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Golden Elks Pee Wees proficiently pound Pinelands, 19-6

The Golden Elks Pee Wee Pop Warner Football Liberty Elks who all ran the ball, domi-
football team played Sunday, South Division with a resound- nated the day on the ground.
Sept. 19, against the Pinelands ing win over the Keyport The drive was capped by a 20-
Wildcats at David T. Fioretti Indians Midget team this yard blast by Gene Franceschini
Field. Saturday, 32-0, putting the team through a gaping hole opened
Devin Connelly ran for a atop the division standings at 5- by offense linemen Scott Powell,
two-yard touchdown for the first 0. Brandon Frankenfeld and
score of the game. The extra The Elks’ Joe Wegrzyniak Gavin Hynes to increase the
point attempt was no good, leav- took the opening kickoff 50 lead to 20-0.
ing the score at 6-0. yards to the Indians’ 26-yard On defense for the second
Following another short stint line. Two plays later facing sec- time this season, Jax Wigert
from the Pinelands offense, Point ond-and-five, Gavin Hynes on a picked off the pass short of mid-
was set up for a drive on the handoff ran for a 30-yard field and raced 45 yards
starting on the 28-yard line. untouched touchdown to make untouched to make the score
Working behind a strong line the score 6-0. Elks 26, Indians 0.
made up of Nick Bertinelli, Antonio Garcia raced in for The Elks defense again took
Justin Rafi, Nick Palazzo, Bryan the second Elks touchdown, over and continued to dominate.
Rogers, Conor Landis, Nash Photo Courtesy of LYNNE LANDIS running through a huge hole on The hard hitting Elks jarred
McLean and Michael Lopez, the The Golden Elks Pee Wee Purple Pop Warner team defeated Pinelands 19-6 on Sunday, the right side. The score stood at another fumble loose in Indian
Elks were able to move the ball Sept. 19. 12-0. territory that was recovered by a
forward the full 28 yards in just 5 After a strong defense effort, herd of Elks players at the 40-
plays. the offensive line, composed of yard line. On the following
On a fourth-and-goal situa- vailed over the Toms River ble by the Elks returning the down of the game. Kyle Ryan, Mike Larson and offensive play, Gavin Hynes
tion, Courtland Hackel ran the Raiders, at their home field on offense back on the field. MIDGETS Jack Cawley, contributed to the capped off the scoring for the
ball 10 yards in for the score. He where no official score was be The Elks turned the ball over The Point Pleasant Elks strong running game.
was able to add to the score with posted due to this being an on downs. Both teams played Midget squad continued its Jack Fitzsimons, Tom
instructional level of play. hard, but neither was able to march through the Jersey Shore Forsberg and Josh Vitale, the See ELKS, page 42
his follow-up run into the end
zone for the extra point. Going Outstanding offensive block- find the end zone until the third
ing by Ryan Visco, Scott quarter.
into the half, the scoreboard read
13-0 in favor of the Elks.
Pinelands’ only score came at
Franceschini, Bryan Hawthorn, On fourth-and-long, Jake
TJ Palazzo, Ron Leyda, Jason Madden sacked the Raiders
Pop Warner teams, Panthers,
the end of the third quarter to Sherlock and Ben Gilmore quarterback.
make the game 13-6 Elks.
Pursuant to the Wildcats
allowed the Golden Elks to
overcome the Raider defense.
With the ball turned over to
the Elks from a loss of downs, it
Gulls all go pink for good cause
kick-off, the return team for the Scores were posted by Ben gave the team momentum to Michelle Mayfield, whose the foundation. Beach.
Elks brought the ball up to their Gilmore, Joe Macchi, Luke score. Fullback Conner Smiths son, Michael, plays for the If members of the commu- “We will be there on the
own 46-yard line. The offense Dragon, Robert Cooper and made his second significant run Golden Elks Mighty Might nity cannot attend a Golden 17th,” Thompson said. “We
moved the chains for four, first Alex Hubner. At the conclusion of the by game, blasting up the Purple Team, recently started Elks game, but would still like tape our shoes [to provide
downs ending with a quick one- of the game the team signed and middle of the field from the Pink Laces, a new effort to to donate, they may mail ankle support], but we are
yard run into the end zone by presented the game ball to seven-yard line and into the end raise money for the Susan G. checks to 2119 Kenneth Road, looking for some pink wrist-
Connelly to make the score 19-6 James Fara. zone. Komen Breast Cancer in Point Pleasant. For those bands [to wear during
Elks. GOLDEN ELKS MITEY- In the third quarter, defen- Foundation, which raises mailing donations, please games].”
The Elks defense, led by Kyler MITE PURPLE sive end Christopher Boud money for breast cancer make checks payable to The Garnet Gulls Football
Rossi, Hayden Frey, Damon On Sunday, morning the intercepted a pass from the research. Golden Elks Pop Warner team will also join the fight
DelPriore, DJ Rivera, Jarrett Golden Elks Mitey-Mite Raiders. This recharged the All Golden Elk Pop Warner [GEPW]. against cancer, and will be
Howey, Michael Waddleton and Purple team visited the Toms Mitey Mite Purple offense back teams are wearing pink laces The Point Boro football wearing pink laces on their
Austin Drucquer, was a strong River South Raiders for a on the field, with great blocking on their cleats during games to team has also joined the fight cleats during their games in
punishing deterrent to the suc- rematch from two weeks ago in by the offensive line consisting promote breast cancer aware- against breast cancer, accord- October.
cess of the Wildcats offense, a game where no official score of tight end Zack Simmons, left ness, through the end of the ing to head coach Calvin The Point Pleasant Boro
holding them to only four, first was posted due to this being an tackle Garret Romer, left guard season. Thompson. boys soccer team will also be
downs and a total of 50 yards on instructional level of play. Jake Magley, center Chris Boud, Mayfield said local Pop “We are going to make a wearing pink laces, according
the day. The action started with the right guard Parker Roncin, right Warner coaches have already donation,” he said. to Mayfield.
The win gives the Golden first snap with fullback Garrett tackle Marcus Kellerman and started to jump on the band- The Panthers will meet with One hundred percent of all
Elks a 3-1 record. Romers charging through the tight end Michael Mayfield. wagon by purchasing pink Golden Elks representatives in proceeds from the teams’
GOLD MITEY MITES middle of the Raiders defense Halfback Robert Rothery ran apparel to support the cause. a check presentation ceremony fundraisers will go directly to
In a game dedicated to for an 80-yard touchdown run. for 30 yards, leaping over At games, the Golden Elks scheduled for Oct. 17, at the the Susan G. Komen Breast
injured quarterback James Fara, In the second quarter, linebacker defenders and into the end zone have buckets on hand for spec- G. Harold Antrim Elementary Cancer Foundation.
the Gold Mitey Mite Team pre- Conner Smith recovered a fum- for the third and final touch tators to make donations to School, in Point Pleasant

Once again, more wind has been excellent reports of bluefin and In the surf, there have been clam. footballs in the 40- to 50-pound
plaguing boats from getting out false albacore spread over a wide catches of small, striped bass and “The Jamaica II and the local class. The ticket is chunking in the
and heading offshore, as it doesn’t area. These fish are still here in very bluefish, along with some weak- party boats are doing well on the a.m. ‘til the sun comes up, then
seem like it wants to stop blowing. good numbers — the only trouble fish. Most of the weakfish, howev- bottom, with a mix of sea bass, por- they shut down as they are too line
Over the weekend, hard north was getting out to them. er, are being caught in 30 to 40 feet gies and ling. shy.
winds were the nemesis, and then Chuck Salkeld, over at the Reel of water, just off the beach, from “Cody and Tyler Vervalin, of “One of my customers was
at the beginning of this week, we Seat in Brielle, reported that he hit midway down to the bottom. Only Monroe, N.Y., came in from the chunking, doing well, when the Jim Freda
had hard southeast winds and rain. a weather window last Thursday, a few keepers have been taken, as boats with a 3-pound sea bass and sun came up and they shut down.
This has been the pattern over the and had good action with four most fish are spikes. a 10-pound striped bass. Both He went down to a 20-pound to winners who catch the largest
last couple of weeks, as wind and bluefin, many false albacore, and a Greg over at Brielle Bait and went for clams. leader, hooked up, and lost the fish fish in each species category.
more wind from many different dozen mahi in the Mud Hole. Tackle reported: “Lots of good “In the surf, Lee Karosen, of a minute later. He moved up to 30- Winners from the early entry
directions has made for a big disap- Other boaters headed out far- stuff going on with sea bass, albies Cedar Knolls, nailed three good pound leader, but the tuna would- drawing and the tournament must
pointment for boaters, and ther, approximately 52 miles east of and weakies. size stripers, just fewer than 28 n’t touch it. be present during the afternoon
September is now gone. the Manasquan Inlet, and did the “Wayne Nelson, of Willingboro, inches on the Sea Girt Beach. Lee “During the day, fish are being awards ceremony to claim their
The few weather windows that same with good bluefin and albie nailed a big, 5.75-pound sea bass said you must be there at sunup for taken by jigging and on the troll. prizes, or they will be forfeited.
did exist in the last week did have catches. on the Jamaica II. It hit a whole the bass. They hit right when the What seems to work is trolling bal- Questions can be directed to
sun shows. Clams are the ticket in lies way back, 300 to 600 feet, at 4 609-748-4347.
the surf. to 5 knots. The New Jersey Division of
“There are also a lot of 1- to 4- “Guys are starting to catch Fish and Wildlife has announced
pound bluefish in the local surf, in schoolie stripers in the river, by the that its fall trout stocking will
Manasquan and Spring Lake, railroad 35 bridge during the top of begin this Tuesday, Oct. 5, and
being caught on small metals. the incoming tide, which seems to continues through Oct. 13.
“Dean Vervoort, of Manasquan, be the most productive. This week, During this period, approxi-
got out in his boat and caught a they were also catching weakfish mately 21,000 trout, averaging 14
bunch of small weakfish off of Bay spikes along the beach and albies. to 16 inches, and weighing 1 to 2
BRIDGING THE GAP TO BETTER HEALTH Head. They hit 1- and 2-ounce “Trolling the Shark River Reef pounds, and 1,000 exceptionally
Dr. Helen Demetriades, Crippled Herring. Most were less or the Manasquan Ridge seemed large, broodstock trout, measuring
Licensed Clinical Psychologist than 14 inches. to be the most productive for boni- 17 to 24 inches, and weighing 3 to
“Albacore, skip jacks, bonito, to and albacore. Sea bass fishing is 8 pounds, will be distributed in 16
Maureen M. De Santis, LCSW and big blues are on the menu at still consistent on the reefs, with streams, and 16 lakes and ponds
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
the Mud Hole. Local party boats some blackfish on the side. The statewide.
Susan Warner, LCSW, LCADC are catching lots of those fish about water is still too warm for better Monmouth and Ocean county
Licensed Clinical Social Worker 17 miles east of Manasquan. action on the tog.”
Drug & Alcohol Counselor
waters are scheduled to be stocked
EMDR Specialist Three- and 4-inch Tsunamis, This Sunday is the Annual this Tuesday with the following
Deadly Dicks and small mustard Governor's Surf Fishing numbers of trout: Manasquan
Jessica L. Federici, LCSW 2/0 and 3/0 tuna hooks, with Tournament, at Island Beach State
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
River, 640; Metedeconk River,
spearing, are all working well.” Park. North Branch, 270; Metedeconk
Medication Management Services Provided By: Wayne over at Hoffman’s A variety of species are eligible River, South Branch, 240; and
Jennifer Pawlak, APRN, BC, LLC Marina in Brielle reported: “It was for entry in the tournament. Toms River, including TCA, 350.
Board Certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
another week of high seas with try- Overall length determines the win- Tip of the week: The complete
Bipolar & Mood Disorders, Chronic Mental Illness, Anxiety Disorders,
ing to fish in between the weather. ner. All fish must meet minimum list of fall trout stocked waters and
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Grief Recovery, Stress, Addictions There was only one solid window length requirements. the stocking schedule is available at
Adults, Adolescents & Children to go to the canyon overnight, and The individual who catches the
Insurance accepted. Immediate appointments are available including evenings. I didn’t hear of any reports. overall largest fish wins the tm, or through the Trout Stocking “Bluefins are still out there — Governor’s Award, and has his or Hotline, at 609-633-6765.
(732) 701-8400 trying to get out is another issue. her name engraved on the Send information or notable catch-
1617 Beaver Dam Road, Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742
“There were fish caught this Governor’s Cup, which is perma- es to
past week. I weighed in a couple of nently displayed at the park.
Fishing equipment is awarded

— ELKS — running 30 yards for a touch-

From Page 41 Patrick Fraley and Nick Torre
led the Golden Elks defense.
day with a 30-yard dash into the With the help from their
end zone. The score stood at 32- defensive linemen Nick
0 for the contest. Tuzzolino, Diego Salcedo, Nick
GOLDEN ELKS MITEY Rebimbas and Jack Shamy, they
MITE wreaked havoc in Lacey’s back-
The Golden Elks Mitey Mite field.
7-year-old team traveled south Whenever the football moved
to face the Lacey Lions Sunday, past the line of scrimmage, line-
Sept. 26 where no official score backers Paul Dejacimo,
was posted due to this being an Kenneth Hagel, Zachary Hill,
instructional level of play. Diego Salcedo and Aaron
The offensive line proved Stencil were there to make the
powerful behind the hard work hit.
of Cooper Hargis, Jared Lucich, Head coach Mike Krey stated
Greg Anilonis, Ethan Craggs, that it was “now time to go to
Paul Dejacimo, Nick Klein, work and get ready for the
Ethan Porter, Jeff Wall and Hawks of Manchester.”
Lance White. The teamwork
they displayed during the game
kept the Lions defense at bay.
The hard work of the offen- Corrections
sive line left quarterbacks
Zachary Hill and Sam Transue In a story that appeared in
free to run the offense. last week’s sports section titled
The Elks’ only score came “Panthers cannot claw their way
during the third quarter when through Holmdel Hornets’
Sam Transue handed the ball to nest,” Point Boro player Daniel
Adrian Foley, who started in the Delaney was incorrectly identi-
middle but bounced outside, fied as having fumbled the ball
in the first half of the game.
Also, in the same issue, the
caption of a photograph that
ST. JUDE appeared with the front-page
story “Lady Gulls soar over
NOVENA Manchester Hawks” incorrectly
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be identified a Shore Regional
adored, glorified, loved and pre- player as Manchester’s Jessica
served throughout the world, now Constantine.
and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
The Ocean Star regrets these
pray for us. St. Jude, worker of mira-
cles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the
hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer
9 times a day. Say it for 9 days. By
the eighth day, your prayer will be
— WIN —
answered. It has never been known to From Page 37
fail. Publication must be promised.
Thank you, St. Jude. WW losses]. I still believe we have
a lot of work to do.”
After capturing Jackson
PRAYER Liberty as its first success of the
TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN season in an exciting game, the
NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Oh most beautiful team is anxious to follow
flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heav-
en. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Thompson’s lead and get back
Virgin assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the to work.
Sea, help me, show me herein, you are my mother.
Oh holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven “We just have to celebrate
and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of
my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are tonight and go into next week
none that can withstand your power. Oh show me and play hard,” said Malleck.
herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived with-
out sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Holy “We want to go into the bye
Mother I place this cause in your hands. (3x) Holy week 2-2 [by winning the next
Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so
that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the game].”
divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me;
that in all instances in my life you are with me. I want Point Boro’s next game is
this short prayer to thank you for all things and con- tonight at Wall at 7 p.m. Point
firm once again that I never want to be separated
from you even in spite of material illusions. I wish to Boro’s John Dunbar, center
be with you in eternal joy and thank you for your
mercy toward me and mine. Andrew Matter and right tack-
The person must say this prayer for three consecu- le Dave Halliday, who were out
tive days, after three days the favor requested will
be granted, even if it seems difficult. The prayer against Jackson Liberty due to
must be published immediately after the favor is concussions, are all expected to
granted without mention of the favor, only your ini-
tials should appear at the bottom. WW play.

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