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Unit Type Notes Points Options

Giant Lord Elite Foot Leader, Fear, 8 Blessed Weapons

Single Model Unit (+2pts)
Giant Foot Knights Elite Foot Reduced Model 6
Giant Beast-Rider Elite Riders Single Model Unit, 8 Flying or
Level Headed Burrowing (+2pts)
Giant Soldiers Light Foot Reduced Model 3 Mixed Weapons
Unit (+2pts)
Normal Sized Lesser Warbeasts 4
Hunting Hounds
Dire Hunting Lesser Warbeasts Reduced Model 6
Hounds Unit, Fear
Gnomes Light Foot Fearful 1 Mixed Weapons
Greater Giant Elite Foot Single Model Unit, 8
Titanic Bombard Heavy Missiles Single Model Unit, 3
Earthkind Avatar Greater Warbeasts Single Model Unit, 10
of War Fear, Cunning

The Giant Kingdom of Titanmire is an ancient and civilized culture. They

were long thought destroyed and forced back into a Stone Age level of
existence after their defeat by the Lion Empire. This is untrue; their
immense keep still stands in the far north, protected by the Knights of
the Kingdom.

Whilst the giants of this age are far smaller than the giants of old, a few
nobles within the kingdom grow larger and stronger than other giants.
Though nowhere near as powerful as their predecessors. These larger
individuals are known as Greater Giants and are a terrifying sight to
behold on the battlefield.

Most of the army of Titansmire go to war on foot, since no natural

horse may bear their weight, however other beasts such as Great
Rhinos, Elephants, Tyrant Lizards and even Dragons are sometimes
tamed and ridden, though none of these beasts have been truly
domesticated that they could be considered commonplace.

Some animals that the Giants of Titanmire have successfully bred and
domesticated are their Hunting Hounds, these are usually of the same
size as regular dogs but some strains have been overbred into
gargantuan monstrosities, large even in comparison to the giants
themselves. These beasts often bear mutations and other deformities
as a result of centuries of inbreeding.

Titanmire Giants are considered excellent cooks, though few non-giants

have tasted this food, as it is usually them who are being eaten! Orc
and Troll meat is considered an equivalent to beef; whilst human is
comparable to pork. There are few peoples the giants won’t eat. With
the most notable being Gnomes. The Giants find them too sour and tart
to be worth cooking. Thus many Gnome clans have allied themselves
with Titansmire for protection against other monstrous creatures that
aren’t such fussy eaters. When called to war the Gnomes however
make poor fighters, as they are constantly worried about being trodden

The Weapons favored by Giants tend to be blunt maces or cudgels,

since they don’t want to spoil their victims bodies by cutting them up
before they can be prepared for the cooking pot, some giants, in a
effort to imitate human knights, carry clubs cast into the shape of
swords or axes, but they are not sharpened.

Very rarely giants will stride into battle carrying crossbows or longbows
the size of artillery pieces, yet again with blunt tips on the arrows and
bolts. Though these enlarged weapons may be scary enough, nothing
compares to their Titanic Bombards. These vast war-machines are often
operated by a single giant and a crew of Gnomes. Man sized cannon
balls are loaded into the barrel and with a thunderous bang are lobbed
into enemy ranks. The Gnomes that assist in firing these engines are all
deaf and normally insane. One single Titanic Bombard is capable of
devastating an entire castle wall or taking a dragon out of the sky.

Most Giants worship the Titans, ancient beings more powerful than the
gods themselves. However they have been forced into exile by the
combined pantheon. Although the Giants are devout followers of the
Titans, very few actually wish for them to return since it would mean
the beginning of a second God War. This would likely force the Lion and
Serpent Kingdoms into an alliance against the Giants. Which would be
very damaging to the giants as The Serpent Kingdom is the only Human
nation with which Titansmire is on friendly terms with. In addition to
this the Giants would have to ally with Orcs, Trolls and Nharks. All of
which are hated enemies of the Giants.

Representing This Army.

Since most of the models in this list are of an abnormal size, (big Giants
and small Gnomes) you may want to use different scales of miniature
for them. If you are gaming in 28mm scale then 15mm or 1/72 Saxons
or Vikings would make suitable gnomes. 54mm scale also known as
“Toy Soldier Scale” medieval miniatures would be about the right size
for regular giants. The European toy manufactures Schleich and Papo
produce their own fantasy range of figures in an even larger 90mm
scale. These come pre-painted to a very high standard and make
brilliant Greater Giants. For the Beast Riders, any appropriately sized
toy animal or dinosaur with a 54mm scale rider will do. As for the
hunting hounds, you can simply use 28mm scale dogs and for the dire
hunting hounds, use wolves. The Titanic Bombard is also best
represented at 54mm scale using a cannon with a single Giant crewman
and two or three gnomes. These could be stuck to the same base as the
Bombard or based separately as a Reduced Model Unit. Below is a base
size reference chart for this list.

Giant Lord 30mm-45mm

Giant Foot Knights 30mm-45mm
Giant Beast-Rider As Appropriate
Giant Soldiers 30mm-45mm
Normal Sized Hunting Hounds 20mm-25mm
Dire Hunting Hounds 20mm-40mm
Gnomes 20mm-25mm
Greater Giant As Appropriate
Titanic Bombard As Appropriate
Earthkind Avatar Of War As Appropriate

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