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Well testing

Geothermal Well testing involve an array measurement aimed at gathering information on well
characteristic, production potential and reservoir properties. Stimulation of well for the purpose of
enhancing their output also falls within this category.

In general, Geothermal Well testing conducted after finish completion survey test and temperature
reservoir survey. Currently at PT Supreme Energy Muara Labuh is on going process to well test at Well
pad F2. Temperature at Well pad F2 is 232 C. Well Head Pressure is 480 Psi and always fluctuation.

At Well pad F2 with opened FCV (Flow Control Valve) around 15%. Total Mass flow rate is 97 kg/s.

General well testing tasks

- Completion test
Completion test is a testing which conducted after finish drilling of a new well while rig is still
there. Objective of completion test is to obtain baseline data of a new well and surrounding
formation. Completion test is conducted by utilize rig pump and perform downhole
measurement (logging) at each depth along the wellbore. By doing completion test we will know
how good the permeability around the wellbore and where the feedzone are distributed.
- Production test
Production test is a testing which conducted by flow the geothermal fluid from the reservoir to
the surface through the atmospheric separator. Objective of production is to know well
deliverability which describe flowing well head pressure, mass flow rate, flowing enthalpy, and
also to know the fluid chemistry. Production test is monitored 24 hours and duration of
production test can be vary from several weeks to several month.
- Parameter which monitored at well testing are:
 Well Head pressure
 Temperature Casing
 Chasing head flange
 Level brine in weirbox
 Mass flow rate
- Injection Management
Injection Management is activity to inject fluid into reservoir through injection well. At well pad
F2, brine injected to well pad E.

Equipment for well testing:

- Well head, consist of: Master Valve, 2 wing valve, crown valve, casing, flow T, and cellar.
- Tubing line
- FCV (Flow Control Valve)
- James tube
- AFT (Atmospheric Flash Tank)
- Weirbox
- Mud pond
Well Testing risk:

Some of major well testing risk:

- Poisoning by high concentration H2S gas

- Noise
- High pressure and high temperature

Fig. 7.1 Well testing equipment

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