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The principal
33000 Sungai langsing

Dear sir,
Ref:The Cleanliness Campaign

The Environment Club of our school has successfully carried out a cleanliness campaign a
fortnight ago and as the secretary of the club, it is my pleasure to update you on our project.

This cleanliness campaign was one of our projects for this year and as most students of the club
had a lot of time on their hands after their final examinations, we decided to carry it out on Saturday the 25 th

The aim of this campaign was to bring awareness among the students on the importance of
keeping the environment clean.’ Cleanliness is next to godliness’ they say and it is always good to start them
when they are young. The slogan for our campaign was ‘take care of mother nature’.

Almost all the forty-five members of the environment club came in full force on that day to do
their utmost for a clean environment. At the end of it all, we were indeed proud of our members who did an
excellent job.

I must commend on the three teacher advisors, who let their hair down and worked with us from
the start till the end. We take our hats off for them.

We had numerous activities on that day and i would like to highlight a couple of them. The first
thing that we did was to cean the drains that were clogged up with plastic wrappers, dried leaves and papers.
This had caused mosquitoes to breed in the stagnant water. Next we rid the premise of plastic bottle rusty tins
as well as trim the overgrown shrubs and plants. After we had swept up the dried leaves and broken twigs
around the compound, the whole place was indeed a pleasant sight to behold.

We all know that is strewn around destroys the environment. So after the cleanliness campaign
was done, we felt assured that there will no longer be mosquitoes breeding in the drains and in the rusty tins.
The plastic bottles were sent for recycling. Not only that, the place will have beautiful flowers growing and
the air will be clean.

We did face a few problems along the way, one of which was that the water-supply was cut for
almost an hour. This hindered the washing and the cleaning of the drains and toilets. The scorching mid-day
sun was unbearable to many of us, that from time to time we had to take shelter under the shady trees.

When the campaign was over the teacher advisors treated us to adelicious meal at the canteen.
They thanked us for our undivided support with the cleanliness campaign, our environment club activities
and projects for this year came to aclose. As we look back at all that we had carried out thus for I must say,
that this was a successful year for our club, and we look forward to better things next year with your support.

Written by,
Elizabeth chan
(Secretary of the Environment Club)
SPM Kelantan 2008
Language Carnival
One of he highlights of our school activity for this academic year was the Language
Carnival. As a member of the organising committee, I would like to take this opportunity to
proveide information about this event.

The language Carnival was held primarily to raise fund for the resource centre and the
English Language Lab. It was also to inculcate positive values within the student, so as to
bring awareness of what each of us could do for the benefit of all.

It was held on the 30 th July 2015 which fell on a Tuesday from 8am till 3pm. In view
of this carnival, lessons were cancelled so that students from both sessions would actively be
involed in the carnival.

The venue was the school ground. It was gaily decorated with flags and banners. There
was a special assembly and the guest of honour was the District Education Officer.

After the assembly there were some interesting activities to highlight the carnival. We
had a food fair and it was organized by the uniform bodies. Various dishes and delicacies were
on sale.

There was an educational exhibition set up by the various government departments.

All the students attended this exhibition and they came across some materials beneficial to

There were students’ performances, presented by clubs and societies. We were

entertained with sketches, skits, dramas, cultural dances and songs. Our form 5 students,
played our favourite song upon request. The response to this was indeed overwhelming.

Coupons at Rm5 each were sold for those who wanted to buy food at those who
wanted to buy food at the food fair or to request for songs,etc. The coupons were printed with
serial numbers on them so that everyone could participate in the Lucky Draw sponsered by the
canteen operators. They gare away fabulous prizes to the lucky winners such as DVD player,
mobile phones, electric jug, etc. The grand prize was a laptop. The students found the carnival
interesting and successful.

The school authorities were pleased with the outcome and hope to organize a similar
event in the future.

Written by,
Aru mutu
(Oranising committe)
Spm perak 208
The principal,

Dissatisfied conditions and services of the hostel

I would like to bring to your notice/attention some of the issues that cause dissatisfaction to
the hostelities of this residential school.

Firstly, the overall cleanliness of the hostel is much to be desired. The workers do not do their
duties regularly and therefore the toliets are dirty. The stench from the toliets waft into other areas of
the hostel and it’s nauseating. To make matters worse many of the toliets cannot be flushed as the
flush system has been spoilt. The water floods the toilets making it impossible to use them.
On top of that, the rubbish has not been collected for a couple of weeks.There are numerous
stray cats rummaging through the trash cans for food. Rubbish is strewn everywhere and it is not a
healthy environment for the students.

Next, our doormitories do not have enough fans and with ten hostelities in one dorm it makes
it humid and uncomfortable on every hot days. We find it difficult to concentrate on our work. The
nights are hot and leaving the windows open invites insects and mosquitoes, not to mention that it is
unsafe especially in the girls’ dorm.

There are also insufficent lockers for us to keep our belongings. Some have to share lockers
which is quite inconvenient. Some of our things get stolen especially where lockers do not have good
locks to them.

The hostel food is unpalatable and bland. The food lacks variety. We have toeat the same type
of food week in and week out. The chef in the hostel, is complacent about our complaints. Besides
that, we are served limited amount of food. We are not allowed a second helping if we ask for it.

Last but not least, the inadequate reference books in the library has cause much inconvenience
to the students. We are unable to do enough research for our assisgnments as there are not many
reference books that are available to us. What more the poor lighting in the library is painful to the
eyes. Some of the lights have fused and the few remaining ones do not cast enough light for us to do
our work.

These are the main areas of dissatisfaction to the hostelities and I sincerely hope the school
and hostel authorites will address our problems as soon as possible. We are looking forward to better
conditions and services in out hostel.

Prepared by,Andy Lau

Hostelities-residents of the hostel stench-bad smell hauseating-causing to vomit
rummaging-to go through humid-water content in the air insufficent-not enough
unpalatable-not entable (very bad tasting) bland-dull/not exciting complacent-careless
inadequate-insufficent fused-shortcircuited/blown cast-to give strewn-scattered
Ali bin baba
9,jalan mutu,
taman pertama
20222 ipoh

district officer
district council
jalan tambun
30000 ipoh
Dear sir,
Letter of complaint
I would like to draw your attention towards the lacks of cleanliness and maintenance in taman
pertama due to the lackadaisical attitude if the local town council in keeping the place clean and

The rubbish in my neighnourhood has not been collected for more than a week. The rubbish is
supposed to be collected on alternate days but this has not been the case. As a result, rubbish has been
dumped along the roadside and this has attracted not only flies and mosquitoes but also stray dogs.

We are also disappointed with the town council workers for not maintaining the playground.
The facilities like the swings and see-saws are damaged and not suitable for children to play on.

Next, the roads around my neighbourhood are in a bad situation. Most parts of the roads are
with patholes. It can be extremely dangerous for motorcylists especially at night. The patholes may
even pose more danger when it rains as we are unable to notice it. Besides, sooner of later it will
damage our vehicles.

We are also very unhappy with the dirty surroundings as it has directly attracted several stray
cats and dogs in my neighbourhood. They rummage the dustbins causing rubbish to be scattered all
over consequenly we have to bear with the pungent stench which is nauseating.

It is also very disgusting to look at the drains around my neighbourhood which are clogged
and smelly. The drains would usually overflow. When there is heavy rain, the rubbish would flow into
the compounds of our houses. Besides putting up with the unbearable stench emitted from it, we also
have to endure the long and uncut grass. The place not only looks awful but has become a breeding
ground for mosquitoes.

We have been putting up with this predicament for months. It is high time the municipal
council takes some action and do something about this. Rummgage-to go through

Thank you, nauseating-causing to vomit emitted-to release/give out

zhu predicament-situation/problem with no solution yet high time/about time-very late
ali bin baba lackadaisical-careless alternate days-to skip a day potholes-holes on roads
Dear Jenson,
It’s good to hear from you again,but I’m sorry to know that you are worried about taking part in the
National Service Programme. To be very honest with you, I was in the same boat when I learnt I was selected
for the programme. But having gone through the programme for three months, I must admit that I have no
regrets at all.

Jenson, let me allay your fears by showing you the benefits of this programme. It is through this
programme that you can develop good habits. You cultivate good discipline such as waking up at a specific
time every morning, making up your own bed, being independent and not tied to your mother’s apron string.

You meet students from various parts of Malaysia and have the choice to meet new friends. You learn
to be an extrovert and be able to mingle with those of different race, culture and religion. This is where you
to learn tolerance, good will and harmony which is very essential in a multiracial country like Malaysia.

You have to undergo stringent rules that help to develop good leadership qualities and be able to take
an responsibilities which were once a difficult task for you. They also have some exciting activities such as
games, skits, spelling bees, quizes and soon. The winners are also given prizes. As the programme is held in
another state you have the opportunity to see different parts of Malaysian, which is good as you seldom get
the chance to travel.

This is a great opportunity to be independent and self-reliant. After being surrounded by your family
for all these years and having all your needs met, it is time to grow up and learn to be independent. Not long
from now, you have to leave home and learn to fend for yourself. So take a bold step towards being

Participating in this programme helps you to gain new experiences especially when you are faced with
a difficult situation and there’s no one to help you. Life is not a bed of roses. You have to experience the
pricking of thorns too, so later in life you will be bold enough to overcome them.

No man is an island. Teamwork is esential in life, be it at home, in school or at work. So this

programme will help any lazy and slothful being to be transformed into a robust and energetic person. You
will most definitely be fit not fat. They teach you survival skils especially when stranded in a god-forsaken
place or in the midst of a jungle surrounded by wild beasts and insects. Our country needs citizens who have
discipline, especially the present generation where youngesters display poor discipline and poor up-bringing.

So you see, Jenson, the tremendous impact of this programme has on our life as it affects us in
numerous ways. Hence I sincerely hope you will look forward to this programme as a training ground to help
you face the future with confidence. So long for now. Hoping to hear from you soon.
Your cousin, allay-put to rest/ease cultivate-to nurture/grow
eddy tied to mother’ s apron string- being dependent on mother

extrovert-being outspoken expressive mingle-to mix and interact/being social and friendly
goodwill-moral value no man is an island-a man cant survive in solidarity(single)
god-forsaken- in terrible or dangerous condition skit-short play staged drama
Bold-brave/encourageous slothful-to be like a sloth(slow and lazy)
bed of roses-everything nice and pleasant pricking of thorns-hardships of life
fend-look out robust-tough and durable
edward chin
30100 ipoh

Chief of police
kinta district
ipoh. Date

Dear sir,
Increase in crime rate
With reference to the above I want to bring to your notice regarding the crime rate in Taman Damansara,
which has escalated to an alarming rate.

There are snatch thefts practically everyday. Women are afraid to step out of their houses to do their
daily marketing or to get their groceries. Motorcyclists target them, and at times harm them if they resist.
There have been numerous breaks-ins not only at night but also in bright broad daylight. The residence live in
fear not knowing when the thieves will strike. They have injured the tenants and some have been
hospitalized. At night the streetlights are quite dim which provides a conducive atmosphere to unscrupulous
men to carry out their despicable crimes.

We, the residents, feel that it is the lack of police patrolling the area, that has given rise to the increase
in crimes rates. Hence here are some practical suggestions to help reduce such crime from taking place. There
is a need to increase the number of police patrols in our housing area. We suggest better lighting along the
roads that are dimly lit. Replace some of the old lights for brighter ones.

It is good to set up a neighbour watch(Rukun Tetangga) which will also help the police to carry out their
duties. Residents can take turns to patrol the housing area so they can be on the look out for suspicious
characters who may be seen in the victinity. The housing estate committee could also emply security guards,
who can patrol the area from time to time so as to check on break-ins at night. The housing estate committee
can also hold safety campaign in order to create awareness on personal safety and how the residents can
avoid being victims of crimes.

The police can provide a hot-line for the residence so they can contact the police in the event of a crime
without having to go through any hassle. Residents cna also instill alarm systems in the houses to prevent

We hope we can get the full co-operation of the police to reduce the crime rates in our housing area with
these suggestions and preventive measures given.

Yours faithfully,
(a resident of the taman silibin housing estate)

escalated-increased practically-effectively resist-to fight back tenants-residents of a house

hospitalized-recovering of receiving treatmeant in the hospital conducive-encouraging
unscrupulous-very inconsiderate/unethical/immoral despicable-disgusting vigilant-be aware of crime
survesilance- to look for suspicious-creating doubt
Spm Sabah 2009

The principal
Conplaints about the canteen
I would like to bring to your attention the many complaints I have received from our
students about five canteen.

The students are dissatisfied with the food that is served. They say it is not nutritious. It
is bland and therefore not tasty. As there are only two hawkers, the students have limited
choices. They are served the same menu day in and day out. So much so, many students
choose to bring packed food from home. To top it all, the food is too expensive and as many
students do not come from affluent homes, their packet money does not suffice to buy food
from the canteen.

Then comes the cleanliness of the canteen which is much to be desired. The food sold is
not covered therefore it is exposed to flies, which is very unhealthy to consume. The cutlery
are often found to be dirty. They are not washed under the running water, but merely dipped in
a pail of dirty water. The drains around the canteen are found to be clogged and smelly, as the
workers do not clean them before they leave the premise.

The workers who serve food tend to be rude to the students. They are shouted at when
they take a little time to pay for the food. The workers have poor personal hygiene. Their
clothes smell of sweat and their hands are sometimes dirty. They do not cover their heads and
therefore, hair is often found in the food they serve. There are not enough workers to maintain
the running of the canteeen. Therefore the floor of the canteen is oily and dirty. The students
have often slipped and hurt themselves.

We, the students hope that the school authorities will look into these complaints at the
earliest convenience, so as to ensure good food and a hygienic place for the students to enjoy
their rest during recess.

Written by,
(Head Prefect)
Miss messi tan
english language society (huruf besar)

Visit to an orphanage
The English language society concluded this year’s activities with a visit to an orphanage. We
decided on this programme so as to bring awareness to our members, for the need to lend a helping
hand to the less fortunate children, who have been deprived of a happy home- environment ,due to
unforeseen circumstances.

Our visit was scheduled on the 1st october 2009 with the help and sponsorship of one lion’s
club to joyful home. About thirty members of the society and two teachers participated in this
activity. We got the help of one of the students’ relatives, who owns a mini bus to transport most of
the members to the orphanage in jelapang, while the rest of them went in the teachers’ cars.

We had a lot of interesting activities lined up for this day-long programme at the orphanage.
The day started off with a motivational talk by the President of one of the lion’s club in ipoh,mr chen
xi er.

The children at the orphanage were promised help in their studies by the lion’s club. They
would be given school books and uniforms. It is believed that some bicycles will be presented to the
orphanage for students to make it to school and back, where school buses are not available.

After short break for refreshments, the children were entertained to a Talent Show by our club
members. It brought cheer and laughter to the children who seldom have the opportunity to watch
such shows.

This was followed by a telematch where the children were actively involved. There was much
fun and enjoyment. It was a joy to see these children forget their woes and really do their best to win
in the match.

At the end of it all,we did our part to clean the area after the Telematch. Our students did an excellent job of it.
Later we assembled in the hall as the head of the orphanage wanted to say a word or two in appreciation of our kind
deed. Mr chen encouraged all those who were present as well as the public, to give donations to the orphanage in cash
and kins, as they need all the help they can get for the smooth running of the home.

In my opinion, it was an invaluable experience as I was enlightened by the visit in many aspects such as
patience, tolerance and to gettherness.

I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to all those who participated in this acitivity, for all their
invaluable assistance in making this programme a success. We plan on such visit in the forthcoming year.

Reported by,
lai voon voon
(president of the english language society)Sp
Good morning to our beloved principal, mr lee, teachers, fellow students and friends. When we look all
around usm we cannot help but notice that the whole human race is bombarded by all sorts of environmental
problems, that have adverse effect on us. These problems can be controlled if we can play our part in
reducing them in constructive ways. So today i’m going to talk about’ how to reduce environmental
problems’ , so we can improve on our life-style.

Firstly, we have to reduce the usage of energy by not wasting electicity in our homes. Switch off lights,
fans and air-conditioning when not in use to save electricity. Try to use products that have timers, so that the
electricity is automatically cut off after a certain numher of hours. It is also advisable to use energy saving
appliances that do not consume too much electrictity. All these ways not only reduce enerygy wastage, but
also help to save on our utility bills.

Environmental problems can also be curbed of we know how to reduce air pollution, which is a major
health threat to mankind. Avoid open burning to improve the quality of air that we breathe, thereby reducing
respiratory ailments for patients who suffer from asthma and other related problems. Make it a point to use
unleaded ptrol which is environment friendly, as it reduces a considerable amount of exhaust fumes. Exhaust
fumes increases air pollution which is hazardous to our health. Wherever possible, practice car-pooling
among friends in the neighbourhood, to help reduce carbon-monoxide being emitted into the air. Not only
that, it will also help to ease traffic jams during

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