Business Communications

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30th September 2010



Electronic mail, which is more commonly known as e-mail has became increasing popular
since it fist came around; it is a method of exchanging digitally written messages across the
internet. E-mails used to be transferred from one computer to another, but both had to be
on at the same time, this is an early form of instant
messaging. Nowadays when sending e-mails the users do not
have to be on the computers simultaneously to send and
receive e-mails.


Some of the main advantages of e-mails is that they are fast

and messages can be sent anywhere around the world in an
instant depending on how long it takes to send the e-mail via
the e-mail server. Also providing there is an internet connection, the transmissions of e-
mails are usually free but if not they are normally cheap. When an e-mail has been set-up
and is available to use, it is very simple to use and is versatile as you can easily attach
pictures, PowerPoint’s, audio and video and many other types of files as well. Sending e-
mails is also efficient and makes sending a document, a message or anything else to multiple
contacts is easily done. There are also several fields which allow you to enter e-mail
addresses name into, these are TO, CC and BCC. E-mails have also been adapted to allow
mobile phones to send e-mails from their function of text messaging.


Some disadvantages of e-mail are that information can be leaked; this could be from a few
reasons. One reason is that an e-mail accounts password is too weak so it can be attacked by
a brute force to allow unauthorized access to a
unknown user who has “hacked” there way into the
account and entering the system. As a result of this
can be personal information can be leaked, spam
also known as unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE) being
sent out which also could contain phishing
hyperlinks or harmful attachments, however there
are programs which can filter these but they can
also block legitimate e-mails. E-mails also make
contact less personal and also e-mail can lead to a
lower level of professionalism. Employees tend to use a less formal approach to
communications when using emails, which can appear unprofessional to current and
potential clients.


Companies add their e-mail on to many sources, for example they can advertise it on there
website, a directory book which could also contain their phone number and also business
cards. From this they can get more customers that enquire about products and could sign up
to an electronic mail newsletter. An example is that Apple could have an electronic
newsletter which people can sign up to for all the latest information. In an electronic
newsletter they can also show there new and upcoming products and even offer a pre-order
option to help get the products advertised and sold.

Karl Ballard

Telephones and Mobile Phones

A telephone and a mobile phone, also referred to a phone is a form of telecommunication

which is a device that transmit and receives sound, which is most commonly a human voice.
Phones are a point-to-point form of communication; this normally allows two people to
communicate with each other despite the distance. However they have been adapted to
allow multiple people to be on the same conversation
speaking to at least two or more other people to have
a teleconference.


A few of the main advantages of using phones in

business are that if you travel a lot during your working
day you’ll expect to lose the duration of time you are
travelling, for communication. However with a mobile
phone you can get this time back and use it for work as you could need to have an important
conversation with business partners instead of delaying the call for longer; this also puts less
restriction on time. Another reason is that if you wish to access e-mail out of your
workplace, this can also be done via a mobile phone because most phones now have the
ability to allow people to access their inbox and reply to e-mail through their phone if
needed. The biggest advantage is accessibility; the reason for this is because the majority of
employee’s will have a mobile phone, for example in the event of a critical problem, it can
be communicated to you and a decision taken, without
you having to be in the office.


Some disadvantages of using a phone is the potential

cost of the use of the phone, most phone companies
charge people per minute for calling other phones, and
the charge can vary because of the other phone being a
different network. A disadvantage can be if a customer
only sees mobile phone number as the only source of
contact, then people can assume that the business is
small and has no office or resources. Most established businesses have a landline number as
a main communication method, and have a re-direction method if the phone doesn’t get
picked up.


Companies may like to add their phone to various sources to get noticed, a few places where
they can be placed are on business cards, websites, letters and phone books. They could also
make it more appealing for clients to phone is to use a free-phone number so it doesn’t
charge them if they have an enquiry.

Instant Messaging

Karl Ballard

Instant messaging, also known as IM is a collection of various collection of technologies used

for real-time text-based communication between two or more users at once over the
internet. Instant messaging can be created through many sources, for example the C family,
Java, JavaScript with AJAX and even Flash. The main IM client is Windows Live Messenger,
formally known as MSN, however there are also other ones, for example AOL Instant
Messenger, Google Talk and, Skype and even Yahoo! Instant Messenger. One main
difference between IM and e-mail is that the chat
happens in real-time and synchronicity of the


Some of the main advantages of using IM in

businesses are that it is quicker to send messages
over an IM program compared to using e-mails as
within seconds it can appear on the recipients
screen. It can also improve customer services as
there could feel there is a more noticeable presence
there to help if needed. It can also be an advantage because the recipient isn’t getting e-mail
inbox full up with e-mails when they might not wish to check their e-mail account’s inbox.
Another way it is an advantage because you can even communicate via a mobile phone so a
support advisor never always has to be present at his computer.


Some disadvantages what can be quite noticeable while using an IM client is that the
language being used over them can become a lot less formal and can give the company a
worse look because of one person typing shorthand. Also employees may also feel that they
need to respond quickly compared to a carefully considered meeting in a subject. IM should
be restricted access because
employees can use it to talk to
friends and family is they will get
distracted therefore lowering the
workload that an employee does.


Companies may like to use instant

messaging address to use for
support lines, for example
Microsoft could get the support team to use it so they can talk to people who are in need of
help, but they might use informal language if the chat isn’t monitored. They could also place
there IM address in adverts as they could also have an enquiries account as well.


Karl Ballard

Meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of
achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching
agreement. Since technology has developed there are multiple applications for computers
and other technology like mobile phones have helped this. Meetings can occur face to face
or virtually, helped by communications technology, such as a telephone conference call, a
Skype conference call. Others technologies such as Voice Over Internet Protocol can be used
in conjunction with desktop
videoconferencing to enable low-cost
face-to-face business meetings without
leaving the desk, especially for
businesses with widespread offices.


Some of the main advantages of use

technology of conferencing are that the
time and money that used to be spent in
travelling can be used to have short meetings. Greater communication and coordination
between branches and worksite, as teleconferencing enables them to get in touch with each
other closely. Conference can be scheduled minutes or hours ahead of time instead days or
weeks. Also, a meeting is more flexible as participants can join the conference whenever it's


Some disadvantages what can be quite noticeable while using an IM client is that the
language. Another problem with
videoconferencing is being on camera,
with the video stream possibly even being
recorded. The burden of presenting an
acceptable on-screen appearance is not
present in audio-only communication.
Because this teleconference takes the
place of an actual face-to-face meeting,
this can be a very impersonal way to
conduct business or discuss issues with
your group. You can't look into a person's eyes when he's talking or watch his movements to
gauge his mood, meaning or intent. It is harder for members to develop a strong connection
with each other.


Companies may like to use conferencing technology to have meetings worldwide for
example, Apple headquarters might want to have a meeting with braches all over the world
so this would be an east way.

Internet Forums

Karl Ballard

An Internet forum, or as it also known as a message board, is an online discussion site where
people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages on certain topics. They are
different from chat rooms and instant messengers because messages are not shown in real-
time, to be able to see new messages the forum page must be refresh. Also, depending on
the access level of a user and the
forum set-up, a posted message might
need to be approved by a forum
moderator before it becomes visible.
Also on the forum set-up, users can be
anonymous or have to register with the
forum and then subsequently log in
order to post messages. Usually you do
not have to log in to read existing


Some of the advantages of hosting a forum on your Website are that the views and advice
offered by visitors' stays on your Website for all your visitors to see. Thus, any visitor can
read the views of another visitor even if he or she visits your site after you and your post
those views. Another advantage is that forums attract a wide section of society to express
their views. This means that your Website generates additional traffic not only for those
wishing to type in their views but also for those visitors that might want to read those views.
This traffic can successfully convert into paying clients once you manage to collect the email
addresses of those visitors.


Some disadvantages of forums are quite noticeable; some of these are trolls, spam and word
censoring. Forum trolls are users that repeatedly and deliberately breach the netiquette of
an established online community, posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages
to bait or excite users into responding or to test the forum rules and policies, and with that
the patience of the forum staff. Also, spamming is a breach of netiquette where users repeat
the same word or phrase over and over, but differs from multiple posting in that spamming
is usually a willful act which sometimes has malicious intent. However, some auto-censors
can make mistakes, for example censoring "wristwatch" to "wris****ch” which is normally a
common mistake.



Karl Ballard

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