Hedda Gabler Entire Script

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‘THE CHARACTERS. GEORGE TESMAN, research fellow in cultural history Hiepba TrsMan, his wile Nise JULIANA TESMAN, his aunt BERTA, the TESMANS: maid ‘The action takes place in TESMAN residence in the fashion- able pat of town. ACT ONE A large, earactvely furnished drawing room, decorated tn Ga colors in the’ rear wall wide doorway ith Gui down back. The door pes i aa ‘om the sate syle asthe drawing room tn the right (Pa ofthe front room, folding door tat leads 1 the Ia. hth eft wall oppose, lass door, with curcains Simitrty dann back. Through the panes one can se part ‘an oyrhanging rnd and pe nena color, i the foreground & an oval table with tablecloth and hairs ronnd te By the right wall wide, dark porcelain Stove, a high-backed aroha a cushioned foostool, and two labore, Im the nghthand comer, a setee wih 2 Sail rund able tn front. Nearer. onthe left and slighty ur from ibe wall, «piano. On eter side ofthe doorway bck dagires wk ercons and majlca ormamen’s. ‘saint! the back wall of the iner rom, a sfer a tale, Gnd couple of chars cam be seen. Above ts sofa hangs porta of« handsome, eden aren a general’ ure form Over the table, a hanging lamp with an opalescen, {las shade. A number of bouguetof flowers are placed Sout the drewing room in ves and gases. Others le Gn the bles "The floors im both rooms are covered with thic carpets. Morning Uight. The so snes tn through the glass door ‘SS TUFIANA TESMAN, wearing @ hat and caring @ rc anes om halftone in mo folds 4 bougut wrapped tn paper. Miss TESMAN I lay wound sy five nh «kind ond good-natured lok, ty singly red io ore a Ba maid somewhat past middle age, witha plan and rather provincial appearance. ss Teswats (stops close By the door, lists, ond says sofiy). "Goodness, | don't think they're even up yet! ‘BeRTA (alto softy). Thats just what I sid, Miss Juli- ana, Remember how late the steamer got in lst night. Yes, zat mm HEDDA GARLER Act and afterward! My graciovs, how much the young brie had to unpack before she could got to bed vse TESMAN. Well, thea—let them enjoy a good res. But they must have some of ths fresh morning ait when they do come down, (She goes 10 he glass door and opens | ice TE (by the tbl, peed withthe bouche pan Sea thee ea io pte in tate put here se. (ices he Dou ome plano) cy faguens be now yoo have anew mises Baia dcttLirdkaows i wat sry forme fo Be you 8p Bens one voge of es. Ad fore, mat What can Toy hl henmany Heed yeast Fe been in Your ‘Srv you and Mas Rina Tass Raunt, We must tke it lly, Bee, Tes relly mig ce too" George eed fo bee fn his ous you Eoow tar, Youve lobed afer bn nce he Te boy SeRIA. Yo bot mis, Ym all the i hiking of ber, Iyng at home, Por Bing-sompleey fees And {USFS a Sher never take proper eae ofa inva ue eskaN. Oh, 11 manage to tach Bet, And most af, you kaon do myst $0 you maa be wer Ser iy par ster TENA’ Well bit there’ something ee 100, mis. Pm rely 1 aff won ple the youg at wean. Oh, wele-tere might be someting oF oar a Br Marta Became d's wo vey pata Miiune, "Wel ofcouss-COonctl ables dagb- tern ss se bad inthe peers cy! Renner ‘Sing rout ih ber terse she'd gn elepng past ii thong Suc siding ot, with father in tr fat sutra’ “Oh yee“ fesembet But never wold fave dicamed then at ae ad George Tea would Sake 3 nc ot se TstaN. Nor {citer But row, Boratto 1 feng om any on you stot sy Sate Femmes: You aut calf tin Dostr rae, ain. fs the young me ld te sae ing Aetl WeoDA caster 23 lastnight, right after they came in the door. Ts that true then, miss? IMIS TESMAN. Yes, absolutely. Think of it, Berta—they gave him his doctor's degree. Abroad, that ison this tip, > Jou know.T hadn't heard one word about it, til he told me Sewn on ie pe. tA. Wal he clerr enough ob anti, Bat never thought hed goin for euring people ss Tesh Noy he wasn't made that kind of doctor. (ods slgnceay.) But ant mates of fac, you may 2000 ‘Sow ine sopetBig al grater to cal Ni. bexrs, Oh, zeayt What's that, mis? Ms TESA (ong). Hn, woul yu ike to know! (Qlored). Ah, Sear Goi cay my. poor broter coals {fok'up from his gave and ace what he boy has bo © come! (Glancing about.) But whats this, Berta? Why, you've taken all the slipcovers off the furniture —? TBERTA, Madam told me to. She doesn't lke covers on halts, she 3 MISS TESMAN, Are they golng to make this their regular living room, then? ‘pekra, It seems so—ith her. For his part—the dos- torhe said nothing. (@xonae TESMAN enters the inner room from the right, singing to himself and carrying an emp, tosttapped suitcase. He is a youngish-fooking ‘man of thiy-three, medium sized, with an ‘pen, round, cheerful face, blond hair and Beard, He wears glasses and is somewhat care lessy dressed in comfortable lounging coties) iss TESMAN., Good moming, good morning, George! TESMAN (inthe doorway). Aunt Julie! Dear Aunt Jule! (Goes over and warmly shakes her hand.) Way out hete— so early in the day—ul?” iss resMian, Yet, you know I simply had to look in fon you a moment "TESMAN. And that without a decent night's sleep. MISS'TESMAN.” Oh, that's noting at all to me. "TeSMaN. Wel, thon you did get home al right from the E pier? Ub?

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