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Issue: WON there was perfected Contract of Sale

Navarra Vs. Planters

Facts: Ruling: NO. SC upheld the CA decision.
• Spouses Jorge and Carmelita Navarra obtained loan
of 1.2 M from Planters Bank. Navarras assert that the following exchange of
• They mortagaged 5 LOTS for security. Couple failed correspondence between them and Planters Bank
to pay, so the bank foreclosed on the mortgage and constitutes the offer and acceptance. The July 1985
sold it for more than 1.3 M. Bank was highest bidder. letter being the offer from Navarra and the Aug 1985
1 year redemption expired w/o it having been letter-reply from the Bank the acceptance. BUT SUCH
redeemed by couple. WERE NOT “CERTAIN OFFER” and “ABSOLUTE
• RRRC Development Corporation on the other hand, ACCEPTANCE”.
a real estate company owned by the parents of
Carmelita, obtained a loan with the same bank. They While the foregoing letters indicate the amount of
also mortgaged a certain property as security. They P300,000.00 as down payment, they are, however,
also failed to pay and the mortgaged assets was completely silent as to how the succeeding
foreclosed. BUT they were able to negotiate with the installment payments shall be made. At most, the
bank by way of concession . letters merely acknowledge that the down payment of
• Eventually, the foreclosed properties of RRRC were P300,000.00 was agreed upon by the parties.
sold to third persons whose payments were directly However, this fact cannot lead to the conclusion that a
made to the Bank, were in excess by P300,000.00 for contract of sale had been perfected. Quite recently,
the redemption price. this Court held that before a valid and binding contract
• In July 1985 - Back to the spouses, Jorge sent a of sale can exist, the manner of payment of the
letter to the bank proposing to repurchase the said 5 purchase price must first be established since the
LOTS previously foreclosed. agreement on the manner of payment goes into the
• In response, Planters Bank, thru its Vice-President price such that a disagreement on the manner of
wrote back Navarra via a letter agreeing to the payment is tantamount to a failure to agree on the
request and telling him to see the Head of the bank’s price.
Acquired Assets Unit for the details of the transaction
so that they may work on the necessary Navarras’ letter/offer failed to specify a definite
documentation. amount of the purchase price for the sale/repurchase
• In August 1985 - Jorge went to see the Head with a of the subject properties. It merely stated that the
letter requesting that the excess payment "purchase price will be based on the redemption value
ofP300,000.00 in connection with the redemption plus accrued interest at the prevailing rate up to the
made by the RRRC be applied as down payment for date of the sales contract." The ambiguity of this
the Navarras’ repurchase of their foreclosed statement only bolsters the uncertainty of the
properties but because the amount of P300,000.00 Navarras’ so-called "offer" for it leaves much rooms
was sourced from a different transaction between for such questions.
RRRC and Planters Bank and involved different
debtors, the Bank required Navarra to submit a board Also not clear insofar as concerned the exact number
resolution from RRRC authorizing him to negotiate for of years that will comprise the long-term payment
and its behalf and empowering him to use the scheme. As we see it, the absence of a stipulated
amount period within which the repurchase price shall be paid
• In Jan 1987 - Planters Bank sent a letter to Jorge all the more adds to the indefiniteness of the
Navarra informing him that it could not proceed with Navarras’ offer.
the documentation of the proposed repurchase of the
foreclosed properties on account of his non- Further, the tenor of Planters Bank’s letter-reply
compliance with the Bank’s request for the negates the contention of the Navarras that the Bank
submission of the needed board resolution of RRRC. fully accepted their offer. The letter specifically stated
Navarra claimed having already delivered copies of that there is a need to negotiate on the other details of
the required board resolution to the Bank. The Bank, the transaction before the sale may be formalized.
however, did not receive said copies. Such statement in the Bank’s letter clearly manifests
• In June 1987 - Navarras filed their complaint for lack of agreement between the parties as to the terms
Specific Performance against bank. Planters Bank of the purported contract of sale/repurchase,
asserted however that there was no perfected particularly the mode of payment of the purchase
contract of sale because the terms and conditions for price and the period for its payment. The law requires
the repurchase have not yet been agreed upon acceptance to be absolute and unqualified.
• Sep 1988 – Planters bank sold the properties to
Gatchalian Realty
• RTC ruled for the Navarra spouses and said there
was perfected Contract of Sal.
• The CA reversed the trial court ruling.

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