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IN THIS ISSUES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What is ‘Baby What is ‘Baby Dumping’?

Dumping’? Baby dumping is the practice of
. dumping offspring outside of legal
adoption. The dumped child is
Causes called a foundling or throws away.
Baby dumping can also refer to
. discarding or leaving a child
Effects younger than 12 months alone for
an extended period of time, in a
. public or private setting with the
intend to dispose the child.
 Teenage Pregnancy
Helps Provided
 Family break-up
 Peer Influences
 Lacking of sex education
 Parent abandoning responsibilities
 Poverty
 Pornography
 67 case in 2005
 83 cases in 2006 Effects
 76 cases in 2007
 102 cases in 2008 On individual:
 79 cases in 2009
 65 cases in 2010 The women involved in baby dumping usually give birth without proper
medical procedures. They take high risks of facing infection and
bleeding in the uterus and even death.

On society:

Child dumping has shown bad attitudes of irresponsible individuals

towards problem solving. They unwilling to face what they dealing with
and solve the problem by throwing the babies after born. For your
information, some irresponsible individuals will choose to have illegal
abortion in order to prevent from giving birth. At the same time, the
abortion will keep mimicked by the others. At the end, it will also get the
negative views from society.
Preventation Helps Provided
“As prevention, government had drawn up OrphanCARE
a reproductive health module for youngster.”
said the Family and Community It aims to give every orphan and
Development Minister Datuk Heng Seai Kie. abandoned baby a chance to feel love
The module which is being worked on with and care in the security of a family in
the Education Ministry was targeted on accordance to our tagline “Every child
“high-risk groups” which are the Form Three needs a family”.
to Form Six students. “They are the ones Safe Haven
who are socially active,” she said. “The
module was drawn up following a pilot Safe Haven allows parents to drop off a
project carried out in five urban schools by newborn at any hospital in Pennsylvania
the National Population and Family with no questions.
Development Board.” She added. Childcare
Rumah Harapan Al-Khaadem
workers like Michelle Wong, project director
for Child line Malaysia, and P.H. Wong, A centre that provides protection,
vice-president of the Association of assistance and education to orphans,
Registered Childcare Providers Malaysia, abandoned children and those from
agreed with the need to have better broken families.
reproductive health education for
youngsters. Most teenagers are unaware of Shelter Home for Children
where babies come from and there are lots
Provides residential homes for children
of misconceptions on how one avoids
and teenagers who have been
getting pregnant, said Michelle who has
abandoned, neglected, orphaned or
observed that youngsters who do not have
access to prevention such as condoms “end
up wrapping cling film around their penises Rumah Hope
because it is easier to buy them.”
A home and shelter for neglected and
Besides, a well family planning is also abused children between four and 17
prevention in this case. This is because, a years old.
family plan allows parents to plan on the
number of babies they were to have Stepping Stones Living Centre
according to their financial abilities and A residential centre with basic facilities to
other factors which are in consideration shelter underprivileged children and
before having a baby. This would most families in distress.
probably help in prevention on the baby
dumping cases Established 'safe houses'

Individuals experiencing unwanted Public centers such as fire stations, police

pregnancies must receive support and stations, and other public areas where
services. Communities should provide women can bring unwanted children
supports and services needed by individuals rather than leave them in trash
experiencing unwanted pregnancies. These receptacles.
services must also be publicized. This was
to carry out so that the women in need can
have a shoulder to lend on and preventing
them from dumping the baby.

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