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Antique is a province of the Philippines located in the region of Western Visayas.

province capital is San Jose de Buenavista, the most populous town in Antique. The province
is situated in the western section of Panay Island and borders Aklan, Capiz and Iloilo to the
east, while facing the Sulu Sea to the west.

General Information
Capital San Jose de Buenavista

Land Area 2,729.17 sq. km.

Population Unknown

Density 0/sq. km.

Divisions 18 municipalities

Governor Rhodora Cadiao

Vice Governor Edgar Denosta


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Antique - Where the Mountains Meet the Sea

Allow yourself some enchantment and adventure. Visit Antique, historic land of the Binirayan Festival, majestic
cascading waterfalls, white beaches, rich fishing grounds and white water kayaking.

Experience pure hospitality in Antique's pension houses, and Kayak Inn (Tibiao). Relish the simple joy of local h
an accommodation in the homestay. Where you stay, your meals can be arranged with your host in advance. Na
are bountiful so you can have a fill of vegetables, fruits and seafoods.

Activities are many and exciting. Go trekking, boating, swimming, shell hunting, snorkelling, scuba diving and f
and Sira-an hot Springs are "must-see." Or you may time your visit during the Binirayan festival (December 27-3
not only the festival itself but many other related events.

How To Get There

Antique is accessible from major cities of the country through Iloilo City from where buses leave for San Jose, t
town. Travel time is approximately 2 hours.

For more Information on Antique, write or call:

Department of Tourism Region VI
Bonifacio Drive, Iloilo City

Antique Tourism Office

Provincial Capitol, San jose, Antique

Tourist Information Center (Iloilo)

Tel.: (033)337-8874
Fax: (033)335-0245

DOT Information Center (Manila)

Tel.: (632)524-1703


Antique - Marble Central Of Panay

Brief Description

Antique is one of the provinces comprising the island of Panay in Western Visayas. It has a total land area of ap
sq. km. It is bounded on the north and northeast by Aklan, on the east by Capiz, and on the southwest by Iloilo
Cuyo East Pass of the Sulu Sea, part of the vast China Sea. Eighteen municipalities make up the province: fourt
three inland, and one on six islets. Coastal towns are Anini-y, Tobias Fornier, Hamtic, San Jose de Buenavista, B
Bugasong, Laua-an, Barbaza, Tibiao, Culasi, Sebaste, Pandan, and Libertad. The inland towns are Sibalom, San


Profiled like a seahorse, Antique is an oversized serrated hemline on the western border of the three-cornered
that is Panay. It lies between the China Sea to the west and a tall mountain range, 155 kilometers long and 33
widest, to the east, separating it from the rest of Panay.

Political Subdivision

The province is composed of 18 municipalities, 3 of which are inland, 14 coastal and 1 island municipality. Anti
a 2nd class province as of January, 2002.


Antique has a pleasant tropical climate.


Per 2000 NCSO Survey, population is placed at 472,822 of which 50.57% are males and 49.43% females.

Language / Dialect

Antiqueños speak Hiniray-a with Indo-Malayan origin. English is widely spoken and understood.

Major Industries

Major products shipped out of the province are palay, rice, copra, muscovado sugar, legumes, fruits and vegeta
and fish preparations, and seaweeds. Manufactured items like native gifts, toys, and housewares have found th
cities of the country and abroad. Principal mined products exported include coal, marble, silica, copper, and g


Antique passed through several historic periods namely. Pre-Spanish Period, Spanish Occupation, Philippine Rev
Government, American Occupation, Commonwealth (transition period), Japanese Occupation, and Philippine In

History reveals that in the early time, ten datus from Borneo with their families, followers and slaves landed in
called Sinogbuhan near the present site of the town of Miag-ao, Iloilo. The Borneans found the place inhabited
under the rule of Merikudo from whom the Borneans under Datu Sumakwel purchased the island for one gold sa
necklace. The island was later divided into three "sakops" namely. Hamtik, Aklan and Irong-Irong. In later times
Antique, Aklan became Capiz and Irong-lrong became lIoilo Hamtik was placed under the superior datu named S
found a place known as Malandog, the first Malay settlement in the Philippines.
The Pre-Spanish natives of Antique had tribal government ruled by chieftains. They traded with neighboring cou
and Malaya. They had their civilization blended with Negrito, Indonesian and Malay cultures enriched by cultur
India, China and Japan.

It is believed that the Spaniards found their way to Antique immediately after they established themselves in O
Antiqueños resisted the invasion but in the end accepted Spanish rule, Christianity, the Spanish Colonial System
time absorbed the social, cultural and educational system of the Spaniards. Antique then was created into a po
province in 1780 with the town of Hamtik as its first capital. In 1796, Antique, then known as Provincia de Buga
independent status as a province. Later, the provincial government was established in Bugasong but was transf
Buenavista where it has remained since then.

Later on, the Antiqueños became tired of Spanish rule. They joined other Filipinos in their determination to ha
independence which was established in Malolos, Bulacan on January 23, 1899 when Spanish rule in the Philippin
by the Americans. But this revolutionary government ended on April 19, 1901, with the capture of Gen. Emilio
taking oath of allegiance to the United States of America.

The Antiqueños enjoyed the noble policy of American occupation because self-government was given to them.
our history, our political leaders joined in the achievement of Philippine Independence as promised by the Jone
McDuffie Law was passed by the United States Congress which provided for a ten-year transition period under t
the Philippines. Hence, a constitutional convention was called to draft the constitution of the Philippines. Antiq
late Ramon Maza and the late Angel Salazar Sr. as their Con-con delegate in 1934. The Commonwealth lived un

Antique experienced many untold hardships during the Japanese Occupation. Many Antiqueños evacuated to th
joined the guerilla movement. The Japanese stayed nearly four years.

Out of the ashes of the Pacific War emerged the Republic of the Philippines. Manuel Roxas was the last Preside
Commonwealth and the first President of the Republic. Atty. Emigdio Nietes was Antique's first Congressman un
Antique was able to produce the most powerful congressman in the Philippines in the name of Tobias A. Fornie
position of the Chairman of House Committee on Appropriations.

From this time on, a lot of things occurred and changed in the province.


Stella V. Jardeleza Antique Provincial 09185587830 Tourism

Tourism Office

Edsil A. Villamar Anini-y 09168782604

Karen S. Genterola Tobias Fornier 09175018720

Josephine N. Hamtic 09179709581

Carla G. Marzona San Jose de 09169856213


Rodel Esler Sibalom 09399377502



Christine Charity San Remigio 09085663379


Teodora Q. Belison 09178111991


Marlyn C. Regacho Patnongon 09263251557

Marvin Rico Bugasong 09351515845

Noel Alamis Laua-an 09169054359

Roberto Jojo Dioso Valderrama 09279242984

Noreen C. Ramos Barbaza 09293739124


Junneth B. Dela Tibiao 09077630026


Johnjohn Culasi 09163245068

(036) 2778077
Nilo Paulino Sebaste


Vicente Venus Pandan 09184489348

Galahad G. Garcia Libertad 09297694753

Sherwin San Pedro Caluya 09156942110

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The Official Website of the Antique Provincial Government. Maintained and Operated by the Provincial Information

Antique Province Destinations | Tourist Attractions

Kawa Hot Bath in Tibiao Antique

Have fun and experience the Kawa Hot Bath in Tibiao. The “kawa” was previously used in the su
muscovado sugar.
Antique New Provincial Capitol
the best popular attraction of antiqueSan Jose de Buenavista 5700, Antique


After our visit to the Lumang Simbahan (Ruins of San Pedro Church) in San Jose de
Buenavista, Antique we went off for Iloilo using the coastal road. The next
destination to our mind was Miag-ao Church, but we were surprised when the driver
of our service vehicle pulled over when we pass by in Anini-y. Anini-y , a fourth
class municipality in the province of Antique, Philippines.
I was just wondering why he did it, but before I open my mouth to ask a question I
saw a coral wall resembling that of an old church…. and indeed it was.

The church was generally constructed of coral and stones . TheSt. John
Church was just a few meters away from the shoreline so most likely the corals were
just collected around the area.

According to history, St John Church began around 1845. Friar Jeronimo Vaquerín
was responsible for completing the present complex, the convent in 1879 and the
church, except for the arco toral, was almost completed when the Augustinian left in
1898. Friar Vaquenn was the parish priest from 1878 to 1898. St. John Church was
vacant during the Philippine Revolution (1898 – 1902). It was taken over by the
Aglipayans in 1902 until it was returned to the Catholic Church and the Mill Hill
Missionary Fathers in 1908.


Antique is a Province is Panay Island, which can reach by Land, Air and Sea Travel.
Nearest airports to consider are located in Iloilo, Boracay (Caticlan, Aklan) and
Kalibo, Aklan. Cebu Pacific, Air Asia, and Philippine Airlines have regular flights to
these destinations.

From Iloilo airport, you can take a van to Molo terminal. Buses and vans plying the
Iloilo-Caticlan, Iloilo-Culasi or Iloilo-Libertad route can take you directly to Antique.
From Caticlan, buses and vans plying the Iloilo via San Jose, Antique route is
available in Caticlan Terminal.

Binirayan Festival is a popular entity on the Philippines’ social calendar of events. The
annual festival is held every last week of April.

The festival is celebrated in Antique Province as a way to commemorate the arrival of the ten
bornean datus in Hamtic town way back in the mid-19th century Borneo region. The
fascinating thing about Binirayan is that contrary to popular belief, this event is held to honor
the Malay roots of locals in Antique.

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