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Are Large business houses still relevant in India?

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1​. ​How do you define large business houses (Molishvinayagan)

- No. of employees
- Contribution to nation GDPs over course of time
- Tax paid vs tax revenue of government
- No. of divisions
- Composition in the sharemarket
- Market cap
- No. of years of existence

2. Target by policymakers(Jeevitha)
- How they influence policy
- India vs west efficiency comparison, import control help
- Positive vs negative effects

3​. ​How have they contributed to the growth of several sectors of economy? (Archana)
- Identify the sectors of economy
- Have they made any radical change/ did they originate any new sector
- Examples from industries in each sector and how has the growth changed over
- Evolution of capitalism over the years in these sectors and how have been
conglomerates affected by it/responsible for it

4.​ ​How have they represented capitalism over the decades? (Divya)

5. Newer breed of capitalism (Vignesh)

- E-commerce, Mobile manufacturers, Technology firms| How the new breed of
companies impact the LBH? Has the contribution of LBHs to GDP declined over
time? Are LBHs forced to change their business model? Has the influence of LBHs to
Government and policy makers decreased? Comparison in terms of highly regulated
vs non regulated industries? Whether new breed of capitalism companies are thriving
only on non regulated industries? E.g. Comparison of Tata Steel against others and
Tata airway against a New breed company like Indigo.

6. Where is the SH public likely to get a better deal? (Conclusion)

- We can show the share prices of last ten years. Has it been linear, spiked or
remained flat? Expectation from Shareholders | Governance and increase their

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