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Objective question bank- Units 2

1. Representing solid objects by their boundaries is called ------------------------------

2. Fundamental solid shapes like cylinders and spheres used to build a solid object are
called ----------------------
3. Projecting a solid model on the screen with only lines representing each of its edges
is called a ------------------------- representation.
4. Surfaces that cannot be defined by rigid mathematical formulae are called -------------
5. Modern CAD systems use --------------- for representing free form surfaces.
6. A technique of representing surfaces using Bezier curves for boundaries and splines
for guide curves is called --------------------------
7. The mathematical technique of building a solid object from the coordinates of points
on its surface is called ---------------------------
8. The shape of the Bezier curve is controlled by --------------------------
9. Examples of synthetic geometric entities are -------------------------------------------------
10. NURBS means -------------------------------------------------------------------
11. How many lines are required to represent a cube in a wireframe model? ------------
12. Examples of analytical geometrical entities are -------------------------------------------
13. Number of tangents required to describe a cubic curve is -------------------------
14. C1- type continuity means --------------------------------------
15. CSG means -------------------------------------------------
16. B-rep means --------------------------------------
17. The connectivity between one geometric element with the next is called ----------------
18. Freeform surfaces are also called ---------------------------------
19. C2-type continuity means ---------------------------------------------
20. C0- type continuity means----------------------------------------
21. Free form curve means -----------------------------------------------------------
22. What is panning ----------------------------------------------------------
23. Examples of Boolean operation -------------------------------------------------
24. Examples of software using parametric modelling -------------------------------------------
25. CATIA means -------------------------------------------------------------------
26. Examples of primitive solids -----------------------------------------
27. Coons patch is generated by ------------------------------------------------------
28. In Catia, solid feature produced by extrusion is called -----------------------------
29. In Catia, a hollow feature produced by extrusion is called -----------------------------
30. PLM means ----------------------------------------------------
1. B-rep 2. Primitives 3. Wire frame 4. Free form surfaces
5. NURBS 6. B-splines 7. Stereolithography 8. Control points
9. splines, Bezier curves, NURBS 10. Non-uniform rational B-splines

11. twelve 12. Straight line, circle, parabola 13. One

14. common tangent 15. Constructive solid geometry
16. Boundary representation 17. Topology 18. Sculptured surfaces
19. Curvature continuity 20. End points of curves meet making a sharp corner
21. A curve which does not have a named shape
22. Sliding the image laterally in the viewport 23. Union, subtraction
24. Catia, Pro-e
25. Computerised aided three dimensional interactive application
26. cylinder, sphere 27. Interpolation of four edge curves
28. Pad 29. Pocket 30. Product Lifecycle Management

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