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Mass media denotes a section of the media specifically designed to reach a large audience.

The term was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-
circulation newspapers and magazines.

"Media" refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and the
newspaper are different types of media. The term can also be used as a collective noun for the
press or news reporting agencies. In the computer world, "media" is also used as a collective
noun, but refers to different types of data storage options. 

Communication is a process of transferring information from one entity to another. Communication

processes are sign-mediated interactions between at least two agents which share a repertoire of signs
and semiotic rules. Communication is commonly defined as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts,
opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs"[by whom?].

Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and

imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and gives
the sender a feedback. All forms of communication require a sender, a message, and an intended
recipient, however the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the
time of communication in order for the act of communication to occur. Communication requires that all
parties have an area of communicative commonality. There are auditory means, such as speech, song,
and tone of voice, and there are nonverbal means, such as body language, sign
language, paralanguage, touch, eye contact, through media, i.e., pictures, graphics and sound,
and writing.
user-generated content: report abuse

What are the different types of media?

In: News Television, Newspapers and Magazines, Journalism [Edit categories]


Media available:
1. Newspapers
2. Magazines
3. Yellow pages
4. Radio
5. Television

Explaination of the different types of media with the advantages and disadvantages:

Newspapers are one of the traditional mediums used by businesses, both big and small alike, to
advertise their businesses.

Advantages Disadvantages

· Ad space can be expensive 

· Allows you to reach a huge number of
· Your ad has to compete against the clutter of other
people in a given geographic area 
advertisers, including the giants ads run by supermarkets and
· You have the flexibility in deciding the
department stores as well as the ads of your competitors 
ad size and placement within the
· Poor photo reproduction limits creativity 
· Newspapers are a price-oriented medium; most ads are for
· Your ad can be as large as necessary to
communicate as much of a story as you
· Expect your ad to have a short shelf life, as newspapers are
care to tell 
usually read once and then discarded. 
· Exposure to your ad is not limited;
· You may be paying to send your message to a lot of people
readers can go back to your message
who will probably never be in the market to buy from you. 
again and again if so desired. 
· Newspapers are a highly visible medium, so your competitors
· Free help in creating and producing ad
can quickly react to your prices 
copy is usually available 
· With the increasing popularity of the Internet, newspapers
· Quick turn-around helps your ad reflect
face declining readership and market penetration. A growing
the changing market conditions. The ad
number of readers now skip the print version of the
you decide to run today can be in your
newspaper (and hence the print ads) and instead read the
customers' hands in one to two days.
online version of the publication.


Magazines are a more focused, albeit more expensive, alternative to newspaper advertising. This
medium allows you to reach highly targeted audiences.

Advantages Disadvantages
· Long lead times mean that you
· Allows for better targeting of audience, as you can choose magazine
have to make plans weeks or
publications that cater to your specific audience or whose editorial
months in advance 
content specializes in topics of interest to your audience. 
· The slower lead time heightens
· High reader involvement means that more attention will be paid to
the risk of your ad getting
your advertisement 
overtaken by events 
· Better quality paper permits better color reproduction and full-color
· There is limited flexibility in terms
of ad placement and format. 
· The smaller page (generally 8 ½ by 11 inches) permits even small
· Space and ad layout costs are
ads to stand out

Yellow Pages:

There are several forms of Yellow Pages that you can use to promote and advertise your business. Aside
from the traditional Yellow Pages supplied by phone companies, you can also check out specialized
directories targeted to specific markets (e.g. Hispanic Yellow Pages, Blacks, etc.); interactive or consumer
search databases; Audiotex or talking yellow pages; Internet directories containing national, local and
regional listings; and other services classified as Yellow Pages.

Advantages Disadvantages

· Wide availability, as mostly everyone uses

the Yellow Pages  · Pages can look cluttered, and your ad can easily get lost
· Non-intrusive  in the clutter 
· Action-oriented, as the audience is actually · Your ad is placed together with all your competitors 
looking for the ads  · Limited creativity in the ads, given the need to follow a
· Ads are reasonably inexpensive  pre-determined format 
· Responses are easily tracked and measured  · Ads slow to reflect market changes
· Frequency


Offers a wide range of publicity possibilities. It is a mobile medium suited to a mobile people. It reaches
the bedroom and breakfast table in the morning and rides to and from work in the car, lulls us to sleep at
night and goes along to the beach, to the woods and on fishing trips, a flexibility no other medium can

Advantages Disadvantages

· Radio is a universal medium enjoyed by people

· Because radio listeners are spread over many
at one time or another during the day, at home,
stations, you may have to advertise simultaneously on
at work, and even in the car. 
several stations to reach your target audience 
· The vast array of radio program formats offers
· Listeners cannot go back to your ads to go over
to efficiently target your advertising dollars to
important points 
narrowly defined segments of consumers most
· Ads are an interruption in the entertainment.
likely to respond to your offer. 
Because of this, a radio ad may require multiple
· Gives your business personality through the
exposure to break through the listener's "tune-out"
creation of campaigns using sounds and voices 
factor and ensure message retention 
· Free creative help is often available 
· Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are
· Rates can generally be negotiated 
doing something else while listening, which means
· During the past ten years, radio rates have seen
that your ad has to work hard to get their attention.
less inflation than those for other media


A medium that permits the use of the printed world, spoken word, pictures in motion, color, music,
animation and sound effects all blend into one message, possesses immeasurable potency. Television
has become a dominant force, the primary source of news and entertainment and a powerful soapbox
from which citizens protests can be communicated to the nation and the world. This medium has greatly
altered national election campaigns and has diminished the role of the political parties. Events made
large by TV shape public opinion worldwide.

Advantages Disadvantages

· Television permits you to reach large numbers of · Message is temporary, and may require multiple
people on a national or regional level in a short exposure for the ad to rise above the clutter 
period of time  · Ads on network affiliates are concentrated in local
news broadcasts and station breaks 
· Independent stations and cable offer new · Preferred ad times are often sold out far in advance 
opportunities to pinpoint local audiences  · Limited length of exposure, as most ads are only
· Television being an image-building and visual thirty seconds long or less, which limits the amount of
medium, it offers the ability to convey your information you can communicate 
message with sight, sound and motion · Relatively expensive in terms of creative, production
and airtime costs

Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the


Definition of Media:
"Media" refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and the newspaper are
different types of media. Mass media denotes a section of the media specifically designed to reach a
large audience. The term was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-
circulation newspapers and magazines. Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a
package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then
decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback. All forms of communication require a sender, a
message, and an intended recipient, however the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's
intent to communicate at the time of communication in order for the act of communication to occur.
Communication requires that all parties have an area of communicative commonality.

Types of Media:

There are three(3) types of media

Print Media: The print media includes newspapers, magazines, brochures, newsletters, books and even
leaflets and pamphlets. Visual media like photography can also be mentioned under this sub-head, since
photography is an important mass media, which communicates via visual representations. Although, it is
said that the electronic or new media have replaced the print media, there exists a majority of audiences
who prefer the print media for various communication purposes. Public speaking and event organizing can
also be considered as a form of mass media. 

Electronic Media: For many people, it is impossible to imagine a life without their television sets, be it the
daily news dose or even the soap operas.This mass media includes television and radio. This category also
includes electronic media like movies, CDs and DVDs. 

New-age Media: With the advent of new technologies like Internet, we are now enjoying the benefits of
high technology mass media, which is not only faster than the old-school mass media, but also has a
widespread range. Mobile phones, computers and Internet are often referred to as the new-age media.
Internet has opened up several new opportunities for mass communication which include email,
websites, blogging, Internet tv and many other mass media which are booming today.

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