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, L'
Classification Of Cotton
- Color

Staple length**

Micronaire fineness***
e %e,y%,.
Wharactkr, a descriptive term or value indicating fineness and other
qualities; was used as part of classification for many years.
**Official standards available
***Premium and discounts are used


2-2 Natural Fibers And Their Propen”

a 87 to 90 percent cellulose
5 to 8 percent water
Remainder is natural impurities
l J 9
6/.. dL"
Phvsical ProDerties / 2')
Microscopic Appearance C',SL

Cross Section

Longitudinal View
150 t 400 twists or convolutions per inch
- Ut3 to 2U2 inches
- Longer fibers are Egyptian and Sea Island, hdl
-Most American cottons range from 3/4to 1-3/8inches
-- . - White, cream colored, gray, brown
-Very little unless mercerized
Natural Fibers And Their Properties 2-3
iI - Mercerized cotton is stronger
- 10 - 20% stronger when wet

- Natural twist increases elasticity
- Elastic recovery 70 t o 74 at 2%
- Elongation 3 to 7 percent

Lq *

Moisture Absorption
- 7 - 10%
- Scorches and turns brown at 4 7 M F
- Disintegrates above this temperature
- Withstands hot water up to 212' F
- Dried at 160 to 200' F
Specific Gravity
- 1.5 (dense)

Chemical Properties
Easily damaged by strong acids

- High resistance to alkalies

Loses strength under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays

of sunlight

2-4 Natural Fibers And Thelr PropeW

(A Protein Animal Fiber)

Largely Protein

PhvsicaZ Prozwrties
Microscopic Appearance
- Layer of scales on outer surface
- Layer under scales are soft and spongy which absorbs water
and dyes

- -
- 1 20 inches, most being 1 8 inches
- 1 3 inch fibers in woolen yams
- 4 - 8 inch fibers in worsted yarns
- Varying degrees of whiteness
- Some gray, brown, and black wool
-Poorer grades of wool have higher luster
-- . - Much less than cotton
- Loses 10 20% of its strength when wet

Natural Fibers And lhelr Properties 2-5

- Very elastic
- Can be stretched 30% without weakening

- Springs back if creased or crushed

Moisture Absorption
- 16%at 65% relative humidity and 70' F

- Boiling water breaks down wool if boiled for a long time
- Luster and strength is reduced

- Loses moisture when heated in dry air at 212 to 230' F for over a
period of time becoming harsh with loss of strength
- In moist air at 212' F, wool becomes plastic

- Burns slowly and is self-extinguishing

Electrical Conductivity
- Poor conductor

Specific Gravity
- 1.34 (comparatively light)

2-6 Natural Ab- And Their Properties


Chemical ProDerties
Not easily damaged by acids

Very easily attacked by alkalies

Sunlight breaks down and weakens wool

Natural Rben And lhelr Properties 2-7

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