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ECE202 Linear Circuit Analysis II—Spring 17

Text: DeCarlo & Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis; The Time Domain, Phasor and Laplace Transform Approaches, 3rd Ed, 2009


1 1/09 Laplace Transforms: Signals, Def, Simple transforms (Lec 1) 543-556
2 1/11 LT of basic signals; basic properties (Lec 2) 557-564
3 1/13 Inverse transform, partial fraction expansion (Lec 3) 565-575 1-4
1/16 Martin Luther King Day—NO CLASS
4 1/18 Inverse transforms/Properties continued (Lec 4) 575-584
5 1/20 Catch-up & Solution of integro-diff equs by LT (Lec 5) 585-590 5-8
6 1/23 Impedance Z(s) and Admittance Y(s) (Lec 6) 603-617
7 1/25 Equivalent circuits for initialized L and C (Lec 7) 618-625 9-12
8 1/27 Transfer function (TF) H(s) (Lec 8) 626-630
9 1/30 Impulse response h(t); step response, initial/final value theorems 631-634/726-729 13-16
1/31 EXAM I: 8-9 PM, WTHR 200, EE 129
2/1-2 MWF No Class for Exam 1. TT have reduced class time on Tu
10 2/3 Nodal and mesh analyses in the s-domain (Lec 10) 634-640
11 2/6 Switching in linear circuits (Lec 11) 640-645 17-20
12 2/8 Switched capacitor circuits (Lec 12) 645-652
13 2/10 H(s): Poles, zeros, s-plane, and stability (Lec 13) 683-693 21-24
14 2/13 Decomposition of the complete response (Lec 14) 693-701
15 2/15 Sinusoidal steady state analysis (Lec 15) 701-707 25-28
16 2/17 Frequency response H(jω) (Lec 16) 707-714
17 2/20 Frequency and magnitude scaling (Lec 17) 714-726 29-32
18 2/22 Time Domain Convolution: def & integral evaluation (Lec 18) 763-774
19 2/24 Graphical convolution (Lec 19) 774-781 33-36
20 2/27 Convolution algebra (Lec 20) 781-786
3/1-2 NO CLASS for Exam II ---(Reduced time TH for TTh Cl)
3/1 EXAM II: 6:30-7:30 PM, WTHR 200, EE 129
21 3/3 Basic Band Pass Transfer Functions/Circuits (Lec 21) 811-826 37-40
22 3/6 BP TF cont. & Approx Analysis of Practical BP Circuits (Lec 22) 826-838
23 3/8 Approximate Analysis continued (Lec 23) 830-838
24 3/10 Resonance & Applications (Lec 24) 839-851 41-44
25 3/20 LP Filter Basics, Butterworth Approximation (Lec 25) 1032-1036 45-48
26 3/22 Butterworth Approx Cont., Passive Realization (Lec 26) 1037-1044
27 3/24 LP Butterworth Active Realization (Lec 27) 1046-1052 49-52
28 3/27 HP Basics & Passive Realization (Lec 28) 1053-1059
29 3/29 Biquad Realization of General 2nd Order H(s)/HP Active Real. NOTES 53-56
30 3/31 Active Realization Continued (Catch up etc.) (Lec 30) 1059-1061
31 4/3 Mutual Inductance: dot convention and diff eq model (Lec 31) 883-895 57-60
32 4/5 Mutual Inductance: s-domain models & applications (Lec 32) 895-905
4/6 EXAM III: 6:30-7:30 PM, WTHR 200, EE 129
4/6-7 NO CLASS for Exam III (Reduced time TH for TTh Cl)
33 4/10 Coefficient of Coupling; stored energy (Lec 33) 909-914 61-64
34 4/12 Ideal transformer (Lec 34) 914-924
35 4/14 Coupled inductor models (Lec 35) 924-926 65-68
36 4/17 One port networks (Lec 36) 959-968
37 4/19 Two port y-parameters/analysis (Lec 37) 968-981 69-72
38 4/21 Two port z-parameters/analysis (Lec 38) 981-985
39 4/24 h-parameters & t-parameters (Lec 39) 985-994 73-76
40 4/26 t-parameters cont & Interconnection of 2-Ports (Lec 40) 1002-1009
41 4/28 Interconnection of 2 Ports Continued (Lec 41) 77-78
?? FINAL EXAM (To Be Announced-No review session)

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