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1) What is Custom Controller?

A) When your component controller goes big in size, it might be difficult handle everything in the
component controller. In such scenario, you can create one or more custom controllers and
modularize or segregate the logic in to separate parts.

2) What is selection cardinality in Webdynpro ABAP?

A) Selection Cardinality specifies how many records that can be selected from a node.

3) At a design time how should you design whether a node is declared in component or view
A) Basically it depends upon the requirement. If the node is used only in particular view at that
time node is created in view controller. If the node is used in multiple views at time it is created
in component controller.

4) Can you launch / call one webdynpro application from other?

A) Yes, you can call one webdynpro application from another webdynpro application. For this first
you should get the URL of the webdynpro application that you want to launch. Second call that
URL from external window.

To get the URL of an webdynpro component use the method construct_wd_url of the class
cl_wd_utilities. Call the application using function module create_external_window.

5) Under which circumstance you can use DDBK and DDBI?

A) DDBK (Drop Down By Key) is an UI element through which we can display domain fixed values in
the form of drop down.

DDBI (Drop down By Index) is an UI element through which we can display any values in the
form of drop down.

6) Purpose of wd_context?
A) It is the instance of root context, technically all the node and attributes and sub-nodes and sub-
attributes of root context.

7) How do you provide multi select functionality for a table UI element?

A) You can provide multi select functionality for a webdynpro table by binding a node with 0-n or
1-n selection cardinality.

8) Sequence of execution of hook methods?

Hook Method Controller
WDDOINIT Component controller
WDDOINIT Window controller (Handle default method of the window is called)
WDDOINIT View controller
WDDOMODIFYVIEW View controller
WDDOPOSTPROCESSING Component controller (Now view is displayed. User does some action)
WDDOBEFORENAVIGATION Component controller (Here WDDOINIT of view controller is not called)
WDDOMODIFYVIEW View controller
WDDOPOSTPROCESSING component controller (view is declared again. Now close button is clicked on the broswer)
WDDOEXIT View controller
WDDOEXIT Component Controller

9) How do you generate pop up in webdynpro?

A) By using the method create_popup_to_confirm.
Steps: 1. Create a link to action with event handler.
2. Implement an Event Handler method for button click events.
3. Implement event handler Popup_to_confirm.

10) How do you close a window in webdynpro?

A) by using exit_plugins we can close window.

11) Roadmap UI element?

A) It displays the steps followed in the wizard. Each step can be a road map step object or multiple
Roadmap step. It can use various symbols to mark the start and end point.

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