will lose any edits you have made to the patch on the PC.

Use the re-send patch function to send the patch to the GT- again. You
won’t normally need to do this unless you’ve temporarily disconnected the
GT-, and so it has not got the same data in temporary memory as the PC.

The live edit function allows you to edit the effects in GT Manager hands-
free. GT Manager temporarily re-assigns the Exp (volume) and CTL pedals
on the GT- and uses them to control the effect selection and parameter
changes in its patch editor. CTL1 and CTL2 are used to move to next slider
or knob to the left and right respectively. The Exp pedal is used to alter the
parameter value. For the GT-3 etc where there is only one CTL pedal, give
the pedal a brief press to move to the next knob or slider to the right, and
give it a longer press to move to the left.

This function allows you to edit the patch parameters using your feet,
leaving you free to play your guitar so you can hear the effect of changing
the parameters whilst playing. This means you can get the sound you’re
after much more quickly.

Click on the System tab to view / edit the system data. From here, the buttons
available on the ribbon bar depend on which GT- you are using.

Note that changes to the system data are not immediately sent to the GT-.
You have to click on the Bulk send button to transfer the data. You can
choose whether to send the user preset effect settings too. The GT-3, GT-5
and GT-6 need to be put into Bulk Load mode prior to sending the data from
the PC.

The Bulk to PC button works exactly the same way whilst showing system
data as it does when showing the patch data – you can transfer both system
data and patch data any time.

If all you want to do is keep a simple copy of what’s in your GT-, then you needn’t
worry about library files. However, if you want to have several sets of patches and
choose between them, then you may want to save the patches from the MyGT
window into a separate file. You might also want to save a copy of all your patches
before you start editing them.

Save all the patches to a library file by clicking on the Save To… button.
This won’t include any deleted patches or any system data. You can re-open
the library file using Open File on the File tab or by pressing Ctrl-O. This
opens the file in a separate window – see the next section for more details.

To discard all the patches in the MyGT window, and replace them with the
patches in a library file, click on the Load From… button.

To merge patches from a library file into the MyGT window, click on
the Merge From… button. If any existing patches occupy the same
locations as ones being merged in, then they will be moved to the deleted

To permanently undo all the changes since you opened GT Manager (or
selected a new Configuration or changed My Device) click on
the Revert button.

Remember that all the patches and system data in the MyGT window are saved
automatically when you close the program – that’s why there’s no save button there.

If you have multiple library files and want to often switch quickly between them,
then you can either use the 5 configurations, or put GT Manager into “Extended

The default “Simple Mode” is best when you just want to keep a copy of everything
in your GT-. GT Manager automatically loads the patch and system data at start-
up, and saves it all on exit so you don’t need to do this yourself.

If you want to have more than one set of patches and/or system data (e.g. for
entirely different guitar setups), then it is easiest to use the 5 configurations to
manage up to 5 sets of data. GT Manager automatically saves each configuration
(patch and system data) when you load a new configuration, and saves the current
configuration on exit.

If you need more than 5 sets of patches, then use “Extended Mode”. GT Manager
still saves the current set of patches and system data as before, but additionally
remembers the original patch library file you last loaded data from, and saves a
fresh copy of that too if you make any changes to the patch data. Note that patch
library files do not include the system data, so you still need to use the 5
configurations to hold different system data.

In “Extended Mode”, GT Manager shows the filename in the title bar.


Patch libraries can be opened in a separate window to the main program window
(MyGT). This is useful for example when you want to copy some patches from
another patch file into the main patch set for your GT-. These secondary patch file
windows do not have the full patch editing capability of the MyGT window.

Most of the buttons in the ribbon bar are the same as for the MyGT window, and
things work in the same way. However, when you select a patch it will not be sent
to your GT- - that only happens with the MyGT window. Also, the only edits you
can do on the patches in a library file are rename, move, copy, paste and delete.
Instead of the patch editor, a brief summary of the patch is shown to the right side
of the window.

The GT- include patches beyond the user-programmable locations that are fixed.
You can open a patch file containing all these presets. The file window looks very
similar to the normal patch library window. Some of the editing functions and the
patch conversion and info functions are not available as they don’t make sense for
the presets. You can of course copy any of these presets to the MyGT window or to
another patch library.

From the File tab, select Presets and then choose the appropriate device type.

You can click on these patches to select them in the same way as for a normal patch
library file. The summary panel on the right shows the basic settings.

You can copy any of these preset patches to a normal patch file using the drag-and-
drop or copy and paste as described above.

If you want to make a new patch based on one of these presets, then you should
copy it to the MyGT window first, and then edit it there.

You can open text files from the Open File… command on the File tab.

When converting between patch formats, if there are conversion problems then GT
Manager will open a text window. This text window lists what items failed to convert
properly. You can then save this information if you want.

You can also convert a patch to text format – this is put into a text window for you
to save. Note that only one patch at a time can be converted to text; you can’t do a
complete patch file at once.

Any changes you make to the font settings are remembered for next time.

You can also open zip files from the Open File… command. The zip file window lists
all the files in the zip archive. You can open any file from this window by clicking on
the filename.

You can’t change or save zip files.

If you want to put several of your own patch files into a zip archive, then you need
another program to do this (for example WinZip).

This section lists all the commands on the File tab of the MyGT window.

Save To…
Saves all the patches in MyGT to a library file.

Load From…
Loads MyGT from a patch library file (.syx, .gxg, .gcl). In Extended Mode, the
current patch set is automatically saved to the original patch library file. In
Simple Mode (default), GT Manager will ask if you want to save the patch data
to a library file first, otherwise it will be lost.

Open File…
Opens patch library files (.syx, .gxg, .gcl), text files (.txt) and zip files (.zip)
into a new window.

Shows a list of recently opened files. Click on a file to open it.
You can pin/un-pin files to the top of the list by clicking on the icons on the
right or from the right-click popup menu.
The right-click popup menu also allows you to remove the file from the list.

New Library
Shows icons for the various GT-. Click on any of these to open a new empty
patch library. You can also press F3, F5, F6, F8, F10 or F11

Shows icons for the various GT-. Click on any of these to open a patch
library file containing the fixed preset patches.

Shows icons for the various GT-. Click on the one that matches your GT-.
You can also optionally enter your name and info on your setup. This is
stored in patch library files that you save.
Select a different configuration from the list on the right to have a different
set of patches and system data for the same GT-. You can rename the
configurations by clicking on the drop-down arrow.

Opens the options dialog – see later in this document for more details.
Closes GT Manager. MyGT is automatically saved on exit. In Extended Mode,
the patch library is also automatically saved on exit.

This section lists all the commands on the Patches tab of the MyGT window.

Load From…
Loads MyGT from a patch library file.

Merge From…
Merges patches from a patch library file into MyGT.

Save To…
Saves all the patches to a library file.

Reverts to the last loaded MyGT.

Cut Ctrl-X
Removes the selected patch from the file. The patch data is remembered so
that you can paste it somewhere else.

Copy Ctrl-C
Takes a copy the selected patch data so that you can paste it somewhere

Paste Ctrl-V
Pastes the patch data that was cut or copied.

Removes the selected patch from the file. Click on the drop-down arrow to
show a list of deleted patches to permanently delete.

Shows a list of patches deleted from the file so you can choose which ones to
put back again.

Renames the current patch (this can also be done in the text box in the
Shift Left
Moves all patches from the selected one along one position. If there is a
patch data just prior to this patch in the file, it will be deleted.

Shift Right
Moves all patches from the selected one along one position. If there is data in
the last patch in the file, it will be deleted.

Shift Up
Moves all the patches from the selected one up one bank. Any patches in the
bank above are deleted.

Shift Down
Moves all the patches from the selected one down one bank. Any patches in
the last bank of the file are deleted.

Show Categories (GT-10 only)

Highlights patches depending on the category (user defined and preset).
Click on the drop-down arrow to select which categories to highlight, and to
rename user categories.

To Text
Converts the selected patch to text. The text is shown in a new text window.

To List
Creates a text listing of all the patches in the file. The listing is shown in a
new text window.

To Excel (not shown if Excel not installed)

Creates a listing of all patch parameters of all patches in Excel file format.

Re-Load Patch
Re-loads the current patch from the GT-.

Re-Send Patch
Re-sends the current patch to the GT-.
Bulk to PC
Prepares GT-Manager for transfer of system and patch data from the GT- to
the PC.

Bulk to GT-
Sends all the patch data to the permanent memory in the GT-.

Live edit
Enables / disables Live Edit mode allowing you to edit patch parameters
hands-free using the CTL / EXP pedals on the GT-.

Access the user and fixed patch effect presets. You can save user presets
here too.

Harmonist and Auto-riff (only available if relevant)

View and edit the user harmonist and auto-riff settings for the patch.

View and edit the patch info for the current patch. If the patch has been
converted from a different format, this also shows any conversion problems
there were due to different features on different GT- units.

This section lists all the commands on the System tab of the MyGT window. The
commands shown will depend on which GT- format is selected – not all of the
following will be shown.

General system settings such as Tuner, Knob settings etc.

Settings related to the inputs.

Settings related to the outputs.

Midi channels and CC numbers for the EXP and CTL pedals.

Up to three system preamps depending on the GT-.
You can set whether the GT- uses the system preamp or the preamp
defined in each individual patch.

Settings for the Exp pedal.

Settings for the Ctl pedal(s).

Up to three custom preamp and speaker settings for the system preamp(s).
User Autoriff sequence (when this is not stored in the patch itself).

User Harmonist scale when this is not stored in the patch itself).

Custom Overdrive/Distortion settings.

Custom Wah settings.

Bulk to PC
Prepares GT-Manager for transfer of system and patch data from the GT- to
the PC.

Bulk to GT-
Sends system data and/or user effect preset data to the permanent memory
in the GT-. You can save settings in the user presets whilst
the Patches tab is active.

This section lists all the commands on the Patches tab of the patch library window.

Save Ctrl-S
Saves the patch library.

Save As…
Saves the patch library, asking you for a new filename first.

Discards all changes made to the patch library since it was last saved.

Close Ctrl-W
Closes the patch library. If you have made any changes, GT Manager asks
you if you want to save the file first.

Displays info about the patch file (additional info is available for each
individual patch – see below).

Cut Ctrl-X
Removes the selected patch from the file. The patch data is remembered so
that you can paste it somewhere else.

Copy Ctrl-C
Takes a copy the selected patch data so that you can paste it somewhere

Paste Ctrl-V
Pastes the patch data that was cut or copied.

Removes the selected patch from the file. Deleted patches will be lost when
the patch library is saved.

Shows a list of patches deleted from the file so you can choose which ones to
put back again.
Renames the current patch (this can also be done in the text box in the

Shift Left
Moves all patches from the selected one along one position. If there is a
patch data just prior to this patch in the file, it will be deleted.

Shift Right
Moves all patches from the selected one along one position. If there is data in
the last patch in the file, it will be deleted.

Shift Up
Moves all the patches from the selected one up one bank. Any patches in the
bank above are deleted.

Shift Down
Moves all the patches from the selected one down one bank. Any patches in
the last bank of the file are deleted.

Show Categories (GT-10 only)

Highlights patches depending on the category (user defined and preset).
Click on the drop-down arrow to select which categories to highlight, and to
rename user categories.

To Text
Converts the selected patch to text. The text is shown in a new text window.

To List
Creates a text listing of all the patches in the file. The listing is shown in a
new text window.

To Excel (not shown if Excel not installed)

Creates a listing of all patch parameters of all patches in Excel file format.
Change format
Converts all patches in the library from the current patch format to another
patch format. If there are any problems during the conversion, a text window
is opened listing what didn’t work. The conversion problem information is not
stored in the library – it is lost when you save it. Note that copying patches
from one library to another or to MyGT will do an automatic conversion to
match the destination patch format.

View and edit the patch info for the current patch. If the patch has been
converted from a different format, this also shows any conversion problems
there were due to different features on different GT- units.

This section lists all the commands on the Patches tab of the text file window.

Save Ctrl-S
Saves the file.

Save As…
Saves the file, asking you for a new filename first.

Close Ctrl-W
Closes the file.

Print Ctrl-P
Prints the text file to the default printer.

Font formatting
Changes the font formatting for the whole text file, and any new text files
opened subsequently.

Default font formatting

Resets the font formatting to default settings.

Wrap text
Wraps long lines so they fit within the width of the window.

This section lists all the commands on the Home tab of the zip file window.

Close Ctrl-W
Closes the zip file.

This section explains all the settings in the Options dialog.


MIDI input and output ports

When you first start GT Manager, it will try and find the right MIDI ports for you,
these will be highlighted. When connecting a GT-10 or GT-100 via USB, GT Manager
will switch to the GT-10 / GT-100 automatically. If the settings do not match the
actual MIDI input and output ports that you are using, then click on the correct ones.

Auto-detect end of bulk dump

This will make GT Manager automatically detect that the GT- has finished sending
patch data. Normally this option can be set; this is the default setting. However, if
you wanted to have a number of non-consecutive patches together you can clear
this option to avoid having to repeatedly start Bulk Load mode.

Log MIDI in / MIDI out messages

If you think the MIDI in/out isn’t working, you can enable logging of all the MIDI
messages. This log will be put into a text file.

Device ID / Auto-detect Device ID

This should be set to match the device ID of the GT- (the default is 1). If this is
wrong, the GT- will not communicate with GT Manager. Enable "Auto detect
Device ID" to set the device ID automatically from the bulk dump (this is the default
Normally, these settings can be global, but if you have more than one GT- with
different device ID’s, then select the device from the drop-down list first, and then
make the settings for that device.

CTL CC/ EXP CC/ Auto-detect CTL CC and EXP CC

These Midi channel numbers are used in the GT Edit mode, and should be set to
match the settings of the GT-. Auto-detect will set GT Manager to match the
settings of your GT- after you enable Edit Live mode and then move the Exp pedal
and press the CTL pedal (CTL 1 on GT-10, Accel on GT-100). This is the default

MIDI input channel

This is also required for the GT Edit mode, and should be set to match the Midi
output setting of the GT-. Click on "Accept input on any channel" to ignore the
received MIDI channel number.

Keep selected patch synchronised

If this is enabled, then GT Manager will keep the GT- synchronised to the selected
bank/patch number. This is not strictly necessary, but can be convenient if you
often want to select a patch in GT Manager, then save it to that patch location in the
GT- by using the Write button on the GT- rather than performing a bulk dump
to permanently save it.

GT Manager will normally use the default system font for the user interface. This is
Tahoma on older versions of Windows, and Segoe UI on newer versions. If your
system font is set to something other than Segoe UI, but Segoe UI is installed, you
can force GT Manager to use Segoe UI.

Theme / Ribbon style

The style of the ribbon bar can be chosen to be any of the styles and colour
schemes listed, even if Microsoft Office is not installed.

Panel shading
The panel shading used on many of the dialogs can be changed to one of several
preset schemes, or you can define your own shading scheme. Click on the “start”
and “end” coloured boxes to change the colour used at the top and bottom edges of
the shaded panels.

Patch “box” style

The colouring of empty patch slots, populated patch slots, the selected patch etc can
be modified if desired. Added and modified patches are indicated by a band of
shading at the edges of the patch “box” – these colours can be modified by clicking
on the coloured boxes. The font for patch names can also be changed.

Editor knob mode

By default, the knobs in the editor are adjusted by holding down the left mouse
button and moving the mouse in a circular direction. If you prefer, you can change
this to use a vertical or horizontal movement.

GT Manager will check whether the installed version is the latest version. If not,
click on the Update button to download and install an update to the latest version.

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