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Chapter Topic Page No.

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Purpose 2
1.2 Scope 2
1.3 Overview 2
2 General Description 3
2.1 Product perspective 3
2.2 Product features 3
2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints 3
3 Functional Requirements 4
3.1 Description 4
4 Functional Requirement Specification 5
4.1 Use case 5
4.2 Use case Description 5
4.2.1 Login 5
4.2.2 Add Appointment 6
4.2.3 View Appointment 6
4.2.4 Reschedule Appointment 7

1.1 Purpose
 The software is for scheduling the appointments of the Hospital
 It has two levels of users
1. Administrator
2. Patient
 The software maintains all the appointments made in the hospital
 It provides all the information needed for the appointments.

1.2 Scope
 The purpose of the software is to get all the information from the user
and schedule the appointment of the user as per his choice.
 The current system is paper-based. It is very slow and management is
very difficult.
 The system will work on real time scheduling of the appointments as the
way arrive and will be scheduled.
 Requirement statements in this document in this document are both
functional and non-functional.

1.3 Overview
 This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) in the requirements
work product that formally specifies appointments of the Hospital
 It includes both appointments made from administrator and the patient.
 The objective of this document is to formally describe the system’s high-
level requirements including functional requirements, non-requirements
and business rules and constraints.

2. General Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The real time scheduler is the self-contained system that schedules the
appointments of the patients into the desired departments.

2.2 Product features

The system functions can be described as follows

 When the user(patient) is attempting to make an appointment, his
previous registration is checked if he is already registered or not.
 If he/she is already registered his user-name and password is
entered; otherwise a new registration is carried out
 The user’s details such as date of birth, address and telephone
number is also entered into computer system.

Patient appointment:
 Now the patient selects the desired slot of his appointment on his
desired date (a warning message is to be displayed if the slot is
requested after 5:00 pm).

2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints

 The system shall use Oracle/MySQL Database, which is open
source and free.
Operating System
 The Development environment shall be Windows 10

3. Functional Requirements
3.1 Description
Add Patient
The system will allow to add new patients to the hospital system.
Assign ID: -
The system will assign ID to the new patients and if the patient is
already registered then he/she will continue with their previous

Add appointment
The patient can add appointments according to himself/herself on
any day and any time that suits him/her. A warning message is
displayed if the slot is booked after 5:00 pm
Reschedule appointment
The user if he/she has already made an appointment then he/she
can reschedule the appointment as per choice. The rescheduling
of the appointment can be made only once.
View appointment
If the administrator logs in to the system he can see all the
appointments made for a particular day.
If a patient logs into the system then he/she can see all the
appointments he/she has made.

4 Functional Requirement Specification
4.1 Use case diagram

4.2 Use Case Description

4.2.1 Login: -



Add Patient
The system will allow to add new patients to the hospital system.

Assign ID: -
The system will assign ID to the new patients and if the patient is
already registered then he/she will continue with their previous


Add Appointment


Add appointment
The patient can add appointments according to himself/herself on
any day and any time that suits him/her. A warning message is
displayed if the slot is booked after 5:00 pm


View Appointment


View appointment
If the administrator logs in to the system he can see all the
appointments made for a particular day.
If a patient logs into the system then he/she can see all the
appointments he/she has made.




Reschedule appointment
The user if he/she has already made an appointment then he/she
can reschedule the appointment as per choice. The rescheduling
of the appointment can be made only once.

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