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Chemical and structural effects of invasive plants on herbivore-

parasitoid/predator interactions in native communities

Article · January 2012



2 authors, including:

Taiadjana Fortuna
Université Paris-Sud 11


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DOI: 10.1111/j.1570-7458.2012.01252.x

Chemical and structural effects of invasive plants on

herbivore–parasitoid⁄predator interactions in
native communities
Jeffrey A. Harvey* & Taiadjana M. Fortuna
Department of Terrestrial Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Droevendaalsesteeg 10, 6708 PB Wageningen,
The Netherlands
Accepted: 23 February 2012

Key words: alien plant, butterfly, disruption, exotic plant, heterogeneity, multitrophic interactions

Abstract The introduction and ⁄ or spread of exotic organisms into new habitats is considered a major threat to
biodiversity. Invasive plants have been shown to negatively affect native communities, competing
with and excluding other plants and disrupting a wide range of trophic interactions associated with
them. In spite of this, thus far, few studies have explicitly studied the mechanisms underlying the dis-
placement and potential local extinction of native herbivores and their natural enemies up to the
third trophic level and even higher. Here, we formulate hypotheses on how structural and chemical
characteristics of invasive plants may affect the plant-finding abilities of herbivores and the host- or
prey-finding behavior of predators and parasitoids. The sudden incursion of an invasive plant into a
native plant community may fragment native habitats and thus create structural barriers that impede
dispersal and plant-finding ability for herbivores and prey- or host-finding ability for predators and
parasitoids. At the same time, invasive plants may produce odors that are attractive to native insects
and thus interfere with interactions on native plants. If invasive plants are both attractive and toxic to
native insects, they may constitute ‘traps’ that are possibly beneficial against insect pests in agro-eco-
systems, but have conservation implications for native herbivores and their natural enemies. How-
ever, we also suggest that some herbivores, and by association their parasitoids, may benefit from the
establishment and spread of exotic plants because they increase the amount of available resources for
them to exploit.

destruction, has accelerated the introduction and ⁄ or

Introduction spread of plants and animals into new habitats. Once they
Over the past century, an increasing number of anthropo- occupy new habitats, a small number of invasive organ-
genic processes have combined to threaten ecological com- isms flourish and are capable of displacing native biota,
munities, ecosystems, and biomes across the biosphere. driving local extinctions and ultimately threatening the
These processes include habitat loss and fragmentation, functioning of ecosystems and interfering with a range of
various forms of pollution, climate change, and biological important services that emerge from them (Vitousek et al.,
homogenization through the introduction of exotic spe- 1996; Pejchar & Mooney, 2009; Ehrenfeld, 2010).
cies into non-native ecosystems (Kappelle et al., 1999; No- Predicting the impacts of invasive species on food webs
vacek & Cleland, 2001; van der Putten et al., 2004; and communities is one of the biggest contemporary chal-
Thuiller, 2007; McGeoch et al., 2010). The scale of these lenges facing ecologists. Because they occur at the basal
threats has increased in recent years, especially with con- end of the food chain, invasive plants have the capacity to
comitant increases in population and per capita impacts seriously disrupt native communities from the bottom up,
on nature due to increases in technology. For example, the competing with and excluding other plants and interfering
integration of the global economy, combined with habitat with a wide range of trophic interactions associated with
them (Cronin & Haynes, 2004; Harvey & Gols, 2011; Paine
et al., 2011). Some invasive plants are able to colonize a
*Correspondence: E-mail: broad range of native ecosystems and to displace native

 2012 The Authors Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 1–13, 2012

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata  2012 The Netherlands Entomological Society 1
2 Harvey & Fortuna

vegetation, quickly transforming these ecosystems into long been known that a more complete appreciation of the
ones that are profoundly different in structure and factors that regulate the structure and functioning of ter-
composition. restrial communities must include natural enemies of
Several hypotheses have been proposed to describe the herbivores, such as pathogens, predators, and parasitoids,
factors that help promote the success of invasive plants. as well as antagonistic interactions even further up the
Two of these deal exclusively with the effects of the second food chain (Hairston et al., 1960; Price et al., 1980; Hunter
trophic level (e.g., herbivores and plant pathogens) on the & Price, 1992; Hunter, 2003).
plants and vice versa. For example, the ‘enemy-release Recent meta-analyses have shown that top-down as
hypothesis’ (ERH) posits that invasive plants have escaped well as bottom-up forces are involved in regulating ter-
from a wide range of co-evolved specialist natural enemies restrial biomass (Schmitz et al., 2000; Halaj & Wise,
in their native range and thus experience less damage from 2001; Romero & Koricheva, 2011). If this is true, studies
native generalist enemies in their new range (Keane & exploring the various factors that determine the success
Crawley, 2002; Agrawal et al., 2005; Jogesh et al., 2008). or failure of a plant to become an invasive pest in a new
Several studies, for example, have indeed reported that habitat should include natural enemies of herbivores,
invasive plants have lower herbivore loads than related although this has rarely been done (but see Cronin &
native plants (Wolfe et al., 2004). Furthermore, it has also Haynes, 2004). Thus far, current knowledge of invasive
been shown that some of the most successful invaders pos- plants on native food webs (including natural enemies) is
ses certain characteristics, such as novel secondary com- largely descriptive, for instance, based on quantitative
pounds, that are not found amongst native plants in the food web analyses (Memmott & Waser, 2002; Heleno
new range (Cappuccino & Arnason, 2006). The ‘novel- et al., 2009). By contrast, few studies with invasive plants
weapons hypothesis’ (NWH) describes plants, which pro- have thus far explored a range of eco-physiological mech-
duce unique morphological or chemical traits that confer anisms that determine: (1) the effects of primary and sec-
protection for the invader against potentially new enemies ondary plant compounds (nutrients and toxins) on the
in the native range that are not evolutionarily adapted to development and survival of herbivores and their natural
the new traits (Callaway & Maron, 2006; Callaway et al., enemies; and (2) structural and chemical aspects of inva-
2008). The garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) sive plants that affect foraging and host location behavior
Cavara & Grande, is native to Eurasia where it is locally in herbivorous insects, and thus might lead to differential
common, but rarely dominant. By contrast, this species is consequences on various members of an interacting food
highly invasive in North America, where it aggressively chain. The first area has recently been discussed by Har-
out-competes native vegetation, including other forbs and vey et al. (2010a,b). This article addresses the second
even trees (Stinson et al., 2006). Alliaria petiolata produces aspect. Our main hypothesis is that changes in the struc-
a cocktail of toxins in its leaf tissues, including the gluco- tural and chemical environment at small and medium
pyranoside alliarinoside and cyanide, which are absent or spatial scales will affect interactions between native herbi-
rare in other North American plant taxa (Cappuccino & vores and their antagonists. These effects may lead to the
Arnason, 2006; Cipollini & Gruner, 2007). The plant is local loss in insect abundance and ⁄ or diversity, and have
highly toxic to the caterpillars of native white butterflies, consequences for the structuring of food webs. Although
including Pieris oleracea Harris and Pieris virginiensis many of these effects will be negative through either the
Edwards, whose adult females readily oviposit onto the disruption of foraging behavior of herbivores, parasitoids,
plant. This has been cited as a major factor in the regional and ⁄ or predators, or through variable responses exhib-
decline of these insects over the past 20 years (Keeler et al., ited by the organisms across different trophic levels, we
2006; Keeler & Chew, 2008). argue that alien plants may also benefit some native

Going up: from two to three trophic levels and higher

One of the biggest shortcomings of current studies with
Structural and chemical characteristics of plants as
invasive plants is that they have primarily focused on inter-
they affect the foraging and dispersal behavior of
actions involving only two directly interacting trophic lev-
herbivores, parasitoids, and hyperparasitoids
els, i.e., the first and second. Moreover, the vast majority of Vegetation complexity is characterized by two main trait-
these studies have been based on unraveling the various mediated aspects: structural and chemical complexity.
factors that enable a small minority of exotic plant species These traits are often species-specific and diversity within
to become invasive pests in their new range (e.g., Keane & and between habitat patches will strongly affect the expres-
Crawley, 2002; Thomas & Reid, 2007). However, it has sion of these traits. Chemical and structural complexity of
Invasive plants and multitrophic interactions 3

plants will affect flight, host-finding, orientation, and ovi-

position behavior in insects and both may act synergisti- How invasive plants affect structural heterogeneity
cally in affecting these parameters. It should also be in native habitats
stressed that habitats in which invasive plants establish After they have become well established in a native com-
themselves are never in stasis, but exhibit dynamic patterns munity, invasive plants may displace native plants and end
of growth, biomass, and species diversity that may vary up occupying much of the latter’s habitat, thereafter much
considerably even over the course of a single growing sea- smaller patches of native vegetation. This in turn may
son (Figure 1). This may mean that the phenology of sea- significantly affect insect herbivores and their natural ene-
sonal invaders and the life-cycles of arthropods in their mies which are associated with the native plants. A large
habitats may overlap to varying degrees. Furthermore, body of evidence has shown that the physical characteris-
many insect herbivores and their natural enemies that are tics of habitats can affect intra- and inter-patch dispersal
found in habitat patches may have more than a single gen- movements of insects that are associated with plants
eration per year, and thus different generations of insects within the patches [Roland et al., 2000; Goodwin & Fah-
may be exposed to a structural and chemical milieu that rig, 2002; Cronin, 2004; Cronin & Haynes, 2004; Buk-
differs profoundly according to the composition of the ovinszky et al., 2005; Gols et al., 2005; Bezemer et al.,
plant community (Gols et al., 2011). For example, there is 2010; reviewed by Andow (1991) and Randlkofer et al.
a high seasonal fluctuation in the toxicity of the invasive (2010)]. In theory at least, the disruption of dispersal and
crucifer, A. petiolata, in North America (Haribal & Ren- foraging behavior in herbivores and their natural enemies
wick, 2001). The theoretical and empirical literature is could deleteriously affect the population dynamics of
replete with studies that have examined the effects of struc- predator–prey or host–parasitoid associations and, if seri-
tural and chemical complexity of the plant community on ous enough, eventually lead to the local extinctions of spe-
the biology and ecology of herbivorous insects and their cies or species interactions.
natural enemies (Root, 1973; Kareiva, 1985; Andow, 1991; The effects of invasive plants on native consumer-based
Grez & Gonzalez, 1995; Renwick, 2002; Meiners & Ober- interactions are also likely to vary at the spatial and tempo-
maier, 2004; Tscharntke & Brandl, 2004; Gols et al., 2005; ral scales in which they occur. Early in the season, when
Hambäck et al., 2006; Randlkofer et al., 2010). However, annual plants have only begun to grow, the structure of
thus far, this has rarely been done in exploring the poten- the plant community is likely to be much simpler than
tial community-related effects of invasive plants. In the fol- later in the season after which there has been a dramatic
lowing section, we separately examine each of these areas increase in biomass. However, even in simple landscapes
in more detail. and at smaller scales, the architecture of the plant stem,

Figure 1 Phenology of the exotic plant Bunias orientalis across a single growing season in a natural population in The Netherlands. This
species, which is native to central and western Asia, has recently become a highly invasive pest weed over much of central and northern Eur-
ope. The plant is a perennial that can live up to 15 years, although every winter it dies back to the root–soil interface. In early spring, rosette
leaves begin to grow and flowering shoots appear in May when the plant begins to flower. Following the production of seeds (which are ripe
by late July), the first rosette temporarily dies back; however, a second set of rosette leaves begin to grow soon thereafter, and remain appar-
ent until the end of October, when the first frosts kill the plant above the soil surface. In the peak of the summer, B. orientalis plants grow
several flowering stems and can dominate extensive areas along disturbed habitats, such as roadsides as shown on the picture above taken
in June 2010 in Drempt, province Gelderland, The Netherlands.
4 Harvey & Fortuna

young shoots, and leaves can either facilitate or impede (2004) examined landscape-level interactions involving
insect movement amongst vegetation. If the invasive plant prairie cordgrass, Spartina pectinata Link, an obligate
is taller than its native neighbors, or else produces much specialist herbivore, the plant-hopper Prokelisia crocea Van
more densely packed foliage, then this may prove to be a Duzee, and its specialist egg parasitoid, Anagrus columbi
major impediment in the efficiency of insects to cross Perkins in mudflat plots with and without an invasive
habitat patches, to locate suitable food plants, or to grass, smooth brome, Bromus inervis Leyss. The authors
disperse to adjacent habitat patches (Figure 2B). In one of found that the presence of brome facilitated dispersal of
the few studies to explicitly test the effects of an invasive the insects much more rapidly through habitat matrices
plant on a native tri-trophic interaction, Cronin & Haynes and negatively affected the abundance and persistence of
both species. They also found that the presence of brome
resulted in a four- to five-fold increase in local extinction
A rates of the insects, with the parasitoid being more
Hyperparasitoid Adult moth Primary parasitoid adversely affected than its herbivore host. It is not known
if the invasive plant impeded trophic interactions through
structural or chemical (or a combination of both) traits.
A number of studies with either natural or artificial
‘host’ plant assemblages have begun to disentangle the effects of
structural barriers on the foraging behavior of insects. Gols
et al. (2005) found that the parasitoid Diadegma semiclau-
sum Hellén took longer to find larvae of its host, Plutella
xylostella L., on the host food plant, cabbage, when the
Native plant species ‘A’ wasps were released into cages containing barley and
cabbage as opposed to cabbage alone. Barley plants were
B taller than cabbage plants and the wasps were physically
impeded during foraging flights by the presence of barley.

Figure 2 Conceptual diagram showing the potential effects of

invasive plants on a four-trophic-level interaction involving
plants, herbivores, a parasitoid, and hyperparasitoid. (A) A native
plant species grows in patches where it is dominant. A specialist
herbivore (in this case a moth) oviposits on the plant which,
through feeding damage from the caterpillar, releases volatiles
(blue plumes) that attracts one of its specialist natural enemies, a
primary endoparastioid. In turn, plant-related cues attract a pri-
mary hyperparasitoid of the primary endoparasitoid. (B) A larger
unrelated invasive plant species fragments patches in which the
Unrelated invasive plant species ‘B’ native plant grows. The plant provides structural and perhaps
chemical barriers, such as repellents (red plumes) that interfere
C with the foraging behavior of the moth, its primary parasitoid
and hyperparasitoid. (C) The invasive plant species is a close rela-
tive of the native plant species, and invades the same patches
where the native plant normally occurs. The invasive plant pro-
duces volatiles that are attractive to the herbivore and its parasit-
oid, but the plant tissues are toxic to both of them and the plant
Herbivore thus represents a potential evolutionary ‘trap’ for these consum-
ers. Another generalist herbivore readily feeds on both plants,
increasing the level of volatiles emitted that are attractive to the
herbivore and its parasitoid. This may increase the detection or
‘associational susceptibility’ of the invasive plant to the specialist
herbivore and its parasitoid. Ultimately, the effects of structural
and chemical impediments imposed by invasive plants on native
insects will critically depend on how different species and trophic
Related invasive plant species ‘C’ levels respond to them.
Invasive plants and multitrophic interactions 5

However, some insects may forage more efficiently in orientation in the native host habitat (Schoonhoven et al.,
complex habitats. For instance, White & Andow (2006) 2005; Figure 2A). Therefore, the foraging behavior and fit-
found that parasitism of the European corn borer, Ostrinia ness success of herbivores and carnivores might be influ-
nubilalis Hübner, by its specialist parasitoid Macrocentrus enced by novel odor blends emitted by invading plants,
grandii Goindanich was reduced by almost 100% when and this in turn may have repercussions on community
roots of host plants were infested with larvae of the corn composition and functioning. Although plant volatiles
rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte. The belong mainly to three chemical groups (e.g., terpenoids,
authors revealed that root-infested plants were much phenylpropanoids, fatty acid derivates) and some com-
smaller and grew in patches that were less dense than pounds are common to most of the plants (e.g., green leaf
plants growing in the absence of rootworms, and that the volatiles), there is still enormous inter-specific variation in
parasitoids preferred to forage in structurally complex, the types of plant volatiles released in nature. The specific-
dense habitats, avoiding more open habitats. These results ity is expressed in the qualitative and quantitative compo-
reveal that the effects of changes in the composition sition of the different odor blends and on the arthropod
structure of the plant community, potentially mediated by response to the volatile bouquet (Bruce et al., 2005; Bald-
the presence of invasive plants, are likely to be association- win, 2010). For instance, specific volatile compounds such
specific depending on biological and life-history character- as the breakdown products of glucosinolates, such as iso-
istics of species in the trophic chain under investigation. thiocyanates, which are characteristic of plants in the order
At smaller scales, characteristics of plants, such as the Brassicales (e.g., Brassicaceae), may vary profoundly
shape and size of the leaves, the density in which leaf tissues amongst different species in this order and may therefore
grow, and the surface structure of leaf tissues can affect influence the plant preference behavior of different cruci-
interactions between herbivores and their natural enemies fer specialists in a wide range of ways (Hopkins et al.,
(Grevstad & Klepetka, 1992; Mulatu et al., 2006; Olson & 2009; Müller, 2009). In addition, plant volatiles can vary
Andow, 2008). Sticky glands or trichomes, for instance, amongst cultivated strains of wild plants (Poelman et al.,
that are present on the leaf surfaces or undersides of a 2008; Gols et al., 2011).
novel invader may either trap native insects that are not The chemical complexity of specific habitats is closely
adapted to them or else impede the movement of insects related to the vegetation structure and diversity within the
on the leaf surface (Romeis et al., 1998; Lovinger et al., habitat. Odor plumes in adjacent habitats may differ
2000). Additionally, the structure of the host plant may significantly because of differences in the species richness,
shape the odor plumes and the way that the chemical cues abundance, and structure of these habitats. Therefore,
are perceived by insects when searching for host plants or when an invasive plant colonizes a native habitat, the effect
prey (Chapman, 1988). Plant structural traits (e.g., vegeta- on the arthropod community will depend on several fac-
tion height, density, plant connectivity) can also affect mi- tors, including the response of native plants in the habitat
croclimatic conditions, such as air flow and turbulence, and the higher trophic levels associated with them. In this
which affect the emission and spread of plant volatiles context, if the invasive plant is introduced into a native
within the host habitat (Randlkofer et al., 2010). These plant community where there are few or no related plant
parameters will come into play if native insects must navi- species present, the odor blend emitted by the invasive
gate through stands of invasive plants to find a native plant plant may overwhelm volatile blends from the native
that is embedded in the same habitat. However, thus far, plants. In this way, it might dilute or mask the detection of
studies of these plant characteristics have been restricted to volatiles released by the native plants by native arthropods.
native-plant insect interactions or research involving culti- Odor masking has been shown to affect the foraging
vars. There is clearly an urgent need for studies exploring behavior of parasitoids, and has even been suggested as a
the importance of similar mechanisms in invasive plants factor in reducing population levels of herbivorous insects
and how these may affect the local demographics of native in mixed cropping systems (Bukovinszky et al., 2005;
insect assemblages. Schoonhoven et al., 2005). In an even more extreme sce-
nario, novel volatile cues released by the non-host plant
may act as repellents for herbivore and carnivores within
How invasive plants may affect chemical their host plant-host patch, decreasing their fitness success
heterogeneity in native habitats (Soler et al., 2007; Figure 2B). On the other hand, if the
Invasive plants may play an important role by interfering invasive plant colonizes habitats containing related native
with the chemical heterogeneity of the introduced com- plants and shares a similar secondary chemistry with them
munity. Plant volatiles, as part of this chemical complexity, it might attract herbivores and carnivores associated with
are known to influence arthropod movements and plant the natives because of their similar volatile cues (Renwick,
6 Harvey & Fortuna

2002; Randlkofer et al., 2010 and references therein; Fig- plant is introduced and how arthropods respond to the
ure 2C). Furthermore, plant volatiles can also indirectly volatiles emitted by the invader (Figure 3). In a species-
influence arthropod populations through the attraction of rich habitat, the odors of an exotic plant may attract more
mutualists such as ants and many species of pollinators arthropods to the patch than would be the case when it is
(Heil & Bueno, 2007). Some volatile compounds can also absent (Gohole et al., 2005). The exotic plant may be con-
act as repellents to both plant enemies and mutualists, sidered an evolutionary ‘trap’, however, if its odors are
including herbivores, parasitoids, and pollinators (Soler attractive to herbivores for oviposition, but which are not
et al., 2007; Kessler et al., 2008; Figure 2B). In addition, suitable for the development of their offspring (Keeler
volatile metabolites (e.g., phytohormones) can also be et al., 2006; Keeler & Chew, 2008; Harvey et al., 2010a;
emitted in sufficient quantities to adversely affect the TM Fortuna, J Woelke, CA Hordijk, J Janssen, NM van
growth of neighboring plants through their effects on Dam, LEM Vet & JA Harvey, unpublished data). On the
microbes associated with their rhizo- and phyllo-spheres. other hand, if plant volatiles emitted by the invader have a
These compounds can indirectly mediate interactions repellent effect on arthropod foraging behavior, this might
between native and invasive plants, altering the plant com- negatively affect the ability of herbivores and natural ene-
munity through plant–microbe associations (Baldwin, mies to locate suitable plants within their habitat and
2010). At the other end of the spectrum, novel volatiles changes in the strength of food web interactions might be
that are not recognized by herbivores or their natural ene- expected (Cronin & Haynes, 2004; Cronin & Reeve, 2005)
mies may actually benefit these consumers by making it (Figure 3). In disturbed habitats, fast growing invaders
easier to recognize cues that are attractive. Clearly, there is (e.g., early successional species) may find optimal condi-
a wide array of potential effects that may be only disentan- tions in which to spread rapidly, creating large stands
gled at the level of individual associations. where the invading species eventually becomes dominant
Chemical heterogeneity in native habitats is strongly (Anderson et al., 1996; Woitke & Dietz, 2002). In this sce-
influenced by plant community diversity (Randlkofer nario, patch colonization by arthropods may be enhanced
et al., 2010). Different scenarios may occur according to if the volatile blend emitted by the novel plant is attractive.
the diversity of the plant community where the exotic Consequently, native herbivores may rapidly switch to the

Figure 3 Flow diagram showing various scenarios describing the potential effects of plant volatiles on arthropod communities based on
the diversity of the native (N) plant communities where the invasive (I) plant is introduced. Attractive volatiles emitted by the invaded
plant community may lead to a plant shift by local fauna if the invasive plant is suitable or to an evolutionary trap if the invasive plant is not
suitable. Alternatively, if invasive plant volatiles trigger a repellent response on local arthropods, the patch will hold few or no plant ene-
mies, and the invasive plant may find a time window that enables it to spread and eventually become dominant, supporting the Enemy
Release Hypothesis.
Invasive plants and multitrophic interactions 7

invasive plant. Louda & Rand (2002) found that native 2010). In extreme cases, parasitoids are as equally attracted
herbivores of the bull thistle, Cirsium altissimum (L.) to certain species of ‘clean’ (e.g., host-non-infested) plants
Spreng, readily attacked an invasive thistle, Cirsium vulgare as they are too closely related plants infested with hosts
(Savi) Ten., suppressing establishment and spread of the (Bukovinszky et al., 2005). Chemical signals from exotic
latter species. This rapid switch may have been because the plants and how the insects perceive them may therefore
volatile blends emitted from both the native and exotic affect local diversity by differentially affecting the behavior
thistles were both attractive to the native herbivores, of various species in food chains.
although no mechanism was explored. On the other hand, The perception of volatiles in the invaded habitat is
if chemical cues emitted by an invasive plant are repellent restricted to the sensorial capacity of arthropods to distin-
to many native herbivores, even when the plant may be guish the various compounds in the odor plumes. For host
nutritionally suitable, then this may allow the plant to plant recognition, the insect requires a highly sophisticated
escape from its antagonists in support of the ERH. detection mechanism enabling it to identify the correct
The majority of plants in the field are attacked by a wide volatile blend against a heterogeneous background of com-
array of herbivores, including species that exploit the plant pounds that are constantly being emitted by non-host
in quite different ways. Hence, the chemical heterogeneity plants. A host plant is recognized if the herbivore is
of a given habitat will change according to the herbivore- attracted by the correct combination of sensory inputs. In
induced plant volatiles emitted by the native plant com- contrast, a plant is considered as a non-host plant when
munity where the exotic is introduced. In addition, the wrong chemical cues are detected or there is a repellent
amount of volatile compounds released by plants under response by the insect. Several studies have shown that the
herbivore attack varies with the herbivore species and such majority of chemical receptors found on the antennae of
differences might be detected by natural enemies (Schoon- herbivores and parasitoids do not only respond to the vol-
hoven et al., 2005). Herbivore-damaged plants may atiles of a single host plant. Instead, they rely on the recog-
increase their production of secondary metabolites that nition of particular blends of volatiles distributed generally
are involved in direct and indirect defense, which will con- among a range of plant species found in their habitat (Ro-
tribute to an increase in volatile emission in the habitat as jas, 1999; Bruce et al., 2005; Gouinguené et al., 2005; Jöns-
a whole. These qualitative and quantitative changes of the son & Anderson, 2008; Ngumbi et al., 2009). Behavioral
odor plumes might alter the foraging behavior of herbi- studies suggest that the blend composition of plant vola-
vores and their natural enemies. For instance, Soler et al. tiles is crucial because specific mixtures are more attractive
(2007) showed that the foraging behavior of Cotesia glome- than individual compounds (Fraser et al., 2003; Natale
rata L., a parasitoid of an aboveground herbivore, can be et al., 2003). For instance, blends of ubiquitous com-
influenced by belowground herbivory through changes in pounds have been found to attract the specialist wheat
plant volatile blends. Additionally, plants do not only react midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana Géhin. The midge is highly
to herbivore feeding, but they can adjust their metabolism sensitive to subtle changes in the ratios of host-plant vola-
upon egg deposition by insects (Hilker & Meiners, 2002, tiles, and exhibits no response when the incorrect ratio of
2006). Studies have shown that herbivore oviposition can ubiquitous compounds is presented (Birkett et al., 2004).
suppress constitutive and herbivore-induced volatiles The presence of an invasive plant may similarly alter the
(Bruce et al., 2010; Peñaflor et al., 2010), which may influ- blend ratio of volatile compounds in native plant commu-
ence a plant’s response to herbivory and affect the interac- nities which will have repercussions on the host plant-host
tions with associated organisms, such as egg parasitoids recognition behavior of herbivores and their natural
(Fatouros et al., 2005). Assuming that an exotic plant enemies.
introduced in similar systems might be initially less suscep-
tible to herbivore attack than its native neighbors, we
might predict that host preference of herbivores and para-
The effects of invasive plants on native insect
sitoids might change based on qualitative and quantitative
communities via associational resistance and
differences in the chemical induction of the invader com-
pared with the more heavily damaged natives. Moreover, Characteristics of plants and habitat patches have long
natural enemies will often have to choose between plants been known to strongly influence the demographics of
containing host and non-host herbivores and plants insect herbivores and their natural enemies through differ-
infested with only non-host species (Figure 2C). It has ences in structural and chemical properties amongst the
been reported that some parasitoid species are attracted to plants and their neighbors. Several hypotheses have been
infochemicals emitted from the leaves of plants containing proposed to explain the relationship between vegetation
non-host herbivores (Vos et al., 2001; Snoeren et al., complexity in a habitat and the diversity of herbivorous
8 Harvey & Fortuna

and carnivorous arthropods. The ‘resource concentration found that larvae of the small and large cabbage white but-
hypothesis’ (Root, 1973) posits that plants growing in terflies, Pieris rapae L. and Pieris brassicae L., which are
more diverse habitats harbor fewer herbivores than plants major pests in collard crops, performed very poorly when
growing in less diverse habitats. This is because herbivores fed on leaves of the invasive crucifer, Bunias orientalis L. In
are able to locate and colonize larger patches of suitable spite of this, adult female butterflies of both species, and
food plants more easily. The ‘natural enemy hypothesis’ especially P. rapae, oviposit onto leaves of this plant.
(Root, 1973) predicts that natural enemies will be more Over time, invasive plants may serve as food plants for a
abundant (and thus reduce herbivore populations more diverse range of native insect herbivores (Louda & Rand,
effectively) in structurally complex habitats, because these 2002). If an invasive plant is of high nutritional quality for
will contain more micro-niches where the insects can hide a certain herbivore species, then over time this might facili-
as well as larger numbers of potential hosts or prey. One of tate a plant shift, whereby that herbivore becomes locally
the shortcomings of these hypotheses is that they were (or more widely) adapted to the novel plant (Grosman
originally postulated on the basis of crop plants (e.g., et al., 2009). This may reduce pressure from this herbivore
cultivated cabbage) growing in agricultural landscapes. on other native food plants with which it has long been
However, agricultural fields are generally simple environ- associated. At the same time, strongly co-evolved natural
ments, where interstitial vegetation has been removed. enemies of the herbivore may ‘follow’ their host ⁄ prey and
This makes them often much more susceptible to herbi- also develop a new and intimate relationship with it and its
vores, or else population ‘sinks’ where insect populations new food plant over time. In reducing herbivore pressure
become saturated. because of the presence of the invader, native plants may
The species diversity and structural and chemical com- develop associational resistance as a result of herbivore
plexity of natural and semi-natural plant communities is switching (Andow, 1991; Barbosa et al., 2009).
often many times greater than that found in agro-ecosys-
tems. In these communities, interactions between plant
species may act in synergy in effecting the behavior of
The potential benefits of invasive plants on native
herbivores and their natural enemies. For instance, specific
plant associations may enhance (known as ‘associational The effects of invasive plant species on native insects, at
susceptibility’) or decrease (known as ‘associational resis- least in terms of their demographics and populations
tance’) the attractiveness of focal plants to herbivores, pre- dynamics, are poorly understood, but the effects are not
dators, or parasitoids (Barbosa et al., 2009). Thus far, this necessarily always negative. In particular, if the invasive
area of research has focused almost exclusively on interac- plant possesses traits, such as allelochemistry, that are also
tions involving native plants and their insect communities. found in potentially less common native plant species,
Associational resistance or susceptibility may be mediated then the presence of a more common invasive plant may
by chemical or structural traits in plants that influence the benefit native insect communities. Native plants may
behavior of insects within habitat patches (Andow, 1991; decline due to a range of anthropogenic stresses including
Stiling et al., 2003; Hambäck et al., 2006; White & Andow, habitat loss and climate change, meaning that successful
2006; Adati et al., 2011; Jactel et al., 2011). Recent studies exotics may ultimately substitute as food plants. Indeed,
have suggested that increased plant floral diversity around several studies have reported host-plant switches by native
the perimeter of cropping systems may even enhance the generalist and specialist herbivores to invasives. For
abundance of hyperparasitoids, thus negating the benefits instance, larvae of the southern white butterfly, Pontia pro-
of attracting primary parasitoids through associational todice Boisduval & Leconte which is native to the south-
susceptibility (Araj et al., 2009). It is almost inevitable that eastern USA, feed on a range of well-established exotic
novel, invasive plants will also facilitate the resistance cruciferous plants (Brassicaceae) that originate from Eur-
and ⁄ or susceptibility of native plants to interactions with asia (Kingsolver, 1985). Similarly, Chew (1981) found that
higher trophic levels, although thus far this area has P. oleracea, which occurs over much of the USA and south-
received little attention. ern Canada, oviposits and feeds on several exotic crucifers
Invasive plants may also act as chemical lures and traps including Brassica rapa L., B. nigra L., Sisymbrium altissi-
for native insects, with potential benefits as well as costs in mum L., and Raphanus raphanistrum L. In California
terms of biological control and conservation (Renwick, (USA), 34% of the state’s native specialist butterfly species
2002). In the vicinity of agricultural systems, for example, were found to feed on exotic plants (Graves & Shapiro,
invasive plants that become established may attract native 2003). Urban butterflies in California were even found to
herbivores that may not be able to detoxify or excrete their be dependent on alien plants for their survival (Shapiro,
toxic allelochemicals. For instance, Harvey et al. (2010b) 2002). A specialist herbivore, the Baltimore checkerspot
Invasive plants and multitrophic interactions 9

butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton Drury has recently expanded and shoot architecture on host location and nutritional
its dietary breath from feeding exclusively on turtlehead, quality on herbivore and parasitoid development. Addi-
Chelone glabra L., to also feeding on the introduced weed, tionally, given the potential importance of carnivores in
ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata L. (Bowers et al., regulating prey numbers and how plant volatile cues are
1992). However, herbivores performed less well on the crucial in the foraging behavior of carnivores (Vet & Dicke,
alien plant, in terms of reduced pupal mass and relative 1992; Steidle & van Loon, 2003; Bukovinszky et al., 2005),
growth rate on plantain, suggesting that there may be a studies with invasive plants should include a larger num-
trade-off between plant quality and accessibility. Generalist ber of interactions that include higher trophic levels, such
herbivores, such as woolley bear caterpillars, Pyrrharctia as parasitoids and hyperparasitoids (Harvey et al., 2010a).
isabella JE Smith, also feed on a wide variety of abundant Importantly, most studies with invasive plants have
alien plants in North America, including P. lanceolata and focused their effects on native communities long past the
dandelion, Taraxacum officinale Weber (Dethier, 1980). establishment phase when they are already dominant. Pat-
By association, natural enemies may follow their herbi- terns of weed spread show that many exotic species have
vore prey or hosts to the novel plant, although this is not long ‘sleeper’ or ‘lag’ phases after their introduction before
always the case (Grosman et al., 2009). The ability of pre- they begin to dominate local ecosystems. Hobbs &
dators and parasitoids to adapt to novel plants and to Humphries (1995) argued that early detection and treat-
enjoy realized fitness is dependent on the completion of ment of invasions before the rapid spread occurs may
several hierarchal steps involving the location of suitable enable the development of more effective management
habitat, plant location, prey ⁄ host acceptance, and palat- strategies. Thus far, little is still known about the impact of
ability (Vinson, 1976). Although these processes have been invasive species on native communities during the estab-
well studied with insect herbivores and their natural ene- lishment and lag phases. Many intra-continental plant
mies in native communities, little is known about shifts invasions are now occurring as result of anthropogenic
involving several trophic levels from native to alien plants. processes, such as climate warming, whereby plants are
Several studies have shown that the buckeye butterfly, colonizing more poleward biomes from their natural
Junonia coenia Hübner, and several of its predators are ranges in lower latitudes (Engelkes et al., 2008). A chal-
now intimately associated with the alien plant, P. lanceola- lenging way to understand how species responses change
ta, in western North America (Stamp & Bowers, 1992, from the lag phase to later stages of invasion is to study the
1993, 1996). However, the time scales over which shifts ecology of these species along environmental and ⁄ or geo-
occur, and the degree of success up to the terminal end of graphical gradients. Studies comparing changes in popula-
the food chain has been little studied. tion patterns and effects of exotic species on local
communities across spatial gradients can help reconstruct
how the invasion occurred and which factors favored or
Conclusions and future directions limited its spread at different phases of invasion (Dietz &
It is evident that there are many gaps in our understanding Edwards, 2006).
of invasive plants on the population ecology of multi- Thus far, the effects of differences in habitat structure
trophic level interactions involving insect herbivores, their on multitrophic interactions have been primarily based on
natural enemies such as parasitoids and predators, and population-related studies, whilst often ignoring traits and
even higher up in the food chain (e.g., hyperparasitoids). characters of the species involved. For instance, the effects
To fill in these gaps, we need many more studies combin- of invasive plants on native arthropod communities may
ing various interdisciplinary approaches and that are car- be contingent on certain life-history and morphological
ried out over a wide range of scales to better elucidate the traits exhibited by higher trophic levels. These may include
local and broader effects of invasive plants on native com- differences in feeding strategies, degree of dietary special-
munities. Cronin & Reeve (2005) argued that most preda- ization, morphological traits like the presence or absence
tor–prey models are inadequate in predicting the of wings, reproductive biology, and in parasitoids, the
dynamics of trophic interactions because they generally stage of host attacked. To be honest, the importance of
ignore landscape-level processes. For instance, predator– these parameters has even rarely been investigated in
prey models are spatially unrealistic, ignoring the size and native communities, where differences in habitat charac-
structure of habitat patches and their edges and how these teristics have only considered herbivores and their natural
parameters affect dispersal, foraging, and mate-finding enemies on their trophic status, ignoring more intimate
behavior in insects. At the same time, the models usually aspects of multitrophic interactions. However, a better
focus on only two-trophic levels (e.g., host and parasitoid), understanding of results such as those generated by Cronin
whilst ignoring the role of plant-related traits such as stem & Haynes (2004) may be obtained by incorporating an
10 Harvey & Fortuna

evolutionary perspective of the interactions between dif- Acknowledgements

ferent trophic levels.
In addition, although several studies have focused on The authors thank Hedwig Ens for kindly supplying
insect orientation based on host-plant volatile emissions, the photographs of Bunias orientalis in The Nether-
most of these are based on behavioral essays in Y-tubes or lands. Rieta Gols is thanked for her comments on an
flight tunnels where the insect response is measured toward early version.
a single plant or a small group of plants. Future research
should include a more realistic picture of invaded commu- References
nities by measuring their structural and chemical complex-
ity under field conditions. There is a clear need to develop a Adati T, Susila W, Sumiartha K, Sudiarta P, Toriumi W et al.
better understanding of the species composition of com- (2011) Effects of mixed cropping on population densities and
parasitism rates of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella
munities with invasive plants and to compare them with
(Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology
less disturbed native communities. Furthermore, experi-
46: 247–253.
ments measuring insect preference and performance in Agrawal AA, Kotanen PM, Mitchell CE, Power AG, Godsoe W &
both the laboratory and in the field can tell us much about Klironomos J (2005) Enemy release? An experiment with con-
the impact of invasive plants in native communities. These generic plant pairs and diverse above- and belowground ene-
studies should be combined with the measurement of allel- mies. Ecology 86: 2979–2989.
ochemicals in plant tissues and headspace analyses to mea- Anderson RC, Dhillion SS & Kelley TM (1996) Aspects of the
sure volatile emissions. Additionally, conceptual models of ecology of an invasive plant, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata),
odor plume diffusion under different conditions, including in Central Illinois. Restoration Ecology 4: 181–191.
air turbulence, light intensity, and species composition, Andow DA (1991) Vegetational diversity and arthropod pop-
may help understand better the effect of novel community ulation response. Annual Review of Entomology 36: 561–
assemblages on insect foraging behavior.
Araj SE, Wratten S, Lister A & Buckley H (2009) Adding floral
Although the field of invasion ecology has grown
nectar resources to improve biological control: potential pit-
immensely over the past 20 years, there are still large gaps falls of the fourth trophic level. Basic and Applied Ecology 10:
in the empirical literature, particularly with respect to the 554–562.
effects of invasive plants on native communities. We sug- Baldwin IT (2010) Plant volatiles. Current Biology 20: 392–397.
gest that this gap can be filled by addressing some of the Barbosa P, Hines J, Kaplan I, Martinson H, Szczepaniec A & Szen-
following questions: drei Z (2009) Associational resistance and associational sus-
ceptibility: having right or wrong neighbors. Annual Review of
1. How do alien, invasive plants affect the foraging and Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 1–20.
dispersal behavior and development of native insects? Bezemer TM, Harvey JA, Kamp AFD, Wagenaar R, Gols R et al.
2. Are these effects mediated by primary and secondary (2010) Behavior of male and female parasitoids in the field:
chemistry or by structural and architectural characteris- influence of patch size, host density, and habitat complexity.
tics of the plant or are the factors inter-related? Ecological Entomology 35: 341–351.
3. Do these effects differ for different members of an inter- Birkett MA, Bruce TJA, Martin JL, Smart LE, Oakley J & Wad-
acting trophic chain? hams LJ (2004) Responses of female orange wheat blossom
4. If the effects of invasive plants are disproportionate midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana, to wheat panicle volatiles. Jour-
amongst herbivores and their parasitoids, can invasive nal of Chemical Ecology 30: 1319–1328.
Bowers MD, Stamp NE & Collinge SK (1992) Early stage of host
plants create stronger trophic cascades or, alternatively,
range expansion in a specialist insect, Euphydryas phaeton
reduce the strength of top-down control?
(Nymphalidae). Ecology 73: 526–536.
5. How do the spatial and temporal dynamics of the Bruce TJA, Wadhams LJ & Woodcock CM (2005) Insect host
spread of invading populations affect native multi- location: a volatile situation. Trends in Plant Science 10: 269–
trophic interactions? 274.
6. What are the longer term implications of invasive plants Bruce TJA, Midega CAO, Birkett MA, Pickett JA & Khan ZR
on native food webs and their persistence? (2010) Is quality more important than quantity? Insect
behavioral responses to changes in a volatile blend after stem-
Addressing these questions will require a multidisciplinary borer oviposition on an African grass. Biology Letters 6: 314–
approach integrating population and evolutionary ecology 317.
as well as ecophysiology. However, by doing so, we will be Bukovinszky T, Gols R, Posthumus MA, Vet LEM & van Lenteren
able to better appreciate both large- and small-scale effects JC (2005) Variation in plant volatiles and the attraction of the
of invaders on multitrophic interactions in native plant- parasitoid Diadegma semiclausum (Hellén). Journal of Chemi-
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