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Jasmine Lyn Renee Castro Jovero

BS – Nursing – 4th Year (Block 1)


CA Exam No. 3 (Health Assessment)

Question No. 5: A nurse is preforming a breast examination as part of a patient’s physical
assessment. What technique should the nurse employ during this examination?
Answer: A) Use the finger pads to palpate breast tissue
Rationale: Before assessing the nipples, you first need to palpate the breast. In palpating the breast
you need to use the pads of your first three fingers in a slight rotary motion to press the breast
tissue against the chest wall. Start from the periphery of the breast and palpate in to small circles
until you reach the nipple.
Source: Health and Physical Assessment in Nursing by D’Amico and Barbarito (Chapter 16:
Breast and Axillae; Pages 412-413)

Question No. 29: The nurse should assess the patient for which additional human response based
on the data collected.
Answer: B) Burning on urination
Rationale: Burning on urination indicates urinary tract infection. A burning sensation on urination
is associated with bacteria in the urine that irritates the mucous membranes of the urinary system.
Source (Book, Author and Page): Fundamentals Davis Essential Nursing Content + Practice
Questions by Patricia M. Nugent & Barbara A. Vitale (Page 841)

CA Exam No. 4 (Normal Maternal and Child Nursing)

Question No. 3: A pregnant woman at 14 weeks gestation calls the obstetrician’s office to report
that she has noted some vaginal discharge. The discharge is clear and without odor. The office
nurse should instruct the client to:
Answer: C) Do nothing, as vaginal discharge in pregnancy is normal.
Rationale: The physiologic changes behind leukorrhea (increased vaginal discharge) arise from
the high levels of estrogen, which cause increased vascularity and hypertrophy of cervical
glands as well as vaginal cells. The result is progressive vaginal secretions throughout
pregnancy. Advise the woman to keep the perineal area clean and dry, washing the area
with mild soap and water during daily shower. Recommend that she avoid wearing
pantyhose and other tight-fitting nylon clothes that prevents air from circulating to genital
area. Encourage the use of cotton underwear rather than pajamas to allow for increased
airflow. Also instruct the woman to avoid douching and tampon use.
Source: Maternity and Pediatric Nursing by Susan Scott Ricci, Terri Kyle (Page 337)

Question No. 27: When assessing a 5-month-old infant, which weight parameter indicates healthy
Answer: C) Doubles birth weight
Rationale: By 5 months, your baby's birth weight may have doubled. Babies continue to gain
about 1¼ pounds (560 grams) this month and about 0.8 inches (2 centimeters) in length. Since
your child's birth, the doctor has been recording growth in weight, length, and head size
(circumference) during your regular well-baby visits. The doctor tracks these numbers on standard
growth charts.
Source (Book, Author and Page/Website):
CA Exam No. 5 (Community Health Nursing)
Question No. 1: Which is the primary goal of community health nursing?
Answer: B) Enhance the capacity of individuals, families and communities to cope with their
health needs.
Rationale: The goals of CHN is to assist the individuals, family and the community in attaining
their highest level of holistic health which is attained through multidisciplinary effort and
to promote reciprocally supportive relationship between people and their physical and
social environment.
Source: Community Health Nursing and Community Health Development Text Book (First
Edition – 2012) by Cecilia Estrada-Castro RN, MAN, MS PSYCHOLOGY (Page 3)

Question No. 25: As an epidemiologist, the nurse is responsible for reporting cases or notifiable
diseases. What law mandates reporting cases of notifiable diseases?
Answer: A) RA 3573
Rationale: RA 3573 states that, every person having knowledge of the occurrence of any case of
reportable or communicable diseases shall immediately notify the nearest health station either by
telephone, by messenger or by written notice, specifying the disease and
the name and address of the person afflicted.
Source (Book, Author and Page/Website):

Question No. 49: The number of cases of Dengue fever usually increases towards the end of
the rainy season. This pattern of occurrence of Dengue fever is best described as:
Answer: B) Cyclical Variation
Rationale: Cyclical Variation is a periodic fluctuation in the number of cases of a disease in a
Source (Book, Author and Page): Foundations of Community Medicine (2nd Edition) by GM
Dhaar and I Robbani (Page 576)

CA Exam No. 8 (Medical Surgical Nursing 2)

Question No. 19: When caring for a client at risk for exposure keratitis how often should the nurse
plan to instill ophthalmic lubricant drops?
Answer: A) Once a day
Rationale: Drops or ointments keeps your eyes moist, which eases the problem. You might need
to use artificial tear several times a day. The doctor might give you ointment or gel to use
at night. The meds have long-lasting effects and keep your eyes from drying out overnight,
even if they don’t close all the way.

Question No. 43: When gamma benzene hexachloride is prescribed for the management of scabies
which directions should the nurse give the client regarding its use?
Answer: C) Apply from neck down at bedtime; wash off in 8-12 hours, repeat in 1 week if live
mites seen.
Rationale: Your doctor will likely ask you to apply the medication to your whole body, from the
neck down, and leave the medication on for at least eight to 10 hours. Some treatments require a
second application, and treatments need to be repeated if new burrows and a rash appear.
 Lindane lotion. This medication — also a chemical treatment — is recommended only for
people who can't tolerate other approved treatments or for whom other treatments didn't
Source (Book, Author and Page/Website):

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