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Nama :
1. Yovan Dwi Andhika Putra (113170133)
2. Frederic Erwas Sinaga (115170058)
3. Bobby Redja (111170135)
4. Mazda Aina (11117027)

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran”

 Geology is an observational science that deals with the natural forces which are acting
today and have acted in the past on and within the earth. The geologist emplovs the
scientific method and is guided by the doctrine of uniformitarianism to relate cause and
effect relationships with reference to earth history. Given the effect, which he can
observe directly, the geologists strives to determine the cause and place it in a time

ZUMBERGE, JAMES H. , 1958, Element of Geology (Second Edition), John Wiley and Sons,
Inc. , 342

 Geology is the study of the earth and its history (the word means “earth discourse” ).
Bates. Robert L., Sweet. Walter C., Utgard. Russell O., 1966, Geology An Introduction, Heath
and Company, 541

 Geology is like other sciences in that it involves the use of observations, experiments,
and hypotheses to obtain a better understanding of natural phenomena. Geology differs
from other sciences in that understanding what we observe depends to a great degree on
discovering how things change through time. The earth is dynamic body that is
continually evolving. Evidence of this change is found everywhere around us. The shape
of the land surface is changing; volcanoes and earthquakes are evidence of internal
changes, as is the changing magnetic field; even the continents and ocean basins are
shifting potition.

SPENCER. EDGAR W., 1983, Physicial Geology, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,

 Geology is the science which investigates the successive changes that have taken
place in the organic and inorganic kingdoms of nature; it enquires into the cause of these
changes, and the influence which they have exerted in modifying the surface and external
structure of our planet.

Lyell. Charles, 2009, Principles of Geology, Cambridge University Press, 511

 Geology is the science of the earth, an organized body of knowledge about the globe
on which we live-about the mountains, plains and ocean deeps, about the history of life
from slime-bron amoeba to man, and about the succession of physical event that
accompanied this orderly development of life.

L. Donald Leet and Sheldon Judson, 1954, Physical Geology Third Editon, Prentice-Hall. Inc,

 Geology is study of the earth. Because the earth provides the basic physical
environment in which we live, all of geology might in one sense be regarded as
environment geology.

Carla W., 2003, Enviromental Geology Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 550

 Geology is a unique science in many respects. It is set apart from all other science in
that it is concerned with absolute time. Based mainly on observation, it seeks to
determine the history of the erath by explaining these observations logically, using other
science such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

Foster, Robert J. 1971, Geology Merr’ll Physical Science Series, PT. Caltek Pacific Indonesia

, Inc., 138.

 Geology is the science of the earth, and its materials are the atmosphere, the
hydrosphere ( oceans, lakes, rivers, and underground water), and the lithosphere ( rock
and soils ). Geology is chapter wil therefore deal with the basic properties of these three
states of matter, gases, liquids, and solids, as a prelude, first, to the study of minerals and
rock and second, to the physical and chemical processes which are active on the earth’s
surface and which shape its landforms.

Eardley A.J. 1965, General College Geology, College of Mines and Mineral Industries, Inc., 500
 Geology the science of the earth, is comparatively young, but despite its youth it
already has done much to stimulate the thinking of mankind. Geology is a very broad
science and therefore has a number of subdivisions, each of which emphasizes certain
phase of the subject “Branches of Geology”

Eardley A.J. 1955, Geology Principles and Processes, McGraw-Hill Book Company , Inc., 638

 Geology the science of the earth, it is based primarily on the study of rock exposed at
the earth’s surface and is therefore an outdoor science in the sense that most of its
fundamental data must be gathered in the open and most of the information acquired in
the laboratory must ultimately be evaluated in the field.

Shelton, John S. 1966, Geology Illustrated, W.H. Freeman And Company , Inc., 434

 Geologi adalah satu ilmu yang masih baru untuk kita di Indonesia. Sehingga dapat
dirasakan betapa sukarnya untuk di gunakan dalam istilah Indonesia. Ilmu geologi
seperti juga ilmu biologi, meteorology, dan astronomi merupakan bagian dari
pengetahuan alam, ialah pengetahuan yang mempelajari segala sesuatu tentang benda
benda yang terdapat dalam alam.

Katili, J.A Dan P. Marks. Geologi ,Institut Teknologi Bandung, 455

 Geology is an outdoor science with earth as its laboratory. Many geologists are
inspired solely by intellectual curiosity and a desire to understand, explain, and appreciate
the wor around them. In that sense geology is a pure science.

Press Frank, dan Raymond Siever. 1993, Geology Understanding Earth, W.H. Freeman And
Company , Inc., 593

 Geology is the science of the earth. It is a dynamic, vibrant science dealing with
processes that produce constant change . although geologist study rock and minerals to
obtain some of their most important information, geology is far more than a study of
inert, motionless material.

Davis, Reitan, and Pestrong. 1976, Geology Our Physical Environment, McGraw-Hill, Inc.

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