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IDB 3037



ID : 20197



My four months here at Intel Kulim has been very beneficial to me. I am proud to be able to say that I
interned at one of the top companies in the world. Also, I am thankful to have met some of the brilliant
people who keep Intel up and running everyday.

Firstly, I would like to thank my manager Mr. Thanasegaran and his Penang counterpart Mr.Chin Yeoh Lee
from the Corporate Service Department for accepting me into this company. They have taken the time
to help me understand the duty and responsibilities of an electrical engineer in Intel.

Secondly, I would like to thank my Intel buddy Mr.Haribalan who is a great instructor to me. I have been
observing him carry out his duties as Electrical engineer and learned a lot from him. He also gave me books
and electrical plans to study so I can easier understand the electrical systems of Intel.

It is also necessary for me to thank the members of my department Mr.Raveen, Mr.Helmi, Mr.Zulkefly,Mr.
Shashitharan,Mr.Yoges and Ms. Geetha for helping me throughout my internship with advice and

Lastly, the JLL team who have allowed me to partake in their maintenance activities and answered all my
questions. They have helped me apply what I learned in class practically.

All the people above and other unmentioned ones have allowed me to truly enjoy my experience as an
intern at Intel. I will do my best to apply what I have learned here in my future undertakings.

No Topic
1.0 Introduction
2.0 General Overview of the Company
2.1 Core Business
2.2 Type of Products & Services

3.0 Work Culture

3.1 Occupational Safety and Health
3.1.1 Safety Regulations
3.1.2 Training Provided
3.1.3 Company SOP

3.2 Work Environment

3.2.1 Team Work

4.0 Work Experience

4.1 Skills Gained
4.1.1 Communication Skills
4.1.2 Time Management
4.1.3 Initiative

4.2 Knowledge
4.2.1 Understanding Job Requirement
4.2.2 Completing Task Given on Time

4.3 Knowledge Gained & Tasks Conducted

5.0 Discussion on Sustainability

5.1 Environmental …………………………………....
5.2 Economical ………………………………………

6.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

7.0 References

The Student Industrial Training (SIT) which is a 14-week course refers to the first half of the 28-week
total of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)’s industrial attachment program. The internship is a
compulsory part of the academic requirement that undergraduate students need to comply with prior
to the completion of studies.

The main purpose of SIT which comprises a total of seven credit hours is the chance to gain exposure in
the real industry. The real work done in the industry may vary a lot compared to what is taught in
university. By having an industrial attachment, we get to experience what real-life working would be like
and we can hone ourselves towards the specific industry that we are interested in by choosing the
related major in final year. For my internship program, I have decided to be with a leading
semiconductor company, Intel®. I chose this company as I see potential in gaining vast knowledge in a
field that is closely related to what I have studied for the past three years of degree.

Through the industrial program, I am also exposed to the business management aspect of the company
such as the economic models of business and risk-taking. All growing companies have a certain mission
or target that they would plan on achieving and this plan would allow strategic planning of how the
company would aim to reach to a certain revenue for the year. Hence, as students in participating host
companies, we get to observe the changes and steps taken by a company to improvise their business
growth. This allows us to develop slight understanding on the changing market and how to adapt with it.

Some of the expected outcomes that I aim to achieve at the end of the SIT period include:

i. I hope to be able to adapt with the working environment and improve my time management skills
with the work given.

ii. I hope to build my network by getting to know other employees which could also improve my
communication skills.

iii. I hope to understand the products that Intel® work on and how they continue to grow as a leading
semiconductor company.

Intel Corporation was founded on July 18, 1968, by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon
Moore (of Moore's law fame), and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andrew
Grove. The company's name was conceived as portmanteau of the words integrated and electronics,
with co-founder Noyce having been a key inventor of the integrated circuit (microchip)..

Intel KM6 Building

2.1 Core Business
Intel® is the world's second largest and second highest valued semiconductor chip makers based on
revenue after being overtaken by Samsung,[2][3] and is the inventor of the x86 series of
microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers (PCs). Intel supplies processors for
computer system manufacturers such as Apple, Lenovo, HP, and Dell. Intel also manufactures
motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory, graphics
chips, embedded processors and other devices related to communications and computing.

2.2 Type of Products & Services

For almost 50 years since it has been established, Intel® has been building and designing the essential
technologies that has been fulfilling the demands of the world’s computing devices. Some of Intel®
products include:

No Products Description

1 Devices and Systems Intel® devices consists of desktops, mini

PCs, drones, micro-servers and even

2 Processors The processors consists of Core, Xeon,

Celeron, Atom, Quark and so on. The
processors are designed for advanced
usage serving various groups including
enterprise, IoT devices, laptops,
workstations and even mobile devices.
3 Board & Kits Intel® also produces development boards
and kits used for learning programs and

4 Chipsets These chipsets enable many capabilities

with additional support for enterprise
storage and additional I/O bandwidth to
address highly demanding enterprise

5 Solid State Drives (SSD) The SSD was made to improve storage
performance via integrated circuits.

6 Server Products Consists of server software, server

motherboard, server management that
performs computing requests.

7 Networking & Communications This includes bringing advanced

performance and intelligence from the
core of the data center to the networking
platforms including cloud, 5G

connectivity, Intel® Ethernet products and

so on.
8 Wireless Technology The wireless technology development
allows streams of high-bandwidth
application, it combines mobility and
productivity to allow multiple devices to
be connected wirelessly.

Intel offers many software development resources

9 Software and Services designed for Intel architecture- based systems and
embedded applications. Their services comprise of
software downloads, drivers, BIOS, utilities and
even firmware. They even offer operating system
support for Linux, Microsoft Windows and Android.
10 Intel® Gateways The company continues to provide more
secure always-on gateways as a step
toward enabling the smart home of the
future as the number of connected devices
are increasing statistically.

11 FPGAs Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

is a semiconductor IC where the electrical
functionality inside the device can be
changed at any time, event after the
product has been shipped out. It is a

product Intel® has been working on after

purchasing Altera.

Table 1: Type of Products


3.1 Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational safety and health (OSH) concerns the safety, health and also the welfare of employees.
The main purpose of these safety rules is to emphasize the importance of abiding to safety rules and
regulations at the workplace to ensure that all work done whether manufacturing, production or dealing
with machines, it should not be harmful to the workers. In addition, OSH may also protect co-workers,
family members, employers, customers and others that may be affected with the work environment.

3.1.1 Safety Regulations

Intel® number one priority is its employees welfare, believing in the concept a happy employee is a
productive employee. There are many safety precaution in Intel to protect its customers from accidents
or injuries.

I. There are walking lanes for pedestrian to

cross the road. Any car driver that observes
someone is about to cross must immediately stop
to allow the pedestrian to cross the road
II. There are signs at the staicases for
employess to use the handrail to avoid falling
down. A new innovation “Friendly Handrail” may
be implemented to further ensure employees
follow the precaution.

III. In the canteen, there trays that everyone

must use. This is so if food is spilled from your
plate it falls onto the tray and not on the floor
where some employee may step and fall on.
IV. Safety gear is provided for employees to use.

V. Categorized trash disposal

3.1.2 Training Provided

After entering Intel, there are certain trainings that I must first complete in order to be aware of Intels
rules and regulations. Most of these training were web based could be completed on my laptop. There
were also classroom based training in which an experienced instructor will give us a lecture on certain
security training.

Besides that, there were clean room training which I took so that I may enter the production floor. I
learned about how important it is to ensure Intel equipment run perfectly

Web-Based Training Classroom-Based

1. Lab Safety 1. EHS Orientation

2. Basic Electrical Safety 2. New Employee
3. Constructive Confrontation Orientation (NEO)
4. Focal Overview 3. Open Door Initiatives
5. Introduction to Systems 4. Security Orientation
Engineering Program
6. PC Fundamentals Series
7. Privacy Essentials
8. Protecting Intel Classified

Table 2: List of Trainings Acquired

3.1.3 Company Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Standard operating procedures (SOP) is the flow of the procedure needed to complete a task. This
allows the company to have a set of guidelines which they follow. It helps clears up misunderstandings
and avoid miscommunication error.

No Title Description

This procedure allows an engineer and design team

to discuss what is needed before a project is started
1 Before Action Review (BAR) and plan for any emergency incidents that may

2 During Action Review (DAR) This procedure is to address any challenges during
the project and what action must be taken.
Before being allowed to enter a lab, there are certain
3 Lab Usage trainings to be completed and access requests to be
approved of.
Each employee of Intel is given a laptop for work use.
The devices are encrypted to password protected to
Safety of Devices and IT prevent information from being leaked.
Products Nevertheless, Intel employees must keep their
laptops with them or else lock it to their desk with
the lock provided.
All documents created and sent on Intel servers have
Safeguarding Classified
5 different levels of classification to ensure that the
information is not released accidentally.
3.2 Work Environment
Intel’s work environment is pleasant as they provide cubicles to employees and a comfortable chair to
sit on. We are provided with document trays and drawers to keep things neat. There is also a program
Wellnomics which helps employees monitor their work patterns and improve their work habits. This
results in healthier and happier employees.

3.2.1 Team Work

My department Corporate Services is incharge of the electrical and mechanical systems of entire Kulim.
This means for each building there is one person incharge of electrical and one for mechanical. Things
such as lighting, air-conditioning, canteen services, manufacturing equipment, transformers, generators
all this falls under my department. We are incharge of addressing any issues with the help of our
maintenance team, JLL.

There is a lot communication and team work between JLL and CS to ensure the companys success. Also,
the CS group from Intel Kulim must work together with other Intel companies from Penang, Cheng Du,
Vietnam and many more.This is to ensure that the latest technology is implemented in all factories of
Intel. Penang and Kulim Intel CS department work together quite often due to their proximity to each
other, so it is normal for a Penang employee to take part in Kulim’s project and vice versa.

As an intern, I did my utmost best to complete any tasks that were passed down to me by my manager
and department members. My manager is always busy as he has many meetings to attend in Klim and
Penang. There are many benefits of being an Intel employee, everyone is treated as equals and is
respected. This creates a very stable environment even for an intern such as myself.

4.1 Skills Gained

In these 14 weeks I have learned many things related to electrical systems and also other practical skills
such as how to deal with other employees and how to work in a team effectively

4.1.1 Communication Skills

Since I am a part of a team here at Intel, communication between employees is important. I learned that
there many ways to deal with people. Everyone here is busy as they have their own set of projects and
meetings to take care of. My manager Mr.Thana has weekly staff meetings with us and also encourages
us to have one on ones if there is something I wish to discuss. There is also a program called StandOut
which helps us analyze what is our character strengths and how we can help the group move forward. It
also allows us to update what we have accomplished this week and lets us ask our manager for help if

4.1.2 Time Management

Intel employees work from 8am to 5.30pm. However, there have been emergencies at night which
requires a member of the CS team to be on site. This could be at night 10pm or morning 4am, all this is a
part of the CS teams duty. There are times even on Saturdays and Sundays when we are required to
come to work because of some unexpected incident. This shows the amount of responsibility and
dedication required by a member of the CS team. Also, while lunch time is usually from 12-2pm, Intel
employees have the flexibility to take an early or late lunch as they have other things to attend.
4.1.3 Initiative
At Intel, managers cannot be watching the employees all the time as they have their own duties to take
care of. Employees must take the iniative to implement ideas and suggest new innovations. Intel greatly
welcomes new ideas and encourages it. If you have an idea, you must write a research paper on the
topic also known as “white paper”. This white paper will be read by a board of people who will choose
whether to approve it or not. This is to standardize all intel factories around the world. I .University
courses follow a cut-and-dried format. The lecturers hands us the assignments and describes what he
expects and we work our best on fulfilling the guidelines. In the professional world, however, employers
would not be managing their employees as closely as our lecturers do because they have their own
workload to complete. In this growing era, employers look forward to those who are able to contribute
their own ideas and suggestions and they would even be very appreciative as we show that we are
interested in the company’s business and also in our job.

This internship has provided me with the opportunity to demonstrate that on top of following
directions, voicing out our opinions regarding ideas that could beneficial to us and the company is very
much valued. In return, by the time I set foot into a company as a full-time employee, I would have
gained confidence and understand how to present such ideas and how to implement them.
4.2 Knowledge
Being in Intel Corporation for my internship, I have been assigned to be an electrical engineer in
Corporate Service department. Generally, my department handles the entire Kulim mechanical and
electrical side of things not to mention other things like building development canteen vendors and
many more.

Any mechanical or electrical failure is immediately escalated to my department and JLL to take action.
We must react fast because a stop in production is quite costly for a massive company like Intel. Usually
it involves finding the DB of the instrument that failed and resetting it, after that we have to analyze why
caused this DB to trip and how to prevent it from happening again.

4.2.1 Understanding Job Requirement

Working at Intel Corporation, I learnt that the real industry varies a lot from what has been taught in
university classes. The subjects that we have studied might probably not even be related to the job we
do but it is still taught because higher learning institutions still consider is as a necessity in the syllabus.
However, tasks given out by the engineers in the company requires more than basic knowledge as it also
needs understanding. Hence, prior to completing a work I spend a reasonable amount of time doing self-
study and research on the topics needed to be able to perform the task.

4.2.2 Completing Task Given on Time

Although it has just been a few months doing my training here, I learnt that when in a company, work
professionalism has to be prioritized. In the beginning, there was not really much work because as
interns, we were mostly familiarizing ourselves with the company, attending orientations and even
doing self-reading on the background of the company. As time passed, we were given certain tasks to
help with be it technical or management. On top of that, we were also handed other tasks to be carried
out simultaneously hence it was important to complete each task within the required time.

At work, we are not given deadlines like in universities thus we learn to pace ourselves in completing
each job and ensure that it is properly done before submitting the work back to whomever required. In
order to achieve this, prioritizing our work is important so that we are focused on what to achieve by the
end of the day.

Other than that, as a motivation to finish my work according to schedule, I look forward to the success I
can achieve upon completion. After completing each task, I get a sense of satisfaction which makes me
feel good and even allows me to look forward to the next task. Although my supervisor has never
mentioned any specific date to complete the given task, I learnt that they appreciate the effort taken to
complete the work or task without the need to be instructed to. Hence, impressing our superior or
manager, tends to act as a motivation to improvise the quality of job and overall time management as
4.3 Knowledge Gained & Tasks Conducted

4.3.1 Document Analysis

Initially, for my job, I was asked to read through and understand how the flow of instruments worked in
Intel. I also reviewed previous upgrades to the Intel factories to understand why they were necessary.

4.3.2 Programs used

BMS (Building Monitoring Software)

At Intel we use BMS to get real time values of the voltage, current, temperature, pressure, and other
electrical parameters of Intel Kulim machines and instruments.

Power Monitoring System

We also have a power monitoring program to monitor our usage and consumption from NURU. This
helps us accurately understand if there is something sucking off extra power unnecessarily.

Microsoft Office

There were also certain tasks which required use of common software mainly Microsoft Excel. Although
I have learnt the basics of this software previously, I did not really practice using it much. While being
here I discovered the many functions of Microsoft Excel including calculation, tabulating and also
creating charts as it is easy to update changing data in an excel spreadsheet.


StandOut is a program to promote group growth. It allows the manager to see what the group members
have to do this week and if they require any help fromhim. It also guves you a quiz to make you better
understand your personality and how you may best serve the group. I am an equalizer and advisor so
based on this the site gives suggestions on how to make me perform my best.

Intel Unite

Intel Unite is a program that helps us mirror our laptop screen to any meeting room. It is useful as we
sometimes have discussions with people from other countries and using Intel Unite we can allow them
to see our screen.
4.3.3 Helped in organizing Team Building Activity

Intel Corporation has the culture of dividing the whole year into four quarters consisting of three
months each. Intel places high emphasis on the employees’ integration to create a positive working
environment and one of the obvious measures taken to promote this is by conducting a team building
session in every quarter.

For the last quarter of this year, I consider myself lucky to be given the chance to help in organizing the
team building. The teams involved in this team building were Corporate Service Group. After researching
and coming up with 3 suggestions we finally agreed to the Tech Dome in KOMTAR Penang

By being involved in such activity, I find it to be very beneficial as an intern as it is an open opportunity
to interact with employees from other teams and build my connection in case I might need any help in
the future for the duration that I am interning. Team building activities help to foster better and open
communication between employees and also with the higher management, mainly managers here. We
get to understand the work of others and indirectly improve productivity because our jobs usually are
not just a one-man show but instead it is the joint efforts of the whole team that will eventually
contribute to the success of a project.
Sustainability is having minimal negative effect on the environment, community or economy. A
sustainable organization should incorporate certain values into business such as supplying
environmentally friendly products which contains no contaminants, pollutants or any harmful materials.
Other than that, it should make an enduring commitment to the environmental principles in order to
comply with the need to move towards a greener earth.

Besides, a sustainable organization should work towards development that can create value for
customers, investors and the environment. Intel continuously grows in the semiconductor industry by
aiming to meet customer needs whilst having a structural approach on maintaining stakeholders’
interest and ensuring employees’ welfare.

5.1 Environmental
Intel goes a long way back in its positive growth while ensuring that its development does not produce
any environmental impact. Despite the growing technological demand and the company’s constant
focus on improvisation, they openly accept the challenge of developing energy-efficient products while
at the same time, reducing the environmental footprint. Intel already had a track record of taking a
proactive approach to sustainability and environmental issues. Since the mid-1990s, the company has
taken voluntary steps and set aggressive goals to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (Curry, Donellan,
Guyon & Sheridan, 2012).

Intel strives to create products that consume less energy and use less materials such as lead and
halogens that can be environmentally unsafe. In accordance with their principle, they try to make sure
that their suppliers comply with these environmental regulations as well. Intel, its suppliers and
outsourced manufacturers must comply with various regulations of substances that are hazardous or
are of high concern. High emphasis is placed on the handling of all products and substances or materials
used in manufactures by ensuring suppliers that are involved to provide disclosure statements.

Other than that, Intel expects all employees to maintain an injury-free, incident-free and an
environmentally safe surrounding to work in. The environmental health and safety procedures are
constantly being reinforced to instill awareness among employees of all levels so that one will know how
to react in case of emergency situations.
5.2 Economical
The economical sustainability is the ability of an economy to support a defined level of economic
production indefinitely. Sustainability is often referred to as a combination of environmental, social and
economic performance however there are certain findings that consider the economic component as
one of the main pillar that has to be stable to achieve sustainability in the other components (Doane, D.
& MacGillivray, A., 2001). Sustainability of a company is crucial to prevent a company from falling out of
business and to avoid inefficient impacts of the corporate industry.

Intel’s efforts in sustainability is about progressing each year with effective growth and maintaining the
company brand as the world’s largest semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue. The quarterly sync-
ups and summary that are shared with all employees is a platform to show where Intel is standing in
terms of development and the industry and it also proves transparency among the employees by sharing
the facts and figures of the company. This can be said to be done as an effort to appreciate the work
done by all teams in allowing Intel to be at the level that it is and on top of that, it acts as an open
encouragement to all as bonuses and other benefits are all in line upon the success of a product or an
observable growth in revenue.

The economic sustainability is not only to ensure that Intel can be independent in the semiconductor
industry but also to continuously provide assurance to its employees. Intel is concerned with not only
their immediate financial performance, but with their ability to continue long into the future being a
player able to make positive contributions to the customers, broader society and planet as a whole.

To end this report, I would like to summarize all that I have learnt and the knowledge gained in the past
14-weeks of my industrial training with Intel Corporation. Personally, I found that UTP’s academic
requirement of having this

14-week internship training followed by 14-weeks of internship project is useful to us, as students in
various ways. Mainly, the industrial exposure obtained is priceless because the long duration allows us
to test our skills in different areas instead of just a single task. I am very grateful to be given the chance
to develop my skills not only in the technical field but also the non-technical aspect.

All the knowledge gained from the tasks that I carried out are related to real life applications hence it
indirectly helps to build my self-confidence when I am able to help by completing whatever task that has
been assigned to me. Being in such a major company is an eye-opener as I always try to produce the
best results that are presentable because I naturally look forward to pleasing my employer or supervisor
whereas in universities, all the effort is usually put in with hope of getting good marks in return.

As students, having this intern experience gives us an additional credit to include in the resume when
we are looking for jobs upon graduation as it would be appealing to companies to accept candidates
with reasonable experience in the industry. As a matter of fact, the host company that we undergo our
training with may even offer us a job if they see potential in us. On the other hand, they can even write a
reference letter at the least if we manage to create a great impression thus it acts as a motivation to be
productive and complete this internship with positive outcomes.

In addition to that, although I may not have much workload during this training period, I learnt to take
advantage of the resources I had to deepen my knowledge on the semiconductor field. By obtaining an
employee badge, it entitled me with access to company websites and documents hence I spent a lot of
time doing self-reading to understand the background of Intel and slowly got deeper into more details
such as type of products, specifications and even company operations. Asking questions is an important
key to gaining knowledge during an internship and I would often approach my supervisor, buddy,
manager or even other colleagues in case of any doubt.

In my opinion, UTP should maintain this internship program as part of its academic requirement as it is
beneficial to both the student and the host company. The long duration set by the university proves to
be a positive step as we are able to gain much more invaluable knowledge than expected and from my
personal experience with my host company, they seem to be very delighted at the total duration of 28-
weeks because they can effectively plan out what we can learn and achieve at the end of the internship.

Kitchen, N. (2010). Political Stability: Crucial for Growth? . Retrieved from

Scott, R. (2012, October 24). Intel: Making the World Better for Every Person on

Earth, That’s All. Retrieved from


Doane, D. & MacGillivray, A. (2001). Economic Sustainability: The Business of Staying in Business.
New Economics Foundation. Retrieved from

Linnenluecke, M. K., & Griffiths, A. (2010). Corporate Sustainability and Organizational

Culture. Journal of World Business, 45(4), 357-366.

Tullos, J. (2014). Intel Acronyms Dictionary. Retrieved from

Rallison, W. T. (2015, May 12). Intel, FCC Compliance and You. Retrieved from Intel Circuit.

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