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rtesian Products Ordered pairs are occasions when it is useful to associate to each member of a set A, a member of another at is, to pair elements in A with elements of B. For example, A might be the set of Ii players in a certain team while B is the set of 2-digit numbers, and the team manager to assign a number to each of the players. If in addition, we insist that when pairing this way that the first member be the player's name while the second member be his er, i. the order is important, then the pair is called an ordered pair. if is an clement of a set X, and y is an element of a set Y, then (x, ) is called an ordered and y are called the components of the ordered pair. x is called the first component, and y is ed the second component. . important to know that: a, b) = (c,d) > a = cand b = d. Hence, (2, 3) # G, 2). 4 (a,b) ext aory sb. \ + 6, then (a,b) # (b, a). @ EAN B then (a, a) is an ordered pair, although the two components are ps the set of all ordered pairs (a, 6) that can be formed with a € A = {2, 3, 5} and B= {1,3, 5}. 2, 1), (2, 3), 2, 5), B, D, G, 3), B, 5), D, B, 3), 6 Dt lution Activity 1. Give the set of all ordered pairs (x,y) that can be formed with x € M = {1, 2, 3} and y € N = {a, b,c}. 2. Find x and y if @ + 2,9 ~ 3) = ©: 32). \ Juct of two sets Cartesian pr ceuivity 1 r Definition 4.8, denoted by A x B, is the set of all ordered pai, ‘What can be co The Cartesian product of two sets 4 and B, de ee where a € A and b EB. eatases In symbols, Ax B = {(a, 6) | @€Aand b € B}: }. Give A x Band Bx A. .- : erent types of filling for many different typ. 1,2, 3} and B = (im, all the different san he bread set be B presented by an or¢ )) The different sandw |i 2 3 - [= [emp (m2) (3) [| oo | (n,2) 3) Ax B= {(1,m), (1, n), (2, m), 2,n), 3, m), 3,n)} and i eof cee Bx A= {(m, 1), (om, 2), (m, 3), (n, 1), (n, 2), (n, 3)} ee Properties of the Cartesian product of two sets letivity 2 * The Cartesian product of two sets is not commutative: AX B 4B X A BAx 2 =0x4=0 > BG) EAX Be xCAandyes 7 5 min BI EAX Boxe sory Es, *AXBCMX NAC MandBCN Sx GAXB=BXAA#DandB +9 AaB eCard (AX B) = (Card 4) x (Card B) where Card(X) denotes the number of elements in X. “what can be concluded from each of the followi a ey by Card (A X BY =7 d) @,b) EAX BandacA different types of bread: R rye bread and W = white breads wien pe ofa: A= oe teeny ‘set be B = {R, W} and the filling set be F = by an ordered pair (bread, filling). number of different types of sandwiches that can be made is given ade is i (Card F). Card B = 2, Card F = 3, then (Card B) X See poe are listed below. Filling Cheese | Beef Turkey | Rye Ro | RB | BT | ne different sandwiches that can be made } [_whice Wwe WB wT | airs representing the different types of sandwiches is: RC), &B) ®& DO, (WB), % D}- the set of ordered P: 1) Define the Cartesian product of two sets. = {2,b, ch. Find Ax B. by Given A = {1, ay and B 8) and (3, x) are equal. ©) Find x if the two ordered pairs G, 2. a) Give an example to show that the Cartesian product of two sets is not commutative. fact thar FAC Mand BCA, then b) Give an example to illustrate the AXBCMXN. POPPE aac prance er oft ond pas yb) WES mretimes denoted by Ae ve Canesian product of set. A with el Ee =e, Lee 4 ane Binary relation stroduction vnsicer the relation that associ the set of integers Z. A pair th aie with the first member in be ordered pair 2, IFA = {a,b}, find AX A (na), (1, 8). (HF Gen), 6.4), 6, BO he relation discussed above Ax Aad ={@@, @ efinition product of a set with itself s Dpinary relation from a se from the properties of the Cartesian product of two sets it follows Fee cacea «Gey EAx Ae xe A andy EA Let A be the set of capital °@y) MAXACMXN@ACMON. subset of AX B defined by land two ordered pairs « Card (A XA) = (Card A)” in x Q. yme, Italy) and (Paris, (Madrid, Belgium) are r Properties of Cartesian yeaxac xe aory ea Explain why Z* ¢ N X Qand give an ‘ordered pair in Z? that is not the sets of natural numbers, integers, and rational numbestcrivity 1 Leta = Here, N, Z, and Q are, respectively, above, Z? ¢ N x Q. Also, (-2, 5)E7 be the s Since NN Q = Nand Z ¢ N, by the third property while (~2, 5) ¢ NX Qas -2EN. visual aid in writing ‘related to it. The d example, if A= nd only if |a ~ bl Ifa set A has 12 elements, how many elements are there in A X A? Ahas 12 elements => Card(a) = elements. = Card(A) = 12 = Card(A X A) = 12? = 144. Therefore, A” has 144 Activity { IfA = {4,9} and B = (3,5, 7}, find 5 ae b) {9} XB Axo 1) A x {0} AXA ee. Introduction Seamer the relation Nore of iteaers Se Se niNwake mescsned mente —5), and (10, —10) are members of thi mbers of this relation while the pairs = and (@, 8) are not, as ~5 is not the opposite of 6 nor is 8 the opposite sae that associates with each memb¢ Jct of natural numbers N its oppost s h member in the set of nan Z. A pair that is related by the above relation can be = petted eT can be expressed as an ordered. wil The ordered pair (2, —2), G, SG, ‘he relation discussed above is an example of a binary relation. “Definition R of A XB. For an ordered pair (a, 6) which MR from a set A into a set Bis a subset ‘A binary relation a ® b (reads a is related to b), belongs 10 R, we write the Jurope and B the set of countries in Europe. Let R be Tet A be the set of capital cities al of”. Give two ordered pairs in R 4.x B defined by the binary relation “is the capit subset of / fad two ordered pairs that are not in R, (Rome, Italy) and (Paris, France) are elements in R while (Rome, Holland) and (Madrid, Belgium) are not in R- Activity 1 Let A = {Houston, Montreal, Guadalajara} and B = {Canada, U.S., Mexico}. Let H be the subset of A X B defined by the binary relation 1s 2 Oty in”. Give two ordered pairs in H and two ‘ordered pairs that are not in H. rrow diagram. 1o draw an arrow from a member of A, to each member of B that “visual aid in writing a relation is t related to it. The diagram thus obtained is called an arrow diagram. brexample, ifA = {1, 2, 3} and B= {1,2 3} and it is a relation from A into B defined Py R dif ad only if |a — 6] = 1 then the arrow diagram of the relation is: Figure 1.2.1 (a) An arrow diagram Re Bin aeac cig = (1, 3,5) is defined by “is less ung Binary relations on a set The relation the binary relat a) Represent b) Write, by roster, t 3 by an arrow diagram. ncact R that defines the relation fhen the initial set and the fina set of aA. eon Jefine on the set = (1, 1,2, fist the elements of R ZZ 1K 1,1R 1, -2R2,2R2, and =1E1, 9,0, 0, 62,2), 1 ind 80, R = {(2, 3), 2.5), Gs DH by & = {(x,9) | x is less than y} ai of A and Fis called the initial set: and B and G are called iy, In the above two examples each alternative for the arrow diagr row from a member x of A to a ound a. The diagram below ill Ne arrow diagram for the relat 2, 4, 6} is defined by “is the opposite op = {1, 3, 5}, into set B = ‘The relation 3 from set ° What is the set H defined by the relation 3? Since none of the elements in B is the opposite of any of the elements in A, then the set His, ‘empty set. Activity 2 a) Define a binary relation. b) A binary relation ® is defined by x I y <> (x A,y € B, xis less a @) A= {1, 5,9, 10}, B= (2, 6,8}. Sin i- Represent 2t by an arrow diagram. Define on the set of real r Give two ordered pairs t iit List, by roster, the set R that defines the relation 2. (0, —4) and (10, 16) are (2, =4) and (12, 16) a Bac on the set A= {—1, 1, 2, -2, 3} the relat the elements of R ion Roy. Ry o> y= [x 11,181, ~2R2, 282, and 3 R3, or, = 1-1, D. A.D, 2,2), 2 2), 3)} he fin, final ‘An alternative for the arrow diagram, in this case, is Ee ee ee around a. The diagram below illustrates the idea. See OE et TT aro diagram for the relation in the previous examples A s the Figure 1.2.2 (a) An alternative for the arrow diagram ye) Define on the set of real numbers the relation R by: x Ry = y = 2x ~ 4. Give two ordered pairs that are elements of R and two that are not. Pea (0, ~4) and (10, 16) are elements of R as —4 = 2(0) ~ 4 and 16 = 2(10) ~ 4. (1, ~4) and (12, 16) are not elements of R as ~4 # 2(1) ~ 4and 16 # 2(12) ~ 4. Peo ‘artesian Products and Bi 1. Abinary relation & is defined on a set A = ~2, 1, 2) by: aRy oe xEAVEAandx +y>0. 4) Represent R by an arrow diagram. 1) List & by roster. 2. Define on the set of natural numbers the relation $ by: x 5 y <> y — Give two ordered pairs that are elements of S and two that are nog. 1+ 3. List all the elements ofthe relation represented below by the arrow q, Shem efinition aus, if there exists an element in or example, the relation “is a an seause every integer is a multip ‘ote that any relation defined o ‘ement to test the hypotheses « i onsider the set A = (1, 0,. Ry = y = |x|. Is R reflexiv Zim Ris not reflexive as —1 is not ote that the arrow diagram ¢ very element in the set. For low is not reflexive as ¢ R ¢ Activity Determine | a) Sis the b) Kis the ©) Nis the value 4d) Zisth of” ax + 2, agram, Definition fan element in A that is not related to itself then R is not thus, if there exists ple of defined on the set of natural numbers, is reflexive ple, the relation “is a mul For exam ty integer is a multiple of itself reflaneey r y sti ally reflexive, the empty st cont TE ee Nore that any relation de dlement to test the hypoth ler the set A = {—1, 0, 1, 2, 3} and the relation R defined by: Consid |x|. Is R reflexive? xRy -1#|-11 ‘pis not reflexive as ~1 is not related to ound each and jagram shown 1m of a reflexive relation must contain a curved arrow a Note that the arrow diagra Riaiy element in the set. For example, the relation on {a, b, c} given by the arrow di below is not reflexive as ¢R ¢. ation Figure 1.3.1 A non reflexive rel Activity ther the given relation is reflexive or not. Justify Determine whet 4) Sis the relation defined on the set of all line segments as “has the same length as” b) Kis the relation defined on the set of real numbers as “is greater than”. ©) Nis the relation defined on the set of natural numbers as “is equal to the absolute value of”. 4d) Z is the relation defined on the set of integers as “is equal to the absolute value of”. PI Te cent PT enced Definition pear relation R on set is aid (0 PE symm ever (a netric ifand only if when new ang, ne set of real numbers 2 a 1S symmega, Myc eat = Randy qual to” defined oF A Of real numbers, is transitive since x then y RX i For example, the relation “is not ©4 + ytheny 4% sinary relation R on A is not transitive es a pair (%,9) A® such that x p Snag y and y R= but R val numbers, IS NOt symme the relation k ‘symmetric if there exis A binary relation R on A is NOt ere Ay egestas oo set of while 4 > 5 # not true fy bats 2M on she arrow diagram of a transitive re ating from b to c then there must itp. e) given by the arrow diagram ‘Show that the relation R, “is the reciprocal o! Reyer i is the reciprocal of y > * = 5, 97 xRy=X symmetric relation. Therefore, R is 45} Show that the relation R, “is a multiple symmetric. Eeyrenas 10 R5 as 10 is a multiple of 5 (10 = 2 * 5) while 5 & 10. Therefore, R is not a symmetric relation. tion, if there is an arrow pointing from a to b then ti ion on {a, b, c} given by the am Jation 4) The relation is not tr In the arrow diagram of a symmetric rela must be an arrow pointing from b to a. For example, the 5 diagram shown below is not symmetric as a Rc bute R 4 A Figure 13.2 (a) Asymmetric relation Beenie ele Figure 1.3.2 (b) A non-symmetric rel Activity ves ) The relation is trans yw that the relation, “i by Rea: ae a factor of”, defined on the set of natural numbes@) The relation is not 4) The relation is tra b) Show that the relation R define aRbandbRaan @aywle—5( = 24 ed, on the set of real numbers, by aRbifat! | aRband bRe at is a symmetric relation. ‘ bRaandaRba = m 10 Transitive binary relation nf SMG taste tise wacaave var ts Memes tre rina a tem el — Sarees ton" poi’ dua detach on he act of i ‘Y and y > z implies x > z, ae “Abinary relation R on A is not transitive if there exist eleme vents x, y, and = in A such that set of real numbers by @ R b ifand only if Eappandy R= but.x = The relation R defined ont app 2 is now transitive as 8 RG and 6 R 4 but 8k 4 Peg.) given by the arrow diagram shown below is transitive ; a mene ‘eae a> ae Tee I Ry Se Figure 13.3 (a) A transitive relation Th each case below decide whether the relation represented by the arrow diagram is transitive ‘or not. Wd butak a. a) The relation is not transitive as a R b and bRa ‘y,and z such that x Ry and y RZ ) The relation is transitive for lack of three elements x, sitive as bRa and aR b but bR b. 6) The relation is not trans d) The relation is transitive as aRbandbRaandaRa. aRbandbReandaRc bRaandaR band bRb. a cass Pe eet re iLL | 1, a) Write the definition ofa reflexive binary relation, b) Write the definition of a symmetric binary relation, ive binary relation, ©) Write the definition of a tra 2. Abinary relation is defined on the set A = {1, 3, 4, 5, 8} by: y € Aandx is an clement of a set X and y isan ek 2emn | 4) Represent & by arrow diagram. Zecond component £5 ) Is R reflexive? Why? cartesian product of wo st A a 6) Is R transitive? Why? eeae Aand bE B.WA= B= Sin a y duct of X with itself and i's the ser {Ais sometimes denoted by A? arrows needed to make each of the fol lowing yy subset R of A X B is called a bi iacy fongs t0 R, we say a is related to b addition to listing a relation by ros ae ~\ BRBBBIB that are rotned by a cera 3. Add the least number of relations symmetric. a) by ‘ow is drawn from a to b, the diagram to the right, m is rela related to 1 and to 3, and p is re ce m is not related t0 3, no arrow mm to3. 4. Add the least number of arrows needed to make each of relations transitive the folowing bi the above example, {m, n, p} is ¢ ‘tial set and {1, 2, 3} is called the PY ten the initial set and the final s¢ va a alternative for the arrow diagra to draw one Venn diagram for t row from a member x of A to a the event that @ Ra, a curved the diagram to the right, a R a) ‘operties of Binary Relations binary relation R defined on a Reflexive if every element of A Symmetric if (x, y) © A? and: Transitive if x, y, and z are € inary. ent and y is called ffx isan clement of a set X and y is an element of as ¥, then (x, ») is called an ordered pair 2 andy fhe cecond component. where 4 B dre called the components of the ordered pair. + is called she hing an product of two sets A and B, denotes nd B- denoted by A x B, is the set ofall ordered pals a,b) cartesian product of A and B is simply the Cartesian ‘The cart E Aand bE B.IA X with itself and it is the set of all ordered pairs (a, 6) where a © X and b © X. product of foc a is sometimes denoted by A. ‘Any subset R of A X B is called a binary relation from A into B. For an ordered pair (a, 6) which . For an ordered pair (a, b) whicl Palongs to K, we say a is related to b. frrow is drawn from a to b. Jn the diagram to the right, mz is related to 2, nis related to 1 and to 3, and p is related to 2. Since m is not related to 3, no arrow is drawn from m (0 3 In the above example, {m, n, p} is called the jnitial set and (1, 2, 3} is called the final set. ‘When the initial set an‘ ona ‘An alternative for the arrow diagram, in this case, is to draw one Venn diagram for the set A and an im a member x of A to a member y if x R y. arrow frot In the event that aR In the diagram to the Properties of Binary Relations A binary relation R defined on a set A is said to be ie if every element of A © Reflexi © Symmetric if (x, 9) € A? and xR) ind z are elements then y R x. © Transitive if x,y, @, a curved arrow is drawn around a. right, a Ra, dRd,cRe, bRa,andeRe. related to itself; ie. V x E A, x RX. sian Products and .d the final set of a relation R are the same set A, one says that R is a relation ‘Asuch that x Ry and y Rz then x Rz. ia) 3 Test Chapter Part I. Multiple Choice Circle the correct answer. 4 IFA = (1, 2,3} and R= KGa, 6), (b, @)) is a relation det 4a, b, €}. Which ordered pair, {0 H make 11 transitive 1 Find.y given that © — 1, 2y~3)—= 249) 41a (0,2), 1 DEO m4 6.0 i ©) and (©, a) ny=6 a) Symmetric and not reflexive (b, €) and (a,c) by 8 9 oy ay ) Only reflexive 1, 2, 3, 4} then 2.1fA = {1, 2,3} and & b) Symmetric and reflexive 5, The relation & is defined on 4 = ¢ (@.0. (©, 4), and (©, a) ©) Symmetric and transitive Aa, b,€,) and His a ree On A. Which of the folie for the number of elem 1 Hf @Rb = a + bis even. Pick the eds) Garda xB that Belongs to & oe mar a) (1, 2) 5 bs ») 4,3) 6 oa 9@» 09 Fick the relation, defined on d 2,3) ‘A= (2, 3, 4,10}, that has the arrow diagram, 3. Which of the ordered pairs below is in AX B given that A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {b}? 6 Ma = {1, 2, 3} and $= then S is (1, 4) - : reflexive Ue (6,1) UL symmetric Il. (6, 2) Ml- transitive Doak a) Only I b) Only 11 poor ee cae ©) Only and Ir 1, and mr d) 1, I, and 2 isa relation “is a factor of” “is a multiple of” has the same factors: ) Only 1 b) Only 1 ©) Only I and 11 ) 1, 11, and 1 RR {(a, 6). (, a) is a relation defined on {a. 6, ch. Which ordered pairs, when {ito H make H transitive? x) and (b, b) ‘oand (, a) ‘o)and (4, €) 0). © @), and (€, a) (a, b, c,d} and H is a reflexive relation ‘on A. Which of the following is not for the number of elements in H? pick the relation, defined on = (2, 3, 4, 10}, that has the following wv diagram. “is a factor of” ‘Ik ‘isa multiple of” ‘IIL “has the same factors as” @) I, 1, and 111 TP ny eR rele ideal 10. A = (1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6), what is Card(A)? a6 by 12 936 60 ‘Refer to the following to answer Baise ‘questions 11 ‘The relations R, S, and H defined on the set of natural numbers are given by: aRbeoa- b= aSbe |a-bl=1 aHb =a + bisodd 11. Which of the following is true? a)R=H byR=S OSCH HER 12. Which relation is symmetric? a) Only R b) Only S ©) Only # ) Only S and Relations Wed act ow your work: ural numbers defined by on the set of natant STE ‘symmetric, and transitive 1, Show Set ep einjaj< 28 1ST Teg aRbo aE Noe 2. Gren A = (1, 2,345, $F a) List the elements in AY R be th eRe aca bEAatb=iyy be the relation on A defined by (a, 0) € eal py Let R be the relati the elements in R, ifany aaa 12. «¢) Repeat part b) with # = 2,3 1L 5, Make three copies of the arrow diagram below In each case, add the minimum number of arrows needed to make the relation defined op, a) reflexive b) symmetric ©) transitive 4. Decide whether the set P = {(1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 5), (2, 6), @, 6)} is the Cartesian proty two sets. Ifso, give the two sets. If not, state why and give the ordered pairs that must be xi to P to become the Cartesian product of two sets A and B? In this case, give the sets A and | 5. IFA = {a, b, ch, R = {(a, a), (a, b), (a, ©), (b, b)}, and H is the smallest subset of A* conti a) Find H if His reflexive. J b) Find # if H is symmetric. ©) Find H if H is transitive. d) Find H if H is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. 1 ™ ois chapter, only the Cartestan product of the set of real set of real numbers with itself ts considered. So, ir means ano} ejered pa dered pair of real numbers. Relations on R? will be considered. represent F & graphically, ew number lines are used. One isd Bee Te center eonraes sed. One is drawn horizontally, the other s intersecting each other at the zero positions of bomh lines, Ihe hentoeneal Inne ve seat axis and the vertical line as the 9: cen Seay I line as the y-axis. A generic member of RX Ris denoted by To verticall a axis and se ras rgethe form the coordinate snes and the lan formed by ese 2655 ~plane| y The x felted the coordinate plane (also known as the 3 y Figure 2.1 (a) A coordinate plane point of the coordinate plane called the graph of corresponds to exactly one member of ondence between the coordinate Properties of the xy-plane Each member of R x R corresponds to exactly one the ordered pair, and each point in the coordinate plane s, there is a one-to-one corres R XR. In this respect, one pplane and RX R. Note the following: * The graph of (0, 0) is called the origin. * The graph of all ordered pairs of real numbers * The first member of the ordered pair is called the abscissa while the s is the entire coordinate plane. second member is the ordinate. refer to the horizontal axis as the taxis while the vertical one as the saxis. (t, s) or any In otber applications, one may other pair of letters may be used for a generic point. Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Variables fe by moving from the Origin « | Plotting points in the coordinate PINE / An ordered pair (a, 6) is graphed on the cod orizonually (v0 the right if > 0, 10 the lef Ia b> 0, downwards if) <0) lowed boy 6 units vertical 'Y Copwag, gine K whose Ordinate Is xer0 les on of point A, and the shoeeye gS em eate to indicate the > awersely; any point on the sas has ‘The abbreviation x, will be used ‘Gissa of Z£F0. dinate of point A. used to indicate the oF P whose # ‘a below and plot the point Give the coordinates of the poit aph is given bel plot the point whee Np on the same coordinate plane 3.4) ECA ; mm o reach P one must move, from the origin, a horizontal distance of 2 units to the right flo. by a vertical displacement of 3 units downwards. Thus, P is located at (2, ~3) or simply Pe four quadrants The graph of (—3, 4) is Q: € set of all points that corr irs whose 4irst and second coordina ap the first quadrant of th coordinate is positive ma quadrant of the plane. Airst and second coordi ap the third quadrant « First coordinate is pos Soordinate is negative quadrant of the plane 1e x- and y- axis belo origin @ unity aly (awards ,, point K WHOS ordinate zeF0 lies on the wants: Ley 0 KE xaxis point A whose abscissa is zero lies on the y-axis: ke. x, 0 ME praxis, reviaton yyy oper any PONE on the vans has an ord IBbetse of 2270 te of zero, and any point on the y-axis has an ph on the same coordinate plane A(1, ~3), B(- int whose 2, -2), CO, 2), DO, ~4), EG, 3), ght folloy ply P(2, ~3The four quadrants The set of all points that corresponds to ordered pairs whose » * First and second coordinates are positive makes {up the first quadrant of the plane, Second quadrant ew x<0,7>0 First quadrant @D * First coordinate is negative while the second x>0,y>0 coordinate is positive makes up the second quadrant of the plane. 3-4-3 -2-10 * First and second coordinates are negative makes yin quadrant" | Fourth quadrant up the third quadrant of the plane. om aN x<0,y<0 -3| x>0,y<0 * First coordinate is positive while the second coordinate is negative makes up the fourth quadrant of the plane. -5 Fig of x and y in the four quadrants The x- and y- axis belong to none of the quadrants, Figure 2.1 b) Signs of x and y in the four quadrants aT re mea chen eiecina ine eine...) | M2, 0) z tenn a cie Gitehar a relation isa rule that a Pet A is called the initial set whi tare assigned at least one ch ments of B that are = A= (1,2,3,4,5,6) ands fined by “is the (additive) oppc pmain and range of R mm ={@,-D. 2 -2,6,-9) ye range of Ris (-1,~2, ~3) crivity 1. Find the dom L=12,3).( H={Q,5), Q=1G,-2 fA = {1,2 than”. List addition to the arrow di ation by a two-column ‘ond is for the correspo R (or a subset of R), 0 rresponding to the ord a Jonsider the relation tepresent the relation ) atable 9) graph on the coc 20 Se se nal et whe the stn call the nl set, The eet he al st seas t in B form what is called the domain of the relation, : igned to members of form the range ofthe welalon Bae are 25s ‘elements of B th: 1,2, 3.4, 5, 6) and B = {0, 1, -1, 2 from 2 aie 1, 1, 2, ~2, 3, —3). Let R be a relation into d by is the (additive) opposite of list all the ordered pais tht aren Give the. and range of R. R = {(1, ~); 2, ~2), G, ~3)}. The domain of R is {1, 2, 3}. -3). The range of R is {—1, Activity 1. Find the domain and range of each of the relations. L = {@, 3), 4, 5), , 10} H={G, 5), G, 8), (, 4), 1, 0), A, =3)} Q = {G, -2), & —1), 4, -2), 4, — DP If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and His a relation defined on A as “is two units greater “than”. List by roster the set H. Give the domain and range of the relation. tion by roster, one can represent a Jn addition to the arrow diagram for a relation and listing a re s for the elements of the initial set, while the final set. In the event, when the relation is defined relation by a two-column (or two-row) table; on second is for the corresponding elements in the fan represent the relation graphically by plotting all the points on R (ora subset of R), one corresponding to the ordered pairs that are in the relation. Consider the relation: Q = {(0, 2), @, -), (-1, 5), C2, 9} Represent the relation by: a) atable b) a graph on the coordinate plane. tententy 1. Write the set of on a » 2. Consider the re 8) State the dor by Represent 7 ‘© Represent 7 6) Graph Tin 8 Defining functions unetion is a relation such th ter words, a relation is a fur the range. a) List all the ordered pairs in the relation ) State the domain and the range of the relation Domain 4) 5 = {@, ~4), (1, 3), (-1, 2), 4, -3)} sectices b) The domain of S is {2, 1, -1, 4}. The range of Sis {—4, 3, 2, —3} Figure a) b) 2. Consider the relation T'= {(2, 6), (-3, 0), “1, ), @, D}. a) State the domain and the range of T. b) Represent T by a table. ©) Represent T by a mapping diagram (arrow diagram) d) Graph T in the coordinate plane. ion! Defining fun at no two distinct ordered pairs have the same first component. In ‘ach element of the domain is related to exactly one element ‘A function is a relation such other words, a relation is a function if € of the range. Range Domain Domain Range — A function Not a function ‘a relation that is not a function Figure 223 (a) Examples of a function and o Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Serr eee fpieh of the relations, given below gray Which of the above relations isa function? r Docume no two ordered pairs have the same fist component. ee po ordered pairs have the same first component. he lferent ordered pairs (0,4) and (0, 10) have the same jy Ris a function $ isa function becau Tis not a function because 1 ‘component Consider the following mapping diagrams of the relations R,, R,, and Ry 4) List all the ordered pairs in R,, is not a function as the of abscissa and different ordin b) Which of the above relations are functions? His a function 28 n0 two. 2) R, = {2, 6), (0,5), “1, 0), (6, 5)}, Ry = 1G, 2), G, ~3), (1,12), 7, OF, and R, = {0, 2), B, -D), 1, 5), (-2, OF z « vertical line test 10 two ordered pairs have the same first Component pnyenient way to check v ire coordinate plane wit ation at more than one p a function because no two ordinates, and thus the rel b) The relation R, is a function bec: the relation X, is not a function because the ordered pairs (3, 2) and (3, ~3) are differen and have the same first component, and the relation R, pairs have the same first component. scedure is called the ver Note that an element in the range « d the relation is still coi ofa relation can be assigned to two different elements in ja dered to be a function. This explains why R, in Example? sider the relations R a =1), (-3,2), 6,4} function, ten a vertical line is sw 2, 5) and (~2, -2).T 1 the other hand, for tus, S is a function. ‘of the relations, given below graphically, is a function? byt 4) Ris not a function as the ordered pairs (2, ~4), (2, ~2), (2, 0), and (2, 2) all have : abscissa and different ordinate. ), 2, —2), (2,0), and (2, 2) all have the sam by His. function as no two ordered pairs with the same abscissa have a different ordinate ‘The vertical line test ‘A convenient way to check whether a relation, given graphically, is a function or not js to sweep the entire coordinate plane with a vertical line. If, at any instant, the vertical line meets the graph of the elation at more than one point, then those points must have the same abscissa and different -red ordinates, and thus the relation is not a function. Otherwise, the relation is a function. This is called the vertical line test M, procedur 2), (2-1), B, 4), (2, 5), (0, 3)} and S = {@, 0), 2, 3), ure 2.2.3(b). In the case of the relation R, it meets the graph of R at the two points Consider the relations R = {( (4, -1), (~3, 2), (5, 4)} whose graphs are given in fig when a vertical line is swept across the coordinate plane 2). Thus, R is not a function. (2, 5) and (— On the other hand, for the relation S, no vertical line ever meets the graph at more than one point. Thus, Sis a function. Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Variables Graph of s § | Higtatons discunsed so far have all been 5 [eek x — 9 = = +5, oF more simpiy, mae 40) FBbisieet of ordered pain in ee ein given that the domain of t ae cae fetermine the range R of the relaion, #16, 5)} i (2,1), 4, D, 4,3)? he relation assigns to: ilk 7 =-3,9 = 39 +2= 4942 2 = a 0 io 6 } a) List the domain and range of each relation. 5 25min 3 b) Which of the relations is not a function? Why? hhus, the set of ordered pairs in the 4,5), 02,2,-5) a) 0 3 : : a 8 3. Consider the following map, ‘orresponding element of the d ing diagrams of relations R,, R,, and R,. | (} (| C) a nS a) List all the ordered pairs that constitute each of the three relations. ) By studying the is a function, B(x) +2 = - 34x) +2 (x) +2 ory = 11: 11 = ~3(%) +2> Hence, D = {-1,1, 3, -3} mappings, or otherwise, determine whether or not the relati si The relat 1s discussed so far have al all been specified by roster, table, o¢ by a graph, {relation on R may be specit Jommin @) a number in the od by a rule Inge 0). G nerally, this rule is ; how to ass gn to a number in the an equation involving x and ample, if the relation R assig for exp tation R assigns to each real number its opposite incremented by 5 Bae: xy = —* + 5, or more simply, the rule isy = xe cc en wrod Give the set of ordered pairs in the relation defined by the rule y= —3* + 2 given th ge R of the relation, 7 Determine the The relation assigns to: 3 eee ees See a x=py 3) +2=-742=-5. ‘Thus, the set of ordered pairs in the relation is 1 7 £3.10), 5. 3), (0.2), G ~ 5)} and R= (11,3, 2, -5} ertical Eves Determine the domain D of the relation defined by the rule y = ~3x + 2, given that the range of the relation is R= {5, -1, ~7, 11} yon) Replace y in the expression y’ = ~3x + 2 with each element of the range and find the corresponding element of the domain, D. Fory = 5:5 = —3(x) +2 ~3v=3 x= 1 Fory’ = —-3@) t2— —3x= —3— x= 1 Fory = -7: 3(x) +2 => —3x = -9 = x= 3. Fory = 11: 11 = —3(x) +2 = -3v =9 > X= Hence, D = {-1, 1, 3, -3}. 4,-2,—1, 1,2) » 1 whose domain is D ii 75min a fierce 2 range of ©.8:e— |x|* fap the function b defined b Zz anes the relation given below in x ae 4 ‘i royaplace x in Ax + 3 with each ele by bx ‘each case below, write a rule that de ke sure the domain is explicitly specified. main to find the correspondin inge. Then graph the ordered 1), 6, ~2), G15, 5)} ordinate plane : by (GB, a) {(1, 4), 2, 8), 5. 20), 0, 0} {1,3 O Ds As 3). 2,5} ©) (2, 0), 0, 2), G5) sD? ) {(-2, 0), 0, 2). Bs 5) GD) M3) 32545 300) +3 3(-2) + 3=-643 943 The function notation A convenient way to express a function that is given write the rule and the name of the function in one sentenct as ‘for any number x in the domain of the function, fof x is x + 2 ‘assigns to each number in its domain the sum of that ence, b = {(-1, 9), (0,3), | by a rule such It simply means that fis a relation that © number of the domain, that number is substituted for x. If nes at fassigns is f (5) and is computed by substituiy number and 2 To find the effect of f on a spe‘ example, 5 is in the domain of f, the value th: value 5 for x in the rule that defines f- iven a function g defined Find g(0), g(-1), and g \ Find all values of x for +0 ie Given the function f:.x > 4x — 5, x € R, find: f(2), (0), and f(~5). ff) = 42) -5=8 i y= \-1\- SO) = 40) —5=0-5=-5 a ES : a) = |3|- oe K-35) -5 = 20-5 = -25 2 ) ig) = 0 |x| ii g(x) = 1 |x -4e iti- ga Hence, there i IGraph the Function b defined by aye below in POste. MMiaee x in 3x + 3 with cach demain fd th oso “15, 5)) Biiinstc pho clement of the ing cleme of the “d pairs (x, y) 3), (2, 5)} Be1 = 3-1) + 400) B-2) = 3(-2) +3 = -643-_ 30) +3 8 te D, and is re.fa(=3) = 3(-3) +3 = -9 +3 — nofthar lee» = £1, , ©, 3), (-2, -3),-3, 6) for x. If, fe sbstituting, ges function g defined by a(=) = |x] — 2 whose domain id a) Find (0), g(—1), and g(3) ) Find all values of x for which g(x) is equal to 0 i-g@ fi g(x) = 1 |x| —2= 14 |x] =14+2=3e%=30rx=-3 = 0 |x| -~2=0¢ |x] =04+2=24 x=2orx=-2 tiie g(x) = -4 > -2=-4¢ |x) =-442= Hence, there is no value for x such that g(x) Activity 2 1. Givenf:x > 3x + 1LxER. a) Find f (0) and f (1). b) Find the set of values of x for which f(x) = 3. ta 2. Graph each function in the domain D = {-2,~1, 0, 2}. \ a)f@)=—x+2 bygixe x tx-1 : i Rex: = equation, such ee Jind B are called the coefficients of x and y respective 1 two vari tee® = =| following is a linear equation in the ariables x andy nee, the ordered pair (2, ‘State whether or not each of the f a) 2-5 by 73 5 +39 d) Io -1=0 ermine whether the ordered p mm je Dpstituting 1 for x and 1 for yi ee 2(4 iy + 80) = —4 + 4 the coelficient of x is 2 (+ 0) Bee cane terefore, the ordered pair (L 0/is a linear equation in two variables because although the coefficient of y i alues © is a linear equation because it is of the form ax + by = ¢ where a = 7,) b) 7x + 9y and ¢ = — tivity 2 ©) 5 + 3y = Gx can be written as ~6x + 3y 3,ande= It is a linear equation because it is of the form ax + by = ¢ where a = ~6, b True or false? d) 10 0 is a linear equation because although the coefficient of x is zero, the coetic of y is 10 ( # 0). b) (7,7) is no ©) 6,0) is no @) G8) isn Activity 1 State whether or not each of the following is a linear equation in the two vari ¢ the coefficients of x and y and the constant term. b) 7x +9 = 13y d)-1+1=0 alues of and snd 9’ respectively. Fiehe set of permissible values of either (o ti a (©F both) of the variables is not specified | ified it is assumed to be nultan, Determine whether the ordered ’ sd pair (2, 3) is a solution a lution of the linear equation 2x ~ 3y Substituting 2 for x and 3 for y in the linear equation 2 F equation 2x — 3p 2@) - 30) = 4-9 = 545. Ty, Hence, the ordered pair 2, 3) fs not a solution of 2x ~ ay = 5 5 results in: [Determine whether the ordered pair (1, 1) is a solution of the linear equation ~4x + 8y = 4 substituting 1 for x and 1 fory zero, —4(1) + 8) = —4+ 8 = “The sets of permissible values of x and Jy are not specified. Thus, they are both equal to R. ‘Therefore, the ordered pair (1, 1) is a solution of —4x + 8y = 4 ¥ in the linear equation —4x + 8y results in: ery? ‘True or false? % a) (-1, ~3) is a solution of the linear equation ~2x ~ y ent b) (7, 7) is not a solution of the linear equation 3x — 5y = ~14. ©) ©, 0) is not a solution of the linear equation 4x — Ly = 9. a 4) ©, 8) is not a solution of the linear equation x7 3. es | Be Solving a linear equatio: set whose elements are all the so tion set of that linear equation Solve 3x —y = 1 fora € {~1, ~4, 0, 1, 2} andy € (~1, ~4, 14, 2, —5} Yn this po! 8, when asked to 3 Yota sol areas Substitute for x € nants he domain ofc io ie Ines erica ea chosen value of (say-x,) the corresponding value for (all it) i an element ote re then the ordered pair (x,,.,) isa solution of the equation Fors = -1:3(-1) -y=1—-3-yn1— -yaioy=—4, ~ % : ‘@ample 1 on the previous pa Since ~4 € {~1, —4, 14, 2, ~5} then (—1, ~4) is a solution of the linear equation, ceri Fors = ~4: 3(—4) y= 1 -12-y=12-y= 134 = -13, =A), @, =, (2) Since =13 € {—1, ~4, 14, 2,5) then (4, ~13) is nota solution of the linear equation 1=-y=1sy=-1 and graph the solution ~4, 14, 2, ~5} then (0, ~1) is a solution of the linear equation, ee 30) -y= 193 2eyn2 mm Since 2€ {—1, ~4, 14, 2, ~5} then (1, 2) is a solution of the linear equation. Fee 2. -2 += 9+ yen (—2, 3) isa Forx = 2:3(2)-y=1=6-y 5 yee 3€ Z then (-2, 3) Since 5 {—1, —4, 14, 2, 5} then (2, 5) is not a solution of the linear equation. For x = 0: 3(0) ~ Since -1 € {~ Forx 1 = =l=-y=-54y rx =0:0+4y Jin the given domains are: (—1,~4), (0,1), ang nce 2 € Z then (0, 2) is a Therefore, the only solutions to 3x — y nce 0 € Z then (4, 0) is: aerefore, the solution s ‘yen domains is: {(— 32 -1l+y=-35y=-2 he graph of the solutios Since —2 ¢ {1, 2, 3, 4} then ( Forx = 0: 2(0) +y ) is nota solution of the linear equation. Since ~3 € {1, 2, 3, 4} then (0, ~3) is not a solution of the I Forx = inear equation. z = 1 A 34g) t= or? Baby Since 4 ¢ {1, 2, 3, 4} then > -4) is not a solution of the linear equation. Activity 1.G1 Therefore, the linear equation has no solution in the given domains a 2.Gra Activity an¢ Solve each linear equation for x € {-1, 0, 3, 4} andy € {-1,0, Bio od a) 2x - Sy = -2 byxty=-1 Ox=y Ore er ME fhe ser whose elements are all the solutions Bi ect of that linear equation, : asked to solve a his pain on, We a linear equation, the angwe: must be presented in the A given linear equation in wo v ariables is called the Give for pe Tes at of the jug Tin example 1 on the previous page it was show ee oy and cs 2) ns ete tat the ony station owe gen equation are Ni, -9. ©. -». a, 2) solution set of the equation in the given domains is: 0, 4) and y EZ. olution Forx = -2:-2+ 3 =y +4 3-746 6+ 2y=6= $i e 2 chen (~2, 3) tsa solution of the nent Sqeaion, Forx=0:0 + 3y=y+4-3y=y +42 dary =2 0,1), and qy Since 2 € Z then (0, 2) is a solution of the linear equation, 4:4 + 3y y+O>2y then (4, 0) is a solution of the linear equation ‘Therefore, the solution set of the linear equation in the ———_ {(-2, 3), @, 2), 4, OF given domains ‘The graph of the solution set is shown to the right. Activity : 1. Graph the solution set of the linear equation 2x ~ 4 = 6 for = & {-2,-1,0,1) andy € Z. 2. Graph the solution set of the linear equation 3 dy = 5 forx € {-5,-1,0, 0) andy € R. 2 yx 2 Graphs of Linear Equations in Two rr each of x and y is ph the linear equation y Sy aee Unless otherwise specified, the domain f of the solution set of a linear eq In this section, the graph studied. It is a fact that the graph of all ordered pairs satisfying a straight line Instead of the more accurate phrase “The graph of all ordered pairs satisfying a lineae Y= —* The graph of a linear equation Ey 2m Yeot2—y~ will use the less formal phrase FED craphing tincar equations in two variables (a # 0. b # 0) straight line and since a straight line is compte, DIES One my —2), (0,2), Nd (-1, 4) a éon in two vari ‘utions of the equation Since the graph of a linear equation is determined by any two of its points then to graph a linear equi two ordered pairs (x,y) that satisfy the given relation. In order to do so, follow the following steps: Step 1: Pick any two convenient values for x Step 2: Substitute in the equation that defines the relation, Woe Step 3: Solve for the corresponding values of y ph the linear equation i aa nt that satisfies the relation and plot. If tis not on the line gy Gy =-12—y As a check, always find a thied po ‘one must check all the work done, as a mistake must have occurred. 6y =0=>y=0. tx = 1,67 -120) i= y=2 Graph the linear equation y ~ 2x = &y r 1, -2), ©,0), Forx = -1,y ~ 2(-1)=-1 y 4 jons of the equ —syt2=-loy 3. ie Forx =0,y ~ 20) =~1 5 —-y-O=-laoy 1 $ the example abi Forx = 1, y ~ 2(1) = -1 l=y ¢ graph of a lis origin, O (0. =—y-2= are solutions of 1 three ordered pairs 1, ~3), (0, ~1), and (1, 1) the equation are: ( #4 => 2.9 +22) y= -t+2=9- ) in WO Vatriay bi Fors ineat CN Ation. Rog x = 0. + 2(0) = Forx = —1.y + 2(-1 ya 2ti—my=a, mpletely | Mone muse g| 2 =2),(0,2)- ad (2.4) are three Solutions of the equation, = 6y = -12 > y = -2. 0, 6 12) = 0 0. (-1, —2), (0, 0), and (1, 2) are three solutjons of the equation. In the example above, the graph passes through the origin. This is true of any linear equation in which c = 0. x The graph of a linear equation of the form ax + by the origin, O (0, 0). 0 (ie. c = 0) is a straight line passing through Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Variables a linear equation In EO Variables the an here ave ine anersects he xn AM here the line intersects the x-axis (i ere the ee that are parallel 1 ee “ph the linear equation af course that these two points do exist (i Tines that parallel to the »-2xis) (0 ts called the <4nterce oo othe x-axis ( = 0) 15 € : athe abscissa of the point where a line cuts the pin where oe cuts the y-axis (¥ = 0) is called the J-intercep The ordinate of the point w' —.... , (0 2y = 0 ~2y 10) 1 A solution of the * /© wimercept ce y = 0 correspond ~ (ors {value for x other th Xe responding value of px = 4, 54) ~4y 20 = 4y =O x ye 34,5) J ntercept ee Figure 242 (a) Aline and its intercepts = 6 by finding its intercepts. Graph the linear equation 3x ~ 2 For x = 0, 3(0) ~27 = 6 = 0-2y=6>-2y= 6 = y = 3. (0, ~3) isa solution of the equation. ear equati For y = 0, 3x ~2(0) = 6 => By —0=6=>3x=6 = x = 2. (2, 0) is a solution of the equation. pointisa ts belon; <<0,t a c => 0, a c=0. intercept (c = 0) then other values of x of) In the event the x-intercept coincides with the j be considered, as the next example illustrates i e vets the j~azds (ie thy re parallel (0 the «4 xi ¢.wintercept re )vintercept ees: O— 2y = 0 —2y = 0 y (©, 0) isa solution of the equation [Binee y - 0 corresponds tox = Be Tes te ne ‘corresponding value of y oe I frorx = 4, -5(4) ~4y =0 20 - 4 = 0 -4y~ 20 = y = -5 = 4, -5) isa solution of the equation, Activity Graph each of the followit ing linear ; _pinkercepts to consinse ea Faons: Whererer possible se the x and —— (OH — ay =6 ose ty=0 ©) 3x + 4y=1tx 4 linear equation of the form ax = c (a + 0) is satisfied only ifx = © and places no restrictions on. a ) where y € R. These p. A point is a solutions to this equation if and only if it has the form le a c points belong to a vertical line that cuts the axis (x-intercept) at x = 7 a ae 756 , a < 0, then the line is to the left of the y-axis . ug > 0, then the line is to the right of the * Ifc = 0, then the line is the y-axis itself. a= Fae or y mus mids Panne nD a ea Graph the linear equation 2x = 6 \ aan Tz __ Nip the linear equation 5, Method 1 Here 2x = 6 or x = 3 no matter what value y may take. ity 3 and ify = 2, x = 3. The two points satisfying the equation are (3, 0) and (3, 2). Method 2 2x = 6 is of the form ax = c and thus its graph is a vertical line cutting the atx = 3. Saas =x = 4 is of the form ax = c and thus its graph is 4 vertical line cutting the x-axis at x = —4, A point is a solu se points belon > that, <0, then the | b & <> 0, then th 7 yen. the c= 0, then the fpf the form ax = cand thus 1 Hs raph line cutting the sasie atx = 0 Ghe Activity ———_ c (b #0) is satisfied only if» jand places no restrictions \ linear equation of the form by = 33a bn x. A point is a solution t =) where x € R 0 this equation if and only if it has the form, 6 al line that cuts the y-axis (j-intercept) at y = These points belong to a horizont Note that, : c < 0, then the line is below the x-axis a » uf >0, then the line is above the x-axis: # If¢ = 0, then the line is the x-axis itself, a ue NSD cae elt ea ph the linear equation 3y the linear equation 7y = Method 1 y= 5 no matter what value x may take 2,9 = 5.50 the two points satisfying the equation = ate Here 3y = 15 oF. 0,9 = Sand ifx 9,6 @ is of the form by = c and thus W ‘exax). So, ix = 25 Method 2 3h = 151s ofthe form by = cand thus its graph is a horizontal line cutting the yay, Sy y » x ‘ tivity 1. Graph each © ayes o2x+4= Graph the linear equation —) 2. Find the vs yd is of the form by = c and thus its graph is a horizontal line cutting the y-axis at y 25min of ). “Activity ” | 1. Graph each of the following linear equations. digest att by 16y — ©) 2x+4=0 4) 15y=0 Simin ay= 2. Find the value of ¢ if A(2, 6) lies on line 2x + ty = 8. Variables reer ET aa syday terms that have a special nderstanding their use fand the word stcepnes n mathematics. As an example, cy ‘There are many ever Tet us consider the following fg, tise of such terms helps in un word “steepness”. To under Her ofthe poins an be conta ices {ator ¥) aNd NOX 9) 3 a7] iN eal change © E 11 itzontal change = x, 2 F | eee H ma oy [Bilder the line whose equation ts —2 1 Pthcm in pairs to find the slope th | eS b vp. Buta Une a OLD area must A person is at either position A or position D and moving to the right doen climb is definitely steeper than that of position D. ing Mf and N the slope is; 2s and C7 In both cases, a person moving to the right would drop. At p, SR ion B. ing Mand P the slope is: 2) ae pends on the vertical change and the horizontal change. ing Wand P the slope i yy, %-3 What about positions B the drop is much steeper than at pos tn all cases, the steepness de} slope of a straight line is inde Definition of a slope of a line also have steepness. Clearly, the steepness o} a straight line has the same steepnsivity’ 1 fa line is constant and is called a) Find the slope s on a coordinate plane ~ what point on the line is considered. the line. b) Find the slop ats on the line and divide the difference i «) Find the stop as (horizontal change) mute the slope of a line choose any two pe (vertical change) by the difference in their absciss zontal lines s0, the order of the points must be respected; ie. ifthe two points are Aand Bani between the ordinates is 7, — J), then the difference between the abscissas ro ad the slope of the line ) Vertical change _ 4, ~, Piston | Xe % Horizontal change ace the line has an eqt Slope of a non-vertical line = points on a non-vertical line are labeled as (x,,.',) and (x, 7,), the slope formula bee! ee ry point belonging to Slope of a non-vertical line = 22—2» (@, -2) and NG, ~2) St ei 5 “= ei ea slope of the line a Passing throw wa wh the points 410, 2) and NG ay lf the points can be considered 1 MOx,.,) ANd NEw, y,) . change = 9 ~ r der the line whose equation is — them in palrs to find he slope sana gaze 2 Fit three points that belong wo the lne and ‘M(O, 2), N-1, 0), and PQ, 4) are x (1, 4) are all points on the line Using M and N the slope is. Xt Posi Using M and P the slope is Using N and P the slope is: The slope of a straight line is independent of which two points on the line are used to evaluate it ness, Activity 1 ol the a) Find the slope of the line passing through the points G2, ~3) and H(12, ~33) ) Find the slope of the line whose equation is 3x — Sy = 20. in th ©) Find the slope of the line whose equation is y = 10x + 21 Horizontal lines | the; -2 using two of its points. Find the slope of the line y Solution —2, then it is a horizontal line parallel to the x-axis. my = ; € R. Take two points on this line ne Since the line has an equation of the fo .e form (x, ~2) where x Any point belonging to this line is of th M(0, ~2) and NG, ~2) =, = cis horizontal and its slope is 2€70- Aline whose equation is of the form by pena Ta cca inn amr ee 2) Find the slope ofthe line ~ 4y = 20 by using the pons Ge, ) Find the slope of the line whose equation is 5y = 10, “ay © Find the slope of the line whose equation is x — ay = 5, Vertical lines teh PE,.¥,) With a slope of £ Mya rants, aot Since the line has an equation of the form x = 5, , then it is a vertical line point belonging to this line is of the form 6.9) where 9’ B. Take to points om tig oS Te #YETUA change a and £6, ~1). ‘alto 1. 2-¥, 9= 14 rrefore,y, = 5 44-4 =a 55 70 Since dividing by zero is not defined, the slope of the line is undefined. he passes through 7(1, — ¢ is vertical and its slope is undefined, Zam 80, a vertical cha A line whose ‘equation is of the form ax = yrrespondi Activity 3 and the corresponding 2, mn equal to 1, ©) What is the slope of the line y = 32 ) What is the slope of the line = 5? 2, Find the slope of the line whose equation is a)x=12 b) -3x = -9 9) -5y 3. Find the slope of the straight line Passing through 4) M(5, 4) and P(-1, 4) d) ae + b) (-5, 0) and y(—s, 2). ctivity What can be deduced about each of these lines? 1. Grap rough PG,,,) With a slope of © then F then anothe Bip, 7, -r ands, — x, = reves ee, me can be obtained as (x,y) such bien sme =2 2, i 7, 80, a vertical change can be taken as 2 and the corresponding horizontal change is then equal to 1 Therefore, y, = -3 — 2= -5 and x, = 1 + 1 = 2 and the pointis (2, —5) 7) with a slope equal to — 3. Activity E 1. Graph the line that passes through the point R(—6, 2. Determine the value of t so that the slope of the line through each pair of points has the given value. 2 by Gt, 5) and (-9, 5); slope = | a) (6, 3) and (~4, 0; slope triangle are A(-3, 2) B-1, of the triangle. | -2), and €(, 0). Determine the 3, The vertices of a slope of each side repr Toc Cal

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